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- #7/24 sakura exposition
- Sakura
- さて、どっから話せばいいもんか…
- Now, where do I start?
- Sakura
- アイツ…双葉の母親とは、双葉が生まれる前から知り合いでな。
- Futaba's mother and I knew each other long before Futaba was born.
- Sakura
- 変わり者だったが、妙に馬が合ってな…
- Her mother was a bit of a weird one, but we got along well for some reason...
- Sakura
- 頭が切れて、目つきが悪て空気が読めなくて、自由奔放で…
- She was sharp-witted, somewhat stern, a little socially inept, but always carefree...
- Sakura
- 本当にいい奴だったよ。
- She truly was a great woman.
- Sakura
- のめり込むと周りが見えなくなって、毎日遅くまで熱心に仕事に打ち込んでいた。
- When something piqued her interest, that'd be all she focused on. She always worked deep into the night.
- Sakura
- 子供ができて少しは変わるかと思ったんだが双葉が生まれてからも、相変わらずだった。
- I thought that'd change after her kid was born, but having Futaba didn't do much.
- Sakura
- そんなでも、双葉の面倒はちゃんとみていたよ。
- Even with that, she always took good care of her.
- A
- 仕事と子育て、大変だ…
- Working and watching over a child at the same time sounds rough...
- Sakura
- だが、女手ひとつで子供を育てるのは色々と大変だったのかもしれねえな…
- I guess raising Futaba alone turned out to be tough on her in more ways than one...
- >女手ひとつ?
- 父親は?
- Alone?
- What about her father?
- Sakura
- 父親はいない。
- There wasn't a father.
- Y
- それは…
- Do you mean...
- Sakura
- いや、いたんだろうが、俺には分からん。アイツは何も言わなかったならな。
- Well, there probably was one. I didn't know him though. She never said a word about him, either.
- Sakura
- アイツは一人で双葉を産んで、一人で育てたんだ。
- She was single when she gave birth to Futaba, and single when she raised her.
- Sakura
- 双葉の事は本当に可愛がってた。普通の仲の良い親子だったよ。
- They were an ordinary, loving family. You could really tell how much she cared for Futaba.
- Sakura
- だがアイツは、双葉を残して、突然、いなくなっちまった…
- But one day, she left... leaving Futaba behind.
- >いなくなった?
- 死んだのか?
- She left?
- Did she die..?
- Sakura
- ああ、自殺だ。
- Yes. She committed suicide.
- A
- 自殺…!?
- Suicide...!?
- Sakura
- 車道に飛び込んだんだ。双葉の目の前でな…
- Threw herself into the street, right in front of Futaba's eyes...
- Makoto
- そんなの、ショックどころじゃない…
- Shocking doesn't begin to describe that...
- R
- 辛すぎんだろ。
- That's gotta be devastating for a kid.
- Sakura
- …それでだ…
- So...
- Sakura
- …まあ、いろいろあって、引き取ることになったんだが…
- Well, a lot happened after that, but I ended up taking custody of Futaba...
- Sakura
- はじめは塞ぎこんで、一言も話してくれなかった。
- First, she was so depressed she... she wouldn't even talk to me.
- A
- やっぱり、自殺が尾を引いてて…?
- Was that because she couldn't get over her mother's suicide?
- Sakura
- …俺から話しかけていると、ポツポツと口を開くようになってな。
- I kept talking to her though, and she started opening up to me little by little.
- Sakura
- それで、わかったんだ。
- That's when I found out...
- Sakura
- アイツは、母の死を、全て自分のせいにしてるんだってな…
- Futaba blames herself for her mother's death.
- A
- 自分のせいって、どうして!?
- What!? But why!?
- Sakura
- そこは、しゃべってくれない。
- That part she's never told me.
- Sakura
- 事情を知りたかったが、傷口をえぐるようなことはやめたよ。
- I wanted to know what led her to believing that, but I decided not to rub salt in the wound.
- Sakura
- それで、数ヶ月前からだ…
- Then, a few months ago...
- Sakura
- 何もねえのに、急に怯えたりするようになった。
- She started getting real scared, even when nothing was happening.
- Sakura
- 声が聞こえる…母親が見ている…ってな…
- She'd say things like, "I hear voices..." and, "Mom is looking at me..."
- Sakura
- 幻覚や、幻聴か…
- Visual and auditory hallucinations...
- Y
- 医者には?
- Have you taken Futaba to a doctor?
- Sakura
- 双葉が、徹底的に拒んだ。往診してもらっても、部屋に鍵かけやがる。
- I wanted to, but she refused. Even when I had a doctor come, she locked herself away in her room.
- Sakura
- それで、閉じこもって、いわゆる引きこもりになっちまった。
- Since then, she's become what you'd call a shut-in.
- Sakura
- 家の外には一歩も出ねえし、誰とも顔を合わせようとしねえ。
- She won't take a single step outside the house, or even try to see other people.
- Y
- マスターは?
- What about you?
- Sakura
- 俺も、部屋には絶対入れてもらえねえんだ。
- She doesn't even let me come in her room.
- R
- けっこう重症だな…
- That's pretty harsh...
- Sakura
- 双葉は、とにかく、とても特殊な子なんだ。
- Futaba is, well, a unique girl.
- Sakura
- 頭の回転が速すぎるというか、話も飛び飛びだったりしてな…
- She's so quick-minded that conversations with her tend to jump from one topic to the next...
- Sakura
- 自分のなかで、色々完結しちまうらしい。俺には理解できないことも多いよ…
- It seems like she's always coming to conclusions in her head. There's a lot I don't get about her...
- Makoto
- そうだったんですね…
- Hmm...
- Sakura
- そんなわけで、他者を拒むから、お前を家に入れるわけにもいかなくてな…
- So yeah... her situation is why I couldn't let you in my house.
- >気にしなくていい
- ここで十分だ
- Don't worry about it.
- I understand.
- Sakura
- すまねえな。
- Thanks.
- Sakura
- 双葉に必要なのは、何者にも脅かされない、安心できる環境だ。
- What Futaba needs is a safe place where nobody will threaten her. Somewhere she can be at ease.
- Sakura
- だから、俺はアイツが望まないことはしなえ。アイツの嫌がることもしねえ。
- That's why I won't do anything she doesn't want. I don't make her do anything she's unwilling to either.
- Sakura
- って、それじゃダメだって事ぐらいは分かっている。
- Then again, I know that's no way for her to live.
- Sakura
- だが、俺ができることなんてそんぐらいしかねえんだよ…
- It's all I can do though...
- >双葉の望みは?
- それが本当の望み?
- What does Futaba want?
- Is that what you desire?
- Sakura
- 分からねえ。
- I don't know.
- Sakura
- 小難しい本とか食いもんだとか、欲しい物はちょくちょく言ってくるんだがな…
- She just asks me for things that she wants, like food or these complicated books...
- Sakura
- まあ、そんな訳だ。
- Well, that's that.
- Sakura
- 双葉の事は、そっとしておいてやってくれねえか?
- So can you just... leave her be?
- Sakura
- じゃあな。
- I'm gonna head back then.
- Sakura
- 早く帰れよ、お前ら。
- You all better head home soon too.
- #Sakura leaves
- Makoto
- ズケズケと立ち入っちゃって、悪いことした…
- I feel awful for prying into his personal affairs...
- R
- 虐待なんて、ぜってーねえな。
- No way in hell he's abusin' her.
- A
- 「心を盗んでほしい理由」は、きっと、母親のことと関係あるんだろうね。
- The reason why Futaba wants her heart stolen must be related to what happened to her mother.
- Y
- 辛く苦しい心を捨て去りたいということか。自分じゃ、どうにもならないんだろう。
- So she'd like to discard her feeling of pain, but can't do anything about it herself.
- A
- 改心で、助かるのかな。
- Will changing her heart really help her, though?
- Y
- 助ければ、俺たちもメジエドに対抗できるか。
- If we can help her, we may be able to stand up to Medjed.
- >可能性はある
- 手がかりはほしい
- わからない
- It's possible.
- We do need clues...
- I don't know about this.
- R
- 待てよ。そもそもパレスあんのか?
- Hold on a sec. Do we even know if she has a Palace?
- R
- 調べてみようぜ。
- Let's check.
- R
- 「佐倉惣治郎宅に住む佐倉双葉」でいいのか?
- "The Futaba Sakura that lives at Sojiro Sakura's house." Is that gonna be enough?
- Y
- これは…?
- What the...?
- R
- あったぞ?
- She's got one...
- A
- 悪人じゃなくても、パレスは存在するの?
- So someone can have a Palace even if they're not evil?
- A
- ねえ、モルガナ…
- Hey, Morgana-
- A
- モルガナは?
- Where's Morgana?
- Y
- さっきから見ないな。
- I haven't seen him for some time.
- Makoto
- マスターの家に入って、そのまま?
- So, ever since we went inside Boss's house?
- R
- …っぽいな。ま、平気だろ、猫だし。
- ...Somewhere 'round there. He'll be fine though. He's a cat, after all.
- R
- 終電近えし、今日は解散すっか。
- The trains're gonna be shuttin' down for the night soon, so we should prolly be headin' home.
- Makoto
- 明日、朝から学校あるしね。
- We have to go to school in the morning, after all.
- A
- あー、そうだった。緊急集会。
- Ohhh, right. The urgent assembly.
- Y
- なんだそれは?
- An assembly? What about?
- A
- メジエド騒動で怪盗団が人気出たせいで、秀尽が注目されててね。
- Shujin has been garnering a lot of attention ever since Medjed called out the Phantom Thieves.
- A
- その注意喚起だって。ネットで勝手な発言して炎上しないようにって。
- So, they need to remind us not to say arbitrary stuff online and add more fuel to the fire.
- R
- いちいち集めんなっつの。いい迷惑だ。
- We've gotta meet up for every goddamn little thing. Talk about a pain in the ass.
- A
- 私たちのせいだけどね。
- I mean, it is our fault.
- Makoto
- また連絡とりましょう。
- Anyway, let's contact each other afterward.
- #Futaba room, listening to same conversation
- R
- 虐待なんて、ぜってーねえな。
- No way in hell he's abusin' her.
- A
- 「心を盗んでほしい理由」は、きっと、母親のことと関係あるんだろうね。
- The reason why Futaba wants her heart stolen must be related to what happened to her mother.
- Y
- 辛く苦しい心を捨て去りたいということか。自分じゃ、どうにもならないんだろう。
- So she'd like to discard her feeling of pain, but can't do anything about it herself.
- A
- 改心で、助かるのかな。
- Will changing her heart really help her, though?
- Y
- 助ければ、俺たちもメジエドに対抗できるか。
- If we can help her, we may be able to stand up to Medjed.
- R
- 待てよ。そもそもパレスあんのか?
- Hold on a sec. Do we even know if she has a Palace?
- R
- 調べてみようぜ。
- Let's check.
- R
- 「佐倉惣治郎宅に住む佐倉双葉」でいいのか?
- "The Futaba Sakura that lives at Sojiro Sakura's house." Is that gonna be enough?
- Y
- これは…?
- What the...?
- R
- あったぞ?
- She's got one...
- A
- 悪人じゃなくても、パレスは存在するの?
- So someone can have a Palace even if they're not evil?
- A
- ねえ、モルガナ…
- Hey, Morgana-
- #leblanc attic
- モルガナの姿がない…どこにいったのだろう?
- ...Where'd Morgana go?
- #Morgana returns
- M
- ワガハイのことも気にせず、寝ようってのか?
- Were you just going to go to sleep without even wondering where I was?
- M
- ゴシュジンからフタバの話も聞けたし、ひとまず安心して解散したわけか。
- I take it the chief told you about Futaba and then you guys disbanded in relief for now.
- >なぜ知ってる?
- どこに行ってた?
- How do you know that?
- Where were you?
- M
- ワガハイの情報取集能力を舐めるなよ?
- You can't underestimate my intel-gathering skills, you know.
- M
- ゴシュジンの家を探さてきた。
- I was checking out the chief's house.
- M
- しかし、頼みのアリババがまさかあんなに若いやつとはな…
- I didn't think Alibaba would be so young...
- >若い?
- どんなやつだった?
- Young?
- What was she like?
- M
- まあ、オマエらと同い年くらいだな。
- Well, she's probably about the same age as you guys.
- M
- 髪の長さと声の感じからして、女だと思うぜ。
- At least her voice was pretty young-sounding. Oh, and she had long hair, too!
- M
- ただ、素人でないことは確かだ。
- At the very least, she's surely no amteur.
- M
- マスターとの話も筒抜けだし、チャットの乱入も自由自在みたいだ。
- She completely overheard your conversation with the chief, and she can hack into our chats too.
- M
- メジエドを直接は退治できなくても、手がかりくらいは知ってるかもしれない。
- Even if she can't take Medjed down directly, she might have some kind of lead on them.
- >いったい何者?
- 変わった娘らしい
- Just who is she?
- What an odd girl.
- M
- なんにしても、メジエドに近づくには今はフタバを頼るしかない。
- In any case, we'll need to rely on Futaba to get closer to Medjed.
- M
- とにかく明日、集まろうぜ。外は暑いし、ここがいいな。
- Let's meet up again tomorrow. How about we do it in here? It's way too hot outside...
- M
- 君に連絡しといてくれ。
- Anyway, make sure you let everyone know.
- #future scene
- Sae
- 「佐倉双葉」…彼女に「パレス」が?
- Futaba Sakura... She had one of these "Palaces"?
- Sae
- 待って、じゃあ君たちは、メジエドに狙われていた間、全く別人を相手にしていたの?
- Hold on. While Medjed was targeting you, you chose to deal with someone completely unrelated to them?
- >その通りだ
- 何か問題でも?
- 見えない相手だった
- That's right.
- Are you surprised?
- They were an unseen enemy.
- Sae
- なら、どうしてメジエドは…
- Then how was Medjed...
- Sae
- …でも、佐倉家の事情の話は、検察の調べと概ね一致してる。
- ...What you've said about the Sakura family generally falls in line with our investigation.
- Sae
- 嘘を並べてる訳じゃないようね。
- It appears you aren't feeding us a false testimony.
- >当たり前だ
- 騙してもしかたない
- まだ疑う気か?
- Of course not.
- I'm not lying to you.
- Finally listening?
- Sae
- ふん、言うわね。…いいわ、続きを話して。
- Hmph. If you're lucid enough for jabs, you can get back to your story.
- Sae
- 顔の見えないメジエドに怪盗団がどう対処したかは解明できてない事の一つ。
- It's still unclear to us as to how the Phantom Thieves dealt with Medjed since their identity is unknown.
- Sae
- 辻褄の合った真実を聞かせてくれるなら、少しは君を、信じる気になるかも知れないわ。
- If you tell me something coherent, I may be a little more willing to believe you.
- 新島冴が、自供に真剣に耳を傾けだしたようだ…
- It seems Sae Niijima is starting to seriously listen to what I have to say...
- Sae
- それにしても、一色若葉の娘が引き取られた家が、怪盗の根城だったなんてね。
- Still, to think the Phantom Thieves would have their hideout in the home of Wakaba Isshiki's daughter.
- Sae
- ひどく運命的……いえ、「だからこそ」かしら。
- What a coincidence... No, perhaps it's fate...
- Sae
- 時間が惜しいわ、続きを話しなさい。
- Regardless, we don't have time to waste. Continue with your story.
- #7/25 team meeting
- R
- ダルかったな、緊急集会。
- Man, that assembly had me bored to tears.
- A
- あれ、祐介も学校?
- Huh? Did you have school too, Yusuke?
- Y
- 洗濯した結果、これしか服がなかった。
- I'm doing laundry, so these are the only clothes I had to wear.
- A
- もう2、3着、買おうね…
- You really should buy a couple more outfits...
- Makoto
- ほら、世間話するために集まったんじゃないでしょ?
- Come now, we didn't gather here to make small talk, now did we?
- Makoto
- アリババの件。
- Let's get to Alibaba's case.
- M
- ではまず、ワガハイから。
- Well then, I'll start.
- M
- ルブランはフタバに盗聴されていた。
- It looks like Futaba was listening in on Leblanc.
- A
- なんで、お店を盗み聞きするの…
- But why would she want to listen in on the cafe?
- M
- まったくわからん。
- I have no idea.
- R
- マスターの言うとおり、難しいヤツだな…
- It's just like the Boss said... She's a tough nut to crack.
- Makoto
- とにかく、メジエドに対抗するには、双葉のハッキングスキルが不可欠よ。
- In any case, her hacking skills will be absolutely necessary if we wish to stand up to Medjed.
- Makoto
- 本人が言うように、メジエドの正体を明かせるかもしれない。
- Going by what she has told us, we may even be able to identify who they are.
- Y
- 今は、彼女の腕を信じるしかないか。
- We'll have to trust in her skills for now, then.
- A
- ねえ、双葉にパレスあるのは確かめたけど、パレスって、悪人じゃなくてもあるの?
- Anyway, we found out that Futaba has a Palace... but can someone who isn't evil have one?
- M
- 悪人かどうかは関係ない。
- That doesn't matter.
- M
- パレスは、強い欲望によって歪んだ認知が具現化したもの…ただそれだけだ。
- A Palace is the materialization of distorted cognitions brought about by strong desires... That's all.
- M
- まあ、歪んでる奴には悪党も多いだろうがな。
- It just so happens that a lot of warped people turn out evil.
- M
- 若いのに、歪んでしまうなんて…きっと、辛い思いをしたせいよね。
- She's so young though... The pain she's gone through must be the cause of her distortion.
- A
- アリババを名乗ってたことと、関係有るのかな。
- Maybe that has something to do with why she calls herself Alibaba.
- M
- ゴシュジンの話だと、フタバには幻聴や幻覚があるそうだな?
- According to the chief's story, Futaba has auditory and visual hallucinations, right?
- M
- なにか「大事な記憶」と、関係があるのかもしれない。
- There's a chance those are related to some important memories she's holding.
- M
- そいつが歪みのせいで…うまく言えないが、変になったとか?
- It's hard to explain... but those memories may have been warped by the distortions.
- R
- 要は、オタカラ盗りゃいいんだろ?
- Basically we just gotta steal her Treasure, right?
- M
- まあ、そうだ。
- Well, yeah.
- A
- 双葉のパレス、やるでいいんだよね?
- So do we all agree about taking on Futaba's Palace?
- Makoto
- 本人が歪んでるんでもの。気に病む必要はないと思う。
- She's asked us to do so. I don't think that part is an issue.
- Makoto
- 双葉の心が治ればマスターも助かるし、メジエド退治も手伝ってもらえる。
- If we heal Futaba's heart, it will not only help Boss, but she can then assist us with Medjed.
- Y
- 俺は賛成だ。
- I agree.
- R
- マスターが昨日語ってた、「双葉に色々あって」っつーのも気になるしな。
- I've been wonderin' about how Boss said "a lot happened" after Futaba's mom died too.
- M
- 待て、オマエら。
- Hold on a second.
- M
- パレスの探索だが、今までどおりにはいかないかもしれないぞ?
- Our investigation of her Palace may not go like anything we've done up to this point.
- R
- なんで?
- Why's that?
- M
- 「本人に頼まれて、心を盗みに入る」なんて、極めてイレギュラーなケースだ。
- Having an individual ask you to steal their heart is an extremely irregular case.
- M
- バレスの主がどういう心持でいるのか、どういう歪みなのか、見当もつかない。
- There's no telling what the Palace ruler's disposition will be like, or the distortion that'll be there.
- M
- 予想外の事態が起こる可能性が高い。それでも行くか?
- We may run into some unforeseen situations. Do you still want to go in?
- M
- わかった。用心しろよ。
- All right. Let's just make sure we're cautious.
- R
- じゃあ、キーワード探すか。
- Well, let's get crackin' on those keywords, huh?
- Makoto
- 今、分かっているのは「佐倉双葉」「佐倉惣治郎宅」だけね。
- The ones we have at the moment are "Futaba Sakura" and "Sojiro Sakura's house."
- R
- あとは「何」と思ってるかだな?
- We got the "who" and the "where," so all that's left is the "what," right?
- Y
- とりあえず、家の前まで行こう。
- Let us try going to their house first.
- A
- マスターは店番だね?変に思われないように、気をつけないと。
- Boss is busy running the cafe, isn't he? We should make sure he doesn't suspect anything.
- M
- 「大変な記憶」か…
- Important memories, huh...
- M
- ニンゲンの姿に戻ったらワガハイも記憶を思い出せるよな?
- I'll be able to remember everything if I turn back into a human, right?
- >だといいな
- わからない
- 人間なのか?
- I hope so.
- I don't know.
- You sure you're human?
- M
- そうに違いない。
- That has to be the case.
- M
- 今回の作戦は絶対に成功させたい。
- I... definitely want this mission to succeed.
- M
- フタバの記憶が戻せたらきっとワガハイのだって…
- If we can retrieve Futaba's memories, then I'd bet we can get mine back too...
- M
- しかし、ハッカーなんてそう身近にいねえぞ。
- In any case, it's not every day you stumble upon a hacker like her around.
- M
- オマエ…やっぱ持ってんな?
- You really do have a gift, don't you?
- >どうかな
- 偶然だ
- Who knows?
- I'm just lucky.
- M
- ワガハイが見込んだだけのことはある。
- You sure live up to my expectations.
- モルガナからのやる気を強く感じる…
- I can sense a firm resolve from Morgana...
- M
- おっと、置いていかれたか!急いで追いつくぞ。
- Hey, they went on without us! Let's hurry and catch up to them!
- #at Sakura house
- Makoto
- パレスのキーワードは…
- Now, the last keyword...
- R
- 引きこもりだとしたら家を「何」だと思っているかだろ?
- She's a shut-in, so we just gotta figure out "what" she thinks her house is.
- R
- 出られないなら「牢屋」じゃね?
- If she can't get out, maybe a prison?
- Makoto
- 出口のわからない「迷宮」?
- Perhaps a labyrinth with an unknown exit?
- A
- うーん…「オアシス」とか?
- Hmm... Maybe an oasis?
- Y
- ダメだな。だったら逆に「地獄」はどうだ?
- Nothing so far. In that case, how about hell?
- A
- 手掛かりが少なすぎる…
- We don't have nearly enough clues...
- Y
- 直接訊けれはいいんだが。
- If only we could ask her directly...
- R
- なら、行こうぜ、双葉んとこ。
- We can. C'mon, let's go see Futaba.
- Makoto
- 何て言っては入れてもらうの?
- But what will we say to get in?
- R
- 忍び込む。
- Whaddya mean? We're sneakin' in.
- Makoto
- 本気で?
- You have to be joking.
- Makoto
- でも、さすがに鍵かけてるんじゃない?
- Won't the door be locked for sure this time?
- M
- 鍵開けはワガハイにまかせろ。今回ばかりはやむなしだろう。
- I'll take care of that.
- M
- 昨夜の侵入の成果で、フチバの部屋の位置はわかってる。
- Oh, and I figured out where Futaba's room was when I snuck in last night.
- Makoto
- マスターに出食わしたら?今度こそ誤魔化しは利かないよ。
- What if we run into Boss, though? There's no way we'll be able to avoid his questions.
- A
- 店にいるから大丈夫じゃない?
- He's at work now, so I think we should be fine.
- R
- 腰が引けてんな、真?
- Gettin' cold feet, Makoto?
- R
- 俺らは、こんくらい、いくつもくぐり抜けてきたぜ?
- Don't worry, it'll be nothing. We've gone through loads of shit like this already.
- Makoto
- …それしか、ないのよな。
- ...This is our only choice, right?
- Makoto
- 双葉は<name>に接触してきたんだし…
- I suppose Futaba did get in contact with <name>-kun...
- Makoto
- <name>になら、話してくれるかもしれない…
- Perhaps she'll at least be willing to speak with him...
- Makoto
- …わかった。行きましょう。
- ...Very well. Let's do this.
- #outside Futaba room
- M
- ここがフタバの部屋だ。
- This is Futaba's room.
- Makoto
- 双葉ちゃん?いるんでしょ?
- Futaba-chan? You're in there, right?
- M
- 返事がないな…
- There's no answer...
- Makoto
- 双葉ちゃん…いる?
- Futaba-chan. Are you there?
- Makoto
- 昨日、びっくりして叫んでごめんなさい。暗くて怖かったから。
- I'm sorry for being startled and screaming yesterday. It was so dark that I got scared.
- Y
- 無反応だぞ。
- No reaction whatsoever.
- R
- 骨が折れそうだな…
- This is gonna be hard...
- Makoto
- 聞いてるよね、アリババ?
- You're listening, right? Alibaba?
- Makoto
- アリババ?
- Is it Alibaba?
- #IM
- Ali Baba
- なぜ、来た
- Why are you here?
- M
- なんでアリババだと反応すんだよ…
- Why's she only reacting to that name?
- Makoto
- 貴方、佐倉双葉でしょ?
- You're Futaba Sakura, aren't you?
- Y
- 無反応だな?
- She's not responding again.
- A
- 名前を出されるのがイヤなの?
- Does she not like us saying her name?
- M
- のんびりしてるヒマはねえぞ?アリババの正体より、キーワードが先だ。
- We don't have time to dally around. We need her keyword before dealing with Alibaba's identity.
- Makoto
- 私たち、貴方のことが知りたいの。でないと、心は盗めない。
- We want to learn more about you. If we don't do so, we can't steal your heart.
- Makoto
- ここに来たに理由も、パレスに入るキーワードが必要だったから。
- The reason why we came here is because we need the keyword to enter your Palace.
- Makoto
- そのために、アリババじゃなくて、佐倉双葉本人と話がしたいんだけど。
- That's why we want to talk with Futaba Sakura herself, and not Alibaba.
- Makoto
- 直接顔を見せてくれなくてもいい。チャットでもいいから、答えてほしい。
- You don't have to show yourself. Just answer some questions for us. Chat messages are fine.
- #IM
- Ali Baba
- わかった
- OK.
- Makoto
- じゃあ、私たちのリーダーが…
- Alright then...
- Makoto
- ルブランの屋根裏に住んでる彼が、貴方と話をしたいって。
- Our leader, the guy who lives in Leblanc's attic, wants to speak with you.
- Makoto
- 頼んだよ、<name>。キーワードを聞き出して。
- We're counting on you, <name>-kun. Try and get a keyword out of her.
- Ali Baba
- 何が聞きたい?
- What do you want to hear?
- この家をどう思う?
- >この家がどう見えている?
- この家の居心地は?
- What's this house to you?
- What's this house look like?
- How is living in this house?
- この家がどう見えている?
- What's this house look like?
- Makoto
- 質問を変えたほうがよさそうね。
- Looks like you should ask something different.
- Ali Baba
- 何が聞きたい?
- What do you want to hear?
- この家をどう思う?
- >この家の居心地は?
- What's this house to you?
- How is living in this house?
- この家の居心地は?
- How is living in this house?
- Ali Baba
- 苦しい…
- It's painful...
- >なぜ?
- 嫌いなのか?
- 外に出たら?
- Why?
- Do you hate it?
- Why don't you go out?
- なぜ?
- Why?
- Ali Baba
- わからない
- I don't know.
- Makoto
- 質問を変えたほうがよさそうね。
- Looks like you should ask something different.
- Ali Baba
- 苦しい…
- It's painful...
- 嫌いなのか?
- >外に出たら?
- Do you hate it?
- Why don't you go out?
- 外に出たら?
- Why don't you go out?
- Ali Baba
- 出られない
- I can't leave this place.
- Ali Baba
- 出ないまま、ここで死ぬの
- I'm going to die here.
- A
- ちょ…死ぬって…
- Wha... Die?
- Ali Baba
- まだ続くのか?
- Is this going to continue?
- >死ぬ?
- 部屋を出よう
- なぜそう思う?
- Die?
- You should leave.
- Why do you think that?
- 死ぬ?
- Die?
- Ali Baba
- そう、死ぬ
- That's right. I'm definitely going to die here.
- Ali Baba
- ここが私の墓場だから
- This place is my tomb.
- Makoto
- 墓場?
- Tomb?
- R
- まさか、それ?
- You think that's it?
- M
- 「墓場」で入力してみろ。
- Try entering "tomb."
- Navigator
- 入力を受け付けました。目的地までのルートを検査します。
- Input accepted. Searching for route to destination.
- M
- きた…!
- We got it...!
- Ali Baba
- どうした?これでいいのか?
- Was that enough?
- Makoto
- ええ、十分よ。
- Yes. It was plenty.
- Makoto
- 貴方の依頼をこなしたら手を貸してくれる約束、忘れてないわよね?
- You haven't forgotten your promise of helping us if we complete your request, right?
- Ali Baba
- わかってる取引だ
- I haven't. We made a deal.
- R
- じゃあさっさと行こうぜ。ボチっとな。
- Well then, let's hurry up and go. Aaaand clicky.
- M
- バカ、ここで押すなっ!
- You idiot, don't activate it here!
- #desert
- Y
- 砂漠だな…
- It's a desert...
- R
- 見りゃわかるわ。
- Yeah, we see that.
- R
- つうか、あれ?俺ら服まんま?
- Wait, what the- Our clothes are still the same?
- M
- フタバ本人が「盗め」っつってんだ敵視されるほうがおかしい。
- Futaba herself is asking us to steal her heart. It'd be odd if she saw us as a threat.
- M
- 敵視されてないなら服装は変わらん、そういうこと。
- If she doesn't see us as an enemy, then your clothes don't change. That's how it works.
- M
- つか、「用心しろ」って言ったろ!いきなら押すんじゃねえよっ!
- But more importantly, I told you to be cautious! Why'd you activate it like that!?
- R
- だから砂漠に飛ばされちまったの?墓場どこ?クソあちいんだけど。
- Is that why we ended up in a desert? Where's the tomb? It's so damn hot here.
- A
- 部屋のど真ん前で侵入したのに…中じゃないんだ?
- Even though we entered right in front of her room, we didn't end up inside it.
- Makoto
- よほど他者を遠ざけたいのかもね。
- She must really want to keep people away from her.
- A
- なるほど…
- I see...
- Makoto
- 金城の銀行とは正反対の、荒涼とした感じ…
- What a bleak feeling this place has... It's the complete opposite of Kaneshiro's bank.
- R
- さっさと行こうぜ。パレスどこよ?
- Let's hurry up and get goin'. Where's the Palace?
- M
- あっちか?
- Is it that way?
- #pyramid in background
- R
- あ、キラキラしてんな?
- Oh yeah, there's somethin' shiny.
- Makoto
- 砂漠の墓…なるほど。
- A tomb in the desert... I see.
- Makoto
- とにかくあそこに向かいましょう。
- Anyway, let's make our way there.
- A
- 遠くない?
- Isn't that kinda far?
- R
- 歩くの!?
- Are we gonna walk!?
- M
- まさか!肉球ヤケドするわ!
- Of course not! My paws will get burned!
- Y
- 待ってました。
- I've been waiting for this.
- M
- 冷房ガンガン効かせとくぜ!
- I'll make sure to put the AC on full blast!
- A
- 気が利くじゃん!
- You're so considerate!
- M
- へへ、ま、まあな…
- Hehe, r-right...
- R
- よっしゃ!出発だ!
- All right! Let's roll!
- #anime
- A
- あづい…
- It's stuffy...
- Makoto
- …言わないで。
- Yes, I know...
- Makoto
- 窓開けて50Cの熱風に当たるよりマシ。
- But it still beats opening the windows to the hot desert air.
- Makoto
- ねぇ、飲むもの無い?ミネラルウォーターとか…
- Hey, Ann. Can I have a drink? Didn't you have mineral water?
- A
- 全部飲んじゃった…
- I drank it already...
- A
- 後ろは?
- How're the guys...?
- M
- ギニャー!暴れんニャ!!
- Mrooowgh! Knock it off!
- A
- バーカ。
- Morons.
- Makoto
- …見えてきた!
- There we go.
- #at pyramid
- A
- あっつ…
- It's so hot...
- R
- エアコン全然効いてねえじゃん!なんだよ、あの生温い風は!
- The AC ain't workin' at all! What the hell was that lukewarm air about!?
- M
- あれが限界なんだよ、文句言うな!
- That was the best I could do, so quit your yapping!
- R
- ったくほんと半端だな!
- For real. you are so half-assed!
- M
- ああ?やるのか?
- What was that!? You wanna fight, punk!?
- A
- もう、うるさい!暑いんだからイライラさせないで!
- Geez, shut up! It's hot, so don't make me more irritated!
- Makoto
- まさかパレスがピラミッドとはね…
- To think her Palace would be a pyramid...
- R
- なあ、ピラミッドって墓なんだろ?
- Hey, a pyramid's a tomb, right?
- Y
- 王墓だな。
- Yes. It's a pharaoh's tomb.
- Makoto
- それが有名だけど、諸説あるわ。
- That's how it's mostly known. There are a variety of theories on it.
- Makoto
- 死者の復活装置、なんて言われてたりもするし。
- For instance, it's even said to be a device for reviving the dead.
- Y
- 死者の復活、ねえ…
- Reviving the dead, hm?
- Y
- それにしても美しい…黄金比…完璧だ…
- It's beautiful nonetheless... It's perfectly conformed to the golden ratio...
- R
- つかさ、もう、入らねえ?
- Hey, guys, can we go in already?
- R
- 溶ける…
- I'm gonna melt...
- R
- だぁー…あちぃ…
- Ughhh... So frickin' hot...
- R
- んじゃ、早く中に入ろうぜ…
- C'mon, let's get inside...
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