

Jan 22nd, 2018
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  1. I'm contacting you about some admin abuse by the admin nakedpig. I've been told you can see chat logs so that will be your proof. The story is my helicopter was deleted while i was logged out big whoop. I wasn't going to call admin support because I had an idea why it was gone, but my boyfriend did. So Naked came in and argued against my comment about my helicopter being pink that it resets at restart, My helicopter has stayed pink after a restart I told him, but he continued arguing with me on it until he said locking a vehicle and leaving it away from a base is against the rules. I told him it wasn't in any of the rules that I couldn't, and that the prompt clearly says it just might be deleted. Henceforth why I didn't call an Admin originally. So we continued to debate on it, and I said the rule was stupid why should you be able to delete vehicles that players spend tons of time in game putting in the effort to get for no reason? No reason being it was completely fixed no damage at all it was locked and I bought it so I owned it. If it has no wheels or its damaged by all means someone obviously left it cause they can't use it. So he banned me for not breaking any rules at all. Then I guess my boyfriend debated more with him, made him realize it wasn't against the rules, and he unbanned me. So I came back in and was talking to my boyfriend I can only use text chat rn, and I didn't admin I didn't even mention naked at all. I just said I hope oz comes on I want to donate to his personal paypal for being chill, I was going to donate to the server, but I don't want to after that. Naked barges into our conversation, he was not mentioned at any point in time, and starts going off on me saying there was no disrespect. After putting 50hrs into your server, and getting banned for doing literally nothing. I would say imo that's disrespectful. So I also told him you rudely barging into our conversation is disrespectful. He tried to say all admins do when we are mentioned. I told him he wasn't mentioned and I was again banned. My experience on the server before this has been really positive. I enjoy the PvE environment and the Admins have been really chill and helpful up until this point, but when you have an Admin saying i'm the Admin so yes its in the rules. It's not in the rules but he is saying his word is law? Or I'm the Admin I don't have to explain! Like this is not what I want to see from what is a really great community. I hope you will take the issue seriously, because he banned by boyfriend for literally saying: So venting a little is against the rules? And you weren't mentioned directly? Literally no rules here were broken we didn't disrespect him, and the logs you can view will show that. Thank you very much for talking the time to read my complaint
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