
secret mission

Nov 9th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. The gaunt elder gave the narrow-eyed one a rather sharp glare. The kunai glints and shimmers; he'd be preparing to utilize it,
  3. "You. . Yeah, you'll work. Stupid shit."
  5. The alcoholic swayed before reeling an arm back and sending the kunai in his grasp hurling towards the youth. It travels quickly even after the sluggish throw, aiming to pierce through his mid-section.
  7. (C- Dam, D Acc).
  8. Reno, Watashi displays the description of his Kunai.
  9. The narrow-eyed boy says: . .
  10. The narrow-eyed boy widens his eyes. He was just minding his own business, eating a porkbun! Enjoying life!
  12. Hastily, the boy springs from his feet in an attempt to weave the blade with a narrow evasion. Luckily for him, it traverses past him, missing his figure before it hit. But now he'd have to deal with what was left of the drunken old man's vigor,
  14. "What the hell, man? What I do to you?"
  16. (1/3, D- agi)
  17. The narrow-eyed boy can move 2 tiles a turn at full sprint.
  18. Yuki, Hao watches from amongst the shaded canopy of branches, and leaves. The gaunt elder from earlier- unruly, and riled in their ways seemed an assailant!
  20. A kunai is thrown at a narrow-eyed boy. The piece of pointed metal flies through the air with lethal intent. It's target, the aforementioned.
  22. A hand slips into his robes, the male seems to grasp at something within. Thin metallic needles are held onto as he recalls the scroll; a mission had been given and he had need to fulfill it. A lucky stroke, or a set up?
  24. He didn't know, and so caution was what he used. For now, he'd watch for further details before acting in a way that might be rash.
  25. The gaunt elder clicks his tongue as his mark is missed. An annoyed grunt escapes him, and he pressed onwards. Dull eyes set on his target,
  27. "Come here, boy."
  29. There seemed to be little motive behind his actions. He found a victim, and wanted to abuse them. He'd do just that. Little by little, he'd be closing in on the child. Gradually, he'd catch up. The old shinobi would not let this one escape,
  30. "I'll make this quick."
  31. The gaunt elder can move 2 tiles a turn at full sprint.
  33. ***
  35. An A-rank Mission is available for 1 Special Jounin Squad Leader & 3 Genin from their Official Squad, report to your Village gates & GM Help once the squad is formed. (0/2)
  38. ***
  39. ***
  41. (1/2) For the A-rank
  44. ***
  45. The narrow-eyed boy gulps. Whoever this man was -- he was dangerous. Steps start to carry him further from this perpetrator,
  47. "Stay away. ."
  49. Eagle-like eyes spot someone hidden within the leaves, and then avert to the approaching elderly man,
  51. "H-Hey! Help me!"
  53. He noticed the austere one quite easily. Perhaps he could help him out.
  55. (2 tiles, -1 backpedal).
  56. The narrow-eyed boy has activated a perk: Eagle Eye!
  58. ***
  60. The A-rank still requires another Squad, if no one responds in 5 Minutes the mission will be cancelled. (1/2)
  63. ***
  64. Yuki, Hao had been made out! Gritted teeth could possibly be seen by the sharp-eyed boy, though the assailant- their back was turned.
  66. Before matters could worsen, he decides perhaps it is necessary to lend aid. Whether this was a trap, or otherwise, he could delve into it after this was cleared up.
  68. Pulling the hand free from his robe, the male would let loose with an array of senbon. Only two, a warning shot of sorts, aimed at the ground infornt of the gaunt elder.
  70. He leaps from position soon after, approaching but leaving some distance between himself and both parties incase it was an ambush.
  72. "Explain what is happening here this instant." He commands.
  74. (Senbon: E Dam, C Accuracy @ Gaunt Elder)
  75. Yuki, Hao can move 4 tiles a turn at full sprint.
  76. Yuki, Hao has activated a perk: Extreme Speed!
  77. His head cranes sharply after the warning shot and the boy's scream for assistance. Targets would quickly change. In an instant, the red-haired foreigner had been forgotten about,
  78. "You. .Don't tell me what to do."
  80. The warning did little. He hadn't feared nor cared about the needles, closing distance with a stumble. Fists clench ahead of him -- he was looking to brawl.
  82. (2 tiles).
  83. (The gaunt elder)
  84. The narrow-eyed boy vents a sigh of relief as the old man had found someone else to torment. Whatever the case, he remains on standby in case the austere boy required his assistance. He could tell he likely had it covered though.
  85. Yuki, Hao frowns. His brow knits, and it seems that through his charitable act of revealing himself at the plea of the other boy, the elder now sought to use him as a relief.
  87. Approaching him, the man seemed intent on dragging this out into a brawl of physique. A bad idea, considering his own dispositions.
  89. Yet he did not back away. Remembering the task, this all but aligned with it. Such an opportunity! It would not come again so clearly, and in such a way.
  91. So he'd meet him. Stepping forward, one of the senbon is gripped- utilizing it as a melee weapon. He attempts to stab at the man's wrist! A swift movement, his speed earlier having only been a way to belay what he truly could do.
  93. (Senbon: D+ Dam/B- Agi)
  94. The gaunt elder widens his eyes in surprise.The pace at which his adversary moved at was much too quick for him to properly react to. It was definitely eye opening,
  95. "Wh-"
  97. The needles struck at his wrist at once, inducing an abundance of pain that rang even through to numbness of alcohol. A sanguine liquid spurts and gushes from the new wound, and he quickly finds himself tumbled over to hold the injured area. The pain was immense -- so much so that he'd likely be losing consciousness quite easily.
  99. (Critical injury).
  100. The gaunt elder's endurance: (E)
  101. Unexpected.
  103. The lethality of his strike was one that was critical. The thin needle easily pierced skin, and struck at nerves. A negation of any sort of defense. Against the drunkard- it was all that he needed.
  105. With his speed, and the weapon, he'd continue. A hand would reach out for the male's shoulder, grasping it there he would attempt a vault. As he does, the next strike of the senbon would be a point positioned on his neck.
  107. If struck, it'd be one that would cause a temporary sort of death-like state. Though that would only be known to him. It was with this, he'd attempt to subdue, and in the case that the red-haired boy was truly apart of this and this was all just an elaborate trap, he'd hope to worry them deeply enough to not pursue the matter any longer after their cohort dropped to the ground seemingly dead, but really just unconscious.
  108. (Yuki, Hao)
  109. Yuki, Hao picks up Kunai.
  110. The needle struck true and penetrated flesh -- it'd render him immediately unconscious. Rather easily, he'd be subdued, downed onto the soils with little opposition done in return.
  111. (The gaunt elder)
  113. The needle struck true and penetrated flesh -- it'd render him immediately unconscious. Rather easily, he'd be subdued, downed onto the soils with little opposition done in return.
  114. (The gaunt elder)
  115. The narrow-eyed boy peers over as the situation came to a conclusion. He really had no connection to the elder, and he shakes his head,
  117. "What a dumbass. ."
  119. A nod is done over to the austere one who had aided him, backing off to let him do his thing.
  120. Yuki, Hao looks at the boy as he makes a comment. The man's body there on the gorund, he bends down for a second- glancing every so often over towards where they stood as he does so.
  122. He heaves him over a shoulder, attempting to carry him it seems.
  124. "...Do you have any idea who this man is?" He inquires. Perhaps attempting to pick out if this was a vendetta or something of the sort.
  126. The gaunt elder would easily be heaved onto the other's shoulder.
  127. The narrow-eyed boy shook his head once more,
  129. "No clue. I was just minding my business eating my lunch."
  130. Yuki, Hao says: Mm.
  131. Yuki, Hao turns his back, and begins to head off northward.
  133. "Do not mention anything then. I will see that this is taken care of." Discreetly. Though he didn't mention that last part. Where he'd go was not said, and he'd make sure to keep to the less occupied streets.
  135. He hadn't been prepared. His face seen by another. Though it was only one, it mattered. He'd have to consider a remedy to that- it could be the breaking point on whether or not he is deemed to have passed, or failed otherwise.
  137. "Mm.." Another grunt, and then he's off!
  138. Yuki, Hao sets the man down on the bench. He makes sure he is still unconscious, and for added benefit he goes an extra mile and actually just freezes the man in a giant block of ice.
  140. Something that could be undone when he pleased, and also because he had no rope, or wire, and valued his ryo.
  141. You release them.
  142. Yuki, Hao has activated a technique: Hyouton: Hyouro no Jutsu!
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