
minjoo - pokemon

Sep 7th, 2021
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  1. [style]
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  224. &> a {
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  259. .cdt {
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  264. a {
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  270. a:hover {
  271. color: @darkAccent1;
  272. }
  273. }
  274. [/style]
  275. [sc=kitty][img][/img][/sc]
  276. [sc=temp][sc=body][h1]La Petite Boutique Rosé[/h1]
  277. [
  278. ]put explanations here? rules? etc.[
  280. ][sc=tabbed_interface horizontal][ul][li][img][/img][/li][li][img][/img][/li][li][img][/img][/li][/ul]
  281. [sc=tab][sc=stuff][h2]Tab One Header[/h2]
  282. Bold text looks [b]like this[/b]. If you want italics, [i]ooh pretty[/i]. Underlined is [u]equally rad[/u]. Links clearly look [url=]so cool[/url]. Check out tooltips too! (Just [tip=tooltips styling]hover here[/tip].)
  284. This code is [b]NOT free to use[/b]. It was commissioned for [b]Minjoo's[/b] use only. Minjoo, feel free to remove all this text. Credit is at the bottom.
  286. [/sc][/sc][
  288. ][sc=tab][sc=stuff][h2]Table Examples[/h2][
  290. ][table]
  291. [tr][th]Pokémon[/th][th]Recipient List[/th][th][img][/img][/th][th][img][/img][/th][th][img][/img][/th][/tr]
  292. [tr][td=1x4][img][/img][/td][td]Zicø[/td][td]1[/td][td]2[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
  293. [tr][td]Zicø[/td][td]1[/td][td]2[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
  294. [tr][td]Zicø[/td][td]1[/td][td]2[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
  295. [tr][td]Zicø[/td][td]1[/td][td]2[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
  296. [/table]
  297. [h2]Progress Bar Examples[/h2][
  298. ][progress=2/10]20%[/progress]
  299. [progress=7/10]70%[/progress]
  300. [/sc][/sc][
  302. ][sc=tab][sc=stuff][h2]Styling Examples
  303. (this is a h2 heading)[/h2]
  304. [sc=list][ul][li][b]bold text[/b][/li]
  305. [li][i]italicized text[/i][/li]
  306. [li][u]underlined text[/u][/li]
  307. [li]regular text[/li]
  308. [li]regular text[/li][/ul][/sc]
  309. [url=]this is a link[/url]
  310. paragraphs are justified by default, let me know if you want that changed[/sc][/sc][
  312. ][sc=tab][sc=stuff][h2]Hover Examples[/h2][tip=hover over this]wooooo[/tip]
  313. [tip=hover over that][item=thunder feather][/tip]
  314. [tip=i just really like thunder feathers][pkmn=zapdos][/tip][/sc][/sc][/sc][/sc][/sc]
  315. [sc=cdt][tip="Template by [url=]Zicø[/url]"]credit.[/tip][/sc]
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