
Alicia Belrose's Secret (P2)

Jun 26th, 2018
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  1. "Aliiiiiicia..." You were pulled from your musings by the pleading voice of Rowan. "Can't you at least try to pay attention?"
  3. "Huh? What were we doing?" The two of you were in the Great Hall, surrounded by stacks of books. You vaguely recalled Rowan saying something, but you'd been very distracted at the time. Truth be told, you still were very distracted.
  5. You could still smell cloves and nail polish.
  7. "Seriously? Are you sure you didn't hit your head when you fell off your broom?" Rowan had an exasperated look on her face, and she leaned over and tapped your head with her knuckles. "Hello? Anyone in there?"
  9. You waved her hand away. "Quit it!" You whined. "Geez, Rowan, I'm just a little distracted." Of course, you couldn't tell Rowan exactly why you were distracted. Merula's words still floated through your mind.
  11. "'re going to need to do something for me..."
  13. You were still somewhat dazed after your encounter with the bullying witch. It didn't help that you couldn't get the feeling of her arms wrapped around you out of your head, or the sweet sensation of her warm breath hitting your sensitive skin, or the calculating look in her eyes as she looked down at you, or the-
  15. "Alicia!" You snapped back to reality and realised you'd been staring at a wall for the last minute. Turning back to Rowan, you muttered a quick apology.
  17. "S-sorry. I'm paying attention, really." You began to scan the books on the table, attempting to figure out what topic you were even studying. Something about birds?
  19. "You're a terrible liar. It's almost kind of sad." Rowan's comment made it even harder for you to pay attention as another echo passed through your head.
  21. "God, you're pathetic..."
  23. You shivered despite the warmth of the Great Hall, and felt heat spreading through your cheeks. Rowan looked at you with concern.
  25. "Seriously, though. Are you alright? You don't look too well." When Rowan spoke, her voice was softer, with none of the annoyance that had been colouring its tone.
  27. "I-I think I just need to lie down. I'm just tired." The only thing you really wanted was to jump off a cliff, but you figured that wouldn't reassure Rowan at all.
  29. "Do you need to go back to the hospital wing? Should I come with you?" Rowan looked concerned.
  31. "No, no. I'll be fine. I'll just go back to the dorms. You focus on your work." You smiled weakly, trying your best to look normal. Rowan didn't look completely convinced, but finally acquiesced, letting you go with a grumble about how accident-prone you'd been lately.
  33. You were almost back to your common room when she appeared.
  35. "My, my, Belrose." You froze, wondering where she had come from. You were certain she'd been in the Great Hall when you'd left. "And where are you wandering off to this evening?" She was approaching from behind you, and you briefly considered running away, before realizing she had you at her mercy.
  37. She finally entered your vision, throwing her arm over your shoulders and forcing you to walk with her. You stumbled, struggling to match her pace given her longer legs.
  39. "M-Merula? I was just going back to my dormitory." You nearly tripped again, and Merula pulled you closer to her body to support you.
  41. "God, can't you walk like a normal person?" She finally dragged you to an empty classroom and pushed you inside. "Were you off to indulge your deviant needs?" She smirked as she shut the door behind her.
  43. "M-my what?" You stuttered, beginning to blush. Her words were all it took to influence you.
  45. She began to advance toward you, causing you to begin backing up until you tripped over the edge of a desk. Before you could fall to the floor, she darted forward and grabbed your tie, pulling you to your feet. Your breath hitched as she pulled your bodies together.
  47. "You're so clumsy..." She pulled on your tie again, forcing your head to tilt up to hers, and a gasp escaped your lips. "So, just being near me turns you into a stuttering, braindead mess, huh?" With her other hand, she trailed her fingers down your face, smiling as your face got redder and redder.
  49. Your skin felt like it was on fire, and it took all you had to stay standing. Your hands dangled at your sides, clenching sporadically as your emotions worked their way out of control. Merula's hand continued to move down, reaching your neck. Shocks ran through your body as her fingers slid across your collarbone. You vaguely noted that you couldn't breathe, and the only thing you could smell was her.
  51. Suddenly, Merula let go of your tie, and your knees gave out. You slowly slid to the floor, gasping for breath, unable to form coherent thoughts. Merula looked down at you like you were an insect beneath her feet. "You truly are a pathetic creature, Belrose. I can't believe you're actually letting me get away with this." She crossed her arms and stared at you, gasping on the floor. "Don't tell me you actually like this?" You continued to breathe in and out, unable to speak. Merula's eyes narrowed. "Like I said...pathetic."
  53. She turned, heading to the door and opening it. She looked back at you one last time, smirking as she took in your barely cognizant state. Finally, she left the room, slamming the door behind her. After a few minutes, you finally managed to stagger to your feet and head for your dorms.
  55. Finally, you made it back to your dormitory and collapsed on your bed. Staring up at the ceiling, you tried to get your thoughts and feelings in order. You tried to think about anything but the events that had just transpired, but your brain clearly wasn't in a cooperating mood. Unbidden, thoughts wormed their way into your mind.
  57. "Don't tell me you actually like this?"
  59. You felt a chill run through you as you remembered how tightly she had pulled your tie. The look in her eyes as she stared at your collapsed body on the floor had your heart beating erratically. The feeling of her fingers trailing their way down your neck sent sparks shooting through your mind.
  61. You sighed, curling up into a ball on your bed. If you'd been struggling to get her off your mind before, it was going to be nigh impossible now. You shut your eyes, attempting to block out all incoming thoughts.
  63. Before long, you'd drifted off to sleep.
  66. "You liked it, didn't you?" A darkened room. Ahead of you stood two figures, shrouded in darkness. You sat on a wooden chair, unsure what you were seeing. Without warning, a pillar of light beamed down, illuminating the figure on the left. Stood in front of you, arms crossed, looking down at you like you were an insect, was Merula Snyde.
  68. "H-huh?" You didn't know what was happening.
  70. "That feeling..." She sneered. "That...helplessness." She leaned forward, a maniacal look in her eyes. "You liked it, didn't you?"
  72. "Wh-what do you mean?" You were scared, both by the unfamiliar situation and the look in Merula's eyes. "I don't underst-"
  74. She cut you off with a cruel laugh. "Of course, you don't understand. You're such an idiot, Belrose."
  76. Another light flashed, illuminating the figure on the right. You gasped as another Alicia Belrose stood before you.
  78. "What the hell is this?" You were confused and angry. You tried to stand but found yourself unable to move as you found yourself bound by ropes to the chair.
  80. "Are you so stupid that you can't figure it out? I don't know how anyone as braindead as you could have made it to Hogwarts." Merula sauntered toward the other you, who began backpedalling toward the wall. "I'll show you..."
  82. You watched in confusion and fear as Merula got closer and closer to the other you, until she was pressed against the wall with Merula almost stepping on her toes. Her hand slammed into the wall in an almost perfect repeat of what she'd done earlier that day. Merula looked over at the real you, bound to the chair and smirked. "The big...bad...Cursed Student..." She turned back to the other you, pressed up against the wall, with her face flushed and her breath coming out her mouth in shallow pants. Merula leaned in, so close to her that she couldn't move, and whispered. "'re mine." Without warning, she kissed the other you.
  84. From the tips of your hair all the way down to your toes, a shock ran through you. You tried to speak but found the words catching in your throat as your mind struggled to process the sight before you.
  86. Merula's other hand was on the back of your duplicate's neck, and you could see the taller Slytherin girl's tongue wrestling with your clone's tongue for dominance. Her other hand had slipped from the wall to grab the smaller girl's tie, pulling her closer. The other you's arms were thrown around Merula's neck, and her knees looked like they had given out. If it hadn't been for Merula's grip, the other girl looked like she would have collapsed by now.
  88. You were still in shock, unable to think clearly. All you could focus on was the look on your clone's face. Her eyelids were half-shut, and you could see that her eyes weren't focusing on anything. She had an expression on her face that you could only describe as some combination of desire and joy. Your own breath started to become shallower and shallower, and you became acutely aware of the ropes pressing into your body.
  90. Suddenly, you felt very hot in your school clothes.
  92. In front of you, Merula continued her passionate kiss. She let go of the doppelganger's tie, but instead of letting her fall to the floor, she kept her on her feet by pressing their bodies closer together. You stared, transfixed by the sight as Merula's hands ran up and down the other you's body, and her leg slid between the smaller girl's thighs. The other you let out a moan of pleasure which was quickly muffled by Merula's lips.
  94. A noise escaped your lips, a strangled moan as you felt an ache between your thighs. Merula had seemingly been waiting for this because she let go of the other you, who dropped unceremoniously to the floor, panting in a very similar fashion to the way you had after your encounter with Merula while you were on your way back to your dormitory. Merula spun, before starting to approach you. "Admit it."
  96. You tried to focus on what she was saying, but the only thing you could see was her lips locked against yours, and her hands running up and down your body. All you could feel was the pounding of your heart.
  98. "Admit it, Belrose." She placed her hand on your leg, just above your knee. You let out a whine, as if begging for more. "You're like a dog, begging for treats..." Her fingers started to slide up your leg. "Disgusting..."
  100. Your breath quickened. Your thoughts, chaotic as they already were, went into overdrive, and your skin felt as if it was on fire.
  102. And then, right as Merula's fingers reached your skirt, she stopped.
  104. "H-huh? Why did you st-" You cut yourself off, realising with shame how pitiful you sounded.
  106. Merula brought her mouth to your ear, whispering almost sensually.
  108. "Admit it."
  111. You shot up, confused and disorientated. Your legs kicked out and you felt like you were about to fall over before you realised you were lying in your bed. It was dark, and you could see the other girls sleeping peacefully. You shook your head, trying to clear the cobwebs out. Your dream had already somewhat faded, and you could only see disjointed, random scenes in your mind.
  113. Merula, passionately kissing you against a wall.
  115. Merula, running her fingers up your thighs.
  117. Merula, holding you by your tie.
  119. You, almost begging for more.
  121. You cringed, thankful there was no one awake to see your face. The details of your dream were lost in the haze of your subconscious, but what you could remember was enough to set you off. You shivered, only now noticing the intense ache in your loins. Resolving to forget this, you tiptoed to the bathroom to rub some water on your face.
  123. You leaned against the bathroom counter, staring at your reflection in the mirror. Your cheeks were a bright red, and your eyes were barely focused. You slipped your robes off to see your arms covered in goose bumps, and your skin was hot, the slightest touch sending shock waves through your body. Your dream was already fading from your mind, but Merula's words echoed through your mind.
  125. "Disgusting..."
  127. You shuddered, trying to ignore the thumping of your heart. You tried to push the thoughts out of your mind, splashing some more water on your face. Eventually, you stripped out of your uniform, placed it in your trunk and climbed back into your bed, settling into a thankfully dreamless sleep.
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