
Convo with Agumon43

Jun 8th, 2017
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  1. [20:31:12] Agumon43: My bro
  2. [20:31:16] Enchidio: ?
  3. [20:31:27] Agumon43: Lol it's a joke
  4. [20:31:34] Enchidio: whats a joke
  5. [20:31:36] Enchidio: you need smth
  6. [20:31:55] Agumon43: You need serious help bro
  7. [20:31:57] Enchidio: oh uh
  8. [20:32:00] Enchidio: what do you mean
  9. [20:32:04] Enchidio: also are you tidal sorens friend
  10. [20:32:08] Enchidio: he tells me that you want to speak with me
  11. [20:32:16] Agumon43: Yes I am buddy
  12. [20:32:24] Enchidio: aight what about
  13. [20:34:10] Agumon43: Yo sorry we got cut off
  14. [20:34:22] Enchidio: aight, what did you want to speak with me about
  15. [20:34:46] Agumon43: I was told u can help with teams player
  16. [20:35:16] Enchidio: what do you mean
  17. [20:35:31] Agumon43: OMG dude you are so clueless
  18. [20:35:43] Enchidio: hey im sorry i cant understand the wording
  19. [20:35:52] Enchidio: if im clueless then how come i can apparently help with "teams player"
  20. [20:35:58] Enchidio: im just asking you to be more clear, my dude
  21. [20:36:04] Enchidio: not trying to be rude at all
  22. [20:36:14] Agumon43: That's all u need to say
  23. [20:36:22] Enchidio: anyway
  24. [20:36:24] Enchidio: just be a bit more clear
  25. [20:36:29] Enchidio: what i got from your message
  26. [20:36:34] Enchidio: is that i can apparently help with your team
  27. [20:36:35] Enchidio: is that right
  28. [20:36:53] Agumon43: Tidal Soren told me u can help with teams
  29. [20:37:07] Enchidio: yeah i think i did a decent job with his team
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