
Alola Girls 11 (BBW, WG)

May 2nd, 2020
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  1. Chapter 11
  3. It had been about six weeks since Lusamine’s dinner party, Domino’s subsequent house arrest, and Jack was prepping for bed and a late night lovemaking session with his enormous bodyguards/ concubines. The trio was in the restroom when Jack asked the girls to get on a scale. Hilda’s promise to talk to Mallow about cooking huge portions of food lathered in butter, sugar, and other fat-containing ingredients was long forgotten. Jack was the only person working out, while the gluttonous girls who inhabited his luxurious manor ate to their heart’s content.
  5. Zinnia got on the scale first. She’d gone through a number of clothing sizes, and looked positively frightened of what the numbers would read. She hopped on and couldn’t see the numbers over her belly overhang. Jack looked at it, and tortured her by gasping and smiling wickedly.
  7. “Tell me, Jack!” Zinnia barked.
  9. “297.” He said. Zinnia’s jaw dropped, letting her developing third chin sag. She’d gained 67 pounds in six weeks.
  11. “How is that even possible?” Zinnia cried out. “That’s a pound and half a day!”
  13. “How many battle buffet trips have we made?” Jack said with a laugh. “We go there three times a week and you girls stay for almost three hours each time.”
  15. Zinnia tensed as Jack’s words finally broke through the haze of gluttony and indulgence.
  17. “I asked Mallow to take measurements of the average amount of calories per day...” Jack explained. “...breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, the snacks, drinks... She said each girl was consuming between six to seven thousand calories a day.”
  19. Zinnia gasped. Misty shrugged indifferently. Zinnia then turned to Misty. “Your turn!” She ordered.
  21. Misty waddled her enormous, fat body onto the scale. She didn’t bother trying to see the numbers. She was noticeably bigger than Zinnia, so she knew a bit of what was coming.
  23. “Jack, what’s it say?” Misty asked half-heartedly. Zinnia wanted a look at it, but she didn’t fit in the corner of the bathroom where the scale was when Misty and Jack were there at the same time.
  25. Jack whistled, impressed. “344 for you, Misty. How much did you weigh last time you got on this thing?”
  27. Misty stepped off uncertainly, her body jiggling heavily. “284, I think.”
  29. “Exactly 60. Zinnia, looks like those eating contests at the battle buffet really helped your gain out.” Jack teased.
  31. Zinnia went red, partly anger and partly embarrassment. “At this rate I may even get too fat for your tastes, boss.”
  33. Jack laughed and shook his head. “Good luck with that.”
  35. Misty put her hand up to her chins and went deep into thought. “I wonder how much Hilda weighs. She’s really packing on the pounds...”
  37. “I’ll make a mandatory staff weigh in tomorrow.” Jack said.
  39. Zinnia sighed. “Just make it before my breakfast please. I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing the scale go up another number after going to bed...”
  41. Misty laughed. “Then stop waking up at two in the morning for ice cream!”
  43. Zinnia laughed uneasily. “You know about that?”
  45. Jack gave her a nice smack on her wide, exposed bottom. “I keep track of the cameras here. There’s no sneaking around near the kitchen in this house.” He said, then grabbed her oversized love handles from behind, caressing Zinnia’s ample flab sensually. Misty got the cue and gave Zinnia a hug from the front, bumping their bulging bellies against each other.
  47. “Oh I love doing this so much...” Zinnia said, closing her eyes and letting herself be guided to the bed to enjoy their nightly ritual.
  49. The next morning, Jack woke up when Zinnia, his bodyguard for the day, did, and put the scale in the kitchen.
  51. “Zinnia?” Jack said mischievously when Zinnia entered to have her breakfast.
  53. “I already weighed myself last night Jack...” Zinnia said, attempting to stave off the embarrassment.
  55. “I want to see if the late night ice cream binge stayed with you.” Jack said.
  57. Zinnia opened her mouth to reply but thought better of it. She’d been figured out after all. She waddled her near 300 pound body over to the scale and took a deep breath before stepping on. Once again she couldn’t see over her belly overhang. “What’s the damage, Jack?” She asked, defeated.
  59. “298.” He said, giving her fat ass a good spank. “You’re really out-doing yourself.”
  61. “Ugh, I want breakfast now.” She complained. Jack heard her stomach rumble as she waddled over to the pantry to grab a box of cereal.
  63. Mallow was the next to enter the kitchen. She’d really blossomed in the past six weeks. She had been a bit chubby when she arrived, but she was truly fat now. He could tell she weighed somewhere north of 220 pounds. Mallow seemed in a hurry to get started on breakfast, but Jack stopped her.
  65. “Wellness checkup. Gotta hop on the scale.” Jack said.
  67. Mallow scoffed. “That wasn’t in the contract...”
  69. Jack shook his head. “Actually it was.”
  71. “Shit.” She cursed, then marched over indignantly. “At least you’re doing it before breakfast.”
  73. “Any bets on how much it will be?” Zinnia asked.
  75. Mallow shivered. “Uh... I’ve been really enjoying the lifestyle here... Uh, definitely over 200.” Mallow said sheepishly.
  77. Zinnia nodded. “I bet it’s 230.”
  79. Mallow smiled uneasily. “I sure hope not...”
  81. Jack signaled to the scale with his eyebrows, and Mallow stepped on. She had some clothes on, unlike his naked concubines the previous night. Mallow’s gut wasn’t so big as to prevent her from seeing the scale numbers, and she yelped in shock when the scale rested on the number “238.“
  83. “Bingo!” Zinnia cheered. “At least you’re getting punished as well for making such good food!”
  85. Mallow got off the scale quickly. “Yeah...” She said. “I’m gonna uh... get started then.”
  87. Misty waddled in not long after, and she only gained half a pound. Lillie then emerged soon after as the smell of sizzling bacon had woken her up.
  89. “Morning Lillie, ready for breakfast?” Mallow said.
  91. “Oh yeah. My stomach is growling so much.” She said, waddling her fast-approaching 400 pound body to the kitchen table.
  93. Zinnia, having finished an entire box of sugary cereal, blocked Lillie. “Not yet, wellness checkup.”
  95. Lillie paused. “Wha-?”
  97. “Scale.” Misty said, pointing to Jack, who couldn’t help but have an ear to ear grin on his face.
  99. Lillie immediately froze up at the prospect. “Oh... uh... really? Do I have to?”
  101. Mallow cleared her throat. “While I don’t think it should be so public, you gotta do it. Each one of us has already.”
  103. “Oh...” Lillie said, suddenly terrified at the prospect.
  105. “Shouldn’t a doctor or nurse be present?” Misty wondered aloud.
  107. “I’ll have Hilda bring one by.” Jack said. “But the I’m curious to see where the thousands of dollars I’ve spent on food every week have been doing.”
  109. Lillie shivered and waddled slowly, carefully to the scale. “J-Jack... sir, can this be uh... private?”
  111. “Sure. You don’t even have to look if you don’t want.” He said, trying to comfort the scared, 18 year old BBW.
  113. “Okay...” She said, climbing on the scale and covering her eyes. With her obscene belly overhang she wouldn’t have been able to see the numbers anyways. Once settled, the scale read 389.
  115. “Thanks Lillie.” Jack said, giving her a pat on the back. Lillie exhaled and immediately waddled back to the kitchen table.
  117. Hilda came out not long after, groggy and wearing ill-fitting clothes. All the girls stared at her as she walked in. She’d change a lot in the six weeks. She went from growing a slight paunch and having a curvier figure to a overweight very quickly. She spent most of her days pounding two liters of sodas in the office or stuffing herself full of barbecued and fast food burgers.
  119. “Morning all...” She said, exhausted and rubbing her tummy. Her pj’s were new as of two weeks ago and already were riding up her belly. The only pants that fit her were her stretchiest pajama bottoms.
  121. “Hilda...” Jack began.
  123. “Yeah wha’?”
  125. “Come over here.”
  127. Hilda wiped the sleep from her eyes and saw the scale. “Shit... been avoiding this for too long.” She said, not even questioning why the scale was in the kitchen.
  129. “I was 137 last time I hopped on this thing...”
  131. “Any guess on what it is now?” Jack asked, fascinated.
  133. Hilda shrugged. “Prolly 170, maybe even 180.” She said, then turned to Mallow. “Your cooking is really getting to me.”
  135. Mallow took offense. “I’m not the one giving you sodas every hour.”
  137. “Well your cooking sure doesn’t help.” Hilda said, a hint of bitterness in her voice. She hopped on the scale and Jack knew 180 was a fantasy. The scale normalized and Hilda gasped.
  139. “203!?” She cried out. She remained on the scale, completely befuddled at the numbers it read.
  141. Zinnia applauded. “That’s only one less pound gained than me!”
  143. Jack put his arm around her and comforted Hilda. He did feel a bit bad, and only now realized how ridiculous this whole public weighing thing must’ve felt. He’d have to remember to keep his lust in check.
  145. Hilda then shook her head wildly a few times, then raised her fists in the air. “Okay! I’ve been denying it for too long! I’m a fatass!” She cried out. “Time to get to work.” She said, and abruptly marched back to the office.
  147. Mallow laughed. “That was a bit odd...”
  149. Zinnia chuckled. “Yeah, but lets see what happens. You think she’s gonna try and lose the weight?”
  151. “I think so.” Lillie said.
  153. Misty shook her head. “With us around, it won’t be possible.” She then turned to Jack. “You’re not gonna make us all go on diets are you? Health food all the time?”
  155. Jack laughed. “Hell no, your weight is your business.”
  157. Mallow then cleared her throat. “Then why weigh us?”
  159. Jack smiled. “Because I enjoy seeing you all indulge, and wanted to see how much you’ve each been indulging.”
  161. “So no doctor’s appointment?” Zinnia asked.
  163. “If you want one you should make one... But I don’t want to pressure you.” Jack replied.
  165. “Good.” Zinnia said. “I’m gonna keep pigging out while I can. I’ve never felt so... fulfilled.”
  167. Lillie gasped suddenly. “Oh...”
  169. “Hm?” Misty asked.
  171. Lillie took a large bite out of her pastry smothered in butter and cottage cheese. “What I feel when I’m really full... I just feel happy and accomplished. It’s almost euphoric to me. I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling it.”
  173. Misty nodded. “I feel like ever since I came to Alola I’ve been feeling that, but even more so when I started living here.” Misty said, then looked down at her 344 pound body and laughed. “My mind isn’t the only thing that’s been feeling fulfilled lately.”
  175. Just then, Skyla emerged. The fit International Police operative had stayed mostly at the house for six weeks, watching over their “investigative assistant.” While she continued working out, she definitely had gotten lazier, and her health food stash had gone untouched for the past couple weeks. The fit, buxom, woman who’d entered six weeks ago looked much wider and puffier. Her chin was doubling, her washboard abs had turned into a sizable pot belly, and fat coated her hips to an extreme degree. Her tits had grown considerably, as had her rear. Jack couldn’t weigh her since she wasn’t staff, but he figured she’d put on around 50-55 pounds during her stay so far. Overall, Jack and his two concubines were both completely enamored with Skyla and her gain.
  177. “Ah... What’s for breakfast Mallow?” Skyla asked, taking a seat.
  179. “I’m whipping up a couple omelettes as we speak.” Mallow said.
  181. Jack did his morning workout, trained with his pokemon, and got back in the house around 11:00. Upon entering the kitchen, he saw a stack of pizza boxes on the kitchen counter.
  183. “What’s up with this?” Jack asked, seeing Mallow was in the pantry.
  185. “Hilda might be going nuts.” Mallow said. “She said she wants to prove she’s fat by eating an XL sized pizza by herself. Then her phone rang and she went outside.”
  187. “Oh... why are there six of them then?” He asked.
  189. “Well... for the other girls.” Mallow pointed out.
  191. “Oh yeah.” Jack said, still quite perplexed at Hilda’s sudden swing in attitude. “She’s outside, you said?”
  193. “Yeah, she seemed really surprised when she answered it.” Mallow said.
  195. “Okay, thanks... I’m gonna go check on her.”
  197. Hilda was seated on the deck, a can of soda in hand and looking at her phone intently.
  199. “Hilda, you feeling alright?” Jack asked.
  201. Hilda gasped and scrambled, putting her phone down and turning to him. “Jack, I... uh... you weren’t planning anything the rest of the day, were you?”
  203. “No...” Jack said, hesitantly. “What’s up?”
  205. “I just got a call from the Berlitz foundation. Apparently the heiress to the estate is vacationing in Alola and wanted to meet up with you to talk.”
  207. “Oh... Berlitz? Am I supposed to know who that is?” Jack asked.
  209. Hilda sighed. “They’re big in Sinoh, so I guess it makes sense you don’t know. They’re one of the richest families in Sinoh, have their fingers in a lot of pies. It’s old money, they’re practically nobility.”
  211. “Cool... Do I have to?” Jack asked.
  213. Hilda shrugged. “Cobal Industries doesn’t do much in Sinoh, but forging a bond with the Berlitz family could get Cobal Industries an entryway into the market.”
  215. “You know I’m no good at talking business, right?”
  217. “Extremely aware.” Hilda replied, then burped suddenly. “You don’t have to talk much business actually, just be charming and well dressed.”
  219. “I guess I could do that... What time?” Jack grunted.
  221. Hilda grunted. “As soon as possible, apparently. I’m sure they’d be willing to wait if you wanted.”
  223. “Fuck it, I’ll go right now. Should I bring Misty or Zinnia? Do I need a bodyguard?”
  225. “Well yeah... Misty I guess?” Hilda replied.
  227. “Kay.” He said, turning to the entrance into the house, then remembered what he came out to the deck for. “And, Hilda?”
  229. “Hm?”
  231. “What’s up with the pizzas?”
  233. Hilda shrugged. “I think it’s time to embrace being fat. Indulging is so much fun and I really don’t give a shit about being skinny anymore. It’ll just be way too much work.”
  235. Jack laughed. “Don’t go getting too fat now, I might get attracted to you.” He teased.
  237. Hilda glared at him. “Well you’d have to get a new agent. I can’t do my job with you lusting after me.”
  239. “Not wrong.” Jack said. “I should get going then.”
  240. “Yes you should Jack. Have a fun date with the Berlitz girl. Please don’t get drunk. We both remember what happened last time you did this.”
  242. “Yeah...” Jack said, blushing.
  244. Thirty minutes later, Misty was snacking in the front seat of the luxury SUV as Jack pulled up to the “Heart of the Sea” front entrance. He gave the valet a twenty and marched in. Misty slowly waddled behind him.
  246. “You still upset you missed pizza for lunch?” Jack teased.
  248. Misty rubbed her belly excitedly. “Hell no.” She said. “How many crab cakes did Zinnia eat when you took her here for your date?”
  250. “I think she ate... 18? You could just text her.” Jack said.
  252. “She’ll lie!” Misty cried out.
  254. “You really think her upping the amount would stop you anyways? Zinnia was 50 pounds lighter when she did that. You’e about 100 pounds heavier now than she was then, I’ll actually be disappointed if you don’t break her record.”
  256. Misty smiled proudly. “Yeah, but I have to actually be your bodyguard today. I can’t pig out that hard when I’m on the clock. It might make you look bad.”
  258. Jack chuckled. “After all this time, it’s now that you use that excuse?” Misty’s contorted face was clearly not amused. “We could just get a massive order to go then.”
  260. Misty smiled. “Oh I’d love that.”
  262. The duo arrived at the front of the luxury restaurant. Misty waddled her 344 pound self to the bar to grab a seat in view of Jack. Jack looked at the host desk and smiled.
  264. “I think I have someone waiting for me? A... uh, Dawn Berlitz?”
  266. The host looked down at their reservation sheet and shook their head. “My apologies sir...”
  268. Suddenly a young woman in a pink dress approached. “Jack Cobal?” She said. Jack turned to her and saw quite the dazzling, beautiful young woman. She was very slim but had a very hypnotic face.
  270. He smiled and held his hand out. “Ms. Berlitz? A pleasure.”
  272. She smiled and shook his hand. “Pleased to make your acquaintance Mr. Cobal.”
  274. Jack attempted to spark a bit of small talk. “Hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”
  276. “Oh no need.” She said confidently.
  278. He turned to the host. “Table for two then, please. And as close to the view as you can get me.”
  280. “Right this way sir.” The host said.
  282. Once seated, the small talk began. She’d come in late last night, slept, and this might as well have been breakfast.
  284. “Well you’ve certainly come to the right place.” Jack said. “It’s probably the finest food on Melemele Island.”
  286. “Oh goody.” Dawn said. “And how long have you been here?”
  288. “About two months.”
  290. “Done any traveling?” Dawn asked.
  292. “Not yet. I’m enjoying island life a lot. It’s very calm... I feel like I’ve needed it after how my life changed so much in the past year.”
  294. “Oh, how so?” Dawn asked.
  296. “I was some no-name trainer in Hoenn, never knew my dad, my mom never talked about him. Then suddenly I’m the heir to some crazy international company? A lot changed.”
  298. “So what do you do out here for the company?” Dawn asked.
  300. Jack smiled. “Something extremely important.”
  302. “Oh?”
  304. “I stay out of the way.” He said with a grin.
  306. “So you just kick back in the Alolan sun, with an alcoholic beverage in your hand and collect checks?” She said.
  308. “Not a bad summation, actually.”
  310. Dawn gave a disapproving look, but the server came through and took their drink orders before she could respond.
  312. “I’ll have a glass of the house chardonay.” Jack said.
  314. “And I’ll have a water.” She said and the waiter scurried off. “I’m not twenty-one yet.” Dawn explained.
  316. “If you ever come back here when you are 21, you ought to try an Alolan Blue.” Jack said. “The first time I came here I drank so many I passed out on the ride home. Not doing that again.”
  317. Dawn laughed politely and let the moment die out before she changed back to her earlier subject. “Do you have any interest in getting into Cobal Industries?”
  319. Jack shrugged. “Not right now definitely. I don’t know a damn thing about running the company, so I figure I should just leave it to the people who care more and know more than I’ll ever know.”
  321. “Fair enough.” Dawn said, her face emotionless. “You think you’d ever go back to it in the future?”
  323. Jack shook his head. “Probably not.” He paused. “I hope you didn’t come all this way for a business deal.”
  325. “Oh not at all.” She said, almost too dismissively.
  327. Their drinks came, and Jack recommended Dawn order the crab cakes. He turned his back to see what Misty was up to, and she was chatting away with the bartender, surely an old co-worker of hers, and munching on what he could tell was the largest plate of crab cakes they offered.
  329. “If you’re not taking part in your company and not traveling, how do you spend your time here, Mr. Cobal?” Dawn asked. He was definitely growing more suspicious of her probing as the conversation continued.
  331. “I’m training my Pokemon, looking for some local causes to support...” He said. “Having a little fun while I can. How about you Ms. Berlitz?”
  333. Dawn took a sip of water and smiled. “Well, I’m going to the Veilstone University of Business.”
  335. Judging by her tone, it was a prestigious school. Although he’d never heard much about it. “Cool, how long have you studied there?”
  337. “Just a couple years. I’m thinking of taking a gap year though, going to see the world.” She said.
  339. “You didn’t travel as a member of the Berlitz family?” Jack asked.
  341. “Well of course, but I wanted to get my own taste.”
  343. “Admirable.” Jack said, taking a long drink from his glass of wine. The conversation paused for a good moment until Jack finally realized something.
  345. “So Dawn, why’d you set up this little lunch gathering?”
  347. Dawn was slightly taken aback. “Well, my family thought it would be a good idea.”
  349. “For business reasons?” Jack said.
  351. Dawn grimaced. “Yeah, I guess that was the thought.”
  353. Jack shrugged. “It’s the same reason my agent said I should accept the invitation. Maybe help Cobal Industries get a connection in Sinoh.”
  355. Dawn’s grimace disappeared quickly. “Oh really?”
  357. “Well, my agent mentioned it as a possibility. Apparently your family is like nobility in Sinoh.”
  359. Dawn scoffed. “Of course not, those sort of things faded away a long time ago.” She paused. “Although my family has a very long history in the high society of Sinoh-”
  361. “Exactly.” Jack said.
  363. “Well it’s not like that.”
  365. “High society?” Jack asked. “There’s some hierarchy stuff going on there then, right? I’m not trying to disparage your family, I’m just some up-jumped peasant who doesn’t know much about Sinoh culture.”
  367. Dawn’s pristine facade had definitely cracked, her face was contorted in a bit of anger. He’d definitely hit a sensitive point. “Well, it’s more ceremonial than anything.” Dawn said, trying to regain her composure. “Although don’t the richer folks in every country tend to mingle together?”
  369. Jack shrugged. “I suppose, I wouldn’t really know. I’m rather new to this whole being rich thing.”
  371. “Have you been to any charity dinners?” Dawn asked. “The fancier it is, the more high class and wealthy it is.”
  373. “I’ve been to one.”
  375. “And, where was it?”
  377. Jack smiled, admitting a small defeat. “In this building.”
  379. Dawn smiled with her first victory of the conversation. “Okay, okay.” She paused once more. “And part of why I want to go on my gap year is because I want to see how things are different in the rest of the world. Sinoh has held onto a lot of its old traditions, and change is sure to come for the land.”
  381. Food came not long after, Dawn wasn’t a big fan of the crab cakes as they were too rich. When the server came to grab the plates, they asked if Jack wanted another glass of wine.
  383. “No, I’m good.” He said, thinking little of it.
  385. Dawn smirked. “Done after two glasses of wine? Lightweight.” She taunted playfully.
  387. “Well I do have to drive home after this.” Jack parried playfully.
  389. “Isn’t that what your bodyguard is for?”
  391. The first thought that crossed his mind was how he wanted to enjoy watching Misty pig out on crab cakes on their way home. But Dawn pressing the matter did give him a suspicion there were ulterior motives involved. “Well it’s not even 1:00.”
  393. She locked eyes with him and started speaking rather seriously. “Well, I’d be happy to join you if we weren’t here...” She said, then relaxed. “Maybe let off some steam.”
  395. A number of thoughts raced through his brain, mainly based around ripping the pink dress off and going to pound-town on her. But his head took control, and whatever “incident” happened with this young woman from a prestigious lineage could easily become a PR nightmare. Not to mention, he was trying to lose the “drunken lecher” perception to Hilda. Or was he just getting more and more attracted to her as she fattened up? He shook his head at the thought to get it out of his head, forgetting this battle between his dick and his mind was completely in-house, so to speak.
  397. “Aw, that’s a no?” Dawn said. “I thought we were getting on pretty well by now.”
  399. “Er no, that’s not what I meant...” Jack said, fumbling his words and his own thoughts. He was slightly worried about what would happen were an incident to occur between him and this Dawn Berlitz, but he was also intrigued by her a bit. A woman from such a noble and proud lineage was trying to get him drunk, probably to sleep with him. He couldn’t say he was against the idea, even if she would’ve been the skinniest girl he’d ever had sex with. She was quite a looker after all. “How about this, give me your number and I’ll invite you over for dinner tonight. My chef is brilliant.”
  401. Dawn raised her eyebrows. “Looking forward to it then.” She said. A few minutes later the check came and Jack put his card in. Dawn got up to leave and shook his hand.
  403. “I thank you for lunch Mr. Cobal, and I’ll see you tonight.”
  405. Jack texted Misty. “How many crab cakes did you eat?”
  407. “Ten.”
  409. “How many should you get to-go?”
  411. “Just ordered another dozen.” Misty replied.
  413. Jack went to join Misty at the bar.
  415. “How was the date, loverboy?” Misty asked.
  417. Jack shrugged. “It was okay. Little weird I guess.”
  419. “No offense, but she seems way too high class for you Jack.” Misty said. “And skinny.”
  421. Jack gave Misty’s titanic gut a pat. “That can always be changed. But you’re right, she has a definite pride.”
  423. “Is she interested in you?” Misty asked.
  425. “I think so. She wanted me to drink more.”
  427. Misty sighed. “Yeah she’s interested. Are you interested?”
  429. “I don’t know... I don’t think she’d be one for sharing.”
  431. “A girl like that can’t be a concubine.” Misty said.
  433. “Are you the authority on concubines now?”
  435. “As one of yours, yes. Yes I am.”
  437. “She’s coming over tonight for dinner though.” Jack said.
  439. “Better tell Mallow... and Hilda for that matter.” Misty said. “Think she’ll try and bang you?”
  441. “She said she wanted to get away from a public place so she could ‘let off some steam; so to speak.”
  443. “She wants the D, Jack.” Misty said. “It’s just so damn easy for you, isn’t it?”
  445. Jack shrugged. “It was never this easy before the money came in. I don’t think she’s doing it because she’s madly in love.”
  447. Misty sighed. “Yeah... so I should show you what Hilda just sent me.”
  449. “Hm?” Jack said. Misty held out her phone, and read the message.
  451. Hilda: I’ve been doing some research and asking around on the Berlitz family. Apparently they’re really deep in debt but they’re keeping it as quiet as possible, it’s nearly impossible to find anything on the net, but one newspaper ran a story about ex-employees saying the family is on the verge of bankruptcy. The family sued the paper and nothing’s been heard since. Huge red flags to me, I’m in contact with the company in Castelia about digging up some stuff. This Dawn girl could be trying to save her family by getting involved with Jack.
  453. Jack grimaced. “Really makes a lot of sense now. She kept asking me if I wanted to start learning to run the company.”
  455. “Really? That’s odd.”
  457. “That way I’d be able to convince some people to merge with them I reckon. She really livened up when I said Cobal Industries wanted a connection in Sinoh.” Jack explained.
  459. “Gold digger but for an entire company? You should be really careful Jack.”
  461. “Maybe she’s just trying to get off the boat before it sinks.” He mused. “Either, way I’ll let Hilda know.”
  463. Suddenly a bartender appeared with a take-out bag. “Here you are Misty.” The skinny, honey-color haired server spoke with a big smile from behind the counter.
  465. “Thank you so much Serena.” Misty said and heaved herself from the barstool.
  467. Jack reached for the bag but Serena the bartender moved the bag out of his grasp quickly. She wagged her finger. “No stealing there buddy boy, this is all for Misty.” Serena said with a playful tone, but Jack saw a rather serious look in her eye.
  469. “He’s cool Serena. It’s on his tab.” Misty said after taking a deep breath upon getting out of the chair.
  471. Serena cleared her throat and handed the bag to Jack. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you the one I have to thank for keeping my gal-pal Misty here from going hungry?”
  473. Jack smiled proudly. “Yes indeed. The name’s Jack.” He said, out-stretching his hand, which she shook. “My chef should get most of the credit though.”
  475. Serena gasped. Her eyes lit up and Jack couldn’t help but notice the server seemed positively over the moon about something. The gleam in Serena’s eye disappeared after a moment as she recovered her composure. “Well, Jack, take care of our mutual friend here. But don’t go taking one of those crab cakes. The chef made them especially for her.” Serena said, a mischievous grin on her face.
  477. Jack reciprocated the grin. “Oh of course.” Jack accompanied Misty out of the restaurant.
  479. “So who was that?”
  481. Misty chuckled. “Serena, she was only here a couple weeks before I started with you.”
  483. “She seemed very protective of those crab cakes... but about you eating them, more specifically.” Jack observed.
  485. They got to the valet stand and Jack handed in his ticket, sending the attendant dashing off to for his ride.
  487. “Hmm...” Misty pondered aloud. “You know, you might be right.”
  489. “Well yeah-”
  491. Misty interrupted him. “Yeah, she was really pushy about me eating a lot now that I think about... Fuck, she might actually be a feeder.”
  493. Jack smiled wickedly. “We’ll have to find out soon. Have her number?”
  495. “No, but I can get it. What you thinking?”
  497. “Next time the girls go to the battle buffet, we should bring her along.” Jack said.
  499. Misty turned to him and smiled wickedly. “I like the sound of that.”
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