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Jul 12th, 2020
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  1. # | Dangerous Caves by Evil-Lootlye
  2. # | Forked by imDaniX
  4. # Version of this configuration file
  5. version: 19
  7. # NOTE: Chances
  8. # All the chances are in percents
  9. # Setting chance to 0 means that you want to disable the feature
  11. # NOTE: Worlds
  12. # World names are case-sensitive
  13. # Instead of specifying worlds you can leave them blank - all the OVERWORLD worlds will be used automatically
  14. # "Blank worlds" doesn't means "worlds:" - use "worlds: []"
  16. # NOTE: Ticks
  17. # Plugin utilizes its own tick system which is based on vanilla one
  18. # WORLD tick is 6300 vanilla ticks (about 5 minutes 15 seconds)
  19. # PLAYER tick is 800 vanilla ticks (about 40 seconds)
  20. # ENTITY tick is 4 vanilla ticks (about 200 milliseconds)
  22. # NOTE: Per-version
  23. # 1.13+ Materials(ignore LEGACY)
  24. # -1.12 Materials
  25. # 1.13+ Sounds
  26. # -1.12 Sounds
  28. #
  29. # Some plugin integrations
  30. #
  31. integration:
  32. # For disabling some features in specific regions
  33. # Available options: worldguard, worldguard-flagless, griefprevention, griefprevention-flagless, none
  34. mode: griefprevention,worldguard
  36. # WorldGuard flags:
  37. # dc-entity-grief (magma monster, lava creeper)
  38. # dc-block-change (cave-ins, caves aging)
  39. # dc-player-effect (ambient sounds, hypoxia)
  41. # `griefprevention` mode requires GriefPreventionFlags plugin. You don't need it for `griefprevention-flagless`
  42. # GriefPreventionFlags flags:
  43. # DCNoEntityGrief (magma monster, lava creeper)
  44. # DCNoBlockChange (cave-ins, caves aging)
  45. # DCNoPlayerEffect (ambient sounds, hypoxia)
  47. # Invert checks by default
  48. invert: false
  50. #
  51. # Cave-related things
  52. #
  53. caverns:
  55. # Cave-Ins - blocks may fall down when mining
  56. ins:
  57. # List of worlds where cave-in may appear
  58. worlds:
  59. - world-none
  60. # Chance of cave-in while mining blocks
  61. # In percents
  62. chance: 0.25
  63. # Cuboid-shaped cave-ins
  64. cuboid: false
  65. # Sand-like fall. Can cause client-side lags and block drops, but looks fancy
  66. slow-fall: false
  67. # Immunity to cave-in if player has rabbit foot in inventory
  68. rabbit-foot: true
  69. # Radius of cave-in
  70. radius: 2
  71. # Maximal Y where cave-in may appear
  72. y-max: 25
  73. # Give player effects on cave-in?
  74. blast-effect: true
  75. # Play explosion sound on cave-in?
  76. blast-sound: true
  78. # Ambient Sounds - special sound may be played underground
  79. ambient:
  80. # List of worlds where ambient sounds can be played
  81. worlds:
  82. - world
  83. # Chance of sound will be played
  84. # Checking every PLAYER tick
  85. chance: 6.35
  86. # Maximal Y where sound can be played
  87. y-max: 64
  88. # Play sound in random location near player. 0 to play sound on player's location
  89. near: 7
  90. # List of sounds to play - you can add more or remove some
  91. sounds:
  93. volume: 1
  94. pitch: 0.5
  96. volume: 1
  97. pitch: 0.5
  98. MUSIC_DISC_11:
  99. volume: 1
  100. pitch: 0.5
  101. MUSIC_DISC_13:
  102. volume: 1
  103. pitch: 0.5
  105. volume: 0.04
  106. pitch: 0.2
  108. volume: 1
  109. pitch: 0.5
  111. # Depth Hypoxia - will cause player to move and dig slower
  112. hypoxia:
  113. # List of worlds where players can sense hypoxia
  114. worlds:
  115. - world
  116. - world_nether
  117. # Chance of checking the player
  118. # Checking every PLAYER tick
  119. try-chance: 60
  120. # Formula to calculate chance of activation. Supports integers, floats, -, +, *, /, ^, (, )
  121. # Result should be between 0 and 1, where 0 is 0% and 1 is 100%
  122. # Depth (0-1) - depth of player, where 1 is Y 0, and 0 is y-max(from config)
  123. # Inventory (0-1) - inventory fullness, where 1 is full and 0 is empty; slot considered as full if it has maximal amount of item inside(like 1 iron pickaxe, 16 ender pearls or 64 dirt)
  124. # For 2.1.9 behavior use "(depth+inventory)/2"
  125. chance-formula: "depth*inventory"
  126. # Limit maximal and minimal chance of activation. Set `chance-max` 100 to disable
  127. chance-min: 10
  128. chance-max: 90
  129. # Maximal Y where players can sense lack of air
  130. y-max: 42
  131. # Use actionbar instead of chat to show messages
  132. actionbar: true
  133. # Messages when player is feeling lack of air
  134. messages:
  135. - "&4Realmente me falta el aire..."
  136. - "&4Esta muy sofocante aquí abajo."
  137. - "&4¿Quizás debería soltar algunos items?"
  139. # Caves Aging - over time caves will get some vines and rocks
  140. aging:
  141. # List of worlds where aging will be processed
  142. worlds:
  143. - world
  144. # Chance of caves near player will be affected
  145. # Checking every WORLD tick
  146. chance: 50
  147. # Radius of cave aging near player
  148. # In chunks (+1 where the player is)
  149. radius: 3
  150. # Maximal Y where aging will be processed
  151. y-max: 45
  152. # Chance of block will be affected
  153. change-chance: 2.5
  154. # Maximal light level of block (0-15)
  155. # WARNING: Can cause lags if > 0. This option checks every horizontal side of block to check if there's some light
  156. max-light-level: 0
  157. # Vanilla ticks between chunk changes. Larger value - better performance, but slower process
  158. # Large values(60+) are not recommended
  159. schedule-timer: 4
  160. # Force chunk loading if chunk was unloaded during scheduled aging. Disable if it's too intensive for your server
  161. force-load: false
  162. # Maximal percentage of aged blocks per chunk
  163. percentage: 70
  164. # List of materials that are affected by aging
  165. replace-blocks:
  166. - STONE
  167. - ANDESITE
  170. # What to do with replace-blocks?
  171. age-types:
  172. vines: true
  173. rocks: true
  174. mushrooms: true
  175. replace: true
  176. # Replace torch on caves aging. Not affected by `change-chance`
  177. torch-remove-chance: 40
  178. # List of coordinates of chunks that should be ignored
  179. # To get chunk coordinates just divide your coordinates by 16 and ignore remainder(or use command)
  180. # "-1,-1" variant is allowed(just one chunk)
  181. # Worlds are case-sensitive!
  182. skip-chunks:
  183. # world:
  184. # - "-1,-1 1,1"
  185. # - "10,24"
  186. # second_world:
  187. # - "0,0"
  189. #
  190. # Generator-related things
  191. #
  192. generator:
  194. # Force Dangerous Caves' generator to wait for other plugins (other generators)
  195. wait-other: false
  197. # Chance of custom structure generations in chunk
  198. chance: 5
  200. # Maximal amount of tries to find empty space for generation
  201. max-tries: 3
  203. # Worlds where generator will work
  204. worlds:
  205. - world
  207. # Items in generated chests
  208. chest-items:
  209. - OAK_PLANKS
  210. - TORCH
  211. - COBWEB
  212. - BONE
  213. - STICK
  214. - OAK_LOG
  218. - OAK_SAPLING
  219. - COAL
  220. - BEEF
  221. - APPLE
  222. - CHICKEN
  223. - WHITE_WOOL
  224. - BREAD
  225. - DIRT
  226. - CARROT
  227. - COOKIE
  228. - WOODEN_AXE
  229. - STONE_AXE
  230. - PAPER
  231. - SUGAR_CANE
  232. - SUGAR
  233. - TORCH
  234. - DIRT
  236. # List of *default* structures to generate
  237. # Larger priority - larger chance in comparison with others. Set to 0 to disable
  238. # Chance formula - (structure_priority)/(total_priority)
  239. structures:
  240. traps: 0
  241. pillars: 1
  242. boulders: 1
  243. buildings: 1
  245. # Chance of spawning a mimic inside of custom structure with chests
  246. mimic-chance: 10
  248. #
  249. # Mob-related things
  250. #
  251. mobs:
  253. # Chance of spawning custom mob instead of vanilla one
  254. try-chance: 1
  256. # World where mob can spawn(and work as it's intended to work)
  257. worlds:
  258. - world
  260. # Minimal and maximal Y coordinate where custom mobs can spawn
  261. y-min: 4
  262. y-max: 35
  264. # (Paper only) Use PreCreatureSpawnEvent when trying to spawn mobs. More performance-friendly, but a bit less accurate
  265. use-prespawn: false
  267. # Block renaming with name-tags
  268. restrict-rename: true
  270. # Only these mobs will be replaced
  271. replace-mobs:
  272. - ZOMBIE
  273. - HUSK
  274. - SKELETON
  275. - STRAY
  276. - CREEPER
  277. - SPIDER
  278. - WITCH
  279. - ENDERMAN
  281. # Add metadata "DangerousCaves" when mob is spawned. Useful for some plugins like SAML.
  282. # Not sure, but can cause memory leak, so disabled by default
  283. add-metadata: false
  285. # List of *default* custom mobs
  286. # To disable names just live it blank, like
  287. # name: ""
  288. # Larger priority - larger chance in comparison with others. Set to 0 to disable
  289. # Chance formula - (mob_priority)/(total_priority)
  291. # Alpha Spider
  292. # Spawns cave-spiders as minions and covers player in cobweb
  293. alpha-spider:
  294. priority: 9
  295. health: 30
  296. name: "&4Araña Alfa"
  297. # When spider is damaged
  298. cobweb-chance: 14.29
  299. # When spider is damaged
  300. minion-chance: 6.67
  302. # Crying Bat
  303. # Just screams and eventually dies
  304. crying-bat:
  305. priority: 9
  306. name: "&4Murcielago"
  307. # Every ENTITY tick
  308. cry-chance: 3.33
  309. # Every ENTITY tick if cry was successful
  310. death-chance: 20
  312. # Dead Miner
  313. # Placing torches when it's too dark and drops some items when damaged
  314. dead-miner:
  315. priority: 10
  316. name: "&4Minero Muerto"
  317. health: 22
  318. # Get your custom head here
  319. # Just copy a "Value" (with =)
  320. head-value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzE5MzdiY2Q1YmVlYWEzNDI0NDkxM2YyNzc1MDVlMjlkMmU2ZmIzNWYyZTIzY2E0YWZhMmI2NzY4ZTM5OGQ3MyJ9fX0="
  321. # Place torches when it's too dark?
  322. place-torches: true
  323. # Place redstone torches instead of normal?
  324. red-torches: false
  325. # Don't place torches if Dead Miner has player as a target
  326. without-target: true
  327. # Cooldown in seconds between torches placing. Useful for preventing torch farms. Set to 0 to disable
  328. torches-cooldown: 12
  329. # When Dead Miner is damaged
  330. drop-chance: 30
  331. # Materials list
  332. drop-items:
  334. - DIRT
  335. - COAL
  336. - TORCH
  338. # Hexed Armor
  339. # When attacks gives player all its armor
  340. hexed-armor:
  341. priority: 0
  342. name: "&4Armadura Hexed"
  343. health: 20
  344. # Add binding curse to armor
  345. binding-curse: true
  346. # When player is attacked
  347. apply-chance: 25
  349. # Hungering Darkness
  350. # Spawns in the dark and kills player if there's no light
  351. hungering-darkness:
  352. priority: 0
  353. name: ""
  354. # Kill the entity on light?
  355. remove-on-light: true
  356. # Is night vision effect considered as light?
  357. night-vision: true
  358. # When player is attacked
  359. damage: 0
  361. # Lava Creeper
  362. # When blows up creates a crater with magma, obsidian and lava
  363. lava-creeper:
  364. priority: 0
  365. name: "&4Creeper Lava"
  366. health: 20
  367. # When Lava Creeper is damaged. In ticks
  368. fire-touch: 10
  369. # Radius in blocks
  370. radius: 4
  371. # Chance that the block will be changed
  372. change-chance: 50
  373. block-chances:
  374. fire: 33.33
  375. magma_block: 25
  376. obsidian: 20
  377. lava: 16.67
  379. # Magma Monster
  380. # Leaves a trail of magma on its way
  381. magma-monster:
  382. priority: 0
  383. name: "&4Monstruo de Magma"
  384. health: 20
  385. # If monster is extinguished it will receive damage
  386. extinguished-damage: false
  387. # Placing fire. Every ENTITY tick
  388. fire-chance: 7.14
  389. # Placing magma-blocks. Every ENTITY tick
  390. magma-chance: 3.57
  392. # Smoke Demon
  393. # Creates a smoke and gives wither effect
  394. smoke-demon:
  395. priority: 7
  396. name: ""
  397. health: 20
  398. # Radius in blocks
  399. harm-radius: 3
  401. # TNT Creeper
  402. # Spawns additional TNT when explodes and creates small explosion when damaged
  403. tnt-creeper:
  404. priority: 0
  405. name: "&4Creeper TNT"
  406. health: 20
  407. # Amount of TNT to spawn after explosion
  408. tnt-amount: 2
  409. # When TNT Creeper is damaged
  410. explosion-chance: 33.33
  412. # Watcher
  413. # Just jumpscares a player
  414. watcher:
  415. priority: 7
  416. name: "&4Vigilante"
  417. health: 20
  418. # Get your custom head here
  419. # Just copy a "Value" (with =)
  420. head-value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDI5MzhmMjQxZDc0NDMzZjcyZjVjMzljYjgzYThlNWZmN2UxNzdiYTdjYjQyODY5ZGI2NGUzMDc5MTAyYmZjNSJ9fX0="
  422. # Mimic
  423. # Becomes a chest when it has no target
  424. mimic:
  425. priority: 0
  426. name: "&4Mimo"
  427. health: 30
  428. # List of dropped materials after death
  429. drop-items:
  430. - BOOK
  431. - SADDLE
  432. - OAK_PLANKS
  433. - TORCH
  434. - COAL
  436. - COBWEB
  438. # Cave Golem
  439. # Has strong attack, can be damaged only with pickaxe, drops its head on death
  440. cave-golem:
  441. priority: 0
  442. health: 35
  443. name: "&4Golem de Cueva"
  444. # Give Cave Golem slowness effect
  445. slowness: true
  446. # When Cave Golem is attacking give its victim slowness, nausea and blindness effects
  447. distract-attack: true
  448. # Damage multiplier when Cave Golem is attacking
  449. damage-modifier: 2.0
  450. # Damage multiplier when player is attacking Cave Golem without pickaxe
  451. nonpickaxe-modifier: 0.07
  452. # These blocks will be on Cave Golem's head and will be dropped after death
  453. variants:
  454. - COAL_ORE
  455. - IRON_ORE
  456. - GOLD_ORE
  457. - LAPIS_ORE
  458. - DIAMOND_ORE
  459. - EMERALD_ORE
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