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Dec 13th, 2020
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  1. Embrace
  2. Key points.
  3. * BWL shoots up your whole team and they can't do anything about it because the bullets are masked by invisibility and illusions and Ame's team tends to block bullets which sucks vs BWL's S tier bullets
  5. * Nightwing is extremely strong and agile and beats up your team while stealthing,
  7. * Mysterio uses illusions to distract your team and turn themselves against themselves such that BWL don't even need to do anything.
  9. __________________
  11. Embrace starts pretty strong. She demonstrates that BWL is tough, fast and hits like a truck while also showing what Ame's in-character responses are. She does a good job doing the same with NW and showcases why Mysterio is an asset to her own team. She also provides a plethora of anti-feats which I am not certain is the best strategy to use against Ame of all people but time will tell if this works out. If there is a mistake I'd seen point out, I would like to see more reasoning why she thinks Azrael being mentally unstable effects the way he fights rather than treating it like a universal axiom which isn't neccessarily true.
  13. Ame
  14. Keypoints
  15. * Some stat establishment of why his dudes are good.
  16. * Some context provided about Batman vs BWL
  17. * Some other in-setting interactions
  18. * Context shed to some of Embrace's claims.
  19. _____
  21. This is where Embrace begins to slip. Ame demonstrates substantially more knowledge about the subject matter, showing why Embrace's anti-feats don't actually stack up and how they don't "work" as anti-feats. Furthermore, Ame also demonstrates why HIS dudes are stronger and in the meantime, pulls an uno-reverse hard on Embrace by pointing out that one of her key win conditions (BWL using his gun) doesn't actually work the way she argued it does. That said, we still have one more set of responses. So, let's get to the next round.
  23. Embrace
  24. Key points
  25. * Ame is being too much of a hardass about the gun's design. Most likely its appeared more than once and that the intent behind it is that BWL's gun > Batman's defense
  26. * BWL is still better than Batman and can still hurt/kill his team.
  27. * Ame's physicals scaling sucks
  28. * Batman wouldn't use most of his esoterics in a random encounter
  29. * The nightwing scaling is no longer true due to time
  30. * Mysterio's illusions still work and his physicals don't suck.
  31. * Ame's team bad
  33. ___
  35. While I think Embrace's points are fine for the most part, there is some issues. Why exactly do Luthercorps bullets matter? Some of the points Ame raises like the I-beam thing only go half-contested when Embrace only targets the lower bounds of Batman's durability. A thing which I think is best for situations like this is that if you can't meaningfully refute something, its better to ignore that point and hope the judge's miss it or do "yes but..." and run around the point entirely.
  37. Ame
  38. Key points
  39. * BWL not fast + not in-character for him to dodge anyways
  40. * Embrace's guns are still illegal.
  41. * Batman was using weaker armor anyways.
  42. * Batman wouldn't hold back and to date, has not fought BWL in full power
  43. * Older feats =/= Worse with NW
  44. * Mysterio doing a smoke screen is self-sabotaging
  45. * Embrace still hasn't provided a reason why Azrael's sanity is a debuff.
  47. Alright. I think with that said and done, I've used a slightly different method of judging. I think overall, I am convinced by Ame that A) BWL's guns don't work and he is inferior or at best, merely on par with Batman at the absolute worst. While I think he's far from useless, and Nightwing being generally just a good pick, Ame has at least convinced me that Batman is solid, and that Azrael is a good pick. What ultimately drags Embrace down is Mysterio, and one of the biggest selling points that were given was that he'd flood the arena with mist but there's no evidence suggesting that's a good idea to begin with.
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