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Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. [center]IC PART[/center]
  2. [u]CHARACTER 1:[/u]
  4. [b]Name:[/b] Linnea Flowers
  5. [b]Age:[/b] 17
  6. [b]Alignment/affiliations:[/b] Chaotic good
  8. [b]Occupation:[/b] Student; St. Mungo's intern
  9. [b]Traits, creatures, abilities, artefacts, advanced knowledge etc they have:[/b] Cerberus, vampirism, advanced transfiguration
  11. [b]Brief character description:[/b] Linnea is a seventeen-year-old Gryffindor prefect who is currently infected with vampirism. Abandoned by her birth parents at a young age, she grew into a maternal role over her twin sister, Leilani. She was eventually adopted by Amarylis -- and after Amarylis' arrest -- Madelyn and Saffron. In her youth, she suffered from several Werewolf attacks, many of which have permanently scarred her both physically and mentally. She has grown to be particularly distrustful of her family, bar few, and because of that has become exceedingly secretive. She lies very easily, even when she doesn't have to. Saffron's stint with the DftRaCoMC has left her wondering who she can trust, which is why she has undertaken tutelage from Shinji.
  13. [b]What is their motivation for learning L+O?[/b] Linnea is currently receiving Occlumency lessons from her uncle Shinji Miser, so it would make sense for her to segway into learning Legilimency. I've always RPed her being very secretive and lying quite a bit, especially to her family. Growing up with so many relatives (especially so many in the same year) made her value any sense of privacy she could get, and so learning Legilimency would give her an extra sense of security. Although a more dependent reason, Linnea is aware that her adoptive mother Saffron knows Legilimency and Occlumency, and she is currently hiding her vampirism from her. Knowing she has that extra secret blanket to protect her if she is manipulated will give her a boost of confidence.
  15. [b]How would they acquire the ability?[/b] Shinji would most likely continue their regular lessons in Occlumency and eventually lead into Legilimency. He also gave her a series of books to read, in which she'd do quite a bit of practicing on people such as Sol and Percy (her closest friends). I would progress her skill extremely slow, because she is still young.
  17. [b]How would they use L+O?[/b] Currently, Linnea would use it to keep her vampirism a secret. Only about five people are aware of it, and it's by far her deepest secret -- one of which is associated with a lot of shame and insecurity. In the future, she'd use it to assist with her law enforcement career, whether during interrogations or off-the-books practices. In terms of family life, Legilimency and Occlumency to some degree is rather common and therefore learning the ability would make sense not simply because of her defensive nature but because of her orientation towards family.
  19. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [center]OOC PART[/center]
  22. [b]Habbo Name:[/b] eyestrain
  23. [b]Forum name:[/b] eyestrain
  24. [b]Old Habbo Names (if any):[/b] None of note
  25. [b]When did you join `H`:[/b] December 2012
  26. [b]Time zone/when you usually rp:[/b] Varies; usually late EST/early GMT
  28. [b]Positions you currently hold:[/b] Gryffindor prefect
  29. [b]All traits and animagus and creatures (including grandfathered), abilities, artefacts, as well as advanced knowledge you currently hold:[/b] Grandfathered vampire, advanced transfiguration, Cerberus
  31. [b]Describe your general activity:[/b] Fluctuates based on what seasonal extracurriculars I'm doing -- mid-fall and early spring are usually my points of weak activity. Other than that, I'd consider myself decently active. I log on to Habbo 5-7 days a week and the forums daily.
  33. [b]Have you applied for L+O in the past? If so, how often (approximately)?[/b] Four times; three times consecutively
  34. [b]Have you held L+O in the past? If yes, describe when/for how long/how it went/why not anymore.[/b] No
  36. [b]Why should I pick you?[/b] I'm active, I'm dedicated, I'm willing to learn -- but I think, most importantly, that I've focused on the feedback given to me on my previous application and worked on each point.
  38. [indent][i]Too many characters / scattered focus[/i] Since my last application, I've refined my characters considerably. Linnea is now my main character and primary focus, with Jade and Gaia being peripheral characters. I'm dedicated to progressing Linnea solely, which is why she has all my perks.
  40. [indent][i]Exclusivity / cliqueishness[/i] Every since I became prefect and joined the Heralds progression, I think I've branched out massively in my roleplay. Being a prefect means I'm essentially required to RP with the entirety of the house (which I try and do!), and since the Heralds progression consists of about 30-40 active members, I've made some new friends along the way of RP!
  42. [indent][i]Ability not making sense for character(s)[/i] I agree with this criticism at the time of my last application. Since, though, Linnea has grown and developed leaps and bounds (past what my brief character description says... I'm bad at describing things ok) and I thought her learning Occlumency would enable a good, realistic segway into Legilimens.
  44. [b]Anything else you wish to mention and/or that I should know?[/b]
  46. [spoiler=click][img][/img]
  48. how r these cats doing i miss them[/spoiler]
  50. [b]BONUS: Your favourite Harry Potter quote:[/b]
  52. "Are you planning to follow a career in Magical Law, Miss Granger?" asked Scrimgeour.
  54. "No, I'm not," retorted Hermione. "I'm hoping to do some good in the world!"
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