
Let Me Fucking Post Holy Shit

Oct 11th, 2017
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  1. “Yeah I’m not touching that with a spear.”
  3. You say to yourself as you wonder what’s behind the scary door.
  5. “But I can’t just leave it here.”
  7. You place your hand on the handle, then pull away. Then place your hand on the handle, then pull away. What if the door has something behind it that may kill you in the dream? What if it's a horribly traumatic thing, or a repressed memory from your childhood? You think and wonder for a moment. The door fills you with a sense of dread, you’re not very good with the spiritual dreamy nonsense yet though, but that’s the feeling.
  9. “My lady?”
  11. A voice, whispered into your ear with the embrace of a thousand others rattles your very soul. You can feel it deep within your bones. It's always like this when your patron speaks to you, your skin feels like it has a mind of its own. Your mark flares to life, living ink nearly bursting out of your skin it glows with a violent black-violet glow.
  13. “We’ve talked about this snugglebuns. Call me honey, dear or lovely. You don’t have to refer to me officially when we’re not in court.”
  15. Immediately, her arms wrap around our shoulders from behind as she materializes. Her head rests on her left arm, leaning against your face. Her horns made of the whitest ivory wrap around her head in complicated swirls and designs, each is icy cold to the touch like a crown. Each hand of hers wears a decorative gauntlet made of silver, it is a latticework that has many different segments, matching each bone in the hand and the segments are held together using silver chains. The finger joints form long metallic claws, sharpened to the thinnest razor’s edge. They are weapons, and jewelry. You can’t quite see her full form from this angle, but you know she enjoys wearing the latticework silver, a comfortable corset design with see through cloth attachments. The cloth is a ghostly red-purple-black, they change colour depending on the angle. The cloth flows as if was in water, almost as if it does not exist in this world.
  17. Many somethings trail along the ground, small and snake like in proportion. You come to realise that these are all tails, more than a hundred all consuming the ground around you. Quite a few wrap around your legs, assuring that you’re in your patron’s embrace. They tighten, but not uncomfortably, you feel immobilized.
  19. “Of course honeybuns.”
  20. She lightly boops you on the nose with the tip of a claw, surprisingly not cutting you.
  22. “Now what do we have here?”
  23. Her disembodied voice merely floats along the endless abyss you find yourself in.
  24. “I’m not sure. I fell asleep, decided to just sleep then this door appeared out of nowhere. I’m just deciding if I want to go in or not.”
  26. She eagerly whispers into your ear.
  27. “No need, I’ll take a look.”
  29. A shadowy creature, formless with great red eyes slowly rises from the shadows beside you.
  30. “Minion, obey.”
  32. It leaps back, shivers as if it is undergoing a seizure, then normalizes slowly walking toward the door. It opens and closes behind it. It feels like hours, but in reality it was mere minutes when the creature came back.
  34. “Chain up the door.”
  35. The creature, with several locks in hand that fit the chains, closes and locks the door.
  37. “What’s in there?”
  38. “No need to bother yourself with that. It's a manifestation of your trauma, the dragon sickness. It simply got a little loose. This will contain it.”
  39. “I- I see. So my going in there would have…”
  40. “Given you the worst experience imaginable, one where for the rest of the night your flesh would have been seared from your bones by its cursed flame.”
  42. “Y-yes.”
  43. Suddenly, you sink into the ground as The Lady pulls you backward. You fall back, feeling her embrace yet you still fall through endless space. Then you land on a bed, comfortable, soft. Its sheets made and embroidered with gold and silver silk. The Lady’s tails coil around you, as you feel the smooth sensation of scales. A massive form constricts around your body as the tails bind your limbs. A massive snake tail, emerging from the body of The Lady replacing her legs coils tightly. The very tip of the tail throws the massive and heavy sheets into the air and the heavy covers land comfortably just over the height of your chin. Her body slides comfortably into the length of her own tail, she can now wrap around herself and you at the same time, making you literally inseparable.
  45. “That was…”
  46. “Shhh.”
  47. Her rope like smaller tails tighten around your limbs. She pulls your head into her cleavage. Her body is warm to the touch.
  48. “I-.”
  49. “I insist you sleep next to me tonight. Not buts.”
  51. As if to emphasise, she tightens her whole body around you, comfortably it eases the soreness of your limbs.
  52. “You are about to begin something that cannot be undone. This necromancer is a stepping stone to our goals. When she falls, you will be there as the only one with access to her laboratory. Find her notes, she has located something we need. When you find it, i’ll know.”
  54. “What is i…”
  56. She giggles and she pulls you using her human arms down more, nearly smothering you. It's not that she has large breasts, no actually they are slightly below average, it's how she does it. She know the best way to stifle your question.
  58. “The Ever Waking Eye.”
  59. “W- Murphh.”
  60. “Using it will bridge the gap between the realm of dreams and the physical world. It is an object of my creation, it ignores the first law of magic. Or rather, it skirts it. It will bring anything into physical form so long as its image exists solidly in the world of dreams. It can allow something far more powerful to be conjured into being for nothing. With it, I will be able to enter your world once again. We can then be together, we can form a kingdom, a home for my subjects.”
  62. She kisses you on the forehead, then blows lightly on your face. You can see a glimmering dust form from her steamy breath, you suddenly lose all will to stay awake.
  64. You awake relaxed and refreshed.
  66. Beside your bed, and the only person in the room is Mel, patiently waiting. The short woman sits on a wooden chair, with a large notebook in hand and a quill.
  68. “Good morning. You’re a charmer.”
  69. She takes strange pauses in her speech.
  70. “They did not… want to leave.”
  72. “What is the problem?”
  73. She winks. Then sighs. She flips through the large notebook, then turns it over to you.
  75. You, in confusion, raise an eyebrow.
  76. “What is this?”
  77. “A human skeleton.”
  79. Then she flips the page up and over to the next. It's very similar to the first drawing, however it is… warped. It has two ribcages, as well as a tertiary ribcage on the lower sections of the spine labeled as being made of “cartilage”. The arteries seem to have been reinforced with thin bone coverings unlying the muscle, the skull is labeled to have a cartilage interior, labeled as shock absorbent.
  81. “What is that?”
  82. “Your skeleton. What did this. Do you know?”
  84. >What do you do?
  85. >Do you mention the ring?
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