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Oct 16th, 2012
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  1. function Remotes_Menu(){
  2. while true
  3. do
  4. remotechoice=""
  5. dialog --clear --cancel-label "Go Back" --backtitle "XBMC LIVE SETUP FOR $CUR_KER Ver: $VERSION" \
  6. --colors --title "\Z4[ REMOTE CONTROLLER SETUP ]\Zn" \
  7. --menu "\n You can use the \Z1UP\Zn/\Z1DOWN\Zn arrow keys,\n the No. of the choice as a hot key,\n to choose an option.\n\n Please choose an item:" 16 50 5 \
  8. 1 "ASRock 330HT/BD Remote" \
  9. 2 "Windows Media Center Remote" \
  10. 3 "Sony BT Remote" \
  11. 4 "XBOX Remote" 2>/tmp/xci/remotesmenu
  13. case $? in
  14. 0)
  15. remotesmenuitem=$(</tmp/xci/remotesmenu)
  16. case $remotesmenuitem in
  17. 1) remotechoice=asrockremote;;
  18. 2) remotechoice=MSMCremote;;
  19. 3) remotechoice=sonyremote;;
  20. 4) remotechoice=xboxremote;;
  22. esac;;
  23. 1)
  24. Hardware_Menu; break;;
  25. 255)
  26. Hardware_Menu; break;;
  27. esac
  29. # Fix remote compatibility with kernels greater than 2.6.31-20
  30. if [ "$remotechoice" = "asrockremote" -a "$(dmidecode -t 2 | grep -i "Product Name:" | awk '{print $3}')" != "FMCP7A-ION" ]; then
  31. if [ "$CUR_OS" = "karmic" ]; then
  32. cd ~/setup
  33. dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INFORMATION ]\Zn" --msgbox "\nYour system is running Kernel\Z1 "$(uname -r)"\Zn. \n\Z1DKMS\Zn will build \Z4Asrock 330 HT remote & receiver\Zn\nautomatically after any kernel upgrade.\n\nPress \Z1OK\Zn to continue...\n " 11 54
  34. echo "0" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ FIXING DRIVER COMPATIBILITY ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  35. service xbmc-live stop >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  36. aptitude purge ~nlirc -y >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  37. debconf-set-selections lirc_none.seed >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  38. echo "5" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ FIXING DRIVER COMPATIBILITY ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  39. aptitude install lirc-modules-source -y -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  40. cd $HOME/setup/ >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  41. aptitude install linux-source -y -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  42. echo "10" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ FIXING DRIVER COMPATIBILITY ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  43. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  44. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  45. echo "15" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ FIXING DRIVER COMPATIBILITY ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  46. echo "20" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ FIXING DRIVER COMPATIBILITY ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  47. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  48. unzip -o "" >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  49. echo "40" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ DKMS DRIVER PREPARATION ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  50. dpkg -i lirc-nct677x-src-1.0.4-ubuntu9.10.deb >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  51. echo "60" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ DKMS DRIVER PREPARATION ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  52. dkms add -m lirc-nct677x-src -v 1.0.4-ubuntu9.10 >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  53. echo "70" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ DKMS DRIVER PREPARATION ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  54. dkms build -m lirc-nct677x-src -v 1.0.4-ubuntu9.10 >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  55. echo "80" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ DKMS DRIVER PREPARATION ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  56. dkms install -m lirc-nct677x-src -v 1.0.4-ubuntu9.10 >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  57. echo "95" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ BUILDING DRIVER ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  58. debconf-set-selections lirc_none.seed >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  59. debconf-set-selections lirc_asrock.seed >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  60. aptitude install lirc -y -q2 >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  61. echo "99" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ BUILDING DRIVER ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  62. # debconf-set-selections lirc_none.seed >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  63. # debconf-set-selections lirc_asrock.seed >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  64. if [ "$OSBIT" = "i686" ]; then
  65. DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg -i lirc-nct677x-1.0.4-ubuntu9.10.deb >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  66. elif [ "$OSBIT" = "x86_64" ]; then
  67. DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg -i lirc-nct677x-x64-1.0.4-ubuntu9.10.deb >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  68. fi
  69. echo "100" | dialog --sleep 3 --colors --title "\Z1[ CLEANING UP ]\Zn" --gauge " Finished..." 6 70
  70. dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INFORMATION ]\Zn" --msgbox "\nCompatibility has been restored, your HTPC will now reboot, once it has fully restarted, if remote doesnt work, please reinstall the remote drivers again." 10 50
  71. chmod 744 /usr/share/lirc/remotes/lirc_wb677
  72. rm -f ~/setup/lirc_none.seed* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  73. rm -f ~/setup/lirc_asrock.seed* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  74. rm -f ~/setup/* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  75. rm -f ~/setup/lirc-nct677x* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  76. rm -f ~/setup/readme.pdf >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  77. reboot >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  78. exit 1 >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  79. fi
  80. dialog --colors --title "\Z4[ CUSTOM KEYMAP SETUP ]" --yesno "\n Would you like to install custom remote keymaps?" 7 55
  81. case $? in
  82. 0)
  83. dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING CUSTOM REMOTE KEYMAPS ]\Zn" --infobox " Please Wait..." 3 45
  84. rm -f /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/Lircmap.xml; rm -f /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml
  85. cd /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata ; wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  86. cd /home/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps ; wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  87. chown -R xbmc:xbmc /home/xbmc >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log ;;
  88. 1)
  89. ;;
  90. 255)
  91. ;;
  92. esac
  94. # MCE system remote configuration
  95. elif [ "$remotechoice" = "MSMCremote" ]; then
  96. dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ IMPORTANT INFORMATION ]\Zn" --msgbox "\nIf your using the \Z1ASUS AT3N7A-I\Zn motherboard, Please plug your \Z1USB IR Dongle\Zn in \Z4TOP USB port\Zn on the back of your Motherboard, or the Remote will not be able to wake up your system! " 11 50
  97. echo "0" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  98. cd ~/setup
  99. service xbmc-live stop >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  100. echo "5" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  101. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  102. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  103. echo "7" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  104. debconf-set-selections lirc_none.seed
  105. aptitude purge ~nlirc -y -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  106. echo "15" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  107. debconf-set-selections lirc_mce.seed
  108. echo "30" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  109. aptitude install lirc -y -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  110. echo "95" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  111. # cp ~/setup/ /etc/pm/sleep.d/
  112. # cp ~/setup/01lirc_module /etc/pm/config.d/01lirc_module
  113. # chmod 755 /etc/pm/sleep.d/
  114. # chmod 755 /etc/pm/config.d/01lirc_module
  115. # cp custom-actions.pkla /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/custom-actions.pkla
  116. # Enable remote wakeup
  117. # sed -i 's/xbmc=autostart,nodiskmount,setvolume loglevel=0/xbmc=autostart,nodiskmount,setvolume loglevel=0,usbcore.autosuspend=-1/g' /boot/grub/menu.lst
  118. echo USB0> /proc/acpi/wakeup
  119. # echo USB2> /proc/acpi/wakeup
  120. sed -i '14i\echo USB0> /proc/acpi/wakeup' /etc/rc.local
  121. # sed -i '15i\echo USB2> /proc/acpi/wakeup' /etc/rc.local
  122. sed -i '16i\echo "rc.local has completed sucessfully." >> /tmp/resume.log' /etc/rc.local
  123. rm -f ~/setup/lirc_mce.seed* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  124. rm -f ~/setup/lirc_none.seed* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  125. # PS3 system remote configuration
  126. elif [ "$remotechoice" = "sonyremote" ]; then
  127. cd ~/setup
  128. echo "0" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING PS3 REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  129. add-apt-repository ppa:kitlaan/ppa >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  130. echo "20" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING PS3 REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  131. aptitude install bluez -y >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  132. echo "25" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING PS3 REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  133. aptitude install python-dbus -y >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  134. echo "30" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING PS3 REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  135. aptitude install python-gobject -y >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  136. modprobe uinput
  137. echo uinput >> /etc/modules
  138. echo "75" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING PS3 REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  139. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  140. tar -xzvf ps3_pair.tar.gz >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  141. echo "80" | dialog --sleep 1 --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING PS3 REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  142. dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INFORMATION ]\Zn" --infobox "\n \Z1Hold\Zn the \Z1ENTER\Zn and \Z4START\Zn key on remote while scan is in progress." 6 50
  143. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  144. python <ps3-input >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  145. if [ "$(python --list | grep "mote" | awk {'print $1'})" = "" ]; then
  146. while [ "$(python --list | grep 'mote' | awk {'print $1'})" = "" ]; do
  147. dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INFORMATION ]\Zn" --infobox "\nNo Sony BD Remote Found, trying again \Z1Hold\Zn the \Z1ENTER\Zn and \Z4START\Zn key on remote while scan is in progress." 6 50
  148. python <ps3-input >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  149. done
  150. fi
  151. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  152. echo "[$(python --list | grep "mote" | awk {'print $1'})]" >> /etc/bluetooth/input.conf
  153. cat ps3remote.config >> /etc/bluetooth/input.conf
  154. rm -f ~/setup/ps3-input* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  155. rm -f ~/setup/ps3_pair.tar.gz* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  156. rm -f ~/setup/ps3remote.config* >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  157. dialog --sleep 2 --colors --title "\Z1[ PS3 REMOTE INSTALLED ]\Zn" --infobox "\nSony BD Remote Found!" 5 30
  158. # xbox system remote configuration
  159. elif [ "$remotechoice" = "xboxremote" ]; then
  160. cd ~/setup
  161. echo "0" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING XBOX REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  162. service xbmc-live stop >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  163. echo "20" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING XBOX REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  164. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  165. echo "40" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  166. debconf-set-selections lirc_none.seed >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  167. aptitude purge ~nlirc -y -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  168. echo "60" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  169. debconf-set-selections lirc_none.seed >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  170. aptitude install lirc -y -q2 >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  171. rm -f ~/setup/lirc_none.seed >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  172. echo "80" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING SYSTEM REMOTE ]\Zn" --gauge " Please Wait..." 6 70
  173. echo "# LIRCD configuration file for Xbox DVD Kit" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  174. echo "# brand: Microsoft" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  175. echo "# model: Xbox DVD Remote" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  176. echo "# supported devices: Xbox DVD Remote via xpad-ir driver" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  177. echo >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  178. echo "begin remote" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  179. echo >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  180. echo "name XboxDVDDongle" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  181. echo "bits 8" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  182. echo >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  183. echo "begin codes" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  184. echo >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  185. echo "SELECT 0x0b" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  186. echo "UP 0xa6" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  187. echo "DOWN 0xa7" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  188. echo "RIGHT 0xa8" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  189. echo "LEFT 0xa9" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  190. echo "INFO 0xc3" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  191. echo >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  192. echo "9 0xc6" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  193. echo "8 0xc7" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  194. echo "7 0xc8" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  195. echo "6 0xc9" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  196. echo "5 0xca" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  197. echo "4 0xcb" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  198. echo "3 0xcc" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  199. echo "2 0xcd" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  200. echo "1 0xce" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  201. echo "0 0xcf" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  202. echo >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  203. echo "DISPLAY 0xd5" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  204. echo "BACK 0xd8" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  205. echo "SKIP- 0xdd" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  206. echo "SKIP+ 0xdf" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  207. echo "STOP 0xe0" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  208. echo "REVERSE 0xe2" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  209. echo "FORWARD 0xe3" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  210. echo "TITLE 0xe5" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  211. echo "PAUSE 0xe6" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  212. echo "PLAY 0xea" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  213. echo "MENU 0xf7" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  214. echo >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  215. echo "end codes" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  216. echo >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  217. echo "end remote" >> /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
  218. fi
  219. echo "100" | dialog --sleep 3 --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLATION FINISHED ]\Zn" --gauge " XBMC will now restart..." 6 70
  220. service xbmc-live start >> ~/setup/logs/xci-remote.log
  221. done
  222. }
  223. [/code]
  225. Even the PS3 remote and old XBOX + the goodies fro the internal CIR you hate and Im too cheap to hate ;P have a gander...
  227. This part is bluethoot setup and more
  229. [code]unction Bluetooth_Setup(){
  230. while true
  231. do
  232. bluetoothinstallchoice=""
  233. dialog --clear --cancel-label "Go Back" --backtitle "XBMC LIVE SETUP FOR $CUR_KER Ver: $VERSION" \
  234. --colors --title "\Z4[ CHOOSE BLUETHOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" \
  235. --menu "\n You can use the \Z1UP\Zn/\Z1DOWN\Zn arrow keys,\n the No. of the choice as a hot key,\n to choose an option.\n\n Please choose an item:" 15 50 1 \
  236. 1 "AT3N7A-I Onboard Dongle" 2>/tmp/xci/bluetoothmenu
  237. # 2 "add function" \
  238. # 3 "add function" 2>/tmp/xci/bluetoothmenu
  240. case $? in
  241. 0)
  242. bluetoothinstallmenuitem=$(</tmp/xci/bluetoothmenu)
  243. case $bluetoothinstallmenuitem in
  244. 1) bluetoothinstallchoice="AT3N7A-I";;
  245. # 2) bluetoothinstallchoice="dongle b";;
  246. # 3) bluetoothinstallchoice="dongle c";;
  247. esac;;
  248. 1)
  249. Hardware_Menu; break;;
  250. 255)
  251. Hardware_Menu; break;;
  252. esac
  254. if [ "$bluetoothinstallchoice" = "AT3N7A-I" ]; then
  255. echo "0" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING BLUETOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" --gauge " INSTALLING REQUIRED TOOLS! Please wait..." 6 70 0
  256. cd ~/setup
  257. aptitude install linux-source -y >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  258. echo "30" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING BLUETOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" --gauge " INSTALLING REQUIRED TOOLS! Please wait..." 6 70 0
  259. aptitude install build-essential -y >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  260. echo "40" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING BLUETOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" --gauge " DOWNLOADING REQUIRED FILES! Please wait..." 6 70 0
  261. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  262. echo "50" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING BLUETOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" --gauge " DOWNLOADING REQUIRED FILES! Please wait..." 6 70 0
  263. tar -xjvf ath3k.tar.bz2 >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  264. echo "60" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING BLUETOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" --gauge " DOWNLOADING REQUIRED FILES! Please wait..." 6 70 0
  265. wget -nc -q >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  266. echo "70" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING BLUETOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" --gauge " DOWNLOADING REQUIRED FILES! Please wait..." 6 70 0
  267. mv -f ath3k-1.fw /lib/firmware/ath3k-1.fw >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  268. echo "80" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING BLUETOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" --gauge " COMPILING SYSTEM MODULE! Please wait..." 6 70 0
  269. cd ath3k
  270. make >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  271. echo "90" | dialog --colors --title "\Z1[ INSTALLING BLUETOOTH MODULE ]\Zn" --gauge " COMPILING SYSTEM MODULE! Please wait..." 6 70 0
  272. make install >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  273. if [ ! -e /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.ko ]; then
  274. mv ath3k.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.ko >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  275. fi
  276. depmod -a >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  277. chmod 666 /etc/modules
  278. echo ath3k >> /etc/modules
  279. chmod 644 /etc/modules
  280. modprobe ath3k >> ~/setup/logs/xci-bluetooth.log
  281. cd ~/setup
  282. rm -rf ath3k*
  283. echo "100" | dialog --sleep 1 --colors --title "\Z1[ BLUETOOTH MODULE INSTALLED ]\Zn" --gauge " System will reboot in now" 6 70 0
  284. reboot; exit 1
  285. fi
  286. done
  287. }
  288. [/code]
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