
[Verdant] Timeline

Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. The planet you are currently on is known as VERDANT.
  3. The planet functions as a 'seedbank' of sorts in case of intergalactic calamity. Passage to and from this planet is -heavily- restricted, and it is impossible for the average troll to ever arrive on planet. However...A travel order to the VERDANT was issued to ten million trolls several Perigees on the behest of the reigning Grand Highblood. This travel order seemed indiscriminate, and sent lowbloods and highbloods alike to the planet. Exceptional trolls were not the only ones chosen--simple, working class yellows and military violets alike were commanded to go to the VERDANT.
  5. This travel order shifted VERDANT's population to around 50% 'Outsiders' and 50% 'Natives'. You may choose to play either party, or be a Survivor out among the stars. Outsiders are those raised in traditional Alternian values--Natives are those who have lived on the VERDANT their entire life and are accustomed to its ways. Survivors brave the wilds of the now-dead Universe.
  7. Interstellar travel to the far-off planet ate up two perigees of your time. When you arrived, culture shock hit you. You've been on VERDANT for several Perigees now. A virus known only as the TK virus passed through the Empire starting about a wipe after you arrived on-planet. Trollkind, apart from VERDANT's population and a few stragglers on other colony planets, is extinct in its entirety. The virus took a mere three wipes to kill off trollkind. The TK virus is more communicable than the common cold and twenty times as lethal.
  9. Those left on colony planets are the rare few who are immune to the virus--but they don't matter right now. Stuck on VERDANT, a planet that is protected and its existence well-guarded, you have come to realize that the life you know is entirely gone. Together with the strange natives of the VERDANT, you will quite literally determine the future of Trollkind.
  15. A travel order to VERDANT was issued to ten million trolls roughly 11 Perigees ago by The Grand Highblood. These Trolls received notarized documents with his official seal and a standard letter instructing them that they have had their posts reassigned to VERDANT.
  17. Interstellar travel to the far-off planet eats up two Perigees of time. Characters had been on VERDANT for roughly one Perigee when calamity finally struck. A virus known only as the TK virus began passing through the Empire starting about a Wipe after the Travellers arrived on-planet. The virus had taken roughly three Wipes to kill off the entire troll population separate from those on Verdant.
  19. The Grand Highblood is presumed deceased due to his presence on Alternia during the Outbreak, unless he is one of very few immune trolls, which is extremely unlikely. Her Imperial Conquera has been decidedly declared Dead and the Throne has passed through two hands since then-- first to a Mutant Tyrian known as 'Emperor Ceteus', and then shortly after to a Violetblood Commurdant known now as His High Monarchy, Highking Siddon. Due to health problems, several months after taking the Throne, Highking Siddon passed it to his charge 'Arella Clemon' now known as Her Empyrean Radiance.
  21. Verdant, despite having turned away Surviving Trolls shortly after the spread of the TK Virus, has opened its Airspace to Survivors who pass a Medicull Exam and are verified as 'Healthy' under His High Monarchy, Highking Siddon's Rule.
  23. If a Survivor of The TK Virus manages to get in contact with Verdant, a Medicull Rescue Team will go to their Coordinates and perform a Bill of Health check before either bringing them back to Verdant or leaving them with a number of survivalist tools and rations in the event of being unfit to return to Verdant.
  25. Currently the planet is occupied by ten million Alternian or colony trolls, and ten million native trolls. The most recent changes to official law have been:
  26. 1. The cessation of the culling of mutant grubs due to the underpopulation problem;
  27. 2. The cessation of Culling for Non-Contributors.
  28. 2. The instatement of 'The Grey Caste' / Updates to the Legal Ramifications of Hemoanons
  29. 3. The forming of 'Court and Council', a Legal Network on Verdant to assist in Intercaste Relations by Highking Siddon.
  31. As of December 2018, it has been Roughly 11 Perigees (1/2 a Sweep) since the TK Virus Extinction.
  33. December 17th 2018,
  34. His High Monarchy, Highking Siddon, has Ceded his throne to Arella Clemon, now known as Her Empyrean Radiance.
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