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Mar 17th, 2018
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  1. size(1300,1300); //Set the sketch size
  2. background(0); //Black Background
  4. rectMode(CENTER); //Changes the rectangle drawing mode so that we have to pick a middle position and a size e.g. (xCentre, yCentre, wdith, height)
  5. noFill(); //Draw stuff with no fill
  8. float squareSize = 0; //setup a variable we will use later for drawing sqaures
  10. //In a loop, draw sqaures at regular intervals on the screen.
  11. //For this example, the window is 1300x1300 and I'm drawing sqaures at even spaces in both directions
  12. //In this 5x5 grid the middle of the squares appear at 130,390,650,910, 1170 pixels in each direction
  13. //Because sqaureSize is just less than 260pixels there is a little gap between the squares
  14. //To be more flexible, these increments and offsets would be a worked out from the size of the sketch but that's not important right now
  16. //This loops makes the basesquareSize smaller for each - then, for every change in square size, we draw all the squares
  17. for(int baseSquareSize=250; baseSquareSize>0; baseSquareSize-=30)
  18. {
  19. //This loop increments [increases] the x position value of the square centre. The escape condition is x<900 which happens on the fifth run around the loop
  20. for(int x=130; x<1500; x+=260)
  21. {
  22. //This loop increments [increases] the y position value of the square centre
  23. for(int y=130; y<1500; y+=260)
  24. {
  25. //At this point, because the y loop is 'inside; the x loop
  26. //we are drawing a sqaure in each position in vertical colums
  27. //The vertical loop - the one we are in here - runs inside the horizontal x loop
  28. //which means sqaures are calculated down and then across
  29. //This is just a point of interest really
  32. stroke(random(255), random(255), random(255)); //sets the stroke value as random between 0-255 for r,g,b channels
  33. strokeWeight(random(2,7)); //sets the width of the line as a random number between 2 and 7, stops it getting too large or too thin
  35. squareSize = baseSquareSize * random(0.75,1.25); //multiplies base square size by a random number between 0.5 and 1.5 meaning that the sqaure will be scaled by a random number for each drawn loop, making it slightly different in size for each iteration
  36. //changing the multiplier here to 1 (i.e. squareSize = baseSqaureSize) means all the sqaures will be of even size and decrement regularly
  38. pushMatrix(); //start keeping track of the transformations we are doing
  39. translate(x,y); //moves the drawing origin by x across and y down so that it is in the middle of the sqaure we want to draw
  40. rotate(random(-PI/2,PI/2)); //apply a random rotation to the origin between +/- 45 degrees
  41. rect(0,0,squareSize,squareSize); //Draw a square of size squareSize at the position the origin (0,0). As we moved the origin to x,y earlier, the middle of the square is at reference point 0,0
  42. popMatrix(); //reset translations before we start again
  43. }//for Y loop
  44. }//for x loop
  45. }//for squareSize loop
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