
SandWands || messages.yml (v.2.1.0)

Aug 4th, 2018
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  1. #
  2. # SandWands messages.yml v2.1.0
  3. #
  4. # Message sent to the player when they type the /sw help command.
  5. # Requires permission:
  6. Help:
  7. - "&7 "
  8. - "&f&lSandWands &7- &emade by &6&lnbdSteve"
  9. - "&7 "
  10. - "&3/sw give <player> <item> <level> <uses> <amount>"
  11. - "&7Give the target player their item with the &d&osandwand&7 enchantment."
  12. - "&7The player must be online and the level must be between 1-5."
  13. - "&7The <item> must be a valid &e&lMINECRAFT&r &7material, e.g. &fdiamond_hoe&7."
  14. - "&7The number of uses must be greater than 1."
  15. - "&7Specify an amount that is 1 or greater, if you put no amount it will not give you an item."
  16. - "&7Requires premission node: &fsandwand.give"  
  17. - "&7 "
  18. - "&3/sw reload"
  19. - "&7Reload the config.yml file."
  20. - "&7Requires premission node: &fsandwand.reload"
  21. - "&7 "
  22. #
  24. #
  25. # Message sent to the player when they type the /sw reload command.
  26. # Requires permission: sandwand.reload
  27. Reload:
  28. - "&7 "
  29. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  30. - "&a&lSUCCESS!&7 You just reloaded all of the configuration files."
  31. - "&7 "
  32. #
  34. #
  35. # Message sent to the player when they purchase a tool from the GUI menu.
  36. # Requires permission: sandwand.gui to view the GUI.
  37. Purchase:
  38. - "&7 "
  39. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  40. - "&a&lSUCCESS!&7 Your new tool has been added to your inventory! &c$%cost%&7, has been taken from your account."
  41. - "&7 "
  42. #
  44. #
  45. # Message sent to the player when they open the GUI with /sw.
  46. # Requires permission: sandwand.gui to view the GUI.
  47. OpenGUI:
  48. - "&7 "
  49. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  50. - "&7Searching the universe for the &bSandWands&7 merchant..."
  51. - "&7 "
  52. #
  54. #
  55. # Message sent to the player when they type an invalid command.
  56. # No permission required.
  57. InvalidCommand:
  58. - "&7 "
  59. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  60. - "&c&lERROR!&7 The command you entered is &b&lINVALID&7 please see &e/sw help&7 for command help."
  61. - "&7 "
  62. #
  64. #
  65. # Message sent to the player when they type a command and don't have permission.
  66. # No permission required.
  67. NoPermission:
  68. - "&7 "
  69. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  70. - "&c&lERROR!&7 You do not have permission to use that!"
  71. - "&7 "
  72. #
  74. #
  75. # Message sent to the player if they do not have permission to purchase the tool from the GUI.
  76. # No permission required.
  77. NoBuyPermission:
  78. - "&7 "
  79. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  80. - "&c&lERROR!&7 You do not have permission to purchase that SandWand!"
  81. - "&7 "
  82. #
  84. #
  85. # Message sent to the player when they type a command and the player is invalid.
  86. # Command permission required.
  87. InvalidPlayer:
  88. - "&7 "
  89. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  90. - "&c&lERROR!&7 The player who entered is not online."
  91. - "&7 "
  92. #
  94. #
  95. # Message sent to the player when they type a command and the amount is invalid.
  96. # Command permission required.
  97. InvalidAmount:
  98. - "&7 "
  99. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  100. - "&c&lERROR!&7 The amount you entered is &b&lINVALID&7, make sure the amount is a positive integer greater than 0."
  101. - "&7 "
  102. #
  104. #
  105. # Message sent to the player when they type a command and the size of sandwand is invalid.
  106. # Command permission required.
  107. InvalidEnchantmentSize:
  108. - "&7 "
  109. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  110. - "&c&lERROR!&7 The enchantment size you entered is &b&lINVALID&7, make sure the enchantment size is between 1 - 5."
  111. - "&7 "
  112. #
  114. #
  115. # Message sent to the player when they type a command and the number of uses is invalid.
  116. # Command permission required.
  117. InvalidUses:
  118. - "&7 "
  119. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  120. - "&c&lERROR!&7 The number of uses you entered is &b&lINVALID&7, make sure it is a positive integer."
  121. - "&7 "
  122. #
  124. #
  125. # Message sent to the player when their sandwand runs out of uses (uses = 0).
  126. # No permission required, set this to nothing to remove the message.
  127. Break:
  128. - "&7 "
  129. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  130. - "&7Your sand wand has run out of uses!"
  131. - "&7It has been &a&lRECYCLED&7 back to the server..."
  132. - "&7 "
  133. #
  135. #
  136. # Message sent to the player when they try to use their sandwand when it is on cooldown.
  137. # No permission required, set this to nothing to remove the message.
  138. Cooldown:
  139. - "&7 "
  140. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  141. - "&c&lERROR!&7 Your &fSandWand&7 is on &e&lCOOLDOWN!&7 It has &b&l%cooldown%&7 seconds remaining."
  142. - "&7 "
  143. #
  145. #
  146. # Message sent to the player if they do not have enough money.
  147. # Requires permission: sandwand.gui to view the GUI.
  148. InsufficientFunds:
  149. - "&7 "
  150. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  151. - "&c&lERROR!&7 You do not have enought money to buy that! You only have &c$%bal%&7 and that tool costs &c$%cost%&7."
  152. - "&7 "
  153. #
  155. #
  156. # Message sent to the player if they try to buy a tool and their inventory is full.
  157. # Requires permission: sandwand.gui to view the GUI.
  158. FullInventory:
  159. - "&7 "
  160. - "&f&lSandWands:"
  161. - "&c&lERROR!&7 Your inventory is full, free some space to buy the tool."
  162. - "&7 "
  163. #
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