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NEO 100pp Notes

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Dec 29th, 2020
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  1. To Greymon Blue:
  2. only train Str, make sure to rest when needed
  4. Greymon Blue
  5. 9x STR with L+R
  6. 13x STA with L+R
  7. 6x STA with L+R
  8. 6x HP with L+R
  9. 1x HP with L --- 1x STR with R ---
  10. 4x STR with R --- 4x STA with L ---
  11. 9x STR with R+L
  12. 6x STR with R --- 6x STA with L ---
  13. 1x STA with L --- 1x HP with R ---
  14. 2x STR with R --- 2x STA with L ---
  15. 6x HP L+R---
  16. 19x STA L+R
  17. 18x STR L+R
  18. 13x STR with R 13x STA with L
  19. 1x HP with L--- 1x HP with R
  21. Leave for first Recruits
  22. Mining Iron before Goburimon fight
  23. Liquid after Goburimon fight
  24. Stone after Tentomon Recruit
  25. Iron after talking to Kuwagamon the first time
  26. Wood before entering Kabuterimon screen
  27. Wood next to Numemon
  28. Recruitments Happy Apple for Palmon
  29. Salty Fruit for Palmon
  30. Green Digistalk 5x for Numemon
  31. Royal Digi Jelly for Kuwagamon
  32. Strong Branch for Wormmon
  33. Patamon Fight
  34. Tentomon buy sm. recov 100 bits
  35. Kuwagamon I
  36. Kabuterimon Fight
  37. Numemon 5x Green Digistalk + Fight
  38. Wormmon 0
  39. Itemusage Autopilot after Wormmon
  41. Shop Sell Buy
  42. Portable Potties 3x Autopilot
  43. Bandages
  44. Medicine
  45. 10 Digistalks (all but one)
  46. extra Green Digistalk + randomly picked up Items
  48. Leave to trigger kids
  49. Mining Wood kids screen
  50. Wood kids screen
  51. Liquid kids screen
  52. Recruitments
  53. Kids talk to them
  54. Kuwagamon II give him Royal Digi Jelly
  55. Itemusage Autopilot after gettig Acid
  57. Mining Liquid next to Marineangemon
  58. Wood next to Marineangemon
  59. Stone before entering Logic Volcano
  60. Stone on the way to Birdramon
  61. Stone on the way to Meramon
  62. Stone on the way to Taomon
  63. Recruitments
  64. Hunk of Meat Drop from Shamamon (if you didnt get from Aururamon)
  65. Magiforcepine Pitfall get Megakabuterimon
  66. Palmon Give Happy Apple, Digistalk, Salty Fruit
  67. Togemon I Talk
  68. Veemon Fight
  69. Birdramon Fight
  70. Meramon Fight
  71. Kyubimon Fight Left Kyubimon is correct
  72. Taomon I Talk
  73. Itemusage Autopilot after triggering Taomon I
  75. Leave to plant Seed
  76. Mining Iron after talking to biyomon on way to Seed plant screen
  77. Iron next to Kuwagamon
  78. Liquid after Seed I
  79. Recruitments
  80. Biyomon Talk
  81. Seed I sleep right after
  82. Itemusage Autopilot after getting Liquid
  84. Train STR until 21:xx on the clock with L and R
  86. Leave for Seed II
  87. Mining Liquid DigiDeepwater
  88. Wood on Seed 2 screen
  89. Liquid Liquid after Seed 2
  90. Recruitments
  91. Seed II sleep right after
  92. Itemusage Magiforcepine after getting Liquid
  93. Autopilot after getting Liquid
  95. Fly to Logic Volcano
  97. Mining Stone on the way to Birdramon
  98. Stone on Taomon screen
  99. Recruitments
  100. Taomon II Talk
  102. Leave house and reenter right away Keep eye on clock for townupgrade
  103. Training R L
  104. STR 37/39 43/45
  105. STA 29/30 23/24
  106. Upgrades
  107. 1st Field change Meat to Hunk of Meat
  108. 2nd Sender
  109. 3rd Itemshop
  110. 4th Restaurant
  112. Leave for further Recruitments
  113. Mining Wood Numemon screen
  114. Wood Renamon screen
  115. Wood Stingmon screen on the left side
  116. Iron Stingmon screen on the left side
  117. Iron Stingmon screen next to Stingmon
  118. Liquid Seadramon screen 0
  119. Stone Seadramon screen
  120. Iron Zudomon screen
  121. Wood Zudomon screen
  122. Wood Demidevimon screen
  123. Iron Demidevimon screen
  124. Recruitments
  125. Fishing for Seadramon and Renamon (Digicarp, Digicrucian, Digifry, Digikoi)
  126. Renamon Talk, Digicarp
  127. Seadramon Talk, Digifry, Digicrucian, Digikoi
  128. Zudomon I Talk to him
  129. Demidevimon I
  130. Itemusage Autopilot after getting iron on Demidevimon screen
  132. Shop Sell Buy
  133. Portable Potties 4 Autopilots
  134. Bandages 31 recovery disk
  135. Medicine
  136. randomly picked up Items
  138. fly to server desert
  139. Mining Stone Garudamon Spot
  140. Recruitments
  141. Greymon I Talk
  142. Garudamon Fight
  143. Itemusage Autopilot After mining Stone
  144. fly to logic volcano
  145. Recruitments
  146. Gumdramon Talk
  147. Itemusage Autopilot
  148. fly to modcape hinterlands
  149. Recruitments
  150. Zudomon Talk
  151. Itemusage Autopilot
  152. fly to Server Desert hinterlands
  153. Mining Stone after Machinedramon fight
  154. Recruitments
  155. Togemon Fight
  156. Machinedramon I Fight
  157. Angemon I Talk
  158. Use Portal to get back to File City leave house and reenter it
  160. fly to Serverdesert Hinterlands
  161. Recruitments
  162. Machinedramon II Fight
  163. Etemon I Talk, get Battery
  164. Itemusage Autopilot
  165. Talk to Biyomon for Autopilots
  166. fly to Serverdesert Hinterlands
  167. Recruitments
  168. Farm Geremon for Rotten Meat
  169. Grapleomon I Talk
  170. Itemusage Autopilot
  171. Switch Hunk of Meat for Rotten Meat
  172. Recruitments
  173. Gargomon Talk
  174. Itemusage Autopilot
  175. Shop Sell Buy
  176. MP Disks 10 Attack Plugin
  177. Portable Potties 6 S Attack Plugin
  178. Random Pickups 2 S Defense Plugin
  179. 10 Medium Recovery
  180. 3 Autopilots Need 1.5k Bits left
  181. fly to Serverdesert Hinterlands
  182. Mining
  183. Stone Before Agumon fight
  184. Stone Next to Leomon
  185. Stone First patch on way to Myotismon
  186. Wood First patch on way to Myotismon
  187. Wood By Wizardmon
  188. Iron Myotismon Mansion
  189. Recruitments
  190. Grapleomon II Talk
  191. Agumon Fight Attack Plugin 2
  192. Veggietroup Fight Attack Plugin 4
  193. Gaomon Talk Hunk of Meat
  194. Fight Shamamon for Best Meat
  195. Antyllamon I Talk
  196. Leomon I Talk Option 1 into Option 2
  197. Lilymon I Talk
  198. Vegiemon Fight Attack Plugin S 0 2
  199. Trigger Flyspot Wasteland Hinterlands
  200. Weregarurumon I Talk
  201. Wizardmon I Talk
  202. Myotismon I Talk
  203. Itemusage Autopilot
  205. fly to Bony Resort
  206. Mining
  207. Wood On the way to Toyagumon
  208. Iron next to Terriermon and Lopmon, Only if you got into the Fight
  209. Stone On Way to Skullgreymon
  210. Recruitments
  211. Toyagumon I Talk
  212. Monzaemon Talk
  213. Toyagumon II Talk
  214. Terriermon/Lopmon Talk Option 2, Option 1, Option 1 (if you hit the Enemy use Attack Plugin)
  215. Skullgreymon Fight Attack Plugin S / Def Plugin S 4/2
  216. Mamemon Talk
  217. Itemusage Autopilot
  219. fly to Logic Volcano
  220. Recruitments
  221. Get Magma Lozenge For Greymon
  222. Hackmon Fight Attack Plugin
  223. Tururiemon Fight Attack Plugin
  224. Itemusage Autopilot
  225. fly to Server Desert
  226. Recruitments
  227. Greymon Talk
  228. Itemusage Autopilot
  229. Fly to Server Desert Hinterlands
  230. Mining Stone On Angemon Screen
  231. Recruitments
  232. Angemon Talk
  233. Itemusage Autopilot
  234. Get Autopilots from Biyomon
  236. fly to Wastelands Hinterlands
  237. Recruitments
  238. Lilymon Talk
  239. Garurumon Talk
  240. Angewomon I Talk
  241. Guardromon I Talk
  242. Angewomon II Fight Attack Plugin S Use Special When she has no Armorbuff
  243. use Portal to Filecity
  245. fly to Bony Resort
  246. Recruitments
  247. Weregarurumon Talk
  248. Wizardmon Talk
  249. Myotismon Talk
  250. Itemusage Autopilot
  252. Kill your digimon (look for Egg with Statboost in Either HP, STA, or STR)
  253. Upgrade Digivolutiondojo
  254. Shop Sell Buy
  255. Random Pickups 2x Arcanalaminice (Blk Wargrowlmon Digivolutionitem)
  256. Portable Potties
  257. Bandages
  258. Medicine
  259. Train up new Megas
  260. Care for Feeding/Pooping from now on
  261. Swap Rotten Meat for Best Meat once at 20
  262. Upgrade Itemshop
  263. Swap Best Meat for 1 Meat and 1 Hunk of Meat once at 20
  264. Train until Thu. Week B and Megadigivolve your L Digimon
  265. Shop Sell Buy
  266. Random Pickups 3 Attack Plugin X
  267. Portable Potties 26 Attack Plugin S
  268. Bandages 2 Defense Plugin X
  269. Medicine 17 Defense Plugin S
  270. X Large Recovery Disk
  271. X Large MP Disk Leave 7.5k
  272. Talk to Garurumon
  274. Use Wizardmon to Absolute Zero Check Digimon, Give them T1 moves
  276. Recruitments
  277. Gabumon Talk
  278. Ikkakumon I Talk
  279. Gomamon I Talk
  280. Itemusage Autopilot
  281. fly to Server Desert Hinterlands
  282. Recruitements
  283. Seraphimon Talk
  284. Itemusage Autopilot
  285. fly to Modcape Skullgreymon (Story) Fight Attack Plugin S
  286. Use Portal to get back and reenter house
  287. fly to Modcape
  288. Recruitments
  289. Paildramon Fight Defense Plugin S / Attack Plugin S Heal after
  290. Vikingmon Fight Defense Plugin S / Attack Plugin S
  291. Check the Cable Talk
  292. Hagurumon Talk
  293. Itemusage Autopilot
  295. Fly to Wastelands
  296. Recruitments
  297. Goblinmon Talk 20x Rotten Meat
  298. Vegietroup Fight Attack Plugin S
  299. Tyrannomon Talk 20x Best Meat
  300. Leomon II Talk
  301. Ogremon Fight
  302. Leomon III Talk
  303. Itemusage Autopilot
  304. Fly to Wastelands Hinterlands
  305. Shinegreymon Fight Woodmon Attack Plugin S
  306. Itemusage Autopilot
  307. Fly to Wastelands
  308. Recruitments
  309. Leomon IV Talk
  310. Itemusage Autopilot
  311. Fly to Wastelands Hinterlands
  312. Recruitments
  313. Herculeskabuterimon Fight
  314. Rosemon Fight Defense Plugin X / Attack Plugin X
  315. Pick up Antyllamons Pillow
  316. Itemusage Autopilot
  317. Fly to Wastelands
  318. Recruitments
  319. Antyllamon Talk
  320. Leomon Talk
  321. Itemusage Autopilot
  323. Go to Outside City
  324. Recruitments
  325. Etemon Talk
  326. Datamon Fight Attack Plugin S
  327. Use Portal to go back to Filecity
  328. Fly to Server Desert Hinterlands
  329. Titanmon Fight Defense Plugin S / Attack Plugin S
  331. Train until both digimon have 100 Bond
  332. Enter Jijimons House to trigger Metal Etemon
  333. Leave City
  334. MetalEtemon Fight Defense Plugin S / Attack Plugin S
  335. Go back to File City
  337. fly to Faulty Ex Machina Hinterlands
  338. Recruitments
  339. Sukamon Fight Attack Plugin S / Defense Plugin S
  340. Nanimon Fight Attack Plugin S
  341. Rapidmon I Talk
  342. Guardromon II Talk
  343. Trigger Control Panel Talk
  344. Mach Gaogamon Fight Attack Plugin S
  345. Get Cell Phone
  346. Rapidmon II Talk
  347. Itemusage Autopilot
  348. fly to Modcape
  349. Recruitments
  350. Stingmon Talk
  351. Megaseadramon Talk
  352. Itemusage Autopilot
  354. Leave to Outside the City
  355. Recruitments
  356. talk to the bois
  357. Get Autopilots from Biyomon
  358. fly to Bony Resort SAVE and HEAL BEFORE YOU FIGHT
  359. Recruitments
  360. Omegamon Zwart D I Fight Defense Plugin S -> ExE Evolution -> Offense Plugin S
  361. Reset Tamerskills now
  362. Learn Defense Order
  363. Learn Long-Life Digivolution
  364. Learn Life-Booster
  365. Learn Big Life-Booster
  366. Learn Toughness Trainer
  367. !!!!!!!!!! REENTER HOUSE 2 TIMES !!!!!!!!!
  368. Train STA until you can sleep
  369. SHOP Buy
  370. 5x Attack Plugin X
  371. 4x Defense Plugin X
  372. buy 20 Large Recovery Disk
  373. Spend Rest on Medium MP
  374. Go to Jijimons House reenter after Cutszene
  376. Go to outside the City and Enter Infinite Cauldron
  377. Recruitments
  378. Devimon Fight Defense Plugin S -> ExE Evolution -> Offense Plugin X/ Defense Plugin S
  379. Save before Samudramon/Sakuyamon Fight Death ExE Defense Plugin X / Attack Plugin X
  380. Save before Omegamon Zwart D Fight Death ExE Defense Plugin X / Attack Plugin X
  381. 0
  382. Sender 2 10 Palm 30 Whitewood 20 Copper
  383. Item Shop 2 20 Stone 20 Whitewood 20 Copper
  384. 3 20 Silver 20 Light 20 Blackwood
  385. Restaurant 2 20 DeepWater 20 Whitewood
  386. Field 2 20 DeepWater 20 Whitewood 10 Acid 20 Sand
  387. Evolution Dojo 2 30 Stone 20 Whitewood 20 Rock 10 Greatwood
  388. Whitewood 110 Everywhere
  389. Stone 50 Everywhere
  390. DeepWater 40 Everywhere
  391. Copper 40 Everywhere
  392. Silver 20 Wastelands in both Tunnels / Vast Plateau (Biyomon/Etemon) / Tsukaimon Screen on way to Skullgreymon / All Metal-tiles in Modcape
  393. Light 20 Hallowed Hall / MOD Ship 1.0 / Mod Ship 3.0 / Caiptain Cabin / Dead End Town / Wastelands Guts Also available by Exchange @ Gobourimon (Builder)
  394. Blackwood 20 Bony Drive / Graveyard / MOD Ship 3.0 / MOD Ship 2.0 / Absolute Zero on way to Gabumon
  395. Rock 20 Wastelands Guts / Fire Wall / Graveyard / MOD Ship 3.0 / Corpseway / Bony Drive Also available by Exchange @ Gobourimon (Builder)
  396. Sand 20 Everywhere
  397. Acid 10 Powerplant #2
  398. Greatwood 10 Wastelands Guts / Powerplant #2 / Bony Drive /
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