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Oct 20th, 2018
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  1. Hi.. I'd like to introduce myself to you all.. My name is richard and I am here to help guide you on your path to enlightenment.
  2. My goal is to help bridge the gap between the spirit and science and to provide some answers to the devine and other worldly things.
  3. I will start by telling you abit about myself. I am 32 years old, I live in the United Kingdom, I am intrested in technology science religion and philosophy.
  4. Since a young age I have always been intrested in scifi and the supernatural, I grew up hearing lots of stories about the supernatural and have had few experiences myself so I have always had out-of-this-world beliefs.
  5. As I grew older I began seeking science to explain my experiences and beliefs.
  6. I learned that the universe is conscious. this has been proven by science in a variety of different ways.
  7. It is proven that our lives are shapped at a divine level by what we do and perceive.
  8. All you have to do is google "reality is shaped by consciousness" to find confirmation that this has been proven.
  9. Reality wouldn't exist without both negative and positive forces in nature. In a conscious universe you have to be careful what you believe in and how you think about things because your thoughts can manifest around you and negative thoughts can attract harm.
  10. Always seek the Light even when you are stuck in the dark, when ever you seek light, light will be available to you and the world will change in your favor.
  11. There will always be good around you even when you feel that there is none and there will always be dark around you no matter how enlightend and glorified you are, so you must keep fighting.
  12. When you are truely open to the concept of the universe being conscious it will talk to you in many ways and guide you and the dark will keep trying to knock you down and steal you.
  13. You will see the universe talk in music, throu tv, in books, in conversations you will see deeper meaning or will see people talking in way that correspond to your thoughts and it will respond to you in divine ways.
  14. You will also see darkness and light fighting right before your own eyes.
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