
neema rp 1

Oct 21st, 2016
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  1. The Outer Rim, possibly the wildest and most untameable part of space as we know it, and [i]definitely[/i] Neema's favorite part of space, as it's the only part she's really welcome in anymore. Sure, she can go anywhere she wants, and will personally choke out anyone who would try to stop her, but there's a big difference between being allowed somewhere and being welcomed, and it's been a long time since she's been welcomed in any part of Imperial or Republic space, probably for the better[br]
  3. [br]Arriving in her original and older [i]Fury-class Imperial interceptor[/i], She proceeds to voice lock her ship and cargo hold, for the rare case that someone does manage to break past Imperial standard locks, and makes her way off her ship and out of the oddly empty hanger bay, she never will get used to how empty everything seems to be in the Outer Rim. [br]
  5. [br] Making her way down the long and bland hallway from the hanger bay and what seems to be the main part of the space station, Neema idly looks around, and takes note of the placed hanger bay airlocks, she would definitely be keeping an ear out for their doors, as the last thing she needs is to be taken by surprised from a lack of awareness. [br]
  7. [br]Finally entering the main part of the space station, and the end of the hallway, it occurs to Neema that this is more than a simple refueling station, it's an entire Cantina and Inn as well. Why none of this information was showing up on her star charts is beyond Neema, but it is surely a pleasant surprise, she could always do with a drink. She just hopes no one takes her odd attire and appearance the wrong way.
  9. She had most definitely taken notice of the person she passed in the hallway, and taken note of the very specific aura she gave off, one of a fellow force user. It didn't take a rocket scientist to detect one, as in this day and age, they usually flaunted their token lightsabers and or force powers as if they were some type of cheap gimmick. Although she basically did the same, Neema acted out of habit, which comes naturally when someone has only felt and used the force their entire life. [br]
  11. [br] Making her way to the main bar, Neema gently seats herself down in the rather uncomfortable barstool, and readjusts the very pieces of fabric hanging down from her robes. Glancing around, she beckons at the bartender on a duty, a rather disgruntled Zabrak, and orders herself a Corellian Cocktail, because if she was going to be at a bar, it'd be a waste not to have a drink or two.
  13. Neema hadn't been expecting that whatsoever, and it came as a surprise when the odd looking woman spoke to her. Receiving her drink, she looks at it, then towards the woman, and takes a long sip before considering what she has to say. "I believe you're mistaking me with someone else, I've never been to this space station, although I've been to a few, I usually remember people like you." She spoke, in a somewhat quiet voice, trying to keep the situation under hand and try to end it as quickly as possibly.
  15. Now she was intrigued, and her ego had been sufficiently fuel enough for her to pay attention to the woman sitting next to her. Turning her stool towards the woman, she overlooks her and takes note of everything, from her calming lilac coloured skin, to the two lightsabers nonchalantly hanging from her belt. "I sometimes wish I could hide myself, and I found out a long time ago, it was more than just my appearance that made me easy to track." She spoke, keeping her facial expression the same. "I apologize if we met and I've forgotten you, sometimes it just happens."
  17. Neema kept her neutral expression, despite the confusion that washed over her at the obvious slang the woman had been using, and kept her composure. "It's not a skill any force user can master, we radiant such an aura of power and strength that to someone with even a flutter of the force flowing through their veins would be able to feel the intensity of it from a force wielder." She spoke more emotion this time, and it was definitely indicating she was generally getting into the conversation. Taking another sip at her drink, she realizes what the woman had pointed at and meant, and a small smile washed over her face. "Indeed we are."
  19. "That is...very true." Neema didn't actually anticipate an answer like that, and had no reaction reserved for it, so she simply and painfully pulled a neutral expression, before sculling the rest of her drink down. However, as far as neutral expressions go, she couldn't resist smiling at the words of the woman, and simply at how ridiculous the idea of anyone convincing backwater Outer Rim citizen she was a wizard. "Well there goes my day plan. However, all joke's aside I actually came here to simply refuel, I didn't actually know this was a cantina until I walked in."
  21. Hesitantly, Neema shook the hand of the woman, and took note of the fact she had one more finger than usual for humanoids, "I do prefer the more quiet parts of the Outer Rim, there tends to be less people trying to kill you." She smiles, retracting her hand back to her side. "Neema, Neema Gafhux, pleasure to meet you." She smiled again, however this time there was more of a warm vibe to it, and it was genuine, something she hadn't done in a long time.
  23. She made a small face, before looking around and scratching the back of her head. "Not exactly..." She paused, again glancing around the room, just in case someone, as unlikely as it may be, knew who she was and was waiting for a confirmation to attack her. "I more or so have my former trusted associates, who for whatever reason don't believe me to be dead, hunting me quite... vigorously around the galaxy. Sure it's very rare I'm attack nowadays, and likely they gave up, but I can never be too sure, nor will I take the risk."
  25. "It wasn't that I did anything wrong, It was that I did too much, and built up far too much power for a person of my age. Some older Sith Lord must of gotten intimidated by me and sent out a warrant, or simply paid my personnel more credits than they would know what to do with." She spoke in a tone that made it obvious this wasn't the first time she's had this conversation, nor did it say she was overly happy with it in general. "I had more than a few suitors trying to get my attention back in the day, and it definitely wasn't my power driving them." Wink wink.
  27. "You have a very colourful vocabulary," Neema managed to blurt out, before distracting herself with the colour bottles on the wall of the bar. She would definitely be taking the womans offer of a free drink, and not saying a word more about her past life. "If you can, i'll take a pink Nebula, no ice, don't skip on the syrup. I like my drinks strong but I also prefer them to actually taste nice and not like they were sitting in the stomach of a sarlac for fifty years."
  29. Neema watched the bartender make her drink, and was clearly fascinated by the amount of different liquids that went into it and how the drinks pink parts practically glowed in comparison to the blackness that coated the other half of the drink. "Cheers." She lifted her drink before taking a long swig of it, and evidently muddling up the beautiful faux nebula that formed in her drink. "Now that's what a call a drink." She grinned, placing the glass firmly back on the bartop.
  31. She didn't realize until she was face to face with the woman how close they were, or that her eyes lacked any colour whatsoever, quite like her own. "It was a very pleasant surprise, and the closer to the unknown regions and wild space, the better." She leaned back a bit in her chair, adding space between her and Mori, the last thing she wanted was to accidentally make this situation awkward, especially with how swell everything was going.
  33. Neema chuckled at Mori's idea, and took another sip of her drink sparingly. "Sounds like a plan." She kind of liked the idea, despite it obviously being a joke. "Well." She paused for a moment to think on the question, as she hadn't exactly been too far out, but more or so to many, many different planets. "I haven't been that far out, but i've been to more than a few planets. Ever been to Oricon? Or Rishi? Or Ziost?"
  35. "Have I been what?" She was confused by what exactly the woman had said, before realizing she was obviously a lightweight, and getting to the giggly drunk stage. This was going to be interesting. "I don't exactly know what you said, but I've been to more planets than I'd like. Sure, seeing new planets and meeting an entire new type of people is somewhat exciting, but when half the time they want your head for no good reason, it just gets tedious."
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