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a guest
Feb 29th, 2020
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  1. Crate:
  2. CrateType: QuickCrate
  3. CrateName: '&6Monthly(March)'
  4. Preview-Name: '&6&lMonthly Crate (Infernal Abyss)'
  5. StartingKeys: 0
  6. InGui: false
  7. Slot: ''
  8. OpeningBroadcast: true
  9. BroadCast: '&c%Player% &fis opening up their &6&lMonthly Crate! &fGet your own at &c/buy!'
  10. Item: 'EMERALD'
  11. Glowing: true
  12. Name: '&6&lMonthly Crate (Infernal Abyss)'
  13. Lore:
  14. - ''
  15. PhysicalKey:
  16. Name: '&4&lInfernal &6&Abyss &c&lKey'
  17. Lore:
  18. - '&7Use this key at /warp &cCrates&7 to'
  19. - '&7claim your &6Monthly(&cMarch&7)'
  20. Item: 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK'
  21. Glowing: true
  23. Prizes:
  24. 1:
  25. DisplayName: '&6Infernal Abyss'
  26. DisplayItem: 'LAVA_BUCKET'
  27. DisplayAmount: 1
  28. Lore: 'Monthly Crate'
  29. MaxRange: 100
  30. Chance: 100
  31. Firework: false
  32. Glowing: false
  33. Player: ''
  34. Unbreakable: false
  35. Items:
  36. - 'Item:DIAMOND_PICKAXE, Amount:1, Name: &6Inferal Pickaxe, EFFICIENCY:24. UNBREAKING:24, FORTUNE:24'
  37. - 'Item:DIAMOND_SHOVEL, Amount:1, Name: &6Inferal Shovel, EFFICIENCY:24, UNBREAKING:24, FORTUNE:24'
  38. - 'Item:DIAMOND_AXE, Amount:1, Name: &6Inferal Hatchet, EFFICIENCY:24, UNBREAKING:24, SILK_TOUCH'
  39. - 'Item:DIAMOND_AXE, Amount:1, Name: &6Inferal Waraxe, SHARPNESS:24, UNBREAKING:24, LOOTING:24'
  40. - 'Item:DIAMOND_SWORD, Amount:1, Name: &6Inferal Greatsword, SHARPNESS:24, UNBREAKING:24, LOOTING:24, FIRE_ASPECT:2'
  41. - 'Item:BOW, Amount:1, Name: &6Inferal Longbow, POWER:24, UNBREAKING:24, FLAME:2, INFINITY'
  42. - 'Item:FISHING_ROD, Amount:1, Name: &6Inferal Fishing Rod, LURE:24, LUCK_OF_THE_SEA:24, UNBREAKING:24'
  43. - 'Item:SHEARS, Amount:1, Name: &6Infernal Cutters, EFFICIENCY:24, UNBREAKING:24, SHARPNESS:10'
  44. - 'Item:BEACON, Amount:1, Name: &4Abyss Beacon'
  45. Commands:
  46. - 'eco give %Player% 50000'
  47. - 'vouchers give %Player% wartoken 250'
  48. - 'xp give %Player% 2000'
  49. Messages:
  50. - '&cYou just opened up your Monthly Crate! Enjoy!'
  51. BlackListed-Permissions: {}
  52. Alternative-Prize:
  53. Toggle: false
  54. Messages: {}
  55. Commands: {}
  56. Items: {}
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