

Apr 19th, 2016
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  1. CAT RIGHT NOW opened memo on board DTGAO.
  2. CURRENT ChanServ [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  3. [#DTGAO] The memo for the hit best-selling 2016 game Abyssal Oddity, by Violet Citadel.
  4. Memo is now Secret by CAT
  5. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  6. CCC made AT an OP.
  7. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAT
  8. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  9. CAT made GG an OP.
  10. CAT made AC an OP.
  11. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAT
  12. CAT made UC an OP.
  13. CAT made AU an OP.
  14. CAT: Want to just begin now?
  15. CURRENT abyssalUnderlord [CAU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  16. CAU: eh, i'm cool with whatever
  17. CURRENT godmoddedGolem [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  18. CGG: sure
  19. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  20. CUC: >Begin?
  21. CAT: Game loading...
  22. CAT: Game loading...
  23. CAT: A B Y S S A L O D D I T Y
  24. CAT: Is this your last saved game:
  25. CAT: Save not yet confirmed.
  26. CAU: >Yes
  27. CUC: >Yes. It is.
  29. CAU: >MUSIC
  30. CAT:
  33. CAT: Loading last saved file...
  34. CAT: Loading...
  35. CAT: Loading...
  36. CAT: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  37. CAU: >Examine scan results further, if possible.
  38. CGG: >sleep
  39. CAT: You just slept for like five hours. That is WAY too much by both your standards, and the narrator's.
  40. CGG: ha
  41. CAT: Anyhow, you further examine the scan results.
  42. CAT: You've got the readouts, yeah. Three identical structures floating in the Void.
  43. CAT: Further introspection reveals each emits some different form of wave vibration.
  44. CAT: You're pretty sure you're close to the outer one.
  45. CAT: But it isn't as if you, say, had some sort of map, or anything. Clearly not.
  46. CUC: >What are the vibrations? Also cross reference with map
  47. CAT: Essentially, energy frequencies. They are usually only strong enough to appear in readouts to be some seriously powerful arcane artifacts.
  48. CAT: Cross-referencing with a map reveals what is essentially three double-pyramids, with cube intermediaries.
  49. CAT: Lots of armor plating and neon lights, you'd guess.
  50. CAT: Please enter command.
  51. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  52. CAC: Set course for the closest one
  53. CAC: /back
  54. CAT: ((Welcome.))
  55. CAT: You set a course for the aforementioned closests outer one, Cyan watching your deft fingers tap across the navicomputer holosboard curiously.
  56. CAT: ETA: fifteen minutes.
  57. CAT: What do you do to pass the time?
  58. CUC: I'll be afAO for a bit to talk with Tazz.
  59. CAT: ((Okay. Thanks for the heads-up.))
  60. CUC: Don't include me in majority if anything comes up.
  61. CAT: ((Will do.))
  62. CAC: >So, we're heading towards an arcane artifact or something
  63. CAC: >I don't know if you want to come with me
  64. CAC: >Onto the island
  65. CAT: ((Can I do colors, or nah?))
  66. CAC: Ye
  67. CAT: "What do you want me to do, then. Just sit here and potentially vandalize all of your stuff?"
  68. CAC: >Shrug
  69. CUC ceased responding to memo.
  70. CAC: >You could provide air support?
  71. CAC: >If you don't want to come along
  72. CAT: You can both clearly see on the map that these things are internal affairs, akin to space stations. Cyan snickers at this fact.
  73. CAC: Oh
  74. CGG: >feel dumb
  75. CAT: Don't worry, you already have that department staffed.
  76. CAU: >don't beat yourself up though
  77. CGG: ha
  78. CAU: dammit i was too late. now we are spiraling again :V
  79. CAC: Should probably use quotations.
  80. CAT: Perchance.
  81. CAT: "I don't see why I shouldn't go with you. I mean, we can't really die?"
  82. CGG: "I guess."
  83. CAC: >"Didn't you say the gems could be smashed?"
  84. CAU: >Mention the Centurions, which were, in a way, prisons. ((if i am correct on that, i mean))
  85. CAT: "Well, yeah, but I doubt anything here is going to be smart enough to try and doublekill us like that."
  86. CAC: >"Fair enough."
  87. CAT: ((Also, basically gem shard prisons, yeah.))
  88. CAC: >"Hey... do you know how to fix the door by any chance?"
  89. CAC: >"It's broken, to say the least."
  90. CAT: "..."
  91. CGG: how does the weldıng gear work anyways
  92. CAT: "I... this is a door?"
  93. CAC: >"It's a piece of metal which acts as one."
  94. CAT: ((Just basically a combination of a plasma saw and standard real world welding torch.))
  95. CGG: ah
  96. CGG: ...can ıt run out of fuel
  97. CGG: or power
  98. CAT: "I guess I could try and fix it. You can help, right? With the programming stuff."
  99. CAT: Theoretically, yes.
  100. CAT: But, you don't have those five hundred years to spare, so.
  101. CGG: ah
  102. CAC: >"Yeah"
  103. CAC: >"Well, we'll deal with all these ship things after our stop."
  104. CAT: "Yeah."
  105. CAU: anything else we need to cover fseftr?
  106. CAC: Hmm
  107. CAC: >"Hey, do you know how long it takes to... revive?"
  108. CAT: "Not really? I probably only know a little more than you about this stuff, really. Sorry."
  109. CAC: >"That's fine."
  110. CAC: >"Maybe that could be tested..."
  111. CAC: >"Probably not a good idea."
  112. CAT: Cyan blinks twice, before taking a step away from you.
  113. CAU: -0.5 Relationship Points 
  114. CAC: >"I wouldn't have you be the... subject."
  115. CAT: Anyhow, you can see a large space dodecahedron floating up in the distance, covered in metal plates and various plasmic red lines.
  116. CAT: "Suggesting it at all is pretty sinister, still, right?"
  117. CAU: >Settle with the grand idea of not dying, even if it is temporary.
  118. CAT: You both agree to that.
  119. CAT: "+0.5 Relationship Points."
  120. CAC: >Prepare for landing
  121. CAT: Not much you can do but ready your weapons, and try to find some place to land.
  122. CAC: >Wonder how much your lapotron helps now
  123. CAT: It is literally useless externally to you.
  124. CAC: >Try to find a place to land
  125. CAT: Probably due to the fact that its power core is now inside of you.
  126. CAT: Anyhow, you note that the only way you'll be able to get into the place is by connecting the ship to the wall of the structure.
  127. CAT: Then, you'd have to open up an external door.
  128. CAC: >Prepare to do that
  129. CAT: Ooh, time for average stat checks and coin flips, it seems.
  130. CAU: >See if the remaining parts of the lapotron are salvageable
  131. CAT: Would you like to land on the top, or maneuver the ship so the bottom connects to a door on the side?
  132. CAT: Also, the remaining parts could probably be used for circuits, or something.
  133. CAC: >The bottom
  134. CAT: Similarly, would you like Cyan to try to copilot the ship with you?
  135. CAC: Hrm
  136. CAC: >"Can you pilot at all?"
  137. CAU: >Check her PILOT STAT which probably isn't an actual recorded stat.
  138. CAT: "Uh... maybe? You kind of have to have been in front of a ship's controls before to be able to know that."
  139. CAT: PILOT STAT: 0.
  140. CAU: >Prepare for the slow reveal of other SHIP-RELATED STATS over the course of the game.
  141. CAT: They don't exist. Sadly.
  142. CAC: >"...maybe you shouldn't try in this risky situation..."
  143. CAC: >Pilot it yourself
  144. CAT: "Yeah, that's probably smarter."
  145. CAU: The question then is how will we pilot it? Land on top on the exterior or enter directly through that side door?
  146. CAT: ^
  147. CAC: Hmm
  148. CAC: >Side door
  149. CAU: >Side door. Lets hope you don't replace the door with a hole.
  150. CAT: Of course, due to the fact that your only door is on the bottom of the ship, you will have to maneuver your ship so the bottom is facing the side of the structure.
  151. CAT: Which is mildly problematic.
  152. CAC: Hmm
  153. CAC: >Wonder if you have something to grapple down the side
  154. CAT: Not on the exterior of the ship.
  155. CAU: >Briefly question why such an incompatability would exist, then consider the option of landing on top instead.
  156. CAU: incompatibility* :V
  157. CAT: Uh, because you got the third shittiest ship at Ando Calrissien's (or whatever their name was) starship gambling convention.
  158. CAT: Landing on the top would probably be easier. And more rational.
  159. CAC: >Do that then
  160. CAU: >I concur
  161. CAT: Alright, here goes the PER check.
  162. CAT: Oh, god.
  163. CAU: >It was a 1 wasn't it.
  164. CAT: You manage to dock the thing atop the compound, but you damage the backup engine in the process.
  165. CAT: "... Nothing we can't fix, right?"
  166. CAC: >"Most likely."
  167. CAC: >"We should probably do that now, in case we need to make a quick escape."
  168. CAT: What a wonderful one-way conversation there.
  169. CAT: Talking to yourself.
  170. CAC: Oh
  171. CAT: You have a very sad ife.
  172. CAC: Whoops
  173. CAT: *life.
  174. CAT: Hah, it's fine.
  175. CAT: Regardless, you're lined into the top exterior door, and locked into place.
  176. CAT: Would you like to enter?
  177. CAC: >Sure
  178. CAT: Majority vote required.
  179. CAC: AU, GG
  180. CGG: sure
  181. CAU: >ENTER
  182. CAT: You unweld the door, and press the access hatch screen button atop that of the compound's door.
  183. CAT: There is a hiss of steam, and the gateways are unsealed.
  184. CAC: >Enter
  185. CAT: You just sort of drop into the room. Cyan follows, stiffly clutching that deadly Bioschema.
  186. CAT: Everything is rather dark.
  187. CAC: >Use your phone as a flashlight
  188. CAT: You do that again.
  189. CAT: Fortunately enough, there is nothing just lurking in a corner. However, there are two paths from here. One, the left, the other, forward.
  190. CAT: A hiss from above reveals that you aren't getting back into your ship anytime soon.
  191. CAC: >Wonder who invested in all these doors that close behind you
  192. CAC: >Go left
  193. CAU: >Leftward bound.
  194. CAT: You have no idea, but you can't WAIT to stab I mean meet them.
  195. CAT: You both head left.
  196. CAT: The walls are lined with small strings of dim crimson neon lights.
  197. CAT: Down the way, you can quite clearly sight what appears to be a large red stain all over the wall.
  198. CAT: Similarly, the shape crouching near it is quite stained with blood.
  199. CAC: >Examine shape
  200. CAC: >Shine phone at it
  201. CAU: >Perhaps shine a light to get a better look
  202. CGG: we want our leaders to save the day, but we don't get a say ın what they trade away...
  203. CAC: ...
  204. CAT: You reveal beady black eyes, a simultaneously fishlike and lupine face.
  205. CAT: Also, lots of teeth. It rises from the ground on all fours.
  206. CAT: Would you like to engage in combat, or wait?
  207. CAC: Hmm....
  208. CAC: >Engage
  210. CAC: >observe
  211. CAU: >OBSERVE (which si like tattle i guess)
  212. CAU: is*
  213. CAT: Cerulean Horror: ███████████████ HP. NOTES: A hunched being with vaguely fishlike and lupine features. The thing's back is covered in pustules filled with some sort of oily substance with a dirty ochre sheen. Its claws drip with oil.
  214. CAC: Hmm
  215. CAT: Just a note: upon use of other actions, you get to decide for both Cyan and Azure.
  216. CAC: >Make the blood on the horror into a sharp...thing, and stab it into the horror
  217. CAC: >Cyan: Defend
  218. CAT: How will she defend?
  219. CAC: >Defensive position with the blade
  220. CAT: Uh, what blade?
  221. CAT: She has a Delta-Psi-Phi Bioschema.
  222. CAC: ...I'm confused now
  223. CAC: What does the bischema do exactly
  224. CAT: Aren't we all.
  225. CAU: >Enter a defensive position in which she could probably use the momentum of the monster against it. She has training for this sort of thing. Obviously 
  226. CAT: Eh, Bioschemas were running all of the Centurion's plasma cannons.
  227. CAT: Remember?
  228. CAC: I thought this one ran the plasma blade...
  229. CAC: Is it not a plasma blade itself
  230. CAC: Or
  231. CAT: It is not.
  232. CAT: It was just the core.
  233. CAC: What does it do then
  234. CAT: When properly focused, it projects various bolts, beams, or shields of plasmic energy, as you've seen in the Centurions.
  235. CAC: >Azure: Launch a plasma beam at the horror
  236. CAC: I'm not very good on combat, if you haven't noticed
  237. CAT: Cyan has the Bioschema, mate.
  238. CAC: >CyanL Do that
  239. CAC: >Cyan: Do that
  240. CURRENT anachronisticUniversal [CAU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  241. CAU: what's the current situation
  242. CAT: Alright, one sec. I'm getting a full log for these two.
  243. CAT:
  244. CAT: Previous logs can be reached through the current log, as always.
  245. CAU: welp nvm gtg
  246. CAU ceased responding to memo.
  247. CAC: Switching to mobile
  248. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAC
  249. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAC
  250. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  251. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  252. CAC: Back
  253. CAT: Anyhow, you just sort of stab the Horror with the blood spike. It appears to deal damage, but the thing doesn't show it by any means. Cyan defends.
  254. CAT made UC an OP.
  255. CAT made AC an OP.
  257. CAT: The Cerulean Horror immediately stands up, resembling what could be considered a human from quite the distance.
  258. CAT: It blinks twice, and then lets out an unearthly roar, flames pouring forth from its maw, lighting everything on fire before it.
  259. CAT: Fortunately, you had that shield.
  260. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  262. CAC: >Azure: Check if Horror has blood of its own. If so, push it backwards with great force away from you. If not, make a shield from the blood.
  263. CAC: >Cyan: Launch a plasma beam at the horror?
  264. CAT: Nothing water-based. So, you make a shield out of the stuff you just stabbed the thing with.
  265. CAT: Anyhow, a few clicks from the Bioschema, and the Horror is missing an arm, a currious putrid, yet colorless ichor dripping from the wound, the burn severe enough to draw vitae.
  266. CAT: *curious.
  267. CAT: It is momentarily startled, and cannot react.
  269. CAC: Wow
  270. CAT: What can I say, she has a boss weapon, and you have un-upgraded water.
  271. CAC: >Azure: Use the blood shield to push the horror backwards
  272. CAC: We can upgrade water?
  273. CAT: Yeah, you can add in various poisons, and the like. The iodine water was of this sort.
  274. CAC: >Cyan: Wait for a good shot, then fire another plasma beam
  275. CAT: Where would you like to shoot the Horror?
  276. CAU: We should upgrade it with cherry flavoring packets.
  277. CAC: Hmm
  278. CAC: >The chest
  279. CAU: >Bodyshot seems easy enough
  280. CAT: You quickly form up a shield, and Cyan... let's see if that's a hit.
  281. CAT: Miss.
  283. CAT: The creature lunges forward, burning oil spilling from its mouth. It pummels the shield, but cannot pass. Of course, this still applies considerable psionic strain to your body.
  284. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  286. CAC: >Azure: Force blood down horror's throat
  287. CAC: >Cyan: Take a shot while the horror is hopefully choking
  288. CAT: Would you like to modify the strength and shape of the blood beforehand, or no?
  289. CAC: Hmm
  290. CAC: >Make it more dense, and keep up the movement so the horror can't just cough it out.
  291. CAT: You force the vile liquid down the maw of the beast, and it begins to choke out hideous noises. You passed you check.
  292. CAT: Ooh, another check passed.
  293. CAT: Cyan immediately fires a beam of plasma through the being's chest.
  294. CAT: It coughs up a combination of fetid ichor, and that blood you choked it with.
  295. CAT: Looking down at the hole, it seems to still... still be alive?
  297. CAT: The beast looks between you and Cyan.
  298. CAT: It appears that Cyan gets a claw to the arm. She shrieks, and drops the Bioschema.
  299. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  301. CAC: >Azure: Make blood shield
  302. CAT: Any suggestions in particular as to where?
  303. CAC: >Cyan: Pick bioschema up, shoot plasma at the horror if you can
  304. CAC: >In front of Cyan
  305. CAT: Cyan just got slashed in the arm, and putting the thing in front of her would trap her with the beast.
  306. CAC: ... Whoops
  307. CAT: You might want to reconsider.
  308. CAT: I mean, this is the easiest monster in the Sector.
  309. CAC: >Make a blood hand thing to drag the horror away from her
  310. CAT: Anywhere you want to drag it?
  311. CAC: I am not good at combat
  312. CAC: >Are there any environmental hazards?
  313. CAT: Not really. Just 'away from you', 'away from Cyan', and 'away from both of you'.
  314. CAC: >Away from both of you
  315. CAT: You just sort of toss the creature about ten meters down the hall. It sprints toward you once more on all fours.
  317. CAT: The Cerulean Horror leaps toward you, and quite literally tackles you, breaking your concentration on the blood. Your face is within five inches of the bloodthirsty beast's.
  318. CAT: YOUR TURN.
  320. CAC: Hey UC, you're good at combat, save me 
  321. CAT: Remember: Utilize is a thing that exists. Also, absconding.
  322. CAT: But that second thing isn't really an option here.
  323. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  324. CUC: What are our items.
  325. CUC: >Inventory?
  326. CAT: AZURE INV: Lapotron Power Core, Medkit x3, Water Vial x3, Gluon Destabilizer x1, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x4, Gem Fragment x3.
  327. CAT: CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema (on ground), Deactivated Vitae Canister.
  328. CUC: What is Cyan's status? Can she hold the Bioschema still?
  329. CAT: Well, there's a good deal of blood coming from her dominant arm right now.
  330. CUC: She can always hold it with her other arm.
  331. CAC: What's a vitae canister
  332. CAT: You've heard of it before, certainlt.
  333. CAT: *certainly.
  334. CUC: Observe Cyan's HP.
  335. CAT: 'Delta: ██████████ HP. POT: 9. WIT: 23. PER: 18. INV: α-Bioschema, Vardiveig Holoscroll, Vitae Canister. NOTES: Pseudo-schizophrenic.'
  336. CUC: Uh...
  337. CUC: Delta is Cyan CONFIRM
  338. CAT: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  339. CAT: Also, no.
  340. CAC: What'd I miss
  341. CUC: Ok, hmm.
  342. CAT: (6/10, for Fseftr, of course.)
  343. CAT: Shit. /AFK for like fifteen minutes. That's some good time to strategize.
  344. CUC: We can probably toss a Medkit over to Cyan, she stabs herself with it, picks up the Bioschema, and blows the Horror away.
  345. CUC: Dammit, this is why you practice with hydrokinesis enough to do it effortlessly.
  346. CAC: What if she misses
  347. CUC: We'll need sulfuric acid after this. Or something.
  348. CUC: Also, we, uh, do regenerate.
  349. CAC: ... Could we use the lapotron as a blunt weapon
  350. CUC: I suppose?
  351. CAU: We should fashion it into a haphazard SHOCK weapon by using dangerous loose wires.
  352. CAC: Though, I doubt Azure had the strength to...
  353. CAU: Except there is no power source so...
  354. CAC: Disable the horror
  355. CAC: Could we use our welding tools as weapons?
  356. CUC: Hmm.
  357. CUC: There's an idea.
  358. CAC: I mean, one of them is a plasma saw
  359. CAC: That ought to do some damage?
  360. CUC: Yes.
  361. CAC: Is it like... A chainsaw?
  362. CAU: Yesy
  363. CUC ceased responding to memo.
  364. CAT: /UNAFK.
  365. CAT: Do you have a concrete plan to state?
  366. CAU: I am going for the improvized weapon plan.
  367. CAU: >Use the plasmer saw
  368. CAT: To?
  369. CAU: >The horror's neck
  370. CAU: but uh
  371. CAU: any votes on that? AC? GG?
  372. CGG: sur
  373. CURRENT universallyCognizant [CUC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  374. CUC: 8ack.
  375. CAT: Yeah, you'll need majority for decapitation with a plasma saw.
  376. CAT: Thus far, you've got but 50%.
  377. CUC: >I'll add my vote :D
  378. CAT: Alright.
  379. CAT: You struggle to grab your welding equipment, and promptly relieve the Cerulean Horror of its oh-so-heavy head.
  380. CAT: It is slain.
  381. CAT: What now?
  382. CGG: >take head
  383. CAT: Majority vote for taking the head creepily, please.
  384. CAC: >Toss Cyan Medkit
  385. CAC: >Then toss her another for later use
  386. CUC: >oppose taking head, it might infect us
  387. CUC: >also second Fse
  388. CAT: You throw Cyan two medkits. She gratefully accepts them, and uses one.
  389. CAT: Of course, the ground begins to grow hot beneath you.
  390. CAT: Please enter command.
  391. CAC: What why
  392. CAC: >Fill any empty vials with blood
  393. CAT: Well, the flesh melting off of that head might have something to do with it. Along with the boiling pustules on the back of the beast.
  394. CAT: Flames begin spilling forth from the headless neck, and the neckless maw.
  395. CAC: >Put it out
  396. CAT: You put out some of the fire, but it just keeps on spilling forth endlessly.
  397. CAT: A hissing noise comes from the skull.
  398. CAC: >Run away
  399. CAT: Aren't you forgetting somebody still unaware on the ground?
  400. CAT: Of thing hissing, that is.
  401. CAT: Cyan is quite aware of the fire.
  402. CAC: What?
  403. CAC: >Cyan, retrieve bioscema
  404. CAT: Healing injuries, and all that? Still rather sore?
  405. CAC: Oh
  406. CAC: >Push the skull away with water
  407. CAT: The water evaporates before it can touch the skull.
  408. CAT made UC an OP.
  409. CAC: >"... We should really leave. Can you walk, or no?"
  410. CAT: Cyan does the doe eyes, commenting sarcastically all the while. "It's just /so/ painful. I don't think I can make it. You'll have to carry me."
  411. CAT: Wait, fuck, no colors.
  412. CAT: CAT: Cyan does the doe eyes, commenting sarcastically all the while. "It's just /so/ painful. I don't think I can make it. You'll have to carry me."
  413. CAC: >"No time for jokes. Get your bioschema and let's go"
  414. CAC: >Also, take the blood
  415. CAT: She rolls her eyes, and then offers you a view of what appears to be an inflamed ankle. Presumably from the whole forcefully being pushed down deal.
  416. CAC: When was she pushed down?
  417. CAT: Uh, when the thing slashed at a major limb with the force of about two horses?
  418. CAC: Ah
  419. CUC: Oh.
  420. CAC: Did the medkit not help
  421. CUC: Also, "Oh."
  422. CAT: Medkits don't work like that. They don't fit bones or sockets, just flesh wounds, and the like.
  423. CAC: >"I thought you were being sarcastic... "
  424. CAT: Anyhow, you've got about three (in-game) seconds to do something.
  425. CAT: "Doesn't mean it isn't the truth."
  426. CAC: >Try to carry her, I guess
  427. CAC: >And run away
  428. CAT: Majority vote, please.
  429. CUC: >Grab her without touching the Bioschema and run away. Also make sure she has the Bioschema before running.
  430. CAT: You grab her, she grabs the Bioschema, and you sprint back toward the entry chamber.
  431. CAT: A deadly flaming explosion of considerable size erupts from the skull, forcing both of you into the wall. Fire is basically down the entirety of the left hall.
  432. CAT: Don't you just love the easiest monster in the area so much right now
  433. CAT: *?
  434. CAC: Sure, /afk
  435. CAT: Please enter command.
  436. CUC: >Objectives? (What were we doing before fighting the Horror?)
  437. CAT: Well, you were trying to raid the place for whatever let off the high arcane readouts on the scan.
  438. CAT: Might be a Shard, might not.
  439. CUC: Ah.
  440. CUC: >Get away from the fire, explore more.
  441. CUC: >Wait, should we tend to Cyan's ankle first>?
  442. CUC: >ANS: We should.
  443. CAT: Hmm. Do you think you can?
  444. CAT: There's not exactly a way out yet.
  445. CUC: Ah.
  446. CAT: To the ship, that is.
  447. CUC: In that case >Get away from the fire, explore more. Keep helping Cyan along, carrying her if she can't wal.
  448. CUC: *walk.
  449. CAT: Time for a POT check.
  450. CAT: Heads. Cyan is most good to limp alongside you.
  451. CAT: *mostly.
  452. CAT: You head along the front path.
  453. CAT: The thing terminates in what appears to be an open elevator platform.
  454. CAU: /back
  455. CAC: >Examine
  456. CAT: It is a square refined arcanium platform, about four meters across, with a central glowing pressure plate of some sort.
  457. CAC: Hmm
  458. CAC: >Step into it
  459. CAT: It slides down, and the door behind you closes shut with a squeal of machinery.
  460. CAT: The platform begins to move down.
  461. CAT: Of course, these things are NEVER safe. That's a law of nature right there.
  462. CAT: A red light blinks down on your abdomen, projected from the wall.
  463. CAC: >Dash out of the way
  464. CAT: You just sort of take a step to the right, and you both leap back in surprise as a beam of plasma bursts from the wall, searing the adjacent wall.
  465. CAT: A set of dots appear, patterning the floor around you, trapping the two of you away from any sort of wall.
  466. CAT: Why, isn't this familiar.
  467. CAC: >Look for source of dots
  468. CAC: >First, make sure none are one either of you
  469. CAC: On*
  470. CAT: "There's hidden projectors in the walls. Probably? Don't move, obviously."
  471. CAT: "There's hidden projectors in the walls. Probably? Don't move, obviously."
  472. CAT: Nothing on either of you.
  473. CAC: >Launch water at the walls
  474. CAT: Oh, joy. This again.
  475. CUC: >Try that?
  476. CAT: It is vaporized by plasma before it leaves the pseudocircle. A few more dots appear in their place, though considerably less than before.
  477. CAT: A large orange circle appears on the wall before you, though.
  478. CAC: Hmm
  479. CUC: >Collect the vaporized water back to a loose bubble of gas, if you can.
  480. CAT: You do that.
  481. CAC: >Cyan: Make a plasma shield between orange circle and you two
  482. CAT: Are you sure?
  483. CAC: Hmm
  484. CAT: Considering that everything has been coming from the opposite wall from the dot it projected, that is.
  485. CAC: ... Right
  486. CAC: >Make the shield on the other side
  487. CAT: Cyan, just in time, manages to form a plasma shield to protect both of you from an inbuilt flamethrower.
  488. CAT: The door of the elevator opens once more.
  489. CAT: Yet, the dots remain.
  490. CUC: >Have the dots disappe -- ah.
  491. CAC: >Cyan: Make a plasma bubble around the two
  492. CAT: You aren't really a Centurion built to withstand constant heat inside of those sorts of things.
  493. CAT: The regular shields are hot enough.
  494. CAC: Point
  495. CAC: >Azure: Make a water bubble around the teo
  496. CAC: Teo
  497. CAC: Two
  498. CAT: You form a water bubble, and head toward the exit.
  499. CAT: >Cyan: POT check: passed.
  500. CAT: >Azure: POT check: failed. How ironic.
  501. CAT: Straight to the top of the head, as well.
  502. CAT: Wow.
  503. CAT: Cyan catches the teardrop lapis lazuli gem before it falls to the ground, and exits the elevator.
  504. CAT: Would you like to save your game?
  505. CUC: >Yes.
  506. CAT: Saving...
  507. CAT: Saving...
  508. CAC: Why do trap designers give their weapons warning circles
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