
firefly technique part 13

May 3rd, 2016
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  1. throws a wide grin at Etsuko, her willingness to train alongside him felt like she was the only actual girl who payed attention to him, hoping that it wasn't because of his skills with katon he'd throw a thumbs-up at her and unsheathe his sword.. The guy couldn't help it either way , he liked helping people out and when it came to similar passions there was probably no one in the village that rivaled her to him, her skill with the sword and the extraordinary display of fireworks she had just shown him made his heart bump faster, he didn't know if he actually had feelings for her or to the fire!
  3. The boy unsheathed his katana and drew it with his dominant right arm, he'd close his eyes and form the half-seal for the tiger, focus was needed in order to properly explain to the Uchiha how the technique worked, he wanted to display this as an academy teacher normally would. He started molding chakra in his stomach as he envisioned the "fire" within his mind once more, he had picked this up from his previous training sessions and he found it to be quite helping in manipulating his fire-based chakra, the flame was different than the Firefly technique he was working on, there were no sparks just a simple fire. But something was rather weird, the flames that he molded up weren't as fast as the ones that occured in his mind when he executed the five seals needed for his new jutsu, they were much larger and dancing at a rapid pace.
  5. Once he felt the temperature to feel just about right, which at this point for technique was a breeze, he'd imagine the "flame" to grow larger and dance even more.
  7. "Etsuko-chan, try imagining a fire that you grows as you mold your chakra, it helps me measure how much energy i exert and i get a feeling i have a better control of my technique" he'd explain to her as he let the katon-based chakra travel upwards into his torso and through the tenketsu points in the shoulder that was holding the sword, before soon traversing through the highway that was his forearm.
  9. The blade's tip would instanteniously glow a dark-red, not even steam had time to evaporate from it as wild sparks started flying off in random directions, they were much more than what Etsuko managed to conjure up, a bright and big flame would appear at the razor's edge as it traveled downards and connected to the middle section of hi katana, the flames were bigger than what he usually managed to pull out, maybe this was the result of this "flame" he envisioned?
  11. Soryen sliced the air horizontally and released a large wave of fire that traveled a medium size distance before dispersing into thin air, he'd then sheathe back his sword into his locket and smile brightly at Etsuko
  13. "Try it!" he exclaimed happily.
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