

May 17th, 2019
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  1. The origin point:
  2. ------------------------
  4. MrFixLast Tuesday at 11:21 AM
  5. @Fye Since nobody made any comments on your idea app, I'll say that your controller can exist, but as part of lore events, since controller already requires an auth. In that sense, we'll probably not add it to the list of available mutants but you and other lore team members can use them when appropriate
  6. I still havent read the wall of text you sent me privately, I'll get to it in a bit
  7. fyeLast Tuesday at 11:21 AM
  8. Ah
  9. That's been dealt with Fix
  10. But review it if you want
  11. JchapsiLast Tuesday at 11:22 AM
  12. What about that funky Izlam?
  13. MrFixLast Tuesday at 11:22 AM
  14. "That's been dealt with" He says to lore team head without specifying how it was dealt with.
  15. -------------------------------
  16. The wall of text in question:
  17. -------------------------------
  18. FyeLast Sunday at 10:38 PM
  19. I never sais he was bandit messiah. Taylor can explain more in depth as he was the one who oversaw it, and I am currently at work. I would best put it as
  20. Pre DV Xlab raid Borov's group had some people looking to usurp him since he was just sitting on the lab and making no progress. Stallman made progress and relations with other bandits in the form of gear donations/alliance propositions, and forcibly overtook leadership in Garbage when the initial negotiations went south. Cordon group is part of Garbage group. The bandits in DV, upon Borov's death during the xlab raid in the area, easily took control through the coup they had planned. This was facilitated through Bdork, who played the bandit who lead the coup. With Stallman's support, the coup was successful, and the bandits in the area fell under his control. Eventually, Stallman got them further on board, and eventually became the 'de facto' head of all bandits in the southern zone (minus yantar bandits and the northern groups/dead city groups, obviously). Once Stallman had begun plans to move north through the tunnel system he sent the group through (Vlad) he fell back to DV to begin planning with his other groups. The original plan was that Stallman and co would return to RP in Zaton, but I stepped down from lead before that happened.
  21. Stallman is the head, so to speak, but he does not hold absolute power. Just political pressure as well as being a source for supplies and other business with bandits.
  22. That's why I was cool with Chapsi saying that he had power similar to Stallman, just as another leader of the bandits.
  24. --------------------------------------------------
  25. The discussion that unfolded in Lore Team channels
  26. --------------------------------------------------
  29. MrFixLast Tuesday at 11:21 AM
  30. @fye Since nobody made any comments on your idea app, I'll say that your controller can exist, but as part of lore events, since controller already requires an auth. In that sense, we'll probably not add it to the list of available mutants but you and other lore team members can use them when appropriate
  31. I still havent read the wall of text you sent me privately, I'll get to it in a bit
  32. fyeLast Tuesday at 11:21 AM
  33. Ah
  34. That's been dealt with Fix
  35. But review it if you want
  36. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 11:22 AM
  37. What about that funky Izlam?
  38. MrFixLast Tuesday at 11:22 AM
  39. "That's been dealt with" He says to lore team head without specifying how it was dealt with.
  40. Since you're lore team member now, Chapsi, and it's a one time thing, you can use it since nobody opposes it, but it wont become a canon mutant for others to use at this time.
  41. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 11:42 AM
  42. Ok
  43. Also
  44. @Lore Team Head strelok joined the group in ur doc?
  45. MrFixLast Tuesday at 11:43 AM
  46. No
  47. I need to log it properly, we had a vote on it that was finished
  48. Seems like option
  49. 3) C-Consciousness is destroyed. But members of The Group remain to deploy a different strategy.
  51. is the winner, I'll log it in a bit.
  52. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 11:44 AM
  53. Oh
  54. Neck Force OneLast Tuesday at 5:51 PM
  55. Yeah I gotta adjust my document still
  56. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 7:41 PM
  57. Also just to let you know @MrFix our faction GM @Silvея will be hosting our bandit event on Saturday, the lore one.
  58. MrFixLast Tuesday at 7:52 PM
  59. What event is that, again?
  60. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 7:52 PM
  61. Yantar acquisition event.
  62. Another ally to the fold.
  63. If it works
  64. MrFixLast Tuesday at 7:55 PM
  65. I will need to see a proper write-up of it, I stayed away from authing the previous one because I was a participant
  66. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 7:56 PM
  67. Any format you want followed or just a blob? I’ll do it when I get free time sometime this week.
  68. MrFixLast Tuesday at 7:56 PM
  69. Blob will do
  70. Jchapsi, are you gonna attend it?
  71. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 7:58 PM
  72. Yes
  73. Let me clarify
  74. MrFixLast Tuesday at 7:59 PM
  75. Then I best not be seeing you anywhere near any sort of write ups for the event you'll be playing
  76. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 7:59 PM
  77. I know what needs to happen
  78. not what is going to be presented to us
  79. MrFixLast Tuesday at 7:59 PM
  80. I need to know both
  81. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 7:59 PM
  82. @Silvея All you big hoss^
  83. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 7:59 PM
  84. ?
  85. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 7:59 PM
  86. Write up for bandit event
  87. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 7:59 PM
  88. oh
  89. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 7:59 PM
  90. The lore of it
  91. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  92. The everything of it
  93. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  94. I already talked to Free about it
  95. he gave the ok
  96. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  97. I must've specified earlier, but 'lore events' have to be approved by lore team.
  98. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  99. This is a lore event?
  100. what
  101. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  102. :buzzhmm:
  103. Yes.
  104. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  105. How is it a lore event
  106. it's just a bandit thing
  107. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  108. Bandit lore is changing.
  109. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  110. I sense some sort of miscommunication here.
  111. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  112. We’re getting some new friends if things go right.
  113. I thought it was obvious apologies.
  114. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:00 PM
  115. alright, but how does that make it a lore event?..
  116. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:01 PM
  117. Well, let me explain then.
  118. And might as well make it a topic of discussion
  119. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:01 PM
  120. Kk.
  121. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:01 PM
  122. The bandits under previous lore team, specifically Stallman's gang, seemingly went on to take over the zone, with the 'Stallman's gang' having quote 150 members across the zone.
  123. And since Fye didnt tell me how exactly this big ass lore thing got handled WITHOUT lore team, we'll go on to assume that it is still not re-authed
  124. The event in question would be them continuing to take over the zone by gaining foothold in Yantar
  125. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:03 PM
  126. It’s part Fye and part me but I’m 100% willing to talk and change things
  127. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:03 PM
  128. yeah
  129. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:04 PM
  130. So what I'm hearing here is that you decided that bandit lore was canonized between the two of you?
  131. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:04 PM
  132. Unintentionally, yes
  133. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:04 PM
  134. ????
  135. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:04 PM
  136. Let’s change things.
  137. Throw a topic up.
  138. I didn’t mean to remove you from the picture, I’m sorry.
  139. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:05 PM
  140. Yeah, okay, and I am gonna say that Fye and Jchapsi wont be involved in this topic's discussion as it directly benefits them and their characters to push it through.
  141. I am currently making sure that Taylor did auth any of what you wrote to me
  142. If he did, we will talk
  143. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:05 PM
  144. I asked Rick who was hesitant.
  145. He can tell you about it too.
  146. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:06 PM
  147. I was never told stallman was that big
  148. All we were told was he was a big shot from DV. A warlord.
  149. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:06 PM
  150. Territory acquisition happened through events iirc.
  151. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:06 PM
  152. Yeah. DV.
  153. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:06 PM
  154. And Garbage and Cordon.
  155. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:07 PM
  156. Garbage was already bandits
  157. Cordon is Military
  158. Bandits do not have cordon under control.
  159. They might populate it but they cannot take it.
  160. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:07 PM
  161. It’s not the territory it’s the bandits within.
  162. You’re thinking land, I’m thinking people.
  163. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:08 PM
  164. yeah it's gonna be the same for yantar, they're not claiming the entirety of yantar, it's a group of bandits there in this event
  165. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:08 PM
  166. :ok_hand:
  167. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:08 PM
  168. Makes more sense.
  169. Neck Force OneLast Tuesday at 8:08 PM
  170. All that was ever authed was DV and Garbage :eyes:
  171. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:08 PM
  172. The force required to take all that territory entirely would need to be Yoga level.
  173. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:08 PM
  174. ?!
  175. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:08 PM
  176. What's DV?
  177. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:09 PM
  178. Dark Valley
  179. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:09 PM
  180. @fye :thinking:
  181. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:09 PM
  182. Oh.
  183. Alright.
  184. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:09 PM
  185. Also
  186. we never authed 150 members for stallman
  187. And never authed him to be some massive boss. Just warlord/local leader
  188. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:10 PM
  189. I am just kinda curious what is this whole thing about 'off-screen event territory war about entire maps'
  190. Is it something from when I was permabanned, where factions warred over random territory by events?
  191. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:10 PM
  192. I wrote that under the impression that the 6 (now wrong) regions had about that many people in it them.
  193. This whole thing = wrong
  194. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:10 PM
  195. So basically stallman went from a local leader to
  196. A Yoga level boss with hundreds of men
  197. In off screen events
  198. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  199. Bandit big man, yes
  200. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  201. Huh
  202. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  203. He can tell you more
  204. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  205. I swear to god did previous lore team not canonize the number of people in the zone
  206. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  207. Yes
  208. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  209. Because I've held belief for a long time that it's about 800 total
  210. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  211. Oh?
  212. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  213. with 150 being stallman bandits, it's a hehehaha kinda thing
  214. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  215. It was estimated around 1200 last time we discussed it (for CoP)
  216. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:11 PM
  217. Scrap that my boys
  218. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:12 PM
  219. So you say you were misled, Jchapsi? By Fye?
  220. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:12 PM
  221. I’m gonna be blunt here
  222. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:12 PM
  223. In what sense?
  224. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:12 PM
  225. i'm pretty sure there's more people than that with how many monolith there are
  226. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:12 PM
  227. Stallman does NOT have enough influence to
  228. Control that many territories
  229. Neck Force OneLast Tuesday at 8:12 PM
  230. Bandits wanted exo access, they needed to gain control over other bandits to get it. They did events to take DV and Garbage. That's all they took control over. Unless Fye and Rick did stuff without telling me which I doubt.
  231. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:12 PM
  232. Nor is it fair to grow to that level through off screen events that you just thought up to increase a character’s power.
  233. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:13 PM
  234. In a sense, Jchapsi, that all of these big ass text dumps about bandit power were provied by both you and Fye, and then you apparently casually authed it between the two of you and went on to progress on that like it was gospel.
  235. SilvеяLast Tuesday at 8:13 PM
  236. this stuff was going on before jchap was in bandits, just saying.
  237. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:13 PM
  238. You guys do realize bandits aren’t organized right
  239. It’s splintered groups
  240. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:13 PM
  241. Yes
  242. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:13 PM
  243. They’re not mercs or duty or something
  244. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:13 PM
  245. And it has inconsistencies in bandit numbers, it has inconsistencies in locations.
  246. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:13 PM
  247. Let me explain rq how it was presented
  248. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:14 PM
  249. Okay, do that.
  250. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:17 PM
  251. I am a boss, the guy in Garbage is a boss, the guy in Cordon is a boss, the guy in DV is a boss. Stallman went to all of them, flexed or fucked them over, and now they’re allied. It’s an alliance between them all, I assume for faction conflict reasons. So what I wanted to do is put in a council of sorts to control said alliance for events. Hell, Slimmy and I were planning a civil war between my own characters that is still in the works. It’s not something I’d deploy at anytime or try and use it was more for event purposes and logistic noting in my roster
  252. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:18 PM
  253. So now I’m gonna prod logic some
  254. Why would the guy in DV not tell stallman to fuck off
  255. He controls the biggest piece of turf with the most resources
  256. Same would be said for garbage
  257. The cordon guy can’t even be counted as a full on boss because he’s got such limited power
  258. Neck Force OneLast Tuesday at 8:19 PM
  259. Those 2 were authed events based on lore at the time
  260. Lore that still holds up to scrutiny to my knowledge
  261. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:20 PM
  262. I plan to honor these auths since we could trace them back.
  263. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:20 PM
  264. Alright.
  265. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:20 PM
  266. That’s good then. I don’t see logic but it was authed
  267. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:20 PM
  268. So in that sense, Stallman's gang of... 10-man strong has alliance with DV gang and Garbage gag.
  269. Where does Jchapsi's gang come in?
  270. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:21 PM
  271. At the same time.
  272. Neck Force OneLast Tuesday at 8:21 PM
  273. I'll explain it in the lore rewrite today for people to read.
  274. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:21 PM
  275. Stallman may have them allied but
  276. Why would they waste their men or resources doing what he says to take Yantar
  277. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:21 PM
  278. Allied with him.
  279. To stand a chance against Duty
  280. And at one point, both of them.
  281. They’d be wiped if alone.
  282. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:21 PM
  283. They want to fight mono and shit over it too?
  284. And be next to mercs?
  285. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:21 PM
  286. It’s a loose alliance, mind you.
  287. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:21 PM
  288. Since when does Yantar have bandits
  289. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:22 PM
  290. Ideally
  291. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:22 PM
  292. and not eco/military presence due to X16 research
  293. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:22 PM
  294. Why wouldn’t they just stay in place
  295. And bunker down
  296. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:22 PM
  297. Yantar is still eco zone HQ
  298. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:22 PM
  299. And reinforce
  300. They own the lower half of the Zone
  301. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:22 PM
  302. The region around it? idk
  303. Fye told me that was our next objective
  304. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:22 PM
  305. Being in the lower half would them have support from mili to stop anduty invasion and
  306. Would let them reinforce
  307. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:22 PM
  308. Because the north have riches
  309. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:23 PM
  310. You guys plan bandit matters together despite him exiting bandit leaderships?
  311. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:23 PM
  312. No.
  313. This was a month or so ago
  314. I’ve been sitting on it
  315. He briefed me before he left
  316. I assumed a lot of it was green lighted
  317. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:23 PM
  318. You said your main reason was a stand against duty
  319. Fortifying the lower part of the Zone literally boxes duty out
  320. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:24 PM
  321. well, as I said, none of that was greenlighted after the lore team head replacement
  322. so we gotta get a clear picture here
  323. so whatever you tell us, is what we'll go from.
  324. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:24 PM
  325. Do we even know the state of Yantar?
  326. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:24 PM
  327. And if you dont tell us something, it wont get a chance to become canon
  328. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:24 PM
  329. Who moved in, what’s mili doing?
  330. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:24 PM
  331. I’m down for propositions and rewrites for it all.
  332. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:24 PM
  333. Are mercs going for the lab?
  334. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:25 PM
  335. Canonically, Duty squad is defending eco bunker after X16 raid
  336. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:25 PM
  337. I’ll fill all of you in as much as I know regarding bandit lore
  338. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:25 PM
  339. but custom canon-wise, nothing has been decided
  340. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:25 PM
  341. Wouldn’t mili try to recover the lab?
  342. Or mercs?
  343. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:25 PM
  344. It probably would
  345. just saying the last we see of it in ShoC is that Duty is taking hold
  346. It could be assumed I’m SheriffLast Tuesday at 8:25 PM
  347. I could see spetsnaz telling Duty
  348. Leave or face government property recovery
  349. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:25 PM
  350. I definitely see that happening too
  351. I guess we can have a vote on that, but in the end Yantar is not a bandit country either way
  352. so I dont quite understand what is the plan to be done there.
  353. I'll wait for Silver's write-up
  354. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:28 PM
  355. Hm
  356. I assume the map
  357. and the area around has a camp or fort
  358. MrFixLast Tuesday at 8:30 PM
  359. camp or fort... of bandits?
  360. just saying, you guys get too rowdy, Ecologists will call in a HIND again
  361. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:34 PM
  362. i’m trying to explain something that was told to me
  363. it was questionable to me too
  364. Neck Force OneLast Tuesday at 8:44 PM
  365. afaik the Yantar bandits were more monopolizing the greater area around Yantar's artifact fields, but would leave ecos alone for obvious reasons if they were to venture far from their bunker.
  366. So, areas that are hard to access from the actual Yantar entrance.
  367. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 8:46 PM
  368. Gotcha
  369. fyeLast Tuesday at 11:29 PM
  370. @Neck Force One
  371. Rooks plan was that Yantar bandits extorted Ecos by stealing aome equipment
  372. Some*
  373. MrFixLast Tuesday at 11:30 PM
  374. Well I can promise you that during my time with the lore team, then staff team, never once have I heard any sort of Yantar write-up to exist
  375. even worse, I do know that Yantar concept was changed around summer 2018
  376. and in the end, none of that was deployed or logged
  377. Neck Force OneLast Tuesday at 11:34 PM
  378. I wouldn't count on that event ever happening
  379. tbh
  380. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 11:35 PM
  381. Rook said he ain’t doing it
  382. We should just replace him tbh
  383. Neck Force OneLast Tuesday at 11:40 PM
  384. I'll make @Worldwaker do it
  385. MrFixLast Tuesday at 11:41 PM
  386. replace him?
  387. He holds no positions of use besides server admin
  388. Jchapsi5Last Tuesday at 11:43 PM
  389. To host the event
  390. MrFixLast Tuesday at 11:55 PM
  391. however hilarious that would be
  392. the playerbase for some ungodly reason voted not to have X16 related event
  393. and we're kinda past this lore-wise already
  394. But I did promise Taylor that we'd slot something cool like that back in if it's fun
  395. So if you have a genius idea on how we can havea huge yantar event, do tell
  396. fyeLast Wednesday at 12:00 AM
  397. Wait
  398. What?
  399. Huh, nvm.
  400. Rook lied to me I guess lol
  401. Jchapsi5Last Wednesday at 12:06 AM
  402. Eh who cares
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