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Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. So, I'm here again. I tried doing this in voice, but I feel it's best if I type it instead.
  3. I think I owe you guys an apology for that last update ( ). It came off as desperate for attention and trying to invalidate all the support I've gotten over the years. I was going through a really frustrated stage and I think that video was my breaking point. And I made it sound like I was only in it for the views and fame, and that's simply not true. I'm in it because I want to keep old things preserved for nostalgia and for the future. I've turned down ever offer I've ever gotten to make money off of what I do for that very reason.
  5. I've had a lot of great friends over the years, and I'm sorry to each and every one of you I may have ever invalidated. I know I don't use my Twitter a lot anymore, but that's a much more complicated story that I don't think I want to get into right now. Either way, thank you all for your support. And I'm sorry for that long depressive thought dump -- a lot of what I said was very uncalled for and I can only hope to be a better person as I move on.
  7. --Mr. Eight-Three-One
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