
Text Adventure Chapter 8 Log

May 11th, 2014
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  1. >The shock and adrenaline begins to melt away from your psyche after the incident has passed, with Redheart and Berry looking over you.
  2. >You can barely even make them out with your vision, and it feels like you are about to pass out completely, but then something caught your ears.
  3. >”Please… please wake up…”
  4. >For some reason, the familiarity of this voice gives you the push you needed; you strain every will of your being to stay awake, shaking the dizziness from your head as your vision and senses return properly.
  5. >Redheart’s and Berry’s forehooves were suddenly around your neck, a pony sandwich.
  6. >You can't help but embrace them both, hugging then for dear life.
  7. >”Thank Celestia you’re alright!”
  8. >”Don’t scare us like that again, you dumbass!”
  9. >You feel yourself being helped to your feet, and you look around at the calamity.
  10. >There were shadowy slices across the once beautiful sanctuary, and a huge crater in the center of the hallway.
  11. >It seems like everyone was blown back by the force of whatever had caused it, and some of the group is a bit… well, fucked up.
  12. “Is everyone okay? How are all of you holding up?”
  13. >Most of the ponies affirm their health, but you notice in particular they are gathered around the Princesses… and the sight before you makes your jaw drop.
  14. >Their manes, once thick, lustrous and flowing, were now drooping and dark, their faces gaunt and eyes sunken in like they were holocaust survivors.
  15. >They could barely even lift their heads off the ground.
  16. >Twilight herself appears particularly disturbed about this, on the verge of tears.
  17. >”What did that thing do to you..?”
  18. >Luna was the first to speak.
  19. >”Our… our magic is gone.”
  20. >Large gasps come from Twilight and her friends.
  21. "Did you know what that shadow was? How it did what it did to you?"
  22. >Your concern bled into your words, and both princess simply shook their heads for your answer.
  23. >Celestia wills herself to stand, her knees nearly giving out on her from the effort but quickly got support by those nearby.
  24. >”Whatever this creature has done to us will prevent any future preparations to find the beast."
  25. >"We will need you to find this shade and discern it's reason for this attack, Twilight Sparkle."
  26. >She slowly nods, and looks to the rest of her friends.
  27. >”We’ll find whatever we can, Princess Celestia, you can count on it.”
  29. >The first thing you think of doing when this was said is checking over the group and making sure that everyone is alright.
  30. “Before we do anything, I think we should check everyone for any injuries. Red?”
  31. >”That’s a good idea. I even have a first aid kit on me that we can use.”
  32. >...
  33. >Everyone who had anything wrong with them got patched up, considering it was all minor.
  34. >Besides the Princesses of course, but that’s not something a first aid kit can fix.
  35. >After Redheart finishes the inspection (allowing you to help), Celestia spoke up, slightly better after having some time to rest. [Party’s HP has been healed slightly!]
  36. >”I was not sure of your friend here at first, Twilight, but Anonymous has proved himself to act with our safety at heart, albeit in his own way.”
  37. >You aren’t sure if you should take that personally or not, but that was sort of weird.
  38. >”So I must ask you, Anonymous, if you would like to help track down this creature that has been tormenting our subjects? It would be a great a service to Equestria, and a very honorable action to prove your allegiance properly, not that you haven’t already.”
  39. >You think for a moment, those that have been with you for all this time, and decided to ask a question.
  40. “Actually, is it alright if I went separate ways with my own group? We’ve already gotten to know each other so well, I think our teamwork would be helpful to something like that.”
  41. >Pinkie literally bounces over to your side.
  42. >"YEAH YEAH! Twi, can I go with Nonny? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!?"
  43. >Twilight looks at her, surprised.
  44. >”You want to go with Anon, Pinkie?”
  45. >She nods with exuberant energy, which honestly made you feel a little warm inside.
  46. >A few of her friends however began to protest at this action, simultaneously making points about the dangers that they could come across and what could happen if they’re not together.
  47. “Wait, how about we don’t engage this monster ourselves, but we come and relay it to you guys when we find out where it’s hiding? That way, you can all be together when we face it down, for whatever reason you need to stay together.”
  48. >You still don’t know what was so special about those specific six ponies.
  49. >Twilight rubbed her chin, still looking a bit unsure.
  50. >”I… suppose that would work- AH!”
  51. >She is tackle-hugged by Pinkie before she even finished.
  52. >”I super-duper Pinkie promise that we won’t fight the big mean shadow by ourselves, Twi, we’ll come right for you guys! Thank you so much!”
  53. >Twilight can't help but smile at her enthusiasm.
  54. >"Alright Pinkie. You can get off of me now."
  55. >The party pony giggles as she bounces towards Red and Berry.
  56. >"First thing’s first, if we are going to do this we need preparations. Celestia, I will need to get some things in order and I am sure Anon and his friends need some equipment as well. Is that okay Princess?"
  57. >The monarch smiles weakly as she nods her head in response.
  58. >With that, Twilight heads off. Her friends hang around the castle entrance, openly talking amongst each other about what they may need.
  59. >You turn to Celestia and Luna, a myriad of questions flowing through your mind.
  60. "Would we also be able to obtain some more medical supplies, in addition to the equipment you are allowing us already? Also, do you have a library or archive where we could search for information on this creature?"
  61. >"Yes, ask any guard and they can take you."
  62. >Perfect.
  63. >Looks like you have a lot to do. It wouldn't hurt to get more familiar with Twilight's other friends either.
  65. >What should you do first?
  72. > You run after Twilight, trying to get her attention.
  73. >She turns to face you as you stop in front of her, taking in a deep breath before speaking.
  74. "Twilight, could you maybe run some sort of spell on the trails that thing left behind? Maybe you can discern something about it?"
  75. >Twilight looks at you flabbergasted, simply gawking and blushing.
  76. >"I...uh. I didn't think of that. I can try, it will take a bit. So you should go about your business."
  77. "One more thing Twilight. Do you think it possible to maybe store some magic or a spell in gems? You know...we aren't exactly unicorns over here."
  78. >She raises a hoof to her chin, thinking about the question for a bit.
  79. >"Theoretically...yes. It would take time though, which we don't have much of. I wish you had asked me sooner! That would have been a great experiment..."
  80. >Shit. That magic could have been useful.
  81. >Well, first things first, chat with the others and restock on supplies.
  82. >Then you can go do some research in the library.
  85. >Twilight’s friends seem to be pretty important, and you have a chance to talk to the rest of them now.
  86. >You decide take this opportunity by the balls.
  87. >The best course of action, you decide, is to just wait for a break in the conversation.
  88. >Eventually, it dies down enough for you to join in.
  89. “Sup guys?”
  90. >All of the ponies give you a short greeting, each one matching up with their personalities just as you’d expect.
  91. >Rainbow Dash is the first to speak up after the usual salutations.
  92. >”We’re just talking about what we need for our newest adventure!”
  93. >You furrow your brow a bit.
  94. “Newest? You guys have done this before?”
  95. >The next voice comes from your side.
  96. >“Of course we have! Almost every week!”
  97. >One of the ponies clears their throat. It’s the really pompous looking one.
  98. >“Pinkie, I think you may be… over exaggerating a bit.”
  99. >The pink pony in question doesn’t seem to really acknowledge this.
  100. “So, how are you all holding up after the attack?”
  101. >You get various responses, but they are all generally positive. Most have gotten over the initial shock.
  104. >Most of the shops in town will have the standard accessories, a few might even have some more exotic weapons to suit you.
  105. >Of course, you can always scour the armory and inspect the library as well.
  106. >Decisions dec-what is Pinkie doing?
  107. >The Pink mare is crouching in an exaggerated manner, apparently going unnoticed as she removed guards helmets and stack them atop each other.
  108. >Hm. You might just have to try that.
  109. >Pinke, you sneaky devil.
  115. >First thing’s first, the armory.
  116. >You lead the party, crouch walking all the way.
  117. >Red and Berry give you strange looks, while Pinkie stays next to you.
  118. >Together, you and the pink ninja make your way towards the the massive storehouse for weapons, avoiding the sights of patrolling guards as you go.
  119. >Upon arrival, the three delve inside and search for anything that could be of use to them.
  120. >You stop for a moment however, approaching the guard posted outside.
  121. "Hey, any chance you know where we can get some medical supplies?"
  122. >"Of course, you can pick some up here. Just let me know and I'll take you over."
  123. >You nod and smile, walking into the armory yourself.
  124. >It seems there are mostly spears and and armor made for ponies, though you do spot a few daggers.
  125. >You grab a spear, deciding it is much better than nothing.
  126. >You hear Pinkie 'ooohh' and 'aahhhh' as she grabs two daggers.
  127. >Redheart and Berry grab some armor, with Red also grabbing a spear for protection.
  128. "You don't like the weapons Berry?"
  129. >She smirks at you, holding up her fists as she delivers rapid jabs to the air.
  130. >"I think I'll be okay Anon. Oooh! These could be useful though."
  131. >She grabs some horseshoes, admiring them like a pair of boxing gloves.
  132. >With the group decked out, you make a mental checklist of what else you all needed.
  133. >Berry could use more fire sources, as well as the need for more first aid kits.
  134. >Potential information of the creature from the library is important as well.
  135. >Wait, why wasn't Pinkie wearing any armor?
  136. >"It would slow me down silly filly!"
  137. >Wait. You didn't speak out loud.
  138. >What.
  140. >What would you like to do?
  143. >Before heading out, you decide to grab a second spear.
  144. >Just in case, you never know what might happen.
  145. "Okay guys, let's split up for a second. Berry and Red, you two get a hold of some medical supplies and anything else you two might need. Matches, maybe even duck tape. Anything you can think of."
  146. >Berry raises a hoof to her head and salutes you, moving off on her mission.
  147. >Red pauses by you, whispering over.
  148. >"You know, I would have liked to go with you Anon. I'll get the supplies, see you soon."
  149. >Despite the tone of her voice, she reassures you with a smile.
  150. >You and Pinkie then turn, heading off toward the library as Red and Berry follow the guard.
  151. >Sneaking all the way, you finally find the section of books you are looking for.
  152. >Lore on creature first, medical books second.
  153. >Mid grab towards a book you catch Pinkie looking towards you out of your peripheral.
  154. "What's up Pinkie?"
  155. >"Oh nothing. Just thinking back to when you wanted to ride me Nonny."
  156. >She giggles, but looking at her face you can see her wink at you.
  157. >Whether that was a simple tease or a slip of truth, you did not know.
  158. >Now, time to focus.
  160. >Time flew by as you and Pinkie searched, but you came up empty handed.
  161. >You found a few medical books, but all of them required some type of magic to utilize. Ultimately proving useless for you.
  163. >Heading back you meet up with Red and Berry, who are fully stocked.
  164. >The rest of Twilight's group seems to have gathered everything they wanted as well.
  165. >While they are relaxed near the castle entrance, Twilight is beginning to examine the remnants of the monster that attacked earlier.
  166. >She is extremely focused it seems, might be best not to disturb her.
  167. >Looks like you have some free time. What would you like to do?
  172. "So, how did you two enjoy your trip?"
  173. >Red blushes as Berry grins widely.
  174. >"It went great! We bonded, like mares do."
  175. >Red only blushed deeper as she walks toward you.
  176. >"She really seems to like my rump. She has smacked it more than you did the other night."
  177. >Welp.
  178. "I'm sure she is just messing around. So, uh, anyway. Would you mind giving me a few First Aid Kits? Oh, and Berry, can I have that ducktape?"
  179. >"Sure thing!", they say in unison.
  180. >Obtained First Aid Kit x3.
  181. >Obtained Duck Tape.
  182. >Berry smacks the nurse on the ass again, excited.
  183. >"Jynx! You owe me a fuck."
  184. >What.
  185. "What?"
  186. >"What?"
  187. >Red seems taken aback, Berry keeps her shit eating grin the whole time.
  188. >"I said you owe me a soda."
  189. >She trots off with that, approaching Pinkie who has been talking off AJ's ear.
  190. >"What is with her?"
  191. >Uhhhhhhhhhh.
  192. "Dunno."
  195. >After talking with Redheart for a bit, things died down as the party began to watch Twilight work her magic, simply running out of things to talk about for the time being.
  196. >At some point, Redheart had been talking with Pinkie while you were chilling on the palace steps with Berry, both of you very well bored out of your mind.
  197. >During this silence, you had a sudden intuition as your eyes wandered to Redheart’s deliciously juicy rump.
  198. >You lean over slightly towards Berry, being in the middle of refilling her flask with something she got from her shopping spree.
  199. “Hey Ber… Want to play a game?”
  200. >”I’m all up for games, Anon. What do we do?”
  201. >Your eyes once again drift toward that lush ‘n’ plush pony rump.
  202. “Just follow my lead.”
  203. >You get up, her following suit.
  204. >You try to make yourself blasè as Berry walked with you towards the other two, and once you get in close enough, to take a seat to the side, Pinkie giving you a quick glance before being sidetracked by Red’s dialogue.
  205. >Quickly clearing your throat, you lean in like a creeper, your face becoming aligned with Red’s from behind her.
  206. “Hi.”
  207. >”Oh my-... Hi, Anon.”
  208. >Then you slap her on the ass.
  209. >She gives a little yelp that may or may not have awoken your third leg.
  210. >Berry then interjects before she could say anything.
  211. >”It’s nice to see you, Red!”
  212. >A hoof goes right across those rosy cheeks.
  213. >”AH! Hey, now both of you are doing that?”
  214. >She turns around to confront you while Pinkie tries her absolute hardest not to laugh.
  215. >The rest of Twilight’s friends were watching with mixed reactions, to say the least.
  216. “Mmmmmmmmmaybe.”
  217. >You reach around and slap her ass again, her cheeks getting redder by the second.
  218. >Both sets.
  219. >”S-seriously guys, it’s not funny anymO--OH!”
  220. >Berry got her again, biting her lip as she tried not to laugh either.
  221. >You reached over again, but she jumped back down two or three steps cradling those pink, round flanks.
  222. “The game is called Red’s red cheeks! Who can spank that ass more!?”
  223. >”NOOO!”
  224. >You and Berry give chase down the Canterlot Palace steps, Pinkie cheering all of you on as you interject her on both sides and play monkey in the middle, with Redheart’s gluteus as the monkey.
  225. >”6!”
  226. “7!”
  227. >”Shit, come here, nurse, let me give you that physical!”
  228. >As the constant sounds of slapping, protesting and cheering went on, they seemed to echo through the chambers, one certain purple pony getting more and more distracted.
  229. >She tried her hardest to keep up her tracking spell, but the noise began to pound at her ear drums, stronger and stronger until she could no longer take it.
  230. >Twilight snaps, and she turned around to the sight of you and Berry taking fan slaps as you two ran right behind a waddling Redheart.
  231. >”STOP!”
  232. >It was like a freeze frame in a movie, you being mid-step as your hand was now groping her ass, Berry almost on top of her because she couldn’t stop, and Pinkie… was literally mid cheer, frozen in the air.
  233. >”I know this is taking a little longer than expected, but can you please keep it down?”
  234. >You all seem to line up all at once and put your arms/hooves behind your backs as if a teacher was lecturing her students, and say in unison:
  235. >>”Sorry, Twilight.”
  236. >She gives a curt nod, then walks back into the palace to continue her spell-searching.
  237. >Redheart rubs her glowing pink rump as she looks at you and Berry with a pout lip.
  238. >”I don’t think I’m gonna be able to sit down for a while…”
  239. >That was actually a legitimate concern, plus, while the last checkover went rather well, most of you weren’t at top physical form.
  240. “Actually, now would be a good time to make completely sure we’re all ship shape, especially since we’ve got better supplies and we’re going on this journey and… I call Redheart.”
  241. >You start inspecting her ass immediately, pulling out one of your first aid kits and
  242. begin to ‘patch’ her up.
  243. >Interestingly enough, she didn’t protest this time.
  244. >...
  245. “There we go, it looks like everyone’s healthy as a horse.”
  246. >”...What?”
  247. >You wave your hand.
  248. “Er… nothing, just an expression.” [Party at full health!]
  250. >Twilight’s distraction set her back slightly, so you still had to wait a little longer.
  251. >What would you like to do to pass the time?
  255. >Party members [4/7]:
  256. >ANONYMOUS: Inventory: Medical Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation) Medical Book (Diseases), Phone, Wallet, Bit purse (36 bits), Full roll of duct tape, First aid kit (3)
  257. Current questlog: [Wait for Twilight to finish her work][Become a doctor][Develop friendly relations with Applejack] Newly added: [Get Pinkie to slap your ass]
  258. HP: 100/100
  259. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Beginner medical use, Ogre Dance
  260. Equipped: T-shirt, Jeans/underwear, Tennis shoes, Spear
  262. >REDHEART: HP 124.999/125
  263. Abilities: Expert use of medical supplies
  264. Inventory: First Aid Kit (4), Knife
  265. Equipped: Royal Guard Medic-issued armor, Spear
  267. >PINKIE PIE: HP 100/100
  268. Abilities: Highly energetic attacks, Party cannon
  269. Inventory: Party Cannon, various sweets, ???
  270. Equipped: Dual-wield daggers
  272. >BERRY PUNCH: HP 200/200
  273. Abilities: Throw beer bottle, Drunk Dragon, Fisticuffs
  274. Inventory: Flask, 12 bits, Box of matches (10)
  275. Equipped: Forehoof Horseshoes, Royal Guard armor
  277. >You stretch your body out a bit as you stand.
  278. “This might take a while longer, so who wants something to eat? I can go get us whatever we need. Besides, I was wondering if I could talk to Red alone for a little while.”
  279. >”Oh? Oh, okay, sure.”
  280. >Berry speaks up first.
  281. >”Just get me some hard liquor for the trip! This flask isn’t gonna cut me, I think…”
  282. >The rest of them either didn’t want anything or just something small, except Pinkie, who wanted a huge cake.
  283. >You explained that bits were still a bit sparse, so she settled for a Canterlot-recipe blueberry icing cupcake.
  284. >That still was probably going to cost you, but oh well.
  286. “Oh, by the way Dash, I was wondering something.”
  287. >She looked around as if you meant someone else, then reluctantly spoke.
  288. >”What is it?”
  289. >A devious smirk curled on your face as you spoke.
  290. “Do the carpets match the drapes?”
  291. >You brace yourself for massive waves of anger and shock, but you only received confusion.
  292. >”What does that mean? Like, at my house? I… I guess..”
  293. >In hindsight, that could’ve ended badly, so you sigh in relief.
  295. >You leave with Redheart and begin walking the grand streets of Canterlot alone with her.
  296. >What do you say?
  299. >The two of you go forth, collecting what you need as you admire the city.
  300. >Your eye keeps drifting to the mare next to you though, who still has a bit of trouble walking normally after your antics earlier.
  301. "Hey Red. Have I mentioned yet how sexy you look in that armor?"
  302. >The nurse laughs a bit as you two continue your trek.
  303. >"Well. I gathered as much from earlier, but thank you Anon."
  304. >You lean down, whispering in her ear.
  305. "So, what's your fetish?"
  306. >"Hm. Well. I like being on top, as you know."
  307. >She gives you a wink, driving your penis into maximum overdrive.
  308. >"However, there is one thing. It drives me absolutely wild..."
  309. >What is it? What is it? WHAT IS IT!?
  310. "What would that be, gorgeous?”
  311. >"Well..."
  312. >Raising her hoof she signals you to get closer, and you comply immediately.
  313. >She leans in, her lips hovering right next to your ear, practically touching your skin.
  314. >"'ll have to find out next time we fuck."
  315. >That tease made you want to choke the nurse out and pound her marehood, possibly at the same time.
  316. >Maybe that is her fetish? Dammit, you'd just have to wait.
  318. >After a bit more walking you can tell that you and Berry's antics really did take a toll her.
  319. >She was walking a bit slower. If there were ever a time to be a gentleman, it would be now.
  320. "You know you can ride me if you want babe."
  321. >Dammit.
  322. >"Heh, thanks for the offer. I don't think doing that in public would be a good idea though..."
  323. "I meant, I can carry you. In fact, I insist that I do."
  324. >She blushes.
  325. >”Oh, my my. What a gentlecolt."
  326. >You lean down, letting Red press her crotch into your upper back as she gets adjusted.
  327. >She wraps her hooves around your neck and nuzzles into your hair while you carry the rest of the food.
  328. >"Thanks're great. You know that?"
  329. >All you could do is smile. Hell, those words got your heart beating a million miles a minute.
  330. >Arriving back at the castle, you find that Twilight has concluded her study.
  331. >Setting Red down you pass out the food, handing Twilight her's last as you sit down to speak to her.
  333. "Well, what did you find?"
  334. >Twilight takes a deep sigh, before responding.
  335. >"Well. Not much. What little I could discern we already knew. Maybe if I had a piece of it...if that is even possible to obtain. I'm sorry, I really tried. Ugh! This is frustrating!"
  336. >She digs into her meal as her brow furrows, ending the conversation right there.
  337. >Her face was scrunched into a mixture of irritance and disappoint, and with that you decide to leave her to her own thoughts.
  339. >You could see Rainbow and Rarity talking, while AJ was slumped against a wall with her hat tilted down.
  340. >Twilight continued her mirror, while Berry appeared to be showing Red how to box.
  341. >Pinkie was mucking around as usual, juggling her food and her daggers with expert ability.
  343. >What would you like to do?
  348. >You seek out Red, deciding it might be good to train a bit with both your newfound weapon and your natural weapon.
  349. "Hey Red, let's go see if Berry wants to teach us a thing or two about fist fighting.
  350. >"Do you mean hoof fighting Anon?"
  351. >Dammit.
  352. >The two of you seek out Berry and ask her to train you, Berry smirking as she pushes out in her hooves in an impression of Muhammad Ali.
  353. >You are now more proficient with your fists!
  355. "Hey Red. Could you find a guard that would help us train our spears?"
  356. >Red stifles a laugh at your comment, but nods and go off to fulfill your command.
  357. >You take this opportunity to question Berry.
  358. "Okay. So...what can I do to make Red go wild. Any tips?"
  359. >"Oh Anon. Do I need to give you a personal lesson?"
  360. >Gulp.
  361. >You mean unf.
  362. "Uh..."
  363. >She rolls her eyes and begins with some solid tips, but soon babbles about her own fantasies. Just like the train.
  364. >Dammit.
  365. >Red soon returns, and the two of you commence some basic training in spears.
  366. >You are now more proficient with spears!
  368. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to want to join us, would you?"
  369. >The guard chuckles a bit before responding.
  370. >"My duty is to be here and keep watch. Thanks for the offer though."
  371. >Well, worth a shot.
  373. "You know. I was thinking, maybe Twilight can find something from where that thing touched me on my neck?"
  374. >Red seems to ponder this for a bit.
  375. >"It couldn't hurt, right?"
  376. >As you walk towards the purple mare, you can see she isn't feeling much better.
  377. "Hey Twilight? Do you think inspecting where that thing touched me on my neck could yield any results?"
  378. >She says nothing, but stands up regardless as her horn glows.
  379. >Soon enough, she gives another sigh and simply nods.
  380. "Hey Twilight, don't worry about it."
  381. >"It isn't that easy Anon."
  382. >You look to Red who looks back at you with sad eyes.
  383. >The nurse sits next to Twilight and puts a hoof around her neck, trying to comfort her.
  384. >She points her hoof away, signaling you to do whatever you need to do.
  385. >"I got this, Anon."
  386. >If anybody could cheer up Twilight, it would be that nurse.
  388. >You decide to approach Applejack, leaving Red to a medical discussion she has started with a still disgruntled Twilight.
  389. >Before you can even speak, Applejack addresses you.
  390. >"Hey there Anon. What can ah do for ya'?"
  391. >Somehow she knew you were there without even lifting her hat from her eyes.
  392. "Uh, well. I figured we could chat a bit. You know, get to know each other a bit."
  393. >She lifts her hat up to look you in the eyes and gives a light smile.
  394. >"Sure Anon, what do ya' want tah know?"
  396. >What do you say?
  399. "Uh, well. What do you do for fun? Hobbies? Do you like apples?”
  400. >You blurt the last line out of your mouth, unable to think of anything specific to ask.
  401. >"Uh. Well. Ah do love apples. As far as fun, ah work a lot. So seeing Twi and the others is mah fun. I got ah question for you now Anon."
  402. "Yeah, what is it AJ?"
  403. >She doesn't say anything at first, just studying you.
  404. >"Why didn't that thing kill ya' back there? It could have, but it didn't. Any clue as tah why?"
  406. >What do you say?
  409. "He knew if he struck me down I'd be more powerful than he ever could imagine, or maybe he just found my insults amusing and decided to leave me be."
  410. >AJ cocks an eyebrow, possibly even getting irritated at how conceited you are.
  411. "Look, Applejack. I honestly don't know. Maybe it was because I was going to give him a colonoscopy with my fist. Maybe it couldn't hurt me, maybe it was running late for a dentist appointment. What I do know is that I just wish it hadn't run off. I don't want it to create more trouble."
  412. >AJ accepts just keeps eyeing you, searching for something and obviously coming up empty handed.
  413. >"Right. Whatever ya' say."
  414. "Do you really still not trust me, Applejack?"
  415. >She gives a smirk to that.
  416. >"Got a reason ah shouldn't?"
  417. >You needed to get her to trust you, with something like this distrust just wasn't an option.
  418. "Alright, how about you join me then? You do want to keep an eye on me, right?"
  419. >AJ sits up to that, and as she sees your smirk she can't help but laugh a bit.
  420. >"Okay partner. I believe ya', and if ya' need me to watch your ass I'll do that too. Could have just asked, didn't have to ramble tah me."
  421. >She extends her hoof to you and you grasp it firmly as you shake it.
  422. >"Ah'm warning you though. If I find out that ya' got something to do with this, I'll put you in the dirt Anon. Just being honest partner."
  423. >Fair enough.
  427. "Oh, one more thing. Why do you wear that hat, AJ?"
  428. >You see her face get flustered, and you can't quite tell what emotions she is feeling.
  429. >Pulling down her hat, she crosses her hooves over her stomach as she rests against the wall again.
  430. >"It's personal. Leave it at that Anon, if ya'd be so kind."
  431. >Her words sound pleasant, but her tone told you not to pursue this subject.
  437. >Outside you can see the sun is setting, and you figure that heading out tonight is probably a no go.
  438. >Twilight only confirms your thoughts when she speaks up.
  439. >"Okay everypony, let's finish up anything we have to do tonight and turn in. Got a big day tomorrow."
  440. >Everybody agrees, and the matter is settled.
  441. >Now that your business is done, no use in hanging around here.
  442. >Okay, you need a new plan of action.
  443. >Is there anything else you need to do to prepare?
  444. >As you think, you look for statues for some reason. You just seem to have an urge to find one.
  445. >You can’t find any. That makes you a bit… depresso.
  446. >So very depresso.
  447. >Maybe a bit of lifting will help that feeling.
  448. >Yeah, that sounds good.
  449. "Hey, anybody want to join me in a quick workout? I need to train a bit and get used to this weapon."
  450. >Berry trots to your side, whispering to you.
  451. >"I love a stallion who takes care of his body."
  452. >She winks at you, teasingly as Red comes up to you and tags along with a smile.
  453. >"Ah could use some activity too."
  454. >As AJ gets to her feet to join you, Rainbow blasts past her.
  455. >"If you wimps are going, I'm going too."
  456. >She sticks her tongue out, pointing at AJ who in response gives a smirk.
  457. >They rush to the training room, and you follow their lead.
  458. >Need those gains, man. They will prove most useful later on.
  459. >You and Berry decide to stick together during this time. There’s something you wanted to talk to her about, anyway.
  460. >Time goes by, and you discuss tactics to start up a threesome with Redheart.
  461. >Eventually, a rough plan is decided on.
  462. >"It'll be cake. Speaking of which..."
  463. >You follow her eyes to find her staring at Red's ass as she practices with her spear.
  464. >Well, let's do this shit.
  465. >You got a nice room to stay in within the castle and you head there with Berry and Red following right behind you.
  466. >As soon as you open the door, you see Pinkie laying on your bed, eating a slice of cake.
  467. >"HEY! We are going to have a sleepover tonight! Won't that be fun!?"
  468. >Pinkie.
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