
NSFW Raith/Khi First Time

May 6th, 2019
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  1. Khi looked down at Raith, his best friend in all of creation, cuddled closer to him than ever before. The normally light breathing now heavy, muscles tense with memories of fresh terror. He hugged Raith tighter, pulling the fur blanket close as well.
  3. The tension lessened as he held him, his hand gently running down the blue hair, soft and cool to the touch. He heard Raith mumble his name, a grin spreading across his face as he drifted off, his friend secure in his arms, safe from harm.
  5. ——
  7. He woke to the quiet sounds of Raith crying, shaking against him. The hearth in the room dimmed to barely a crackle. Raith felt cold as a grave, yet his brow was soaked in sweat.
  9. “Raith!” He gently pushed the smaller head up to face him, his hand soft the boys cheeks. “Are you okay… Here!”
  11. He moved a hand to Raiths side, gently cupping the bandaged skin as he channeled the divine gifts of Eilistraee.
  14. The faint moon light that filtered through the shuttered window pulsed, a maternal warmth followed as Khi’s hand contacted.
  16. Raith’s shivers slowed, his breath shaking, his eyes screwed shut, the faint marks of tears having flowed faintly visible.
  18. “Raith, Im here… Im here.” Khi leaned into him, holding their heads together.
  20. “Its cold.”
  22. Khi’s breath caught in his throat as Raith spoke, the once confident voice now broken and soft… frightened. He clenched his jaw, keeping his breath calm, unwilling to let Raith hear his uncertainty.
  24. “Hold here, ill stoke the fire.” He moved slightly back from Raith, feeling a immediat sadness as the thin arms slipped away from him. He wrapped the blankets around Raith, the boys head stick out from the mound of furs.
  26. He smiled and moved quick to the hearth, he tossing in some logs, scraping the bark for kindling and stoking the embers till they caught. He turned back to Ratih, looming at the small man, bundles in the blanket, still shivering.
  28. “Raith, I…” he moved to the edge of the bed. “I am gonna take the bandage off. I just want to check it, Okay?”
  30. Raith nodded, elsewise unmoving. Khi could feel Raiths eyes follow him, his breath drawn haltingly as Khi pulled away at the bandage.
  32. Khi saw the bright and pale scar, fresh against the deeper green skin. He ran his finger over it, the skin smooth, blending perfectly into the rest. Raith recoiled slightly at the touch, Khi doing similar as he felt the shift in movement.
  34. “Sorry, I.”
  36. He didn’t have the words.
  38. He slid in to the bed, joining Raith under the blankets. “Here, get in close Raith.” His friend, the boy he's loved secretly for years, was now with him, scared and in need of that love. “I have you Raith, and I will never let go now either.” He pulled Raith to him, their chest touching.
  40. He slight chuckle from Raith broke the silence.
  42. “Thats sounds ominous, Khi.”
  45. He felt tears well in his eyes at the voice, still broken, but with a hint of its former warmth. He fought back the tears, going to speak but stopping as he felt Raith dig into him. The thin arms pulling tight as they could.
  47. “Sorry…” Raith spoke, voice still quite as Khi suddenly felt a pressure against his belly. He blushed with realization.
  49. He looked down, seeing Raith looking back up at him, his eyes heavy, almost closed, a slight grin.
  51. “Believe it or not…” he leaned his head closer to Raith, “I kinda like it.” He chuckled and smiled, picking Raith up so their faces where touching. “It is nothing new, but.. when you feel better, well make it seem new!” He kissed Raith, lightly, with as much passion as he could empart.
  53. He heard Raith giggle as his own body rose to the occasion. He could feel Raiths ass pressed against him, the length of his shaft cradled by Raiths cheeks.
  55. “Maybe, we can get you ready, Slowly, for a few days, okay?” He leaned back into the mattress, pulling Raith with him.
  57. “Deal! We can run out and get some stuff tomorrow.”
  60. Khi smiled, happy to hear as Raiths voice returned to normal, even if for a moment.
  62. “Can you reach my pack! We can have a bit of fun tonight.” He beamed at Raith.
  64. “Yeah!” The once sleepy eyes shot open. “Let me try.”
  66. Raidh put his arm out, a few indecipherable sounds as he encanted, a small blue hand formed around his, stretching out to Khi’s pack. The spectral hand tugged at the the canvas bag, unable to move it.
  68. “Your bags to heavy, i can't lift it with this. Your gonna have to get it yourself Khi. Sorry.” He looked down, his hair falling to obscure his face, the cheer dropping from his voice once more.
  70. “Hey, its okay. You know i keep it pretty heavy.” He pet Raiths hair, gently brush it away from his face. “Hey, i know its cold, but lay on your belly. I’ll surprise you!” He lifted Riath face and kissed him before leaving the bed once more.
  73. Raith watched Khi move, the firelight dancing across the the deep green skin. He grinned as it made the pink hairs shine across the bigger mans ass, blushing at the sudden urge to grab it.
  75. He felt his face grow flush as Khi moved in to a squat over his bag, the large blass he had felt many times now hanging loosely, Khi’s still hard cock barely visible as He rummaged around. He heard Khi exclamation as he found his query and Raith quickly threw himself flat on the bed.
  77. “I heard that Raith!”
  79. “Nope! Heard nothing!”
  81. They both giggled as Khi climbed onto the bed. Raiths giggling turned nervous as he felt Khi’s knees grab his hips.
  83. “Shh, just relax Raith, your safe.” He uncorked a small bottle, a glittering oil roiling inside. “Just a massage Raith, it will help.”
  85. “They always help Khi…. You always help.” Raith gathered his hands under his head, making a pillow as Khi dumped some of oil onto his back.
  88. Khi smelled the oil, faint herbal scents mixed with Raith natural scent as smeared the oil around till Raiths back glistened, faint sparkles across light green skin. He ran his hands along Raiths back, working the muscles, hearing the faint sighing moans that he’d fantasied to many times.
  90. He heard Raith giggle again, becoming aware of his cock once more pushing against his boyfriends ass. He blushed, glad his face was hidden as he did so. His hand worked lower, the small waist beneath him. He felt a small pulse through his cock, he watched a dribble of pre-cum seep out, rolling down Raiths ass.
  92. “Ratih?” he was apprehensive, “Can I do something?”
  94. “Of course Khi, Anything you want!”
  96. Khi heard Raith, his voice quiet, but clearly happy. He poured a bit of the oil over Raiths ass, pushing his own dick down and out of the way. A huff from Raith as his expectations where dismissed.
  98. “Soon Raith, but I have to get you read for the next few days.”
  100. And as he spoke he slipped his thumb into his small friends hole. The magical oil warming and loosening him. Khi grinned as Raith pushed into the mattress, his arm going taught as he gripped the bed. Khi slid his thumb in fully, gripping Raith’s ass with the rest of his hand. Raith panted, regaining his breath as the surprise faded.
  102. “Is this okay Raith?”
  104. “It is Lovely Khisaha!” The light voice was chipper, almost hungry to Khi’s ears.
  106. “Well, your taking this well Raith.”
  108. “KHI, You think iv never done this myself?” He turned his head far as he could to see Khi.
  110. “Okay, yeah.” Khi blushed at the thought of Raith doing his alone. “Lay back down!”
  112. Khi gently pushed Raiths head back to the pile of blankets before turning his attention back to Raiths ass. He held the soft cheeks spread,the small hole pink and ready for more. He felt a pool of cum leaking from him, a silent prayer to eilistraee as he pushed two fingers into his lover.
  115. He watched Raith almost melt into the bed and he slid his fingers around. He spread a bit more oil, rolling the ass in his hands to work it into the soft skin. The glitter shining in the firelight like the night sky. He looked at Raith, his face buried in the blankets.
  117. He lowered his face, giving the boys hole a kiss before sliding both thumbs into him. He watched again as a slight squirm spread through the lithe body.
  119. “Your doing great Raith, your reactions are adorable.”
  121. Raith’s voice was shaky, with a noted Ecstasy. “Your fingers are… uhh,” he paused as Khi grabbed at his cheeks, working him slightly till he moaned. “Uhhh… A lot bigger than mine…”
  123. “Yeah, nice and nimble too.” He pulled them out, now glistening with the oil. “Do you want more, or is that enough for tonight Raith?”
  125. “Maybe…” he panted as his heart rate returned to normal. “Whatcha got in mind?”
  127. “Well, bear with me.”
  129. He gently flipped Raith onto his back, moving his left hand back to the boys ass, slipping tw fingers in once more. This time he saw the look on Raiths face, the slight opening of his mouth as he exhaled, his eyes falling closed as well. Khi grinned at the sight, chuckling as He grabbed Raiths cock, now hard with a shine if preecum aroud the forskin.
  131. Khi rolled Raiths foreskin down, watching the bright green glans exposed, the pre-cum rolling over his fingers. He reveled in the moment, his first proper chance to enjoy his friends body.
  133. He was brought back to the moment as he heard Raith whimper. The man’s teal eyes locked on his fresh scar, the pale green X mark standing out against his skin.
  135. “Raith…” he felt his heart tear at the boys saddened look. Khi moved his from the boys cock, sliding it over his belly till he covered the scar. “Raith, look at me…”
  137. He caught Raiths gaze, a faint smile returning. Raith brushed his hair back from his face, his eyes lighting as he saw Khi smiling.
  139. “Hey.”
  141. “Hey..., that's all i get?”
  143. “Yup!”
  145. “Hmm… just keep your eyes on me.” He locked gazes with Raith as he moved his mouth, taking the bright green glans into his mouth, watching Raiths face soften in a moan.
  147. “Khi, I can't take much of that right now.” He said, even as his hand shakily moved to Khi’s head. Gently, he brushed Khi’s eyebrows, a loud moan shot out of him in unison with the first jet of cum as Khi pushed his fingers deeper.
  149. He lay there holding Khi’s head gently as Khi worked, not stopping till Khi had pulled his head away, leaving him clean and soft. He rubbed Khi’s head, yawning as he sank i to the bed.
  151. He opened his eyes slightly as Khi moved up his body, feeling the bigger man’s cock trailing across his body, the occasional shot of cum. He felt Khi kiss him as he fell asleep.
  153. “Good night Raith, get some rest.”
  155. ~~~~
  157. They spent the next few days slowly traveling, ending up on the outskirts of Bastion, taking up a room at a small inn, just inside the South Gate.
  159. ~~~~
  161. “Khi, lets go find some food!”
  163. “Good idea.” Khi pat Raiths belly as it growled in protest. “Gotta get you energy for tonight!” He he resumed his actions, re-applying the bandage over Raiths stomach.
  165. “Isn't it healed Khi, why the bandage?”
  167. “Precautionary, iv never healed anything that bad. And I trust Eilistraee of course, but, if i don't worry about you who will?”
  169. “The scars growing on me, kinda badass. Like, i got runthrough by a Bone Devil… And lived. That’s pretty cool right!”
  171. Despite his words Khi saw the memory of terror behind his eyes, the teal going hazy as they lost focus. He gave Raith a light slap on the balls to bring him back, laughing at the tip from his friend.
  173. “The fuck Khi!”
  175. “Don’t space out on me when im trying to make a lunch plan.”
  177. “Right, food…” he trailed off as his stomach rumbled again. “Is this from the healing? I have never been so hungry before.”
  179. “Yeah, its a side effect of stronger healing. Your body has to make up for it after all, didn’t you study Magic?”
  181. “Not healing. Just the dangerous kind. Soren was, not very good at teaching me that part, he tried his best!”
  183. “He's a good man. Too bad he had to deal with you,” he stood up, pulling Raith to his feet, grabbing the smaller man's bulge and tugging it some. “Later! Now get dressed. I'm gonna go ask the keeper if they know anywhere for food.”
  185. Raith watched khi leave the room and with a sigh stood away from the bed, pulling a short green tunic from his pack. He slipped it on, watching as the thin fabric showed his belly if he raised his arms. He grinned at the outcome and slipped out the door, locking it behind him.
  187. He found Khi in the lobby, talking with the Keeper about local restaurants. He joined, them silently as he began braiding his hair into a long solid piece.
  189. Khi pulled him close, sliding a hand under the braid on his head to hold him lovingly, the big hands soft and gentle, making Raith blush at the man touch.
  191. “Ermmmph.” The small gnome mumbled as he though, a thick thick southern accent betrayed him of Tal-Rakkith heritage. “You’m be needin to try tha Slivered Plate.”
  193. “Slivered Plate?” Raith asked, unsure of the man’s accent.
  195. “Silvered, Raith.” Khi gently corred him.
  197. “Oh, my bad. Sorry sir, i did not mean to offend!”
  199. The gnome laughed, shaking his head. “No needs to ‘pologize lad, my accent thicker than an Ankhegs shit in Summer!”
  201. “I don’t know what that means, but thank you for the recommendation of establishment.” Raith gave the man a half bow in respect.
  203. “Any time, thanks to y'all for the patronage, i spect i’ll see y’all back tonight?”
  205. “Oh yeah, you might have some of the best beds i've ever slept on sir!” Khi’s professionalisms was endearing to Raith. “Which, here is the payment, plus a little extra for the helpful information.” Khi handed the man a pouch of gold. “Have a blessed day sir, we will see you later.”
  210. The streets of Bastion where like a different reality to them, so different from all the world as styles clashed.‍ where goblin and gnoll walked with dwarf and aasimar. A sprawl of shops opened up before them as they entered the lower bazar
  212. They were approaching a large orcs stall when they saw a set if people approach it first. A large black dragonborn in plate armor, as well as a Orange Tiefling and a pink haired Drow. They watched them receive a ornate bag from the orc before the drow excitedly pulled them off i to the crowd.
  214. They laughed at the sight and continued to explore as they headed for the Silvered Plate. Reaching the building as the sun scraped the mountains peak, the Sword of Bastion framing it in its carven hilt.
  216. They marveled at it, watching for a moment as the sun caught the glass dome set into the guard, dazzlingly bright.
  218. “Raith, the sword is glowing, have you heard of it doing that?”
  220. “Only on a solstice, is it that late in the year already?”
  222. “Yeah. We spent a few extra days in Silver Field remember.”
  224. “Nope. I remember it was me and you, that's all.”
  226. Khi blushed and pulled Raith close, leading him inside the building, the squat and square building looked of dwarven make. They had made it to the Silvered Plate, well past time of their lunch plans.
  228. ~~~~
  230. They found themselves back at the inn, the moons hanging low in the sky as Khi carried a sleeping Raith up to their room.
  232. He gently shifted his small lover, holding his curled up form in one arm as he opened the door, slowly moving through, aware not to hit their heads on the door frame.
  234. He gently laid raith on the bed, watching him roll and curl into a ball, his hair splayed over him like a blanket. Khi brushed the blue hair away from his face, running his fingers over the soft cheek.
  236. He smiled, filled with love at the sight of Raith at peace. He moved back to the door. Closing it quietly, he sighed, a tinge of sadness as his plans were pushed back. He looked at the table beside the bed, a small package waited for him.
  238. Khi dumped the box onto the bed, the bottle of clear oil and a note from the Keeper. Khi set them aside. He pulled his tunic off, feeling the cool air on his chest. Undressed fully, he approached the hearth, low embers churning as he stacked a few chunks of wood. He sat down as the fire grew hungry. The warmth on his chest made him sigh.
  240. Gently he rolled back his foreskin, eyes closed as he moved It slowly. A few slow passes along his length, he stopped as he felt himself firm up a bit. Looking down he saw the slight shine across his glans.
  242. He hadn’t cum in the last few days, he wanted to make it good, special. He crawled into the bed, pulling Raith close he buried his face into the soft hair and fell asleep.
  244. ~~~
  246. Khi awoke to the sound of Raith crying, the soft sound breaking the silence. Realizing his arms were empty he bolted upright, looking around until he saw Ratith frames by the heartight. He scrambled to him, pulling the blankets with him.
  248. “RAITH!” He wrapped his arms around the lithe frame, feeling the shaking, skin cold even with the fire.
  250. “Raith, are you okay?” He pulled Raith hair back, a sharp pain through his chest as he was the tears streaking down the face, the often confident face now filled with pained terror. “Raith…”
  252. “I saw it again, i could feel it, hearing the cackling sound it made…” he trailed off as he began crying harder, burying his face into Khi’s chest. “Im sorry, you wanted to have fun tonight and I fell asleep and now im crying, im sorry intuined goir night Khi!”
  254. “You can't ruin anything for me Raith, a night spent with you is a night i will cherish forever!” He pulled Raiths head to his, gently, brushing the tears from his cheeks. “It's not about making love, of spending time talking. Its about this…” he gave Raith a kiss, then another on his forehead. “It’s about our love!”
  256. “Thank you Khi. I… we can still do it though, i dont want to sleep again right now anyways.”
  258. “Are you sure, i don’t want to force you.”
  260. “Yeah, iv really wanted this Khi!” He pulled the small bottle of oil to them with a mage hand. “Here, i can get us ready, if you want?”
  262. “By all means Raith, id appreciate that!” He pulled Raith into his lap, his hands gripping Raiths ass as settled in his lap. He leaned in and kissed him, pausing as he felt the soft lips. His teal eyes still ringed with red from the crying. Khi moved a hand up his back, till his fingers slid through the hair and held their head close.
  264. “Ready when you are Raith.”
  266. He saw Raiths face light up as he giggled. He saw the arcane hand pour a small bit of oil onto Raiths hands before dissapunehind him.
  268. “Can you reach behind me?”
  270. Khi ran finger across Raith’s hole slowly, “Yeah, seams like it! What do you need me to do?”
  272. “You know what to do!” Raith started giggles as he rubbed his hands together. “Get me ready.”
  274. “Oka… ohhh…” he trailed off as he felt Raith grab his cock, the fresh oil making the action smooth. He laughed as Raith squeezed and rolled his hands around. “My turn.” He whispered, cupping his hands gently, waiting for the arcane hand to pour some oils into them.
  276. He felt the cool, thick oil pour over his hands, slowly he moved his hands so they were under Raith, rubbing the oil gently into him, carefully making sure none fell on to the floor. He pushed two fingers into Raith, feeling him shake and exhale.
  278. “Thank You for this Raith.” He whispered to him, as Raith’s hands slipped away from his cock and slipped them over his shoulders, bracing himself on Khi’s frame.
  280. Raith moved onto his knees, pushing closer to Khi’s body till the thick cock pressed against his ass slightly, Khi’s fingers still inside him, working him loosely.
  282. “Done tease me big man. I am more than ready!”
  284. “Yeah, me to.” He let his hand fall away from Raith, the cool air making his fingers miss his friends warmth. “Hold on!” He slid his thumb into Raith, he heard Raith inhale. “Hold on.” He kissed Raith, feeling their tongues meet.
  286. He felt Raith squirm, antsy for what was next. Tugging gently with the hand inside Raith he positioned him, pulling his cock into line.
  288. “A bit more oil please Raith.” He broke away just long enough to ask. Instantly feeling the oil drip onto his free hand.
  290. He guided his cock with his thumb, sliding the one out as the glans pushed in, the pressure of Raith made his heart jump. Their breathing both picking up.
  292. He felt Raith pull tight against him, the smaller boys cock hard against his stomach, he grabbed the lithe hips, holding him steady as he rocked on his knees. The thin body almost shivering.
  294. “Really enjoying it my love?”
  296. “Yup.”
  298. Khi pulled him down a few inches, watching Raiths face, as his eyes opened wide and he drew a deep sharp breath. He was panting as Khi held him, slowly lowering him down.
  300. “Almost down. Your tough Raith, Amazingly tough!”
  302. “Push me.”
  304. “What!”
  306. “I want to know what you feel like Khi, i have dreamt about this for… an embarrassingly long amount of time.”
  308. “Okay.”
  310. He moved his hands till he was cupping Raith’s ass, gently squeezing the soft cheeks. And the. Let him slide on his own down the last bit of his cock. He kissed Raith as he went, feeling ever small breath as the ecstasy of the moment shook his body.
  312. Khi felt Raith now pressed against his pelvis. His balls pressed between his thighs and Raith ass, the gentle squeezing riling him up. Raith pulled his head back from his, a small trail of saliva breaking.
  314. “Fuck!”
  316. “I warned you, Here.” Khe pushed his hand sintl Raiths ass and let a small healing pulse flow. “Better?”
  318. “Yes, but that was a good fuck. God damn Khi. I can. Kt wait to try giving you a blow job!”
  320. “Raith, are you trying to hurt yourself?”
  322. “I know my limits.”
  324. He spoke as he shakily pushed himself up with his legs. Khi moaning and leaning back a bit as the tightness of Raith’s ass left him.
  326. “My knees are a little weak.” He said as the gave out on him. He fell, having the half of Khi’s cock that he had lifted off of slide back in quickly. He threw his head back moaning, his hands leaving Khi’s back as he lay flat on the floor, his stomach heaving as he moaned.
  328. “Raith!” Khi immediately moved over top of him, his cock pulling out with a wet slap as it bounced forward onto Raiths. Throwing a hand back, he slid a few fingers into Raith and sent a healing spell into him. The warmth spreading inside.
  330. “Raith are you okay?”
  332. “Holy holy hells Khi, that felt… really…” he took a deep breath as the healing spell spread, “the tickles. It felt good Khi, oh boy… please keep going.”
  334. “Of course, as long as your good.” He kissed him, sliding back onto his knees this time and pulled Raith i to his lap as he lay there, sliding the glans in to Raith drew a sharp breath and a curse of joy.
  336. “Ready?”
  337. “Ready!”
  339. He pulled him quick, sliding his full length into his lover, watching him paw at the ground. He began slow thrusts, keeping a steady pace as he moved as just enough to keep himself inside.
  341. He grabbed the bottle of oil from where the hand had dropped it before it faded, and poured the rest onto himself as he went, the thick oil sliding inside Raith let Khi move freely. The sound was driving Khi on, Raiths face as he moaned his only Focus.
  344. “Khi… grab my dick!”
  346. “Of course.”
  348. He began rolling his fingers around inside Raith foreskin, the precum squishing out. He rolled the foreskin back, gently squeezing his glans.
  350. He bent forward, giving the shaft a quick lick, watching as Raith shuddered. “I love how thick you are Raith, how bright.” He saw a small glob of white appear. Moving his mouth over, “I Love how good you taste!” And he took the vibrant green, shiny glans in his mouth as Raith moaned loudly and as he struggled to keep his hips moving.
  352. He paused with his glans alone in Inside Raith as he worked his head along the thicker cock, feeling the thick cum as it pushed down his throat. He watched as Raith pawed at the floor, his head thrown back as he moaned.
  354. He could feel his own balls draw a bit tighter as he pulled back from Raiths cock, the shiny shaft twitching as his orgasm continued. He pressed around the boys cock as he pushed in fully again, the wet slaps as he picked up speed. He felt his breathing quicken, his feet twitching.
  356. “Here Raith, hold on.” He pulled Raith up, the light body limp as Raith moaned and whimpered with pleasure. “Here, arms around me!” Raith held him loosely. A smile across his face.
  358. “I love you.”
  359. “I love you to, even when your being a doofus.”
  360. “It is all i know Khi.”
  361. “I Know, Now hold on. Im so close.”
  363. Khi held Raiths hips as he gently bounced him, kissing him and feeling Raiths breath skip as he filled him, feeling his breath grow fast as Khi came, the room quiet but for the slapping as he bounced Raith, he slowed as he felt his cum stop. The week long build up let Raiths belly slightly puffed, the often flat belly softly curved. He lay Raith flat on his back caressing the belly.
  365. “You look amazing with me inside you.” He leaned over him, keeping his cock buried inside him. “You were so hungry for me!” A goofy grin as he teased Raith.
  367. “Hush, weirdo!” He weakly tried to push Khi’s face away.
  369. “... thank you Khi. You always know how to make me feel better.”
  371. “If you asked, i’d bring you the moons themselves.”
  373. “I don’t doubt it, but, can I ask one more favor… can you braid my hair please?”
  375. “Gladly, here.” He gently flipped Raith over, careful not to let his now soft cock slide out. “That felt weird, did it feel good for you.”
  377. “Fuck Khi, you’re r too good at this!”
  380. They sat by the fire as Khi worked the long blue hair into a solid braid, soon falling asleep wrapped in eachothers arms, well in need of a bath.
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