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- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- string s;
- int n;
- string Read(){
- const int MaxN = 4e5 + 5e2;
- static char Buff[MaxN];
- scanf("\n%s" ,Buff);
- return Buff;
- }
- inline string SubStr(string &Str ,int Start ,int Len = 1e9){
- /// --- Give String + StartIdx (If You Want To The End Of String) --- ///
- /// --- Give String + StartIdx + Len (If You Want Len Of SubStr) ---- ///
- string Res;
- int N = (int)Str.size();
- Len = max(0 ,Len);
- Start = max(0 ,Start);
- for(int i = Start ; (i < N && i < Start + Len) ; i++)
- Res += Str[i];
- return Res;
- }
- void CountSort(vector< int > &SA ,vector< int > &RA ,int k ,int n){
- int N = max(300 ,n);
- vector< int > Cnt(N ,0);
- vector< int > tempSA(n);
- /// --- Count The Repetitions --- ///
- for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
- Cnt[ (i + k >= n) ? 0 : RA[i + k] ] ++;
- /// --- Find The Correct Index Of Each Repetition --- ///
- for(int i = 0, sum = 0 ; i < N ; i++){
- int t = Cnt[i];
- Cnt[i] = sum;
- sum += t;
- }
- /// --- Put Each Repetition In It's Right Place --- ///
- for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
- tempSA[ Cnt[ ((SA[i] + k) < n) ? RA[ SA[i] + k ] : 0] ++ ] = SA[i];
- /// --- UPD Suffix Array --- ///
- SA = tempSA;
- }
- void RadixSort(vector< int > &SA ,vector< int > &RA ,int s ,int f ,int n){
- CountSort(SA ,RA ,s ,n); /// --- Sort By Second --- ///
- CountSort(SA ,RA ,f ,n); /// --- Sort By First --- ///
- /// --- Sort The Pair ii(F ,S) --- ///
- }
- vector< int > ConstructSA(string &s ,int n){
- vector< int > tempRA(n ,0);
- vector< int > SA(n ,0) ,RA(n ,0);
- for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) RA[i] = (int)s[i];
- for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) SA[i] = i;
- for(int k = 1 ; k < n && (RA[ SA[n - 1] ] != n - 1) ; k <<= 1 ){
- /// --- Sort pairs (RA[i] ,RA[i + k]) --- ///
- RadixSort(SA ,RA ,k ,0 ,n);
- /// --- Give New Ranks After Sorting --- ///
- int r = tempRA[ SA[0] ] = 0;
- for(int i = 1 ; i < n ; i++){
- bool flagF = (RA[ SA[i] ] == RA[ SA[i - 1] ]);
- bool flagS = (RA[ (SA[i] + k) >= n ? 0 : SA[i] + k ] ==
- RA[ (SA[i - 1] + k) >= n ? 0 : SA[i - 1] + k ]);
- tempRA[ SA[i] ] = (flagF && flagS) ? r : ++r;
- }
- /// --- UPD Rank Array --- ///
- RA = tempRA;
- }
- return SA;
- }
- /// --- Find Str t in Str s --- ///
- bool Search(vector< int > &Suff ,string &s ,int n ,string &t ,int m){
- bool Res = false;
- /// --- Binary Search The Suffixes --- ///
- int L = 0 ,R = n - 1;
- while( L <= R && !Res ){
- int Mid = (L + R) >> 1;
- string SubSuffString = SubStr(s ,Suff[Mid] ,m);
- if( SubSuffString < t ) L = Mid + 1;
- else if( SubSuffString > t ) R = Mid - 1;
- else Res = true;
- }
- return Res;
- }
- /// --- Count Occurs Of Str t in Str s --- ///
- int CntOfOccInStr(vector< int > &Suff ,string &s ,int n ,string &t ,int m){
- /// --- Binary Search The Suffixes Get LowerBound --- ///
- int OccF;{
- int L = 0 ,R = n - 1;
- while( L <= R ){
- int Mid = (L + R) >> 1;
- string SubSuffString = SubStr(s ,Suff[Mid] ,m);
- if( SubSuffString >= t ) R = Mid - 1;
- else if( SubSuffString < t ) L = Mid + 1;
- }
- string SubSuffString = SubStr(s ,Suff[L] ,m);
- OccF = (SubSuffString == t) ? L : -1;
- }
- /// --- Binary Search The Suffixes Get UpperBound --- ///
- int OccL;{
- int L = 0 ,R = n - 1;
- while( L <= R ){
- int Mid = (L + R) >> 1;
- string SubSuffString = SubStr(s ,Suff[Mid] ,m);
- if( SubSuffString > t ) R = Mid - 1;
- else if( SubSuffString <= t ) L = Mid + 1;
- }
- string SubSuffString = SubStr(s ,Suff[R] ,m);
- OccL = (SubSuffString == t) ? R : -2;
- }
- int Cnt = OccL - OccF + 1;
- /// --- Ans = Idx OF UpperBound - Idx Of LowerBound + 1 --- ///
- return Cnt;
- }
- int main() {
- n = (int)(s = Read() + '$').size();
- vector< int > Suff = ConstructSA(s ,n);
- for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ , puts("")){
- printf("%d %d " ,i ,Suff[i]);
- for(auto i : s.substr(Suff[i]))
- printf("%c" ,i);
- }
- }
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