
Old Man Norman 3: Betting it all **CANCELLED**

Apr 18th, 2014
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  1. Old Man Norman 3: Betting it all
  2. ______________________________________________________
  4. >I walk towards the land's checkpoint area.
  5. >The only thing connecting the kingdom of the tyrant queen and this city that she abandoned.
  6. >I carry only a small ticket given to me by a little boy...or girl.
  7. >It's a lottery ticket. It's not much, but it's the only ticket I have to get inside the kingdom, even for a few minutes.
  8. >After an hour of walking, I arrive.
  10. >In front of me, I see three guards.
  11. >All six foot tall and trained to the core.
  12. >These guys will kill me like a fly.
  13. >I wave my hand at them.
  14. >They give the 'halt' signal.
  16. >"You, beggar. Stop where you are." they said.
  17. >I stop.
  18. >They move in to question me.
  19. >"State your business, beggar."
  20. >I take the ticket from my pocket and showed it to them.
  21. "I mean no harm, only a minute of entertainment based on luck."
  22. >"Hm, this ticket's way too expensive for the likes of you. How did you get one?"
  23. >>"I bet he stole it!" another guard said.
  24. >You tell them no.
  25. "What can I say? I have nothing to lose. Bought it with whatever money a few rich folk gave to me when I begged for a year."
  26. >"You're crazy! Giving all you have for a chance to win a horse?"
  27. "Do I look like I have much to live for?"
  29. >They look at your old complexion.
  30. >They assume you're telling the truth.
  31. >"Very well. You! Escort the old man to the lottery area."
  32. >>"Yeah, yeah." said the guard
  33. >You held on to your walking stick as you got back your ticket.
  34. >The guard escorts me towards the bridge heading to the kingdom.
  35. >>"Pick a god and pray, old man. You're just one of the hundreds of people who bought a ticket to win."
  36. "Heh. Even if I don't win, at least I get to see the insides of the kingdom again one last time."
  37. >>"Again? You've been here?"
  38. "That was a long long time ago. I can't really remember why I was there, but I remember the face of the old queen, Celestia."
  39. >The guard walked fast, almost shaking when he heard the name of Celestia.
  40. "Something wrong?"
  41. >>"N-nothing. Just hurry up with your walking."
  42. "Alright, alright."
  44. Babs Seed
  46. >Scootaloo awakens to the sound of your hammering and wood shaving.
  47. >She gets off her bed and walks out her bedroom.
  48. >"Babs?"
  49. *CLANK* *CLANK*
  50. >You hammer some 2x4, one after the other.
  51. >This would have been easier if the hideout had a forge.
  52. >"Babs, what are you doing?"
  53. >You give a quick look to Scootaloo.
  54. >Your eyeballs slightly red and eyebugs below your lids.
  55. "Morning, sunshine. How's sleep?"
  56. >Scootaloo leaned in to see what you were doing.
  57. >"What is this?"
  58. "Let's just say it's a surprise."
  59. >"W-what? I don't understand."
  60. "Heh. Say Scoots, remember that ticket Ah showed you last week?"
  61. >Uhhm, yeah?
  62. "A few hours ago, Ah gave my lottery ticket to ahn old man who saved me from a bunch-a pricks from the city."
  64. "You mean that cost ME a week to get, but don't worry. I have a plan."
  65. >"Plan? What plan?"
  66. "Look, my original plan was to go to that lottery and maybe steal the horse, but..."
  67. >"But what?"
  68. "That would require time and effort, something Ah can't afford to take chance with Diamond. If she found out I won a horse, she'd take it for herself."
  69. >You stop your hammering and talked to Scootaloo, eye to eye.
  70. "That's where the old man comes in. I don't know if I could trust him, but I don't have much of a choice. He's the only chance we have of getting out of here. Besides, he's helped me get out of a serious pickle, and ah doubt Diamond would do the same for me."
  71. >"But what if he loses?"
  72. "I...I don't know. Either way, we're just betting it all on him."
  73. >Scootaloo shakes. It's all happening so fast.
  74. "I can't live like this, not anymore. I need to get out of this place, and I'm bringing you along with me."
  75. >"W-what!? But we can't survive out there on our own. Even if we do escape without Diamond knowing, I'll just drag yo-"
  76. >You hold her shoulders and looked in her eyes one more time.
  78. >"Babs..."
  79. >You went back to hammering metal and wood together.
  80. "Bah, I need more parts."
  81. >You take what you just constructed and hid it under your bed.
  82. "I'm going outside. I can trust you with this, right?"
  83. >"Y-yeah! But Babs, you only have an hour left before we report to Diamond!"
  84. "Guess I'll hurry it up, then."
  85. >You walk out of your room and climbed up the ladder.
  86. >As you climb out of your hideout, you look at the tree where you met the old man.
  87. >He's not there.
  88. "Guess he went to the kingdom after all."
  89. >You wished him good luck with your thoughts, and hopes that he wins.
  90. >And you hope that if he does, he gives you and scoots a ride out of this place.
  92. Norman
  94. "Oh my god."
  95. >You look upon the kingdom from beyond the gates.
  96. >It is paradise compared to your city.
  97. >Nice, clean water used for the fountains.
  98. >Women and men, dressed with the highest quality threads seamstresses can weave.
  99. >Guards, expertly standing outside and inside the kingdom's establishments.
  100. >This is too much for you. Your balls could drop.
  101. >"Close your mouth, beggar. You're here for the lottery. Any non-citizen of Canterlot is strictly forbidden to go beyond this lane."
  102. "Yeah, yeah."
  103. >The guard continues to escort you, until you've reached a certain point.
  104. >"URGH!"
  105. "Hmm? What's wrong?"
  106. >"I...I need to take a piss. Stay right here or face execution!"
  107. >He then leaves in a hurry, holding his crotch.
  108. >It's going to take him minutes before he could take off his armor.
  109. "haha."
  111. >You take a seat by the nearby bench, admiring the kingdom.
  112. >You look at the balcony of the kingdom's main castle.
  113. >The Queen looks down her subjects. Her cold gaze and serious face sort of breaks the immersion.
  114. >"You know, she wasn't always like this."
  115. >You look to your left. Another person wearing a hood tries to spark a conversation.
  116. "Hm. I know. I used to know the queen."
  117. >"Oh really? Heh. Then again, the queen had alot of friends when she was a young woman."
  118. "Well, I wouldn't remember much of that. I do remember an old friend of mine. Blue hair, a bit yellow in complexion. He was always hitting on Queen Sparkle before her coronation."
  119. >"Oh?"
  120. "Heh, yeah. It's a shame I don't remember much of my past. I don't even remember where that blue-haired bastard went off."
  121. >The hooded man stays quiet, smiling for a moment.
  122. >"So what are you doing in this kingdom, old man? I doubt you're a citizen here. You reek of filth, no offense."
  123. "None taken. I don't suppose you know of a lottery here, right?"
  124. >"Lottery? Of course! A horse is expensive to buy, so alot of people joined in on the lottery."
  125. "Yeah. Well, long story short, I got a ticket, and now I'm entering the lottery."
  126. >"And if you win? What then? Will you go back to the outside of this kingdom, only for you to get killed over a horse by a butcher or a thief?"
  127. "Nah, I'm taking my chances of leaving the city without looking behind. I'd rather die far away from this place."
  128. >"Heh."
  129. >He looks at you for a moment.
  131. >"I don't remember much of my past as well, but I do remember someone else too."
  132. "Hm?"
  133. >"Yeah. I remember someone who wore bright orange clothes, and that beanie you're wearing."
  134. >He points at your beanie.
  135. >"Yeah. Almost the same color. He and I used to be brothers in arms."
  136. >You're curious.
  137. "What happened?"
  138. >"Well... he-"
  139. >Just before he could continue, the guard who was escorting you finally got out of the bathroom.
  140. >"OH MAN, those leaves were a pain in my ass. Someone should like, invent a way to wipe shit off your ass without using leaves. I'd pay a fortune for that."
  141. >He grabs you by the arm.
  142. >"Come, citizen. You don't want to be late for what could possibly be the most disappointing event of your life. HAHA."
  143. >Asshole.
  144. >You wave goodbye to the mysterious hooded man by the bench.
  145. >Hoping you get to talk to him again soon.
  146. >He seems to know you.
  149. Scootaloo
  151. "Oh man. Babs is late!"
  152. >I got to make a cover story for her, but how?
  153. >Got to run fast to the dining room. Got to tell Diamond Tiara that Babs just needed some time out.
  155. >You run through the sewers, hard enough as it is for your predicament.
  156. >Limping, avoiding rats, holding on tight to your crutch.
  157. >You arrive at the dining area, but it's empty, save for the fire on the firewood lighting up the room.
  158. >Where could they be?
  159. >You walk towards Babs' room.
  160. >It's half open.
  161. "Oh god."
  162. >You limp faster, and finally, you went inside.
  163. >Diamond Tiara and her pals found a bunch of things from under Babs' bed.
  165. >A poster regarding the lottery, a ripped map for everfree forest, and the contraption Babs was working on.
  166. "I..."
  167. >"Scootaloo..." they said with a devilish tone.
  168. "I...I..."
  169. >They know you and Babs were close.
  171. >"You have alot of explaining to do..." They said, holding their pipes.
  174. Norman
  177. >Hmm? The queen's here?
  178. "Hey, guard. The queen hosts these things?"
  179. >"You have a problem with that?"
  180. "Well, no, but isn't it dangerous for her to appear here? I mean, not everyone here is from this kingdom. There others from the city outside."
  181. >"That's why we're here, beggar. You guys do something, we kill you, otherwise, we get killed ourselves. Besides, there's only, like, four of you city-folk in here."
  182. "Ah."
  183. >The stage is a bit empty.
  185. >Twilight? Tardy?
  186. >Never thought you'd see the day.
  188. >You look at your ticket. Number 1.
  189. >>"You know, if the lucky number is 7, it just takes a little more ink"
  190. >You look to your right. It's that hooded man.
  191. >"Hey, get out of here."
  192. >>"Oh don't be so strict, guard. Even an old man like him needs some company."
  193. >"Fine. You have three minutes."
  194. >The hooded man whispers as he talks.
  195. >>"So, you think you're lucky, old man?"
  196. "You don't look so young yourself, mate.
  197. >>"Heh."
  198. "So, about that that guy you familiarize me with. Who was he?"
  199. >>"Let's just say I owe him big time. Saved me once from the queen's wrath."
  200. "Oh? What happened."
  201. >>"Ehh, the usual. Misunderstood my actions, one thing led to another, and I was almost punished, if not for my friend."
  202. "Hurm..."
  203. >>"The last words I told him was that, if he got out of this alive, I'll buy him a drink at the bar. Even if I didn't have any money, I still owed him my life."
  204. "And did that man survive whatever punishment he got?"
  205. >>"I don't know. He never resurfaced the day after that. I was too much of a coward to question the queen. I believed him to be dead...until now."
  206. "What?"
  207. >The hooded man separated from you. He left in haste.
  208. >Who was that man?"
  210. >Suddenly, trumpets sound the arrival of the queen.
  211. >The horses pull the queen's carriage until it's driver signals them to halt.
  212. >Behind the queen's carriage, the cage to the horse, and the small cart chained to the horse.
  213. >Another guard opens the door of the carriage. Out goes the queen.
  216. >People around clap and cheer as the queen exits the carriage.
  217. >She shows no emotion. Only the face of boredom. She slowly walks to the stage.
  218. >You only look at her with a mix emotion of anger and nothingness.
  219. >"Now, our queen. Do you have anything else to say?"
  220. >The queen shakes her head gracefully, indicating a no.
  221. >"Very well then, let us proceed with the program! After all, these only last for 15 minutes."
  222. *laughing audience.mp3*
  223. >"So, as we begin this blah blah blah..."
  224. "Hey guard. How long till he starts to draw a number?"
  225. >"This could take a while. The guy loves the sound of his voice."
  226. "Ah well."
  227. >You decide to look at the kingdom in the background. The highlight of this country.
  228. >But you notice something different.
  229. >There is a silhouette of a human, jumping from building to building.
  230. >Oh god, are we going to have an assassination event?
  231. >...
  232. >Nah, that only happens in those Hashashin's Creed books.
  233. >You look at the the man climbing the building. He's not alone.
  234. >With him, two other hooded folk. Most likely his partners.
  235. >You then put your attention to the crowd. The hooded man you just talked to gave you a smirk.
  236. >Something's happening.
  237. >You look up to check the hooded people again.
  238. >Within a second, they hide in the shadows.
  239. >No one took notice. No one but you.
  241. >Why isn't anyone looking there?
  242. >These guards are the worst.
  243. >Ah well. Might as well see what happens.
  245. *cheering audience.mp3*
  247. >It takes the guy a whole minute to get a number.
  248. >Oh the drama...
  251. >Oh please, just shut up and say the number one.
  252. >"AND THE NUMBER IS..."
  253. >...
  254. >"[spoiler]SEVEN[/spoiler]. THE NUMBER IS [spoiler]SEVEN[/spoiler]."
  255. >The guard escorting you laughs.
  256. >"What number were you were again, beggar?"
  257. "Any number but seven, if that's what you're asking."
  258. >"Hahahaha."
  259. >The winner goes up the stairs of the stage.
  260. >The guy is happy as hell.
  261. >Normally, you'd give him a smile, but fuck, you really wanted that horse.
  262. >"Congratulations, lucky winner. How does it feel?"
  264. >[spoiler]tfw havegf.png[/spoiler]
  266. >"Hahah, come, come claim your reward."
  267. >The audience looks as the man escorts the winner to the small cage holding the horse and it's cart.
  268. >But before they could open it, something happens.
  269. >Smoke bombs roll on stage. Some fall from the sky.
  271. "What the hell?"
  273. >Footstep sounds intensifies as the smoke denies the guards its sight.
  274. >You can barely see a thing, but you can see two-three hooded people wearing goggles.
  275. >The queen's guards quickly escorts Twilight to her carriage.
  276. >And from the smoke, a man rides the horse as his two lackeys sit on the cart.
  277. >>"HAHA!" the hooded man yelled as he rode on the horse.
  278. >He then grabs his sword and knocks out the guard who was escorting me.
  279. >He then sheathes his sword, takes off his hood and looks you in the eye.
  280. >A streak of blue and white oh his hair. The look of determination on his face.
  281. >He reminds you of your old friend.
  282. >Maybe he is your old friend, maybe he isn't.
  284. >He stretches out his hand and says to you.
  286. >"Come with me if you want to live better."
  288. End of Chapter 3.
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