

Apr 20th, 2013
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  1. Attention STO Roleplayers:
  3. Some of you may know me, but for those who don't, my name is Nbreeki, and I am the head of the Ministry of Peace and Prosperity, a fairly powerful faction within Starfleet Dental. We were founded to help mediate disputes within Dental, and to facilitate the communication of grieviances between the playerbase and the Starfleet Dental Leadership Council.
  5. Recently, Starfleet Dental has enacted a reasonably significant restructuring, with many members of the old guard moving on to new projects and fresh faces who haven't formed any firm views about the non-Dental playerbase. As the head officer of the influential MOPP, I feel the time is right to remould Starfleet Dental in a way that promotes effective engagement with the player community in STO to further our mission against those who would sexualise children, including those who routinely expose children to inappropriate sexual material via public erotic roleplay.
  7. The issue today, as it has been in the past, is that most Starfleet Dental members draw no distinction between Role Play and Erotic Role Play. As soon as RP is spotted, the assumption is made that the players are (or will soon be) engaged in ERP. This usually ends the way you're probably already familiar with.
  9. This has created needless tension between Starfleet Dental and the player community at large, and while I have also erred in this way, I have come to a realisation that if we cultivate good relations with the non-dental fleets, especially the role-playing fleets, we are all better placed to excise the cancer that is erotic role play, specifically that targetting minors.
  11. You are all aware of at least one paedophile using Star Trek Online to groom potential victims; we have no doubt that there are more. And protecting children in the playerbase is something I'm sure we can agree is something that needs to be done.
  13. So why am I coming to you?
  15. Starfleet Dental maintains an impressive intelligence apparatus; we have agents and assets infiltrated in key positions in many fleets. One of those assets is an alt of mine, and while playing that alt I honestly became confused if I was in the Starfleet Dental intelligence channel or the infiltrated fleet channel. It prompted a realization that I, and many other Dentals, had been basing our behaviours and interactions on a flawed premise. This view was cemented when a player in fleet channel attempted to initiate ERP with another fleet member and was immediately ejected from the fleet by a high-ranking character.
  17. You're still skeptical? Well, that's certainly justified. Starfleet Dental hasn't really done a lot to endear ourselves to the playerbase. If it makes you feel any better, the Starfleet Dental Leadership Council is similarly wary, however at the moment they're willing to listen and change, and if I could present them with a fait accompli they would very likely accept it and direct the Dental line-members appropriately.
  19. For this reason, I am inviting you to a Role-playing Round Table meeting where we can discuss the honestly very large amount of overlap in our shared vision for Star Trek Online; I'm sure that once we get to talking, we will find that we agree about far more than we disagree about, and from there we have a solid foundation to move forward, together, and make and keep this game safe for minors to play.
  21. Note that under no circumstances will Starfleet Dental compromise on allowing public erotic role play, or back down one iota on 'immature' looking characters and paedophilic biographies. I won't agree to it, the Leadership Council won't agree to it and the line members certainly won't agree to it. If you intend to try to defend the indefensible at the roundtable, your input is unwelcome and I, and the rest of the non-paedophile playerbase, thank you not to attend.
  23. So what will happen?
  24. On ____, the ____ of April at ______ Eastern Standard Time (U.S.), I would like to meet with leaders and members of major RP fleets on STO, along with members of the STO public. I want to hear your demands, your concerns, your ideas, and I in turn will let everyone know what Dental wants and expects. I want your strategies for helping us (not just Dental, but US as a community of Trekkers) eradicate public ERP from the game. How can Dental work with you and your fleet to accommodate this? What can we do to help you?
  26. To all those who would rather sit this out and hope that, somewhere along the line, the Devs and GMs are going to take action to dismantle or contain Dental, I can tell you right now that it will simply not happen: Starfleet Dental has been in STO since launch, has been doing what they do for years now, and has seen very little resistance on the part of Cryptic and PWE.
  28. In the past year, only ONE of our more than four-hundred members has been banned, and for something completely unrelated to Dental’s activities on Drozana and elsewhere.
  30. The fleet is not going anywhere, so you've really nothing to lose and a lot to gain by attending.
  32. I’m not expecting anything firm and solid, just an informal exchange of ideas. This is by no means an end, but it is a beginning. So please consider this offer or even bring this invitation to the attention of people in your fleet who you think may have anything to add.
  34. As always, if at any point you have any questions, problems, or suspicious, contact me: Nbreeki@nabreeki. I hope to see you all there!
  36. Nbreeki
  39. P.S. – I want to dispel a rumor: I am not, nor have I ever been AIKO. That was a joke created by other Dentals, and I admit I went along with it for a short time, even telling others that I was Aiko. However, in the spirit of open.
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