
A Twist In Time - Nitmer and an Unexpected Meeting

Aug 22nd, 2018
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  1. In one moment, Nitmer had been passing through the Timestream. In the next, he was suddenly frozen in place, choking on thick darkness as if the very air had been stolen from his lungs. He couldn’t move, yet Nitmer felt as if he were falling in that instance, spiraling down into a chilled, inky dark abyss.
  3. “Open your eyes...” The voice of an unknown male entity spoke.
  5. It was then that Nitmer had each sense jarred. He felt the ground under his feet, could scent the air billowing by, hear it whistle and taste the ash it carried with it. His confused, rather dazed gaze opened to a being he had never laid eyes upon before. Something screamed at him however to be on his best behavior.
  7. The youthful adult mirage of Mechikabura merely stood there, staff in hand with his other arm behind his back, white long hair billowing in the winds behind him. Next to him stood his mirage counterpart, that elderly form with head bowed and eyes closed, body in an elder’s hunch and likewise leaning on a staff.. He had brought Nitmer to a small pocket reminiscent of the Demon Realm, where hues of violet and a stormy sky ruled the blurred mirage of a landscape beyond.. He had picked something familiar to the teen for specific purpose. For handling Nitmer, the younger version took to matters. “Ah, there we go.. Now then, Nitmer. Pay very close attention. I will not repeat myself. If I feel I must, it will be the last words you ever hear. Yes, I know of you and of your Retkan. I know very well of your journey and exploits. Just as you both observe worlds, you two are observed. Do you understand this, boy?”
  9. Frozen in place, Nitmer only nodded. The questions he had were held just as he bit his tongue.
  11. “You will answer me verbally.”
  13. “Y-yeah.. er.. yes.. erm.. sir.. I uh.. think... Yeah!. Yep. Got it.. sir.”
  15. A slender white brow arched before Mechikabura reminded himself he was dealing with a primitive inferior youth with a broken mind. Certain exceptions had to be made. “Good. Now then.. Let me make one thing clear. Retkan is yours.. to protect. That is your focus. Without her, you are nothing. Your life holds no meaning or purpose and will be considered forfeit for my own means. Use that focus to strengthen yourself and refrain from the urges that control you. Learn to control them or they will destroy you both. And that will be meager compared to what I will do should you fail.”
  17. “W-wait.. wah.. I.. Wh-who are you?! What do you want with me? Us?! I don’t—“ Nitmer suddenly found himself with NO mouth. His eyes widened and he went about prodding his cheeks and pawing at his face until a glare from both forms before him turned him rigid.
  19. “I did not permit you to speak. This is what the two of you lack, experience. With that comes knowledge and consequences. You both come from primitive worlds of high energy and magic where personal growth was compromised for the sake of power. While your worlds have collapsed, it is best you insure yourselves do not follow that path. A time of change is coming. You will find work with a man known as Demigra within Universe 7... ..You two will be perfect for each other, I’m sure.. Protect your charge and survive. Two very simple directives. Certainly you can manage to do that. Now.. I will permit you one, and only one question to be answered.” Mechikabura’s staff took on an ominous flash for but a moment and Nitmer found once more that he had his mouth back and could speak.
  21. The teenage demon took the time to crack his jaw, tongue toying with the inside of his mouth and teeth, making sure everything was there and proper. He had one single question available out of a multitude that boggled his mind.. but knew exactly what he wanted to ask. “Why?..”
  23. A smile that was as empty as Nitmer felt there and then cracked across the blue demon’s features. “Vague.. Interesting choice. You both will serve my benefit. It is as simple as that. I require you both on that path to see any fruition. Deviate and you will live to truly regret it.” Mechikabura tapped his staff to the ground, a blinding flare released.
  25. Nitmer opened his eyes, blinking them clear to find himself floating there in the Timestream. His tattoos kept him protected from the shifting ripples of power as he managed to jerk himself to sit proper and look about. Had it all been a dream?.. A nightmare?.. Gritting his teeth a little, Nitmer continued onward, off on his way.
  27. Meanwhile....
  29. “Sire,” a white-skinned, purple-haired demon with violet eyes faded in next to the older form of Mechikabura as that youthful mirage faded. “You were surprisingly hospitable with that one...”
  31. “A means to an end.”
  33. “Yes but.. are you certain he won’t go shooting off his mouth? I mean he dared ramble like that before you even..”
  35. “Whether he does or does not is of no consequence. Once those two anomalies enter our domain, I suspect they will be found and properly analyzed. That should be enough for the data to speak for itself. My only concern was getting them where they needed to be. The when has already been pre-arranged.”
  37. “If I’m not overstepping my bounds sire, may I ask.. What use does rabble like this Nitmer have to you?..”
  39. “Aside from the fact that the female has foolishly tethered them both together, that male youth possesses a unique trait. He has the natural ability to generate kiri as well as transfer Dark Energy. I consider that quite beneficial.”
  41. “And what of Meta, sire?..”
  43. “Ah yes, I do suppose I have him to thank for this.. Unfortunately at this point in time tearing him a new one would render this little project concluded. Still, his existence was meant to end prior. Instead he’s latched on like a leech. And so, like a leech, he will eventually be removed.”
  45. “Removed?..”
  47. “Why yes.. He’s trying to alter himself from energy to take hold of the female on a more physical aspect. If she proves found and valuable, I suspect this will be realized and he will be properly eradicated.”
  49. “And the female.. this, Retkan was it?”
  51. “Let’s just say she was quite.. unexpected. For that reason alone Meta was not punished for his escapades. I do however suspect he soon will be.” Mechikabura let his red gaze slide over to the other demon, a hint of a smug smirk there screaming of doom impending. Nothing more was said as the two walked onward, his staff behind him projecting a whirling vortex of black and violet for the two to enter, before it closed inward with the staff flying in to return to Mechikabura’s hand at the last moment.
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