

Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. Update v2.20:
  3. New Feature (BETA): TrackIR support.
  4. New Feature: Direct Mouse Steering mode (also known as Classic Mouse Steering or Boresight Steering).
  5. New Feature: Mouse HUD mode option (changing this option to "Left Mouse Button Mode" enables any controls remapped to the right mouse button).
  6. Added upgrade slot and dock information to ship encyclopedia entries.
  7. Added resource amounts for construction to ship and equipment encyclopedia entries.
  8. Added trade offer amount graphs to sector encyclopedia entries.
  9. Added enforcement of formation skill requirement.
  10. Added Radius to parameters for Protect Position.
  11. Added Attack Targets in Range order.
  12. Added player-owned shipyard tutorial.
  13. Improved carriers launching fighters against targets.
  14. Improved behaviour of station subordinate traders.
  15. Improved time taken to generate mass traffic for extremely complex stations when loading savegames.
  16. Improved subordinate handling in long distance movement.
  17. Improved ship behaviour when docking at other moving ships.
  18. Fixed player-owned ships sometimes pursuing targets outside their designated area when ordered to protect a position or a station.
  19. Fixed yet another case involving ships moving long distances pursuing targets they attack to other sectors.
  20. Fixed too many empty shield/turret groups on L/XL ships (not retroactive, only affects newly fitted ships).
  21. Fixed Paranid and Teladi stations using Argon piers (not retroactive, only affects newly built stations).
  22. Fixed Shipyards, Wharfs and Equipment Docks sometimes offering maximum price for resources they don't desperately need.
  23. Fixed newly-built stations sometimes not respecting nearby station plots.
  24. Fixed several instances of NPCs teleporting to their destinations instead of walking.
  25. Fixed NPCs not paying for subordinate ships ordered at player-owned shipyards.
  26. Fixed NPCs potentially vanishing if reassigned while moving to certain locations.
  27. Fixed NPCs sometimes not getting out of chairs when requested.
  28. Fixed player gliding around after getting up under certain circumstances.
  29. Fixed never-ending conversations with NPCs via the target monitor.
  30. Fixed credits not being returned when cancelling an order to upgrade a ship.
  31. Fixed shipyards potentially building ships which they should not be able to build.
  32. Fixed NPC ships potentially waiting forever to restock at equipment docks.
  33. Fixed ships in flight immediately coming to a standstill when their orders are cancelled.
  34. Fixed case causing ships to stand still incorrectly.
  35. Fixed case that resulted in ships not going where they wanted to.
  36. Fixed flight behaviour of marines on boarding pods when doing Claim and Boarding operations.
  37. Fixed carrier-based fighters not launching to engage hostile targets.
  38. Fixed direct subordinates of carriers that could not dock once never trying to dock again.
  39. Fixed player-owned ships telling player that they are awaiting orders if they have further orders or are subordinate to anyone other than the player.
  40. Fixed player-owned free traders not selling cargo that is in their cargo hold that is also in the player-defined list of wares to trade in.
  41. Fixed ships attacking wrecks.
  42. Fixed ships stopping to attack build storage while travelling long distances.
  43. Fixed ships getting distracted by hostile targets in highways.
  44. Fixed some missions treating inactive Jump Gates as active.
  45. Fixed welder drones launching from destroyed construction vessels.
  46. Fixed ship chassis construction resources not being displayed.
  47. Fixed ships under construction being destroyed when they are put into storage.
  48. Fixed ships under construction not moving down when being put into storage.
  49. Fixed wrecks of certain objects (especially small Laser Towers) not being cleaned up properly and accumulating over time.
  50. Fixed being able to accidentally disable your own station for several hours by hacking a control panel.
  51. Fixed station build menu forgetting unconfirmed loadout changes after returning from the encyclopedia.
  52. Fixed formation leader speed limit when formation wingmen are trying to catch up.
  53. Fixed capital ships trying to avoid asteroids that they can just fly through without problems.
  54. Fixed weapons on player ships sometimes following view direction even while not seated in ship.
  55. Fixed estimated missing resources displayed at equipment docks and shipyards sometimes being incorrect.
  56. Fixed orders to equip ships not being able to be cancelled when waiting for resources (does not affect existing orders).
  57. Fixed issues with ship movement in multi-layer formations.
  58. Fixed police ships sometimes patrolling the wrong sector.
  59. Fixed Deploy Object mission allowing object to be placed further away than requested.
  60. Fixed missing localisation of objective text in Build Station mission.
  61. Fixed some mission briefing text errors.
  62. Fixed war missions potentially building up over time.
  63. Fixed war mission not treating contested sectors correctly.
  64. Fixed notification "All trade operations completed" being displayed too often.
  65. Fixed wrong reason given for penalising relations if the player attacks a ship that is currently being investigated by police.
  66. Fixed wrong reason given for penalising relations if the player builds a station in policed space on a plot that hasn't been paid for.
  67. Fixed station building mission not transferring ownership of corresponding build storage.
  68. Fixed display for filled percentage of engine and turret groups being the same in the ship build menu.
  69. Fixed missing hull/shield bar elements in the map menu if more than 50 objects are listed at once.
  70. Fixed encyclopedia not showing 3D models when opened from another menu.
  71. Fixed info menu inaccessible for some supported objects (e.g. nav beacons).
  72. Fixed calculation of unread entries for faction licence entries in the encyclopedia.
  73. Fixed position of an element in the docking UI when flying a capital ship.
  74. Fixed inconsistent crew notification on completion of a mining order.
  75. Fixed muzzle-flash and firing position for some turrets.
  76. Fixed turrets and shield generators sometimes left floating when Construction Vessel changes activation state.
  77. Fixed shield generator obscuring space suit docking bay on Behemoth.
  78. Fixed inability to enter spacesuit from Sunder.
  79. Fixed some Argon character body mismatches.
  80. Fixed joystick hot-plug issues on Linux.
  81. Fixed mouse look not working while sitting in a docked ship.
  82. Fixed double clicks inadvertently closing menus.
  83. Fixed menus slowing down over time (especially noticeable when keeping map open).
  84. Fixed several causes of menu crashes in various menus.
  85. Fixed several causes of crashes.
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