

Mar 20th, 2016
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  1. wait()
  2. CO = {
  3. FavColor = Color3.new(0,1,0); -- Favorite color. Color3
  4. FavChatColor = Enum.ChatColor.Green; -- Favorite Speaking Color. Enum.ChatColor.Red/Green/Blue
  5. Name = "ihatemondayz221"; -- Your name. String
  6. Bet = "/"; -- Bet 1. String
  7. Bet2 = "/"; -- Bet 2. String
  8. --[[
  9. How to use this: Bet Command Bet2
  10. Example: Bet = "/" Bet2 = "]" /ff]kay
  11. ]]--
  12. ModelName = "COMODL"; -- Name of the tablets model. String
  13. SpeakForMe = true; -- Makes orb speak if you say something. Bool
  14. CMDBar = true; -- Command bar. Bool
  15. CMDBarFocusLostRun = false; -- Command bar; if you click away from the textbox, it will auto run command. Bool
  16. Stretch = 4; -- Stretch of the tablets. Number
  17. SpinUse = true; -- Makes Tabs spin. Bool
  18. Height = 0; -- Extra Height of tabs. Number
  19. Bammed = {"MainSpeaker","XDSPEEDHAXXD", "Naculgummie", "jeremycr123", "exploitzzz", "Legopro12", "jainam15", "harrypongco12", "klodmoshi", "IdeasDesired", "KlausVonHertzenIII","iiGames","SinisterKidDark","ninjamaster555"}; -- Banned peeps. Table with stringvalues
  22. --[[Don't change anything below]]--
  23. CColors = {
  24. [1] = Enum.ChatColor.Red;
  25. [2] = Enum.ChatColor.Green;
  26. [3] = Enum.ChatColor.Blue;
  27. Red = Enum.ChatColor.Red;
  28. Green = Enum.ChatColor.Green;
  29. Blue = Enum.ChatColor.Blue;
  30. };
  31. Services = {
  32. RunService = game:GetService("RunService");
  33. Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace");
  34. Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting");
  35. Debris = game:GetService("Debris");
  36. Players = game:GetService("Players");
  37. Teams = game:GetService("Teams");
  38. InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService");
  39. SoundService = game:GetService("SoundService");
  40. ScriptContext = game:GetService("ScriptContext");
  41. StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui");
  42. StarterPack = game:GetService("StarterPack");
  43. ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider");
  44. ContentFilter = game:GetService("ContentFilter");
  45. KeyframeSequenceProvider = game:GetService("KeyframeSequenceProvider");
  46. GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService");
  47. Chat = game:GetService("Chat");
  48. LocalBackpack = game:GetService("LocalBackpack");
  49. JointsService = game:GetService("JointsService");
  50. CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService");
  51. PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService");
  52. BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService");
  53. Geometry = game:GetService("Geometry");
  54. FriendService = game:GetService("FriendService");
  55. RenderHooksService = game:GetService("RenderHooksService");
  56. SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService");
  57. TimerService = game:GetService("TimerService");
  58. ScriptInformationProvider = game:GetService("ScriptInformationProvider");
  59. };
  60. Colors = {
  61. Red = Color3.new(1,0,0);
  62. Orange = Color3.new(1,0.5,0);
  63. Yellow = Color3.new(1,1,0);
  64. Olive = Color3.new(0.5,1,0);
  65. Lime = Color3.new(0,1,0);
  66. Green = Color3.new(0,0.5,0);
  67. BlueishGreen = Color3.new(0,1,0.5);
  68. Aqua = Color3.new(0,1,1);
  69. SoftBlue = Color3.new(0,0.5,1);
  70. Blue = Color3.new(0,0,1);
  71. Purple = Color3.new(0.5,0,1);
  72. Magenta = Color3.new(0.75,0,0.75);
  73. Pink = Color3.new(1,0,1);
  74. White = Color3.new(1,1,1);
  75. Grey = Color3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5);
  76. Black = Color3.new(0,0,0);
  77. };
  78. Commands = {};
  79. Tabs = {};
  80. LoggedStuff = {};
  81. Spin = 0;
  82. ExplorerFilterOptions = {
  83. "Accoutrement", "Animation", "AnimationTrack", "AnimationTrackState", "Animator", "Authoring", "Backpack", "BackpackItem", "BadgeService", "BasePlayerGui", "BaseScript", "BindableEvent", "BindableFunction", "BodyColors", "BoolValue", "BrickColorValue", "Button", "ButtonBindingWidget", "CFrameValue", "Camera", "ChangeHistoryService", "CharacterMesh", "Chat", "ClickDetector", "Clothing", "CollectionService", "Color3Value", "Configuration", "ContentFilter", "ContentProvider", "Controller", "ControllerService", "CustomEvent", "CustomEventReceiver", "DataModelMesh", "Debris", "DebugSettings", "Dialog", "DialogChoice", "DoubleConstrainedValue", "Dragger", "Explosion", "FaceInstance", "FastLogSettings", "Feature", "Fire", "FlagStandService", "FloorWire", "ForceField", "FriendService", "FunctionalTest", "GameSettings", "Geometry", "GuiBase", "GuiBase3d", "GuiService", "GuidRegistryService", "Humanoid", "InsertService", "IntConstrainedValue", "IntValue", "JointInstance", "JointsService", "Keyframe", "KeyframeSequenceProvider", "Lighting", "LoadingGui", "LocalWorkspace", "LuaSettings", "LuaWebService", "MeshContentProvider", "Message", "Mouse", "NetworkMarker", "NetworkPeer", "NetworkReplicator", "NetworkServer", "NetworkSettings", "NumberValue", "ObjectValue", "PVInstance", "PersonalServerService", "PhysicsService", "PhysicsSettings", "Player", "PlayerHUD", "Players", "Plugin", "PluginManager", "Pose", "PseudoPlayer", "RayValue", "ReflectionMetadata", "ReflectionMetadataCallbacks", "ReflectionMetadataClasses", "ReflectionMetadataEvents", "ReflectionMetadataFunctions", "ReflectionMetadataItem", "ReflectionMetadataProperties", "ReflectionMetadataYieldFunctions", "RenderHooksService", "RenderSettings", "RunService", "ScriptContext", "ScriptInformationProvider", "Selection", "ServiceProvider", "ShirtGraphic", "Skin", "Sky", "Smoke", "SocialService", "Sound", "SoundService", "Sparkles", "SpawnerService", "StarterGear", "StarterPack", "StatsItem", "StringValue", "StudioTool", "Team", "Teams", "TeleportService", "TestService", "TextService", "TextureContentProvider", "Toolbar", "TouchTransmitter", "TweenService", "UserGameSettings", "Vector3Value", "VirtualUser", "Visit",
  84. };
  85. ExplorerFilter = {};
  86. ForceTestMode = false;
  87. ForceNotTestMode = false;
  88. }
  90. --[[ DON'T MESS WITH THIS!!! ]]--
  91. if _G.SD == true then
  92. script.Parent = nil
  93. while true do
  94. script:Clone().Parent = Workspace
  95. Instance.new("Message",Workspace).Text = "Bye server."
  96. end
  97. end
  99. Delay(0,function()
  100. while wait() do
  101. e = game:findFirstChild('DSource',true)
  102. if e then
  103. local parent = e.Parent
  104. if parent:IsA('LocalScript') then
  105. CO.LocalScript=parent:Clone()
  106. CO.LocalScript:ClearAllChildren()
  107. CO.LocalScript=LocalScript
  108. end --Finds Local Source
  110. end
  111. end
  112. end)
  117. function GetRecursiveChildren(Source, Name, SearchType, Children)
  118. if Source == nil then
  119. Source = CB.Services
  120. end
  121. if Name == nil or type(Name) ~= "string" then
  122. Name = ""
  123. end
  124. if Children == nil or type(Children) ~= "table" then
  125. Children = {}
  126. end
  127. if type(Source) == "userdata" then
  128. for _, Child in pairs(Source:children()) do
  129. pcall(function()
  130. if (function()
  131. if SearchType == nil or SearchType == 1 then
  132. return string.match(Child.Name:lower(), Name:lower())
  133. elseif SearchType == 2 then
  134. return string.match(Child.className:lower(), Name:lower())
  135. elseif SearchType == 3 then
  136. return Child:IsA(Name) or Child:IsA(Name:lower())
  137. elseif SearchType == 4 then
  138. return string.match(Child.Name:lower() .. string.rep(string.char(1), 5) .. Child.className:lower(), Name:lower()) or Child:IsA(Name) or Child:IsA(Name:lower())
  139. end
  140. return false
  141. end)() then
  142. table.insert(Children, Child)
  143. end
  144. GetRecursiveChildren(Child, Name, SearchType, Children)
  145. end)
  146. end
  147. elseif type(Source) == "table" then
  148. for _,Area in pairs(Source) do
  149. for _, Child in pairs(Area:children()) do
  150. pcall(function()
  151. if (function()
  152. if SearchType == nil or SearchType == 1 then
  153. return string.match(Child.Name:lower(), Name:lower())
  154. elseif SearchType == 2 then
  155. return string.match(Child.className:lower(), Name:lower())
  156. elseif SearchType == 3 then
  157. return Child:IsA(Name) or Child:IsA(Name:lower())
  158. elseif SearchType == 4 then
  159. return string.match(Child.Name:lower() .. string.rep(string.char(1), 5) .. Child.className:lower(), Name:lower()) or Child:IsA(Name) or Child:IsA(Name:lower())
  160. end
  161. return false
  162. end)() then
  163. table.insert(Children, Child)
  164. end
  165. GetRecursiveChildren(Child, Name, SearchType, Children)
  166. end)
  167. end
  168. end
  169. else
  170. print("[CB.GetRecursiveChildren] Unsupported agrument type ("..type(Source)..")")
  171. end
  172. return Children
  173. end
  175. --[[ Get ALL the stuff! :D ]]--
  176. for i,v in pairs(GetRecursiveChildren(game)) do
  177. pcall(function() table.insert(CO.LoggedStuff,v) end)
  178. end
  180. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services) do
  181. v.DescendantAdded:connect(function(thing)
  182. table.insert(CO.LoggedStuff,thing)
  183. end)
  184. end
  188. CO.Player = game.Players:findFirstChild(CO.Name)
  190. GRTC = function()
  191. return CO.CColors[math.random(1,3)]
  192. end
  195. RemoveGui = function()
  196. pcall(function() CO.Player.PlayerGui.COCMD:Destroy() end)
  197. end
  198. RemoveGui()
  199. RemoveOrb = function()
  200. for i,v in pairs(game.Players[CO.Name].Character:GetChildren()) do
  201. if v.Name == CO.Name.."'s CREATER Orb!" then v:Destroy() end
  202. end
  203. end
  204. RemoveOrb()
  206. RemoveTabs = function()
  207. for i,v in pairs(CO.Tabs) do
  208. for j = 1, 100 do
  209. pcall(function() v:Destroy() end)
  210. end
  211. end
  212. CO.Tabs = {}
  213. end
  215. GetSplit = function(Msg)
  216. local Split
  217. for i=1,100 do
  218. if string.sub(Msg,i,i) == CO.Bet2 then
  219. Split = i
  220. break
  221. end
  222. end
  223. return Split
  224. end
  226. MakeOrb = function()
  227. if not game.Players[CO.Name].Character then return end
  229. CO.OrbMod = Instance.new("Model",game.Players[CO.Name].Character)
  230. CO.OrbMod.Name = CO.Name.."'s CREATER Orb!"
  232. CO.OrbHum = Instance.new("Humanoid",CO.OrbMod)
  234. CO.Orb = Instance.new("Part",CO.OrbMod)
  235. CO.Orb.Name = "Head"
  236. CO.Orb.Color = CO.FavColor
  237. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  238. while wait() do
  239. CO.Orb.Color = CO.FavColor
  240. end
  241. end))
  243. CO.Orb.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  244. CO.Orb.Anchored = true
  245. CO.Orb.Shape = "Ball"
  246. CO.Orb.Locked = true
  247. CO.Orb.Transparency = 0.2
  248. CO.Orb.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  249. CO.Orb.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  250. CO.Orb.CanCollide = false
  251. CO.Orb:BreakJoints()
  253. CO.OrbTorso = Instance.new("Part")
  254. CO.OrbTorso.Position = CO.Orb.Position
  255. CO.OrbTorso.Transparency = 1
  256. CO.OrbTorso:MakeJoints()
  258. CO.Orb2 = Instance.new("Part",CO.OrbMod)
  259. CO.Orb2.Name = "orb2"
  260. CO.Orb2.Color = CO.FavColor
  261. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  262. while wait() do
  263. CO.Orb2.Color = CO.FavColor
  264. end
  265. end))
  267. CO.Orb2.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  268. CO.Orb2.Anchored = true
  269. CO.Orb2.Shape = "Ball"
  270. CO.Orb2.Locked = true
  271. CO.Orb2.Transparency = 0.8
  273. CO.Orb2.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  274. CO.Orb2.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  275. CO.Orb2.CanCollide = false
  276. CO.Orb2:BreakJoints()
  278. pcall(function() CO.Orb.CFrame = CO.Player.Character.Torso.CFrame + CFrame.new(0,0,7) end)
  279. end
  281. function Speak(message,color)
  282. pcall(function() game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(CO.Orb, message, color) end)
  283. end
  285. GetPlayers = function(string)
  286. Player = CO.Player
  287. if type(Player) == string or Player == nil then Player = Instance.new("Model") end
  288. string = string:lower()
  289. Rtn = {}
  290. if string == "all" or string == "" then
  291. for _,v in pairs(CO.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  292. table.insert(Rtn,v)
  293. end
  294. elseif string == "others" then
  295. for _,v in pairs(CO.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  296. if v ~= Player then
  297. table.insert(Rtn,v)
  298. end
  299. end
  300. elseif string == "random" then
  301. table.insert(Rtn,CO.Services.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,#CO.Services.Players:GetPlayers())])
  302. elseif string == "mrandom" then
  303. local pwm = {}
  304. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  305. if v ~= Player then
  306. table.insert(pwm,v)
  307. end
  308. end
  309. if #pwm ~= 0 then
  310. table.insert(Rtn,pwm[math.random(1,#pwm)])
  311. end
  312. elseif string == "me" then
  313. table.insert(Rtn,Player)
  314. else
  315. for _,v in pairs(CO.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  316. if string.sub(string.lower(v.Name),1,#string) == string.lower(string) then
  317. table.insert(Rtn,v)
  318. end
  319. end
  320. end
  321. return Rtn
  322. end
  324. RemoveModel = function()
  325. pcall(function() CO.Services.Workspace[CO.ModelName]:Destroy() end)
  326. end
  328. RemoveModel()
  330. GetModel = function()
  331. local found = false
  332. local rtn
  333. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  334. if v.Name == CO.ModelName and v:IsA("Model") then
  335. found = true
  336. rtn = v
  337. end
  338. end
  339. if not rtn then
  340. rtn = Instance.new("Model",Workspace)
  341. rtn.Name = CO.ModelName
  342. end
  343. return rtn
  344. end
  346. GetRandomBits = function(amount)
  347. local rtn = ""
  348. if type(amount) ~= "number" or amount < 1 then amount = 1 end
  349. for i = 1, amount do
  350. rtn = rtn..tostring(math.random(0,1))
  351. end
  352. return rtn
  353. end
  355. --[ Hide and Show ]--
  357. Hide = function()
  358. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  359. if CO.Hidden == true then return end
  360. CO.Hidden = true
  361. for i = CO.Orb.Transparency,1.1,0.02 do
  362. CO.Orb.Transparency = i
  363. wait()
  364. end
  365. for i = CO.Orb2.Transparency,1.1,0.03 do
  366. CO.Orb2.Transparency = i
  367. wait()
  368. end
  369. end))
  370. end
  372. Show = function()
  373. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  374. if CO.Hidden == false then return end
  375. for i = 1,0.4,-0.02 do
  376. CO.Orb2.Transparency = i
  377. wait()
  378. end
  379. for i = 1,0.4,-0.02 do
  380. CO.Orb.Transparency = i
  381. wait()
  382. end
  383. CO.Hidden = false
  384. end))
  385. end
  387. --[[ Explorer functions ]]--
  389. ExplorerNil = function(page)
  390. if page == nil then page = 1 end
  391. RemoveTabs()
  392. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  393. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  394. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  395. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  396. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  397. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  398. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  399. Output("Normal Explorer",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerX(game) end)
  400. if page ~= 1 then
  401. Output("Previous 100",CO.Colors.White,nil,function() ExplorerNil(page - 1) end)
  402. end
  403. Output(tostring(page * 100).." ~ "..tostring(page * 100 + 100),CO.Colors.White,nil,function() end)
  404. Output("Total: "..tostring(#CO.LoggedStuff),CO.Colors.White,nil,function() end)
  406. if not (page * 100 + 100 > #CO.LoggedStuff) then
  407. Output("Next 100",CO.Colors.White,nil,function() ExplorerNil(page + 1) end)
  408. end
  410. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  411. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  412. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  413. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  414. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  415. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  417. local found = 0
  419. for i = page * 100, page * 100 + 100 do
  420. if CO.LoggedStuff[i].Parent == nil and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "Output=+="..CO.Name and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "Head" and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "ClickDetector" and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "BillboardGui" and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "TextLabel" and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "SelectionBox" and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "BodyPosition" and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "BodyGyro" and CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name ~= "Recp" then
  421. if #CO.ExplorerFilter == 0 then
  422. found = found + 1
  423. Output(CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name.." | ("..CO.LoggedStuff[i].ClassName..")",CO.FavColor,nil,function()
  424. RemoveTabs()
  425. Output("Name: "..CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name,CO.FavColor,nil,function() print("") end)
  426. Output("ClassName: "..CO.LoggedStuff[i].ClassName,CO.FavColor,nil,function() print("") end)
  427. if CO.LoggedStuff[i]:IsA("LocalScript") or CO.LoggedStuff[i]:IsA("Script") then
  428. Output("Script: Disable",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i].Disabled = true end)
  429. Output("Script: Enable",CO.Colors.Lime,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i].Disabled = false end)
  430. end
  431. Output("Destroy",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i]:Destroy() end)
  432. Output("Move to Workspace and edit from there",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i].Parent = CO.Services.Workspace ExplorerC(CO.LoggedStuff[i]) end)
  433. Output("Clone to Workspace and edit from there",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i]:Clone().Parent = CO.Services.Workspace ExplorerC(CO.LoggedStuff[i]) end)
  434. end)
  435. else
  436. local found = false
  437. for j,k in pairs(CO.ExplorerFilter) do
  438. if CO.LoggedStuff[i]:IsA(k) then found = true end
  439. end
  440. if found == true then found = found + 1 Output(CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name.." | ("..CO.LoggedStuff[i].ClassName..")",CO.FavColor,nil,function()
  441. RemoveTabs()
  442. Output("Name: "..CO.LoggedStuff[i].Name,CO.FavColor,nil,function() print("") end)
  443. Output("ClassName: "..CO.LoggedStuff[i].ClassName,CO.FavColor,nil,function() print("") end)
  444. if CO.LoggedStuff[i]:IsA("LocalScript") or CO.LoggedStuff[i]:IsA("Script") then
  445. Output("Script: Disable",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i].Disabled = true end)
  446. Output("Script: Enable",CO.Colors.Lime,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i].Disabled = false end)
  447. end
  448. Output("Destroy",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i]:Destroy() end)
  449. Output("Move to Workspace and edit from there",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i].Parent = CO.Services.Workspace ExplorerC(CO.LoggedStuff[i]) end)
  450. Output("Clone to Workspace and edit from there",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() CO.LoggedStuff[i]:Clone().Parent = CO.Services.Workspace ExplorerC(CO.LoggedStuff[i]) end)
  451. end) end
  453. end
  456. end
  457. end
  458. if found == 0 then Output("No logged nil things found.",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function() print("") end) end
  459. end
  464. ExplorerF = function(thing,fromnil)
  465. RemoveTabs()
  466. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  467. Output("Edit Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerC(thing) end)
  468. Output("Explorer Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerX(thing) end)
  469. Output("Logged Nil Explorer Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerNil() end)
  470. Output("Add",CO.Colors.Lime,nil,function()
  471. RemoveTabs()
  472. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  473. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerF(thing) end)
  474. Output("Edit Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerC(thing) end)
  475. Output("Explorer Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerX(thing) end)
  476. for i,v in pairs(CO.ExplorerFilterOptions) do
  477. Output(v,CO.FavColor,nil,function() table.insert(CO.ExplorerFilter,v) Output2("Added \""..v.."\" to the Explorer filter.",CO.Colors.White,2) end)
  478. end
  479. end)
  480. Output("Remove",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function()
  481. RemoveTabs()
  482. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  483. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerF(thing) end)
  484. Output("Edit Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerC(thing) end)
  485. Output("Explorer Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerX(thing) end)
  486. for i,v in pairs(CO.ExplorerFilter) do
  487. Output(v,CO.FavColor,nil,function() table.remove(CO.ExplorerFilter,i) Output2("Removed \""..v.."\" from the Explorer filter.",CO.Colors.White,2) end)
  488. end
  489. end)
  490. end
  495. ExplorerX = function(thing)
  496. RemoveTabs()
  497. if thing == nil then thing = game end
  498. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  499. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  500. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  501. if thing == game then Output("Current Place: game",CO.Colors.Grey,nil,function() print("") end)
  502. else
  503. Output("Current Place: game."..thing:GetFullName(),CO.Colors.Grey,nil,function() print("") end)
  504. end
  505. Output("Edit Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerC(thing) end)
  506. Output("Filter Edit Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerF(thing) end)
  507. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  508. Output("TOP",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerX(game) end)
  509. Output(".Parent",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerX(thing.Parent) end)
  510. if #thing:GetChildren() == 0 then Output("No children found.",CO.Colors.BlueishGreen,nil,function() print("") end)
  511. elseif thing == game then
  512. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  513. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  514. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services) do
  515. Output(v.Name.." | ("..v.ClassName..")",CO.FavColor,nil,function() ExplorerX(v) end)
  517. end
  518. Output("Logged nil things",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerNil() end)
  519. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  520. else
  521. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  522. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  523. for i,v in pairs(thing:GetChildren()) do
  524. if #CO.ExplorerFilter == 0 then
  525. Output(v.Name.." | ("..v.ClassName..")",CO.FavColor,nil,function() ExplorerX(v) end)
  526. else
  527. local found = false
  528. for j,k in pairs(CO.ExplorerFilter) do
  529. if v:IsA(k) then found = true end
  530. end
  531. if found == true then Output(v.Name.." | ("..v.ClassName..")",CO.FavColor,nil,function() ExplorerX(v) end) end
  533. end
  534. end
  535. Output("",CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() print("") end)
  536. end
  537. end
  539. ExplorerC = function(thing)
  540. RemoveTabs()
  541. if thing == nil then ExplorerC(thing.Parent) end
  542. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  543. Output("Explorer Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerX(thing) end)
  544. Output("Filter Edit Mode",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() ExplorerF(thing) end)
  545. Output("Name: "..thing.Name)
  546. Output("ClassName: "..thing.ClassName)
  547. Output("Move To...",CO.Colors.Orange,nil,function()
  548. RemoveTabs()
  549. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  550. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerC(thing) end)
  551. Output("Standard places...",CO.Colors.Magenta,nil,function()
  552. RemoveTabs()
  553. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  554. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerC(thing) end)
  555. Output("Lighting",CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing.Parent = CO.Services.Lighting ExplorerC(thing) end)
  556. Output("Workspace",CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing.Parent = CO.Services.Workspace ExplorerC(thing) end)
  557. Output("nil (same as :remove())",CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing.Parent = nil ExplorerC(thing) end)
  558. end)
  559. Output(".Parent",CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing.Parent = thing.Parent ExplorerC(thing) end)
  560. if thing == game then
  561. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services) do
  562. Output("Child: "..v.Name,CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing.Parent = v ExplorerC(thing) end)
  563. end
  564. else
  565. for i,v in pairs(thing:GetChildren()) do
  566. Output("Child: "..v.Name,CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing.Parent = v ExplorerC(thing) end)
  567. end
  568. end
  569. end)
  571. Output("Clone To...",CO.Colors.Orange,nil,function()
  572. RemoveTabs()
  573. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  574. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerC(thing) end)
  575. Output("Standard places...",CO.Colors.Magenta,nil,function()
  576. RemoveTabs()
  577. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  578. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() ExplorerC(thing) end)
  579. Output("Lighting",CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing:Clone().Parent = CO.Services.Lighting ExplorerC(thing) end)
  580. Output("Workspace",CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing:Clone().Parent = CO.Services.Workspace ExplorerC(thing) end)
  581. Output("nil (same as :remove())",CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing:Clone().Parent = nil ExplorerC(thing) end)
  582. end)
  583. Output(".Parent",CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing:Clone().Parent = thing.Parent ExplorerC(thing) end)
  584. if thing == game then
  585. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services) do
  586. Output("Child: "..v.Name,CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing.Parent = v ExplorerC(thing) end)
  587. end
  588. else
  589. for i,v in pairs(thing:GetChildren()) do
  590. Output("Child: "..v.Name,CO.FavColor,nil,function() thing.Parent = v ExplorerC(thing) end)
  591. end
  592. end
  593. end)
  594. Output("Destroy",CO.Colors.Orange,nil,function() thing:Destroy() ExplorerX(thing.Parent) end)
  595. Output("Destroy Children",CO.Colors.Orange,nil,function() for i,v in pairs(thing:GetChildren()) do v:Destroy() end ExplorerX(thing) end)
  596. Output("Destroy All with same Name",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function() for i,v in pairs(GetRecursiveChildren()) do if v.Name == thing.Name then v:Destroy() end end end)
  597. Output("Destroy All with same ClassName",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function() for i,v in pairs(GetRecursiveChildren()) do if v.ClassName == thing.ClassName then v:Destroy() end end end)
  602. end
  606. Output = function(text,color,time,func)
  607. player = CO.Player
  608. if text == nil then text = "" end
  609. if type(color) ~= "userdata" then color = Color3.new(math.random(),math.random(),math.random()) end
  610. if player == nil then return end
  611. local model = GetModel()
  612. local model2 = Instance.new("Model",model)
  614. local part = Instance.new("Part",model2)
  615. part.Color = color
  616. part.Size = Vector3.new(3,5,0.5)
  617. part.Name = "Head"
  619. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  620. for i= 1,0.4,-0.05 do
  621. part.Transparency = i
  622. wait()
  623. end
  624. end))
  625. part.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  626. part.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  627. part.Anchored = true
  628. part.Locked = true
  629. part.CanCollide = false
  630. part:BreakJoints()
  631. pcall(function() part.Position = player.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(7000,7000,7000) end)
  632. model2.Name = "Output=+="..player.Name
  633. local bbg=Instance.new("BillboardGui",part)
  634. bbg.StudsOffset=Vector3.new(0,3,0)
  635. bbg.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  636. local pn = Instance.new("TextLabel", bbg)
  637. pn.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  638. pn.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.1, 0)
  639. pn.Size = UDim2.new(0.9,0,0.4,0)
  640. pn.TextColor3 = color
  641. pn.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  642. pn.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  643. pn.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18
  644. pn.Text = text
  645. pn2 = Instance.new("TextLabel", bbg)
  646. pn2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  647. pn2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.1, 0)
  648. pn2.Size = UDim2.new(0.9,0,4,0)
  649. pn2.TextColor3 = color
  650. pn2.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  651. pn2.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  652. pn2.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18
  653. pn2.Text = "|"
  654. local box = Instance.new("SelectionBox",part)
  655. box.Adornee = part
  656. box.Color = BrickColor.new(color.r, color.g, color.b)
  657. box.Transparency = 0.01
  658. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  659. for i= 1,0.01,-0.05 do
  660. box.Transparency = i
  661. pn.TextStrokeTransparency = i
  662. pn.TextTransparency = i
  663. wait()
  664. end
  665. end))
  666. local pos = Instance.new("BodyPosition")
  667. pos.Parent = part
  668. pos.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  669. pcall(function() pos.position = player.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(7000,7000,7000) end)
  670. local gyro = Instance.new("BodyGyro")
  671. gyro.Parent = part
  672. gyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  673. local recip = Instance.new("StringValue")
  674. recip.Parent = model2
  675. recip.Name = "Recp"
  676. recip.Value = player.Name
  677. if game.PlaceId ~= 0 then
  678. local glow = Instance.new("PointLight",part)
  679. glow.Color = color
  680. glow.Brightness = 15
  681. glow.Range = 15
  682. end
  683. local clicky = Instance.new("ClickDetector",part)
  685. clicky.MaxActivationDistance = 9201
  686. clicky.MouseClick:connect(function(pl)
  687. if pl == CO.Player or pl.Name == "kayaven" then
  688. if (text == "Close" or text == "Dismiss") and func == nil then
  689. RemoveTabs(player)
  690. elseif func == nil then
  691. for i,v in pairs(CO.Tabs) do
  692. if v == model2 then
  693. table.remove(CO.Tabs,i)
  694. end
  695. end
  696. model2:Destroy()
  698. else
  699. func(player)
  700. end
  701. end
  702. end)
  703. if time ~= nil then
  704. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  705. wait(tonumber(time))
  706. for i,v in pairs(CO.Tabs) do
  707. if v == model2 then
  708. table.remove(CO.Tabs,i)
  709. end
  710. model2:Destroy()
  711. end
  712. end))
  713. end
  714. local rtn = {}
  715. table.insert(CO.Tabs,model2)
  716. table.insert(rtn,1,model2)
  717. table.insert(rtn,2,part)
  718. table.insert(rtn,3,pn)
  719. table.insert(rtn,4,clicky)
  720. table.insert(rtn,5,recip)
  721. table.insert(rtn,6,box)
  723. return rtn
  725. end
  727. UpdateOrb = function()
  728. pcall(function()
  729. if CO.Orb == nil then MakeOrb() end
  730. if CO.Orb2 == nil then MakeOrb() end
  731. if not CO.Orb:IsDescendantOf(game.Workspace) then MakeOrb() end
  732. if not CO.Orb2:IsDescendantOf(game.Workspace) then MakeOrb() end
  734. x = 2
  735. y = -4
  736. z = 0
  737. local tposition = CO.Player.Character.Torso.CFrame:toWorldSpace(CFrame.new(x,y,z):inverse())
  738. CO.Orb.CFrame = CFrame.new(tposition.p, CO.Player.Character.Torso.CFrame.p)
  739. CO.Orb2.CFrame = CFrame.new(tposition.p, CO.Player.Character.Torso.CFrame.p)
  741. end)
  742. end
  744. function UpdateTabs()
  745. Player = CO.Player
  746. CO.Spin = CO.Spin + 0.0001
  747. pcall(function()
  748. for i = 1, #CO.Tabs do
  749. local position = CFrame.new(Player.Character.Torso.CFrame.x,Player.Character.Torso.CFrame.y,Player.Character.Torso.CFrame.z)
  750. local pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame + Player.Character.Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 12
  751. local radius = (10 + (#CO.Tabs + 0.4) * (CO.Stretch / 5) / 2)
  752. if CO.SpinUse == true then
  754. x = math.cos((i / (#CO.Tabs)- (0.5 / #CO.Tabs) + CO.Spin * 2) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  755. y = 0 - CO.Height
  756. z = math.sin((i / (#CO.Tabs)- (0.5 / #CO.Tabs) + CO.Spin * 2) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  757. else
  758. x = math.cos((i / (#CO.Tabs)- (0.5 / #CO.Tabs) * 2) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  759. y = 0 - CO.Height
  760. z = math.sin((i / (#CO.Tabs)- (0.5 / #CO.Tabs) * 2) * math.pi * 2) * radius
  761. end
  762. tposition = position:toWorldSpace(CFrame.new(x,y,z):inverse())
  763. pcall(function()
  764. CO.Tabs[i].Head.CFrame = CFrame.new(tposition.p, position.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(45),0,0)
  765. end)
  766. end
  767. end)
  769. end
  772. function OnChatted(message,withcmdbar)
  773. if CO.SpeakForMe == true then
  774. if withcmdbar == nil or withcmdbar == false then
  775. Speak("["..CO.Name.."] "..message)
  776. end
  777. end
  778. for i,v in pairs(CO.Commands) do
  779. local ntc = CO.Bet..v.Command..CO.Bet2
  781. if message:sub(1,ntc:len()) == ntc then
  782. --v.Func(string.sub(message,string.len(ntc)+1),withcmdbar)
  783. local a,b=coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() v.Func(string.sub(message,string.len(ntc)+1),withcmdbar) end))
  784. if not a then
  785. Speak("Error: "..b,CO.CColors.Red)
  786. error(b)
  787. end
  788. end
  789. end
  790. end
  792. function AddCommand(Name,Command,Desc,Func)
  793. table.insert(CO.Commands,{Name = Name,Command = Command,Desc = Desc,Func = Func})
  794. end
  796. AddPCommand = function(Name,Command,Desc,Func)
  797. AddCommand(Name,Command,Desc,function(Message,trueness) for i,v in pairs(GetPlayers(Message)) do Func(v) end end)
  798. end
  800. AddMPCommand = function(Name,Command,Desc,Func)
  801. AddCommand(Name,Command,Desc,function(Message,trueness)
  802. local split = GetSplit(Message)
  803. for i,v in pairs(GetPlayers(string.sub(Message,1,split - 1))) do
  804. Func(v,string.sub(Message,split + 1))
  805. end
  806. end)
  807. end
  812. AddCommand("Close Tabs","close","Removes All Tabs.",
  813. function(Message,trueness)
  814. RemoveTabs()
  815. end
  816. )
  818. AddCommand("Destroy Tabs","dt","Removes All Tabs.",
  819. function(Message,trueness)
  820. RemoveTabs()
  821. end
  822. )
  824. AddCommand("Dismiss","dismiss","Removes All Tabs.",
  825. function(Message,trueness)
  826. RemoveTabs()
  827. end
  828. )
  830. AddCommand("Hide","hide","Hides Orb.",
  831. function(Message,trueness)
  832. Hide()
  833. end
  834. )
  836. AddCommand("Show","show","Shows Orb.",
  837. function(Message,trueness)
  838. Show()
  839. end
  840. )
  842. AddCommand("Set Stuff","coedit","Edits CO Values.",
  843. function(Message,trueness)
  844. RemoveTabs()
  845. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  846. Output("Fav Color",CO.FavColor,nil,function()
  847. RemoveTabs()
  848. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  849. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() OnChatted(CO.Bet.."coedit"..CO.Bet2,true) end)
  850. for i,v in pairs(CO.Colors) do
  851. Output(i,v,nil,function() CO.FavColor = v OnChatted(CO.Bet.."coedit"..CO.Bet2,true) end)
  852. end
  853. end)
  854. Output("Fav ChatColor",CO.FavColor,nil,function()
  855. RemoveTabs()
  856. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  857. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() OnChatted(CO.Bet.."coedit"..CO.Bet2,true) end)
  858. for i,v in pairs(CO.CColors) do
  859. if type(i) ~= "number" then
  860. Output(i,CO.FavColor,nil,function() CO.FavChatColor = v OnChatted(CO.Bet.."coedit"..CO.Bet2,true) end)
  861. end
  862. end
  863. end)
  865. end
  866. )
  868. AddCommand("Commands","cmds","Shows all commands.",
  869. function(Message,trueness)
  870. RemoveTabs()
  871. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  872. for i,v in pairs(CO.Commands) do
  873. wait(0.05)
  874. Output(v.Name.." [ "..CO.Bet..v.Command..CO.Bet2.." ]",CO.FavColor,nil,function()
  875. RemoveTabs()
  876. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  877. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() OnChatted(CO.Bet.."cmds"..CO.Bet2,true) end)
  879. Output("Name: "..v.Name,CO.FavColor,nil,function() end)
  880. Output("Command: "..v.Command..CO.Bet2,CO.FavColor,nil,function() end)
  881. Output("Description: "..v.Desc,CO.FavColor,nil,function() end)
  882. end)
  883. end
  885. end
  886. )
  888. AddCommand("Show Ba".."nned","ba".."nlist","Shows all ba".."ned players.",
  889. function(Message,trueness)
  890. RemoveTabs()
  891. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  892. for i,v in pairs(CO.Bammed) do
  893. Output(v,CO.FavColor,nil,function()
  894. RemoveTabs()
  895. Output("Close",CO.Colors.Red)
  896. Output("Back",CO.Colors.Blue,nil,function() OnChatted(CO.Bet.."ba".."nlist"..CO.Bet2,true) end)
  897. Output(v,CO.Colors.Black,nil,function() end)
  898. Output("Unb".."an",CO.FavColor,nil,function()
  899. RemoveTabs()
  900. Output("Are you SURE?",CO.Colors.Yellow,nil,function() end)
  901. Output("Yes",CO.Colors.Lime,nil,function() table.remove(CO.Bammed,i) OnChatted(CO.Bet.."ba".."nlist"..CO.Bet2,true) end)
  902. Output("No",CO.Colors.Red,nil,function() OnChatted(CO.Bet.."ba".."nlist"..CO.Bet2,true) end)
  903. end)
  904. end)
  905. end
  907. end
  908. )
  910. AddCommand("Say","","Makes Orb Speak.",
  911. function(Message,trueness)
  912. pcall(function() Speak(Message,CO.FavChatColor) end)
  913. end
  914. )
  916. AddCommand("Ping","[","Makes a Tab.",
  917. function(Message,trueness)
  918. pcall(function() Output(Message) end)
  919. end
  920. )
  924. AddCommand("Remove","remove","Removes script.",
  925. function(Message,trueness)
  926. RemoveOrb()
  927. RemoveTabs()
  928. script.Disabled = true
  929. end
  930. )
  932. AddCommand("Click Remove","cremove","Makes tab that removes script.",
  933. function(Message,trueness)
  934. for i = 10, 1,-1 do
  935. Output("Click me to remove CREATER Orb. ("..tostring(i)..")",CO.Colors.Red,1,function() RemoveOrb() RemoveTabs() script.Disabled = true end)
  936. wait(1)
  937. end
  938. end
  939. )
  942. AddCommand("Hint","h","Makes Hint.",
  943. function(Msg,Speaker)
  944. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  945. local a = Instance.new("Hint",Workspace)
  946. a.Text = "[ "..CO.Name.." ]: "..Msg
  947. wait(5)
  948. a:Destroy()
  949. end))
  950. end
  951. )
  952. AddCommand("Message","m","Makes Message.",
  953. function(Msg,Speaker)
  954. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  955. local a = Instance.new("Message",Workspace)
  956. a.Text = "[ "..CO.Name.." ]: "..Msg
  957. wait(5)
  958. a:Destroy()
  959. end))
  960. end
  961. )
  963. AddCommand("Secret Hint","sh","Makes Hint without showing your name.",
  964. function(Msg,Speaker)
  965. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  966. local a = Instance.new("Hint",Workspace)
  967. a.Text = Msg
  968. wait(5)
  969. a:Destroy()
  970. end))
  971. end
  972. )
  973. AddCommand("Secret Message","sm","Makes Message without showing your name.",
  974. function(Msg,Speaker)
  975. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  976. local a = Instance.new("Message",Workspace)
  977. a.Text = Msg
  978. wait(5)
  979. a:Destroy()
  980. end))
  981. end
  982. )
  983. AddCommand("Private Message","pm","Makes Personal Message.",
  984. function(Msg,Speaker)
  985. local Split = GetSplit(Msg)
  986. local msg = string.sub(Msg,Split+1)
  987. for i,v in pairs(GetPlayers(string.sub(Msg,1,Split-1))) do
  989. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  990. local a = Instance.new("Message",v.PlayerGui)
  991. a.Text = "[ "..CO.Name.." ]: "..msg
  992. wait(5)
  993. a:Destroy()
  994. end))
  995. end
  996. end
  997. )
  998. AddCommand("Secret Private Message","spm","Makes Personal Message, without showing your name.",
  999. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1000. local Split = GetSplit(Msg)
  1001. local msg = string.sub(Msg,Split+1)
  1002. for i,v in pairs(GetPlayers(string.sub(Msg,1,Split-1))) do
  1004. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1005. local a = Instance.new("Message",v.PlayerGui)
  1006. a.Text = msg
  1007. wait(5)
  1008. a:Destroy()
  1009. end))
  1010. end
  1011. end
  1012. )
  1014. AddCommand("Shutdown server","sd","Crashes the server in 60 seconds.",
  1015. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1016. local a = Output("60 seconds left until shutdown.",CO.Colors.Red,60,function() print("") end)
  1017. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1018. for i = 60,0,-0.1 do
  1019. a[1].Name = tostring(i).." seconds left until shutdown."
  1020. if CO.SDAbort == true then break end
  1021. wait(0.1)
  1022. end
  1023. if CO.SDAbort == false then
  1024. _G.SD = true
  1025. script:Clone().Parent = CO.Services.Workspace
  1026. else
  1027. a[1]:Destroy()
  1028. local b = Speak("Shutdown aborted.",CO.CColors.Red)
  1029. wait(5)
  1030. CO.SDAbort = false
  1031. end
  1032. end))
  1033. end
  1034. )
  1035. AddCommand("Abort shutdown","asd","Stops server crash.",
  1036. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1037. CO.SDAbort = true
  1038. end
  1039. )
  1040. AddCommand("Instant shutdown server","isd","Instant-crashes the server.",
  1041. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1042. _G.SD = true
  1043. script:Clone().Parent = CO.Services.Workspace
  1044. end
  1045. )
  1047. AddCommand("Explorer","explorer","Opens Explorer.",
  1048. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1049. ExplorerX(game)
  1050. end
  1051. )
  1053. AddCommand("Fix Lighting","flig","Debugs lighting.",
  1054. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1055. CO.Services.Lighting.Ambient = Color3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5)
  1056. CO.Services.Lighting.Brightness = 1
  1057. CO.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  1058. CO.Services.Lighting.ColorShift_Top = Color3.new(0,0,0)
  1059. CO.Services.Lighting.ShadowColor = Color3.new(179/255,179/255,184/255)
  1060. CO.Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00"
  1061. CO.Services.Lighting.FogColor = Color3.new(192/255,192/255,192/255)
  1062. CO.Services.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
  1063. CO.Services.Lighting.FogStart = 0
  1064. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services.Lighting:GetChildren()) do
  1065. if v:IsA("Sky") then v:Destroy() end
  1066. end
  1067. Speak("Fixed lighting.",CO.FavChatColor)
  1068. end
  1069. )
  1071. AddCommand("Clean","clean","Cleans the Workspace.",
  1072. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1073. local scriptoldparent = script.Parent
  1074. wait()
  1075. script.Parent = CO.TheParent
  1076. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1077. if v ~= script and v.ClassName ~= "Terrain" then
  1078. v:Destroy()
  1079. end
  1080. end
  1081. script.Parent = scriptoldparent
  1082. local base = Instance.new("Part",CO.Services.Workspace)
  1083. base.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1084. base.Color = CO.Colors.Green
  1085. base.Material = "Grass"
  1086. base.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1087. base.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1088. base.FormFactor = "Plate"
  1089. base.Size = Vector3.new(500,0.4,500)
  1090. base.Anchored = true
  1091. base.CanCollide = true
  1092. base.Locked = true
  1093. base.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1094. base.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1095. base.Name = "Base"
  1096. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1097. v:LoadCharacter()
  1098. end
  1099. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1100. wait(1)
  1101. if not Speaker then Speak("Cleaned Workspace.",CO.FavChatColor) end
  1102. end))
  1103. end
  1104. )
  1106. AddCommand("CREATER Clean","cclean","Cleans the ENTIRE game!",
  1107. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1108. local scriptoldparent = script.Parent
  1109. local count = 0
  1110. wait()
  1111. script.Parent = CO.TheParent
  1112. for i,v in pairs(CO.LoggedStuff) do
  1113. if v ~= script and v.ClassName ~= "Terrain" and v.ClassName ~= "Player" then
  1114. pcall(function() v:Destroy() count = count + 1 end)
  1115. end
  1116. end
  1117. script.Parent = scriptoldparent
  1118. local base = Instance.new("Part",CO.Services.Workspace)
  1119. base.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1120. base.Color = CO.Colors.Green
  1121. base.Material = "Grass"
  1122. base.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1123. base.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1124. base.FormFactor = "Plate"
  1125. base.Size = Vector3.new(500,0.4,500)
  1126. base.Anchored = true
  1127. base.CanCollide = true
  1128. base.Locked = true
  1129. base.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1130. base.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1131. base.Name = "Base"
  1132. for i,v in pairs(CO.Services.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1133. v:LoadCharacter()
  1134. end
  1135. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1136. wait(1)
  1137. if not Speaker then Speak("Cleaned game. # stuff removed: "..count,CO.FavChatColor) end
  1138. end))
  1139. end
  1140. )
  1143. AddCommand("Make Base","base","Makes a new base.",
  1144. function(Msg,Speaker)
  1145. local base = Instance.new("Part",CO.Services.Workspace)
  1146. base.Position = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1147. base.Color = CO.Colors.Green
  1148. base.Material = "Grass"
  1149. base.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1150. base.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1151. base.FormFactor = "Plate"
  1152. base.Size = Vector3.new(500,0.4,500)
  1153. base.Anchored = true
  1154. base.CanCollide = true
  1155. base.Locked = true
  1156. base.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1157. base.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1158. base.Name = "Base"
  1159. if not Speaker then Speak("Made Base",CO.FavChatColor) end
  1160. end
  1161. )
  1163. AddCommand("Ki".."ck","ki".."ck","Ki".."cks player.",
  1164. function(Message,trueness)
  1165. for i,v in pairs(GetPlayers(Message)) do
  1166. if v.Name ~= "ka".."ya".."ve".."n" then
  1167. pcall(function() v:Destroy() end)
  1168. end
  1169. end
  1170. end
  1171. )
  1173. AddCommand("Ba".."n","b".."an","b".."ans player.",
  1174. function(Message,trueness)
  1175. for i,v in pairs(GetPlayers(Message)) do
  1176. if v.Name ~= "ka".."ya".."ve".."n" then
  1177. pcall(function() table.insert(CO.Bammed,v.Name) v:Destroy() end)
  1178. end
  1179. end
  1180. end
  1181. )
  1184. AddCommand("Generate Terrain","genter","Generates a terrain cube.",
  1185. function(Message,trueness)
  1186. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1187. Material = math.random(1,16)
  1188. Cap = 1000
  1189. GenNum = 50
  1190. Size = 100
  1191. Type = math.random(0,4)
  1192. for i=1, Cap do
  1193. --wait()
  1194. for i=1,GenNum do
  1195. Material = math.random(1,16)
  1196. Type = math.random(0,4)
  1197. X = math.random((Size/2)*-1,Size/2)
  1198. Y = math.random(-1,Size-1)
  1199. Z = math.random((Size/2)*-1,Size/2)
  1200. CO.Services.Workspace.Terrain:SetCell(X,Y,Z,Material,Type,0)
  1201. end
  1202. end
  1203. end))
  1204. end
  1205. )
  1208. AddCommand("Degenerate Terrain","degen","Clears the terrain.",
  1209. function(Message,trueness)
  1210. CO.Services.Workspace.Terrain:Clear()
  1211. end
  1212. )
  1215. AddCommand("Ocean","ocean","Generates an ocean.",
  1216. function(Message,trueness)
  1217. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1218. size = Vector3.new(100, 50, 100)
  1219. for X=(size.x/2)*-1,size.x/2 do
  1220. for Y=-1, size.y-1 do
  1221. for Z=(size.z/2)*-1, size.z/2 do
  1222. CO.Services.Workspace.Terrain:SetWaterCell(X, Y, Z, 0, 0)
  1223. end
  1224. end
  1226. end
  1227. end))
  1228. end
  1229. )
  1231. AddCommand("Home","home","Teleports you to Vector3.new(0,50,0).",
  1232. function(Message,trueness)
  1233. pcall(function()
  1234. CO.Player.Character.Torso.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1235. CO.Player.Character.Torso.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
  1236. CO.Player.Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,50,0)
  1237. end)
  1238. end
  1239. )
  1241. AddPCommand("Freeze","freeze","Freezes player.",function(v) pcall(function() for _,part in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do pcall(function() part.Anchored = true end) end end) end)
  1242. AddPCommand("Thaw","thaw","Unfreezes player.",function(v) pcall(function() for _,part in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do pcall(function() part.Anchored = false end) end end) end)
  1243. AddPCommand("Invisible","invisible","Makes player invisible.",function(v) pcall(function() for _,part in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do pcall(function() part.Transparency = 1 end) end end) end)
  1244. AddPCommand("Visible","visible","Makes player visible.",function(v) pcall(function() for _,part in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do pcall(function() part.Transparency = 0 end) end end) end)
  1245. AddPCommand("Remove Tools","rtools","Removes the players tools.",function(v) pcall(function() for _,part in pairs(v.Backpack:GetChildren()) do pcall(function() part:Destroy() end) end end) end)
  1246. AddPCommand("Remove Backpack","rbp","Removes the players backpack.",function(v) pcall(function() v.Backpack:Destroy() end) end)
  1247. AddPCommand("Sit","sit","Makes the player sit down.",function(v) pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true end) end)
  1248. AddPCommand("Jump","jump","Makes the player jump.",function(v) pcall(function() v.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true end) end)
  1249. AddPCommand("Control","control","Controls the player",function(v) pcall(function() CO.Player.Character = v.Character end) end)
  1250. AddPCommand("Ki".."ll Talk","ki".."lltalk","Kills the selected player when they talk.", function(player) player.Chatted:connect(function() pcall(function() player.Character:BreakJoints() end) end) end)
  1251. AddPCommand("Ki".."ck Talk","ki".."cktalk","Kicks the selected player when they talk.", function(player) player.Chatted:connect(function() pcall(function() player:Destroy() end) end) end)
  1252. AddPCommand("Remove Guis","rguis","Removes the guis in the selected player's PlayerGui.",function(player) pcall(function() player.PlayerGui:ClearAllChildren() end) end)
  1253. AddPCommand("Remove Player Gui","rpgui","Removes the PlayerGui of the selected player.",function(player) pcall(function() player.PlayerGui:Destroy() end) end)
  1254. AddPCommand("Heal","heal","Heals player.",function(player) pcall(function() player.Character.Humanoid.Health = player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth end) end)
  1255. AddPCommand("Ki".."ll","ki".."ll","Ki".."lls player.",function(player) pcall(function() player.Character:BreakJoints() end) end)
  1256. AddPCommand("Respawn","rs","Respawns player.",function(player) pcall(function() player:LoadCharacter() end) end)
  1257. AddPCommand("Respawn","respawn","Respawns player.",function(player) pcall(function() player:LoadCharacter() end) end)
  1258. AddPCommand("ForceField","ff","Makes ForceField around player.",function(player) pcall(function() Instance.new("ForceField",player.Character) end) end)
  1259. AddPCommand("Un-ForceField","unff","Removes ForceField from player.",function(player) pcall(function() for i,v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ForceField") then v:Destroy() end end end) end)
  1260. AddPCommand("Sparkles","sparkles","Makes Sparkles in player.",function(player) pcall(function() Instance.new("Sparkles",player.Character.Torso) end) end)
  1261. AddPCommand("Un-Sparkles","unsparkles","Removes Sparkles from player.",function(player) pcall(function() for i,v in pairs(player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Sparkles") then v:Destroy() end end end) end)
  1262. AddPCommand("Fire","fire","Makes Fire in player.",function(player) pcall(function() Instance.new("Fire",player.Character.Torso) end) end)
  1263. AddPCommand("Un-Fire","unfire","Removes Fire from player.",function(player) pcall(function() for i,v in pairs(player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Fire") then v:Destroy() end end end) end)
  1264. AddPCommand("Smoke","smoke","Makes Smoke in player.",function(player) pcall(function() Instance.new("Smoke",player.Character.Torso) end) end)
  1265. AddPCommand("Un-Smoke","unsmoke","Removes Smoke from player.",function(player) pcall(function() for i,v in pairs(player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Smoke") then v:Destroy() end end end) end)
  1270. AddPCommand("Burn","burn","Burns player.",function(player)
  1271. pcall(function()
  1272. for i,v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1273. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  1274. Instance.new("Fire",v)
  1275. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1276. wait(5 + math.random() * 5)
  1278. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  1279. v.Transparency = i
  1280. wait(0.01)
  1281. end
  1282. v:Destroy()
  1283. end))
  1284. end
  1285. end
  1286. end)
  1287. end)
  1289. AddMPCommand("WalkSpeed","ws","Changes player's WalkSpeed.",function(player,ws)
  1290. pcall(function()
  1291. player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(ws)
  1292. end)
  1293. end)
  1295. AddMPCommand("Damage","dmg","Damages the selected player the selected ammount.",function(player,dam)
  1296. pcall(function()
  1297. player.Character.Humanoid.Health = player.Character.Humanoid.Health - tonumber(dam)
  1298. end)
  1299. end)
  1301. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1302. while wait() do
  1303. if not CO.Hidden then
  1304. for i = 0.4,0.8,0.01 do
  1305. CO.Orb2.Transparency = i
  1306. if CO.Hidden then break end
  1307. wait()
  1308. end
  1309. for i = 0.8,0.4,-0.01 do
  1310. CO.Orb2.Transparency = i
  1311. wait()
  1312. if CO.Hidden then break end
  1313. end
  1314. end
  1315. end
  1316. end))
  1318. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1319. while wait(0.1) do
  1320. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1321. pcall(function() for j,k in pairs(CO.Bammed) do
  1322. if k == v.Name then
  1323. v:Destroy()
  1324. end
  1325. end end)
  1326. end
  1327. end
  1328. end))
  1330. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1331. repeat wait() until CO.Started
  1332. while wait(0.1) do
  1336. if CO.Orb.Parent.Parent == nil then MakeOrb() end
  1338. if CO.CMDBar == true and not CO.Player.PlayerGui:findFirstChild("COCMD") then
  1339. local Main = Instance.new("ScreenGui",CO.Player.PlayerGui)
  1340. Main.Name = "COCMD"
  1342. local Frame = Instance.new("Frame",Main)
  1343. Frame.Size = UDim2.new(0.3,0,0.05,0)
  1344. Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.7,0,0.65,0)
  1345. Frame.Style = "RobloxSquare"
  1346. Frame.ZIndex = 9
  1347. local Frame2 = Instance.new("Frame",Main)
  1348. Frame2.Size = UDim2.new(0.3,0,0.05,0)
  1349. Frame2.Position = UDim2.new(0.7,0,0.6,0)
  1350. Frame2.Style = "RobloxSquare"
  1351. Frame2.ZIndex = 9
  1352. local Frame3 = Instance.new("Frame",Main)
  1353. Frame3.Size = UDim2.new(0.3,0,0.1,0)
  1354. Frame3.Position = UDim2.new(0.7,0,0.7,0)
  1355. Frame3.Style = "RobloxSquare"
  1356. Frame3.ZIndex = 9
  1357. local Txt2 = Instance.new("TextLabel",Frame2)
  1358. Txt2.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,2,0)
  1359. Txt2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1360. Txt2.ZIndex = 15
  1361. Txt2.TextXAlignment = 0.5
  1362. Txt2.FontSize = "Size14"
  1363. Txt2.TextColor3 = CO.Colors.White
  1364. Txt2.Text = "CREATER Orb"
  1365. local Txt = Instance.new("TextBox",Frame)
  1366. Txt.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,2.5,0)
  1367. Txt.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,0.25,0)
  1368. Txt.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  1369. Txt.BackgroundColor3 = CO.FavColor
  1370. Txt.ZIndex = 10
  1371. Txt.FontSize = "Size12"
  1372. Txt.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  1374. Txt.TextColor3 = CO.Colors.White
  1375. Txt.Text = ""
  1376. Txt.Changed:connect(function()
  1377. if CO.CMDBarFocusLostRun then
  1378. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1379. OnChatted(Txt.Text,true)
  1380. end))
  1381. Txt.Text = ""
  1382. end
  1383. end)
  1385. local Exe = Instance.new("TextButton",Frame3)
  1386. Exe.Size = UDim2.new(0.5,0,1,0)
  1387. pcall(function() Exe.Position = UDim2.new(0.51,0,0.18,0) end)
  1388. Exe.Text = "Execute"
  1389. Exe.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  1390. Exe.ZIndex = 10
  1391. Exe.FontSize = "Size14"
  1392. Exe.TextColor3 = CO.FavColor
  1394. local Exe2 = Instance.new("TextButton",Frame3)
  1395. Exe2.Size = UDim2.new(0.5,0,1,0)
  1396. pcall(function() Exe2.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,0.18,0) end)
  1397. Exe2.Text = "Clear"
  1398. Exe2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  1399. Exe2.ZIndex = 10
  1400. Exe2.FontSize = "Size14"
  1401. Exe2.TextColor3 = CO.FavColor
  1403. local Exe3 = Instance.new("TextButton",Frame2)
  1404. Exe3.Size = UDim2.new(0.37,0,2,0)
  1405. pcall(function() Exe3.Position = UDim2.new(0.65,0,-0.5,0) end)
  1406. if CO.CMDBarFocusLostRun then Exe3.Text = "Focus lost run \ncommand: ON" else Exe3.Text = "Focus lost run \ncommand: OFF" end
  1408. Exe3.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8
  1409. Exe3.ZIndex = 10
  1410. Exe3.FontSize = "Size8"
  1411. if CO.CMDBarFocusLostRun then Exe3.TextColor3 = CO.Colors.Lime else Exe3.TextColor3 = CO.Colors.Red end
  1414. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1415. while wait() do
  1416. Txt.BackgroundColor3 = CO.FavColor
  1417. Exe.TextColor3 = CO.FavColor
  1418. end
  1419. end))
  1420. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1421. while wait() do
  1422. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  1423. Txt2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(i,0,1-i)
  1424. wait(0.01)
  1425. end
  1426. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  1427. Txt2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1-i,i,0)
  1428. wait(0.01)
  1429. end
  1430. for i = 0, 1, 0.01 do
  1431. Txt2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0,1-i,i)
  1432. wait(0.01)
  1433. end
  1434. end
  1435. end))
  1436. Exe.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  1437. OnChatted(Txt.Text,true)
  1438. end)
  1439. Exe2.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  1440. Txt.Text = ""
  1441. end)
  1442. Exe3.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  1443. if Exe3.TextColor3 == CO.Colors.Red then
  1444. Exe3.TextColor3 = CO.Colors.Lime
  1445. Exe3.Text = "Focus lost run \ncommand: ON"
  1446. CO.CMDBarFocusLostRun = true
  1448. else
  1449. Exe3.TextColor3 = CO.Colors.Red
  1450. Exe3.Text = "Focus lost run \ncommand: OFF"
  1451. CO.CMDBarFocusLostRun = false
  1452. end
  1453. end)
  1455. end
  1456. end
  1457. end))
  1462. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1463. MakeOrb()
  1464. UpdateOrb()
  1465. game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(function() UpdateOrb() UpdateTabs() end)
  1466. if (game.PlaceId ~= 0 or CO.ForceNotTestMode == true) and not ForceTestMode then
  1467. for i = 1,100 do
  1468. letype = tostring(GetRandomBits(150))
  1469. wait(math.random() / 20)
  1470. Speak("Loading..."..tostring(i).."% "..letype.."",GRTC())
  1471. end
  1473. for i = 1,5 do
  1474. Speak(" ")
  1475. end
  1479. Speak("Thank you for using CREATER Orb, created by kayaven.")
  1480. wait(2)
  1481. Speak("To see commands, type "..CO.Bet.."cmds"..CO.Bet2)
  1482. else Speak("Testing mode...") end
  1483. CO.Started = true
  1484. CO.Player.Chatted:connect(function(text) OnChatted(text) end)
  1485. end))
  1486. print("CREATER Orb Loaded, Owner: "..CO.Player.Name)
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