

Dec 22nd, 2017
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  1. #1
  2. every second:
  3. loop all players:
  4. if loop-player's hearts is 2:
  5. if player's inventory contains yellow dye:
  6. if {regenhearts.%loop-player%} is not set:
  7. make console execute "/effect %loop-player% regeneration 1 0 true"
  8. set {regenhearts.%loop-players%} to true
  9. send "&cYou must wait 7 seconds" to loop-player
  10. wait 7 seconds
  11. delete {regenhearts.%loop-player%}
  12. send "&aRegening..." to loop-player
  13. #2
  14. on damage:
  15. if victim is player:
  16. if attacker is player:
  17. if attacker's inventory contains ink sac:
  18. make console execute "/effect %victim% instant_damage 1"
  19. send "&cIncreased Damage!"
  20. stop
  21. #3
  22. every second:
  23. loop all players:
  24. if loop-player is sneaking:
  25. if loop-player's inventory contains light blue dye:
  26. wait 1 second
  27. if loop-player is sneaking:
  28. wait 1 second
  29. if loop-player is sneaking:
  30. wait 1 second
  31. if loop-player is sneaking:
  32. make console execute "/effect %loop-player% speed 2 4 true"
  33. send "&aSpeed activated!"
  34. wait 4 seconds
  35. send "&cSpeed over!"
  36. #4
  37. every second:
  38. loop all players:
  39. if loop-player is running:
  40. if loop-players inventory contains gray dye:
  41. wait 1 second
  42. if loop-player is running:
  43. wait 1 second
  44. if loop-player is running:
  45. wait 1 second
  46. if loop-player is running:
  47. wait 1 second
  48. if loop-player is running:
  49. make console execute "/effect %loop-player% invisibility 1 5 true"
  50. send "&aInvisibility active!" to loop-player
  51. wait 5 seconds
  52. send "&cInvisibility deactivated!" to loop-player
  53. stop
  54. #5
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