
[Tanaka Nunu] Nanpa shite kita ko o josō sa seru manga

Dec 8th, 2019
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  1. [Tanaka Nunu] Nanpa shite kita ko o josō sa seru manga
  2. Raw:
  4. Title: ナンパしてきた子を女装させる漫画
  5. A Manga About a Playboy Crossdresser
  7. Page 1
  8. Panel 1
  9. なあ田端ってさあ
  10. So hey, I was just thinking. About Tabata.
  11. Panel 2
  12. 女装したらかわいいんじゃねーかな
  13. Don't you think he'd look cute dressed up as a girl?
  14. Panel 4
  15. ......
  16. ... (horizontal ellipsis)
  17. 田端くん
  18. Tabata-kun
  19. ええ?
  20. Huh?
  21. Panel 5
  22. ...なるほど興味深い
  23. ... I see. That's an interesting idea.
  24. 細身で女顔だしな
  25. He is pretty slender and has a girlish face.
  26. いやいやいやちょっと...
  27. No no no, now hold on a second...
  28. Panel 6
  29. やっぱりそうだよな
  30. So you guys think so too after all.
  31. 前から思ってたんだ
  32. I've always thought that.
  33. ガタ
  34. Rattle
  35. Panel 7
  36. So,
  37. 女物の服をネットで買ってきた
  38. I went and ordered some girl's clothes online.
  39. お前ら正気か!?
  40. Are you insane!?
  42. Page 2
  43. Panel 1
  44. どうよ? かわいい?
  45. How do I look? Cute right?
  46. Panel 2
  47. かわいいぞ!
  48. So cute!!
  49. 思ったとおりだ!
  50. Just like I thought!
  51. 写メ撮ろ
  52. I gotta take a pic!
  53. 写メ
  54. Hold still!
  55. パシャ
  56. Flash
  57. Panel 4
  58. えっ...
  59. Uh...
  60. もっと可愛く撮れよ
  61. You should try to take it more [i]cutely[/o].
  62. あれえ...?
  63. What the...?
  64. カメラが駄目なんだろ
  65. Maybe that camera doesn't work for this?
  67. Page 3
  68. Panel 1
  69. 撮影?
  70. Need help with a photograph?
  71. いいよー
  72. Alright.
  73. まじか!
  74. Really!?
  75. 助かる! 頼むぞ写真部!
  76. Leave it to the photography club to come through!
  77. Panel 2
  78. うん
  79. Mhm...
  80. なるほど
  81. I see I see.
  82. Panel 3
  83. まずはお化粧だね
  84. For starters, some makeup is in order.
  85. 化粧くらいしないと
  86. For a boy with no make-up,
  87. 女装がかわいそうだよ
  88. makes for a poor crossdresser.
  89. Panel 4
  90. じゃメイクするから
  91. Okay, I'll start applying the make-up now.
  92. 男子は出てってください
  93. I'm going to have to ask all boys to please leave.
  94. お前らも男子だろ
  95. You're both guys too though.
  96. Panel 5
  97. でもいちおう出た
  98. They ended up going out anyway.
  99. Panel 6
  100. よし
  101. There we go.
  102. おっけー
  103. Okay!
  105. Page 4
  106. Panel 1
  107. どうかな?
  108. How's this?
  109. かわいい?
  110. Am I cute?
  111. Panel 2
  112. がわいい!!
  113. TOO CUTE!!
  114. つがいになってくれぇ!!
  116. バカ! おま...!おれが...!
  117. Idiot! You're...! A-And I'm...!
  118. パシャ
  119. Flash
  120. Panel 4
  121. あれえ...
  122. H-Huh...
  123. へたくそ
  124. That's pretty bad.
  125. そのスマホ最新?
  126. Is that the newest smartphone?
  127. 撮影準備中
  128. Still setting up to take photos.
  129. ライテイングとか知らないんだろうなあ...
  130. Those guys don't know a thing about lighting do they...
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