

Nov 2nd, 2023
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  28. \begin{document}
  30. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. %   TITLE
  32. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} C @{}}
  35. \Huge{Arvind Iyer} \\[9pt]
  37. \href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}\faLinkedin\ arvindiyer2001} \ $|$ \href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}\faEnvelope \} \ $|$
  38. \
  39. \href{tel:+91-9108279418}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}\faMobile \ +91-9108279418}
  40. $|$ \
  41. \href{}{\raisebox{-0.05\height}\faGithub\ arvind-iyer-2001}
  42. \\
  43. \end{tabularx}
  45. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. \section{Education}
  50. \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}l X@{}}
  51. 2019 - 2023
  52. & Bachelors of Engineering - \textbf{Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani}
  53. \hfill (GPA: 6.78)
  54. \\
  56. 2017 - 2019
  57. & Class 12th CBSE - National Public School, Koromangala, Bengaluru
  58. \hfill  (92\%)
  59. \\
  61. 2017
  62. & Class 10th ICSE - Bethany High School, Koromangala, Bengaluru
  63. \hfill  (90\%)
  64. \\
  65. \end{tabularx}
  69. \section{Work Experience}
  70. \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
  71. \textbf{Software Developer Intern - {TheONCompany, New York (Remote)}} & \hfill {May 2023 - Aug 2023} \\
  72. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- TheONCompany is an American Music Ed-Tech start up, which is building brands such as \textbf{CarnaticON} and Artificial Intelligence powered products with patented technologies to democratize online music education at scale.} \\
  73. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Developed the web technologies for the prototype of a meetings application, capable of grading music in an online music class using Twilio Video SDK, Web Audio APIs and libraries such as Essentia.js to perform music processing.} \\
  74. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Developed a website for CarnaticON to increase SEO and discoverability of instructors and courses on the internet.}\\
  75. % Learning Management System(LMS) to aid instructors to generate content and learning materials, manage students and schedule classes. Learning materials are interactive and help students learn music.
  76. \\
  77. \textbf{Hardware Engineering Intern - {Samsung Semiconductor India Research (SSIR)}} & \hfill {July 2022 - December 2022} \\
  78. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Worked in the Foundry Hardware Design Team to perform low power management, implementation and validation using Unified Power Format(UPF)(IEEE Standard 1801).}\\
  79. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Performed automation of UPF Generation and CI/CD Operations using Perl Scripting, Perforce and XLS sheets reducing development and testing time from a few weeks to 2 hours.}\\
  80. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Tools and Softwares - \textit{UPF, Verilog, Cadence and Synopsys Tools, TCL, Perl Language, Libreoffice, Linux Shell, Perforce.}}\\
  81. \end{tabularx}
  82. %Projects
  83. \section{Development Projects}
  84. \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l @{}X }
  85. \textbf{\underline{DevOverflow, a Stack Overflow clone} - \href{}{GitHub Repo}}\\
  86. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- A developer forum with built-in GPT answer generation for instant code solutions, smart recommendation system and optimized data fetching for high-speed page loading, enhancing developer experience and knowledge acquisition.}\\
  87. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Tech Stack - \textit{Next 13(Full Stack Framework), React.js, Shadcn-ui, Clerk, MongoDB, Prism.js, OpenAI GPT APIs}}\\
  88. \\
  89. \textbf{\underline{e-Commerce Demo - Admin Dashboard \& Store Application} - \href{}{GitHub Repo}}\\
  91. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Designed an admin dashboard for multi-store e-commerce management, enabling user profile setup, store creation, and sales analytics; also developed a customer-facing store app for easy purchasing.}\\
  92. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Tech Stack - \textit{Next 13(Full Stack Framework), React.js, Shadcn-ui, Clerk, MySQL2, Cloudinary(CDN), Stripe API}.}\\  
  93. \\
  94. \textbf{\underline{Urjaa Mobile Application} - \href{}{GitHub Repo}}\\
  95. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Designed Urjaa Mobile App for connecting dietitians and patients, streamlining appointment scheduling, diet plan access, document management and PayTM payments.}\\
  96. % Urjaa is a service that helps dieticians connect and manage their patients with a mobile application created for patients to upload and view appointments, diet plans, and documents, and for dieticians to upload diet plans, notes, and access appointments and patient data.
  97. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Tech Stack - \textit{Flutter, Firebase (Firestore, Auth, Storage, Cloud Messaging, Cloud Functions), Hive, Google Calendar APIs.}}\\
  99. \end{tabularx}
  101. \section{Positions of Responsibility}
  102. \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ @{}l r@{} }
  103. {\textbf {Department of Backstage:} \emph{Chief Technical Coordinator and Research Head}} & \hfill {May 2021- April 2022}\\
  104. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Led a team of over 50 Students to provide Backstage, Infrastructure and Production Support for all student events and fests of BITS Pilani Goa like Waves, Spree, Quark etc.}\\
  105. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Provided consultation on upgrades to the audio-visual requirements of the college campus and auditorium of BITS Goa.}\\
  106. \\
  107. \textbf{Flutter Development for Beginners and Amateurs:} \emph{Course Instructor and Mentor}&\hfill {June 2021 - August 2021}\\
  108. \multicolumn{2}{@{}X@{}}{- Mentored over 100 beginners through a well-structured course on Flutter Development using local and cloud databases, through assignments and one-to-one assistance to develop a personal profile website and blog.}\\
  109. \end{tabularx}
  111. \section{Technical Proficiency}
  112. \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}l X@{}}
  113. Programming Languages &  \normalsize{JavaScript, TypeScript, Dart, Java, Python, Perl, C, SQL.}\\
  114. Development Tools \& SDKs & \normalsize{ Next.js, React.js, Redux, Express.js, Node.js, Shadcn-ui, Flutter, HTML, CSS, DrizzleORM. }\\  
  115. APIs and Services &  \normalsize{ MongoDB, Clerk, Mux, Cloudinary, Stripe, PlanetScale(MySQL), Web Audio, WebRTC. }\\
  117. Softwares and Tools & \normalsize{Android Studio, XCode, VS Code,  Docker. } \\
  118. Operating System &  \normalsize{Windows, macOS, Linux (Ubuntu, Kali). }\\
  119. \end{tabularx}
  121. \end{document}
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