
Blazblue: Phase Shift 2 Chapter 1

Jun 2nd, 2024
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  1. "The means to attack Black Beast by utilizing seithr, armagus, is almost complete."
  3. "Armagus... If I remember correctly, it could make normal people who ain't a mage able to use magic. "
  5. "It's a little different."
  7. Toward Jubei's admiration, Nine slightly slackened her mouth and answered.
  9. "The fundamentals of magic and armagus are different. Magic borrows the spiritual power that's originally present in nature and then puts that to use. In regard to armagus, it's invoked by utilizing seithr. If there's no seithr, it can't be used. Since ordinary people can't handle seithr, a grimoire is necessary to make it feasible."
  11. "Grimoire?"
  13. The one who tilted her head slightly as she asked was Trinity. Nine slightly nodded.
  15. "Although I said grimoire, it doesn't mean that's the real form. It changes the gathered seithr in the armagus, kind of like a converter. Anyway, it makes it possible for even people outside Ishana to attack the Black Beast."
  17. Answering without pause, Nine shifted her gaze for an instant, stealing a glance of the man next to her.
  19. The development of armagus had begun approximately half a year ago. Nine was the one who had fabricated armagus' base theory, but Terumi was indispensable in completing it in such a short amount of time.
  21. Terumi possessed massive knowledge regarding the Black Beast and seithr. It was because of that knowledge that establishing armagus' form was possible.
  23. Again, Nine recalled the words of the man she had met eight months ago. He had also said something else. That she should watch out for Yuuki Terumi.
  25. Nine had heeded those words, yet she had taken Terumi out from the deep basement of a certain castle. She also had firmly applied Mind Eater, a magic that made him completely unable to defy its user, controlling over his will.
  27. "But although I said ordinary people can use it, it doesn't really mean that anyone can do it. An aptitude is required in themselves. The manufacturing of the grimoire is going well, but there's an insufficient number of people who could use it. If it remains as it is, the counter measure for Black Beast would be imperfect. If possible, it should be a powerful measure, rather than being able to exhibit strength without having to be bound with seithr. For example..."
  29. "Like the weapons we use?"
  31. Jubei held out a single sword on his back. The sword that came out of the dark had been given to him by Nine about one month ago.
  33. Of course, it wasn't an ordinary sword. It was a specially made article that had alchemy and magic's techniques included in its making. Instead of clearing away a certain mass of seithr, the sharp blade could cut it up.
  35. Similarly, Trinity also held out the specialized weapon Nine had developed. The small cane could transform by taking the nature of magic Trinity wanted to use in mind.
  37. "Yes. But even then, they're still weak. It shouldn't be like armagus which is only a substitute for magic or those prototypes given to you guys... We require weapons that have a more specialized ability in order to defeat the Black Beast."
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