
Classpectanon's Horrortrolls Quirkbook

Jun 11th, 2016
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  1. salaciousStockholder (SS) [Büjorn Vallid] #004878
  2. Replaces s/S with $ and c/C with ¢. Ends sentences with an axe ───δ. talks in all lower case when scheming or thinking about murder AND ALL UPPERCASE WHEN BERSERK. Speaks with sophisticated language with lots of buzzwords to make it sound like he's much smarter than he is (he's murderously cunning and knows business and math, but is not particularly intelligent besides that)
  4. maliciousMonstrosity (MM) [Arctis Vignyn] #585858
  5. Talks without a quirk until she gets angry, and then mimics Mituna's quirk. Only gets angry in short bursts. Doesn't curse, instead, describes how she'll murder and/or torture you with very flowery language, otherwise speaks sort of Rose-like in an attempt to sound more mature than the 6-sweep old she is. When mimicking prey, utilizes their quirk, color, username, and typing style, and insists that they're them. Uses :) to intimidate.
  7. wonderfullyWretched [Didide Kokoet] #8a8a00
  8. Borders sentences with ; ;, replaces t with tt, speaks simplistically and straightforwardly - is the most outwardly childlike. Paranoid, thinks everyone is pailing behind his back, but very good at instinctively detecting moiraillegience (not <3, <3<, or c3<, he's bad at detecting those and is often wrong unless it's right in front of his face). When he makes emoticons, they're always crying (;u;, ;n;, ;o;) and made on a separate line from his current sentence using the ;'s that border it. Doesn't really get angry.
  10. ravenousRiptide (RR) [Slavnh Sovost] #850085
  11. Braindead: Speaks in ALLCAPS, speaking one to four words at a time, and then a period. Aggressive to EVERYONE except Phileq. Uses simple words, think first grader language, misuse of metaphors, etc. Has a very hard time articulating her emotions and more complex feelings. Replaces N with NH. Prone to being interrupted.
  12. God-tier: Normal grammar, emphasizes injury related words and bony parts with all-caps and the "almost equals" sign: "≈RIP≈, ≈TEAR≈, ≈BONE≈, ≈TEETH≈". Lots of biting and teeth puns. Aggressive to everyone, including Phileq, but sort of dotes on Arctis and Didide in a "I want you to get as strong as possible so that we can fight later, you little scamp". Hates Phileq with a burning, fiery passion, and will speak in all caps with wavy emphasis around each word when angry at him, which is often: "≈GO≈ ≈AWAY≈ ≈I≈ ≈HATE≈ ≈YOU≈".
  14. yearlingYottabyte (YY) [Phileq Masket] #008a8a
  15. Borders sentences with 8( ). Doubles on punctuation marks, VERY snarky and snippy, but also the smartest of the six, unarguably. He's the only one who really plans that much for the future.
  17. keepsakeKraftwerk (KK) [Gritte Werpal] #487800
  18. Normal Mode: Talks politely in lower case, tries to be as friendly as possible. Replaces r/R's with Γ. Upside down question marks and exclamation points (which she uses a lot).
  19. Lusus Mode: ALL-CAPS. SIMPLE WORDS. GET AWAY. Very violent. Yells every sentence. Tells people to get away from Gritte (even though she's Gritte).
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