

Jul 29th, 2019
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  1. Tanya> In a page-pose to Isaak(Z)[Skai] and you, Seya(Z)[Morticon] nods.
  2. ty page #R=Hello hello!
  3. Tanya> Isaak(Z)[Skai] is currently 19 minutes idle and may not get back to you soon.
  4. Tanya> You page, "Hello hello!" to Isaak(Z)[Skai] and Seya(Z)[Morticon].
  5. Tanya> Isaak(Z)[Skai] pages, "Hello!" to Seya(Z)[Morticon] and you.
  6. Tanya> In a page-pose to Isaak(Z)[Skai] and you, Seya(Z)[Morticon] is getting ready....
  7. ty page #R=I am ready whenever!
  8. Tanya> You page, "I am ready whenever!" to Isaak(Z)[Skai] and Seya(Z)[Morticon].
  9. Tanya> Isaak(Z)[Skai] pages, "Same!" to Seya(Z)[Morticon] and you.
  10. Tanya> MEETME: Seya(Z)[Morticon] would like you to join them. Please respond with
  11. Tanya> MEETME: "mjoin Seya" or "meet Seya" to go to their location,
  12. Tanya> MEETME: or "mdecline Seya" turn down the request.
  13. ty mjoin seya
  14. Tanya> Courtyard(#17466RLJ)
  15. Tanya> The house you are looking at looks very old, but seems well taken care of. It looks large and spacious. More like a mansion. The house itself is built from plain red bricks, but the frames of the windows are painted pure white, and the roof tiles are black, giving the house a classical, but not too old fashioned look. The front door is made of sturdy hardwood and is stained light brown. The cobblestone path continues to move along the front of the old house, and the carriage house, which has been attached to the mansion, and the front door. On the opposite side of the path there is a small tiled pavilion which houses a fountain with a wooden bench on each side. On either side of the front door there is a small, but well-kept lawn with a few flower beds. A few stone steps lead up to the front door.
  16. Tanya>
  17. Tanya>
  18. Tanya> .. or that's how it was, anyway. But some progress has been made on construction of a new home:
  19. Tanya>
  20. Tanya> Good progress is being made on the construction of the new manor, with its square outer walls starting to come together nicely! The rough plan is strikingly similar to a Roman-style villa, with the outer wall almost entirely windows save for the central entrance at the south end. Nearly everything built so far is made of brick, sturdy hard wood, and concrete with some plaster for color. On the north wall, near the center of that wall, there's a second story being built which will hold the main bedrooms and have a balcony that looks out over the new gardens that sprawl in the central courtyard. The old manor foundations and the rooms that it hides are actually situated under this new courtyard, and the layer of dirt there hides the old slab! New, carefully built hallways link the basement of the main two-story section to the new foundation, and other passages to connect to the basements of some of the new outer wall rooms.
  21. Tanya> Morning clouds dot the cyan sky. The sun is not clearly visible. Call it 8 am, 'solar' time.
  22. Tanya>
  23. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  24. Tanya> (C)arriage (H)ouse, (F)ront (D)oor, (G)arden, [S]ubfloor via Bulkhead, and out
  25. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, Seya(#20108CJXZ), Mk III Mini, and SIGN: Private Property!
  26. Tanya> ## There are possible hidden listeners here.
  27. Tanya> Seya offers to let you walk along with her. ("Hopon Seya" to accept.)
  28. ty hopon seya
  29. Tanya> You are going to walk along with Seya.
  30. ty l mk
  31. Tanya> The mark three is (as might be self evident) the
  32. Tanya> third incarnation of the immortal mini. The tail
  33. Tanya> lights are larger, while the sliding windows and
  34. Tanya> external door hinges have disappeared. This
  35. Tanya> particular model appears to be slightly different
  36. Tanya> from the norm; the rounded nose is longer, as if
  37. Tanya> the sub-frame has been altered, but, to what end?
  38. Tanya> Beyond that, there's nothing really remarkable
  39. Tanya> about the auto, which is painted a flat, primer
  40. Tanya> grey, except for a vinyl decal on the boot lid,
  41. Tanya> the image of a cartoonish wolf (replete with cigar
  42. Tanya> and derby hat) wearing a sheep-skin loosely over
  43. Tanya> his shoulders.
  44. Tanya> Seya waits for you both at the under-construction new manor.
  45. ty : scampers up on all fours before righting herself, backpack swaying. "Present!"
  46. Tanya> Tanya scampers up on all fours before righting herself, backpack swaying. "Present!"
  47. Tanya> Seya looks to Tanya, "I need to blindfold you both and take external electronic devices for this first visit, as futile as that is."
  48. Tanya> Isaak just plods right along behind Tanya, coming to a halt. "Eh? Uh.. Sure." He reaches up and pulls his visor off, and also pulls his phone from his jacket, offering them up.
  49. Tanya> Seya heads down to the subfloor.
  50. Tanya> Seya has left.
  51. Tanya> Isaak has left.
  52. Tanya> Seya walks along, with you following her.
  53. Tanya> Gallery(#8359RLCJ)
  54. Tanya> This room seems split in two. On one side is the art gallery, the other just a small space that connects other rooms. The art gallery side has black marble flooring, soft track lighting suspended from a black ceiling on black girders, and a pale grey wall used to hang works of art or photographs. There is plenty of space for sculptures or other such things. A very comfortable black couch is also in position for those who want to gaze at things a while longer. Sitting on the couch, you see only the gallery half. On the other side, the black marble turns to white utilitarian tile, a drop down ceiling with white panels and targeted florescent lighting (distanced enough from the gallery so as not to disturb the mood) that creates vague squares of light on the floor, white unadorned walls, and doors to other places. Is the room itself a piece of art? Hard to say.
  55. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  56. Tanya> (E)levator, (E)xercise (R)oom, (S)ub-Basement, [Al]drinor's Room, [C]ourtyard via Bulkhead, [GR0] Guest Room 0 (Tsubame), [GR1] Guest Room 1, [GR2] Guest Room 2 (Tavi), [GR3] Guest Room 3 (Persephone), [GR4] Guest Room 4 (Keesha), [GR5] Guest Room 5 (Cecilia), [GR6] Guest Room 6 (Coal), [It]azura's Room, [Ly]ra's Room, [Pe]trichor's Room, [Ta]sh-Ki'ira's Room, [Te]ssarya's Room, [Tr]eiss's Room, [Z]en's Room, and up
  57. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, and Seya(#20108CJXZ)
  58. Tanya> Seya enters, with Isaak and Tanya walking along next to her.
  59. Tanya> Seya will find a safe area to place belongings, in an unused room.
  60. ty say Cool place! Is this where you work...?
  61. Tanya> You chitter, "Cool place! Is this where you work...?"
  62. ty : will shrug off her backpack, if you look like you want her to. Otherwise tends to keep it on her body.
  63. Tanya> Tanya will shrug off her backpack, if you look like you want her to. Otherwise tends to keep it on her body.
  64. Tanya> Seya shakes her head, "This is the house of the Commanders."
  65. ty : rolls a knowledge check! "Morticon?"
  66. Tanya> Tanya rolls a knowledge check! "Morticon?"
  67. Tanya> Seya will take everything and put it in an empty dresser. She nods, "Yes, Morticon and Elandra. They often have guests stay over long term, however."
  68. Tanya> Seya says, "It tends to be a busy house."
  69. Tanya> Isaak just stays quiet, peering around at the surroundings, nodding. Tanya's the more chatty one, anyways!
  70. ty say Oh, that's cool! I should stage an accident so I have to crash over here, he hee~
  71. Tanya> You chitter, "Oh, that's cool! I should stage an accident so I have to crash over here, he hee~"
  72. Tanya> Seya shrugs, "You only have to ask." She tilts her head. A pause, and then holds out blindfolds. "If you will."
  73. ty : ohs! "This is an unconventional security protocol!" Consents to putting the blindfold on, with an amused giggle~
  74. Tanya> Tanya ohs! "This is an unconventional security protocol!" Consents to putting the blindfold on, with an amused giggle~
  75. Tanya> Seya says, "It is outdated, true."
  76. Tanya> Seya says, "Once we sign something official, perhaps you'll be able to come and go as you please."
  77. Tanya> Seya grasps Tanya's paw to help her move about. She waits for Isaak.
  78. ty : holds on tight, tail twitching around.
  79. Tanya> Tanya holds on tight, tail twitching around.
  80. Tanya> Seya watches Tanya some, while waiting.
  81. Tanya> Isaak puts the blindfold on, adjusting it in his paws!
  82. Tanya> Isaak then also holds out his hand, flailing it a little.
  83. Tanya> Seya looks at Isaak too. Grabbing his paw, she heads in...
  84. Tanya> Seya leaves for Elevator.
  85. Tanya> Seya has left.
  86. Tanya> Isaak has left.
  87. Tanya> Seya walks along, with you following her.
  88. Tanya> Elevator
  89. Tanya> You stand inside a small brass lined elevator just big enough for four individuals. On the left side of the doors are four buttons corresponding to the four floors (0-3) set in a large, thick grey plastic panel.
  90. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  91. Tanya> 0, 1, 2, and 3
  92. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, and Seya(#20108CJXZ)
  93. Tanya> Seya enters, with Isaak and Tanya walking along next to her.
  94. ty say This is exciting! Hehee~
  95. Tanya> You chitter, "This is exciting! Hehee~"
  96. Tanya> Seya enters what could be an elevator, and something unclear happens... and we start to move down. But we're already in the basement!
  97. Tanya> Isaak's tail wags behind him as he hears the machinery whirring away. Hmm..!
  98. Tanya> Seya squeezes both your paws, her new friends. "It will take just a bit longer."
  99. Tanya> Isaak nods. "Sounds pretty deep.."
  100. ty : mhmms! "Pretty cool!"
  101. Tanya> Tanya mhmms! "Pretty cool!"
  102. Tanya> Seya presses their card up near the buttons, and is let off at a hidden floor.
  103. Tanya> Isaak has left.
  104. Tanya> Seya walks along, with you following her.
  105. Tanya> Dim Tunnel
  106. Tanya> The wide, tall, and long concrete tunnel stretches a ways ahead of you. The tunnel is dimly lit by energy efficient lighting every few feet. A faint woosh of air and a humming noise is heard, probably the air system, which keeps the air reasonably fresh. Indeed, you notice air vents every so often to one side. The floor is composed of a durable no-slip surface. Of note, the tunnel looks quite clean. Perhaps there is an automatic cleaning system installed - the drain holes and small nozzles in the ceiling suggest this. Heavily fortified cameras watch your every move. There are no signs or indications of where you are. Every 50 feet or so, the concrete has a gap in it where a very thick door could slide down as a barrier.
  107. Tanya>
  108. Tanya> While you could walk the whole way, that might take a while. Those that can fit on them should use the high speed people mover on the left.
  109. Tanya>
  110. Tanya> At each end of the tunnel, a thick metal door and a keycard reader await.
  111. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  112. Tanya> [N]est, [P]acker Stable, and [R]edBlack [M]anor
  113. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, and Seya(#20108CJXZ)
  114. Tanya> Seya enters, with Isaak and Tanya walking along next to her.
  115. Tanya> ( Time passes... a door is heard sliding open.... and the winged fox soldier gets you both carefully on a people mover, which starts to speed up. After a minute of this, she finally says, "You may take off your blindfolds." )
  116. ty : undoes her blindfold and looks around!
  117. Tanya> Tanya undoes her blindfold and looks around!
  118. Tanya> Isaak takes his off as well, stuffing it into a pocket for a moment. "Ooh."
  119. Tanya> Seya leaves for [SED Nest] Southeast Hallway Sector.
  120. Tanya> Seya has left.
  121. Tanya> Isaak has left.
  122. Tanya> Seya walks along, with you following her.
  123. Tanya> [SED Nest] Southeast Hallway Sector
  124. Tanya> The hallway seems to have a constant, gentle curve, with doors on either side.
  125. Tanya> Bright lights far overhead and regularly placed security cameras keep things
  126. Tanya> safe and secure. The floor is composed of a dark no-slip surface, apparently
  127. Tanya> some sort of textured, durable metal. The walls are made of many thick metal
  128. Tanya> squares, roughly 3'x'3', each with a tile glued to the center and big, flush
  129. Tanya> Torx screws at each corner just outside of the glued tile to hold things in
  130. Tanya> place. The squares and Torx screws are painted white, while the tiles are
  131. Tanya> varying shades of red. The ceiling is also composed of metal squares secured
  132. Tanya> with big bolts, though they are much larger and often have lights and cameras
  133. Tanya> flush between them. They remain shiny and unpainted.
  134. Tanya>
  135. Tanya> The (mostly) labeled doors are all made of a very thick metal and able to
  136. Tanya> withstand many types of attack. A key card access of sorts insures only
  137. Tanya> authorized personnel may enter. Looking around, you note the main hallway
  138. Tanya> can also be sealed off in spots, perhaps to trap intruders, or to stop
  139. Tanya> a potential outbreak of something. Small drain grates are visible on the
  140. Tanya> sides of the hallway, perhaps as part of some sort of self cleaning mechanism.
  141. Tanya> The air system wooshes softly. You get the feeling there is more to the
  142. Tanya> hallway than meets the eye.
  143. Tanya>
  144. Tanya> A sign states you are in the [SED Nest] Southeast Hallway Sector.
  145. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  146. Tanya> [B]ig [B]arracks, [C]ontrol [C]enter, [N]orth[E]ast Hallway, [R]edBlack [M]anor, [S]outh[W]est Hallway, and circle
  147. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, Seya(#20108CJXZ), and Six-Nine
  148. Tanya> Seya enters, with Isaak and Tanya walking along next to her.
  149. Tanya> ( As we arrive in what might be a part of the base, you see more soldiers (in and out of uniform) about, along with the odd civilian or two. There's light talking, and you see everything from poeple rushing from one thing to the next, to those taking time off and just wandering around casually in civilian clothes of various sorts. It's like a combination house and workplace. )
  150. ty say Oooh! Now I think I know where we are!
  151. Tanya> You chitter, "Oooh! Now I think I know where we are!"
  152. Tanya> Seya says, "You do?"
  153. ty say Yeah! This is the SED base, right?
  154. Tanya> You chitter, "Yeah! This is the SED base, right?"
  155. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "it's not as high tech as PI! It's also really old. I think I originally made this place 10 years ago, though this is only half the base. The other half is Elandra's side, and is more magical and even higher tech in nature. Might track one of her minions down to show it."
  156. Tanya> Seya nods, "Have you been here before?"
  157. ty say Nope!
  158. Tanya> You chitter, "Nope!"
  159. Tanya> Isaak shakes his head. "I haven't..." He's peering around, eyeing a few of the security cameras, taking in the color scheme!
  160. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "The color scheme was dedicated to Mort's first IC wife here, a red panda. ;)"
  161. ty ooc :D
  162. Tanya> [OOC] Tanya D
  163. Tanya> Seya gets moving...
  164. Tanya> Seya leaves for [SED Nest] Control Center.
  165. Tanya> Seya has left.
  166. Tanya> Isaak has left.
  167. Tanya> Seya walks along, with you following her.
  168. Tanya> [SED Nest] Control Center(#1945RLJ)
  169. Tanya> The control center is the safest part of the whole base, and is smaller than it may suggest from the outside due to the extra armor and triple door entrance. High tech, industrial, durable controls and displays line about a quarter of the room in their own section. This is where every aspect about the base (and other locations) can be monitored and controlled. The floors are simple textured concrete, and the lighting is generally of medium brightness florescent lights installed onto the concrete ceiling (with sound deadening material) and walls, for maximum efficiency. The rest of the control center is partitioned off into the power generation and climate control, and a panic room where one could survive for a long while without outside help.
  170. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  171. Tanya> [C]omputer Room, [O]ut, and [panic] room
  172. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, and Seya(#20108CJXZ)
  173. Tanya> Seya enters, with Isaak and Tanya walking along next to her.
  174. ty ooc *:D rather
  175. Tanya> [OOC] Tanya says, "*:D rather"
  176. Tanya> ( The control center is a very busy place! We pass a multitude of consoles, with other (mostly) Seyae manning them, answering comm chatter, looking at various sensors, and such. The SED has a reasonable view of the enter planetoid, thanks to a satellite and other sensors. As advanced as PI? Probably not, but they aren't blind either. )
  177. ty say Ooh, this is a movin' looking place!
  178. Tanya> You chitter, "Ooh, this is a movin' looking place!"
  179. ty say I guess SED employs a lot of people, huh?
  180. Tanya> You chitter, "I guess SED employs a lot of people, huh?"
  181. ty : grins at the Seyae. "Or, well, clones of them?" Curious.
  182. Tanya> Tanya grins at the Seyae. "Or, well, clones of them?" Curious.
  183. Tanya> Isaak notes that, as well! He had thought Seya was unique! Hmm.
  184. Tanya> Seya looks to you both, "You didn't know? I have thousands of sisters."
  185. ty say I mean, I had heard about it! But this puts it into perspective.
  186. Tanya> You chitter, "I mean, I had heard about it! But this puts it into perspective."
  187. Tanya> Isaak nods towards Tanya!
  188. Tanya> Seya says, "Us Seyae tend to work on more technical tasks, and other tasks requiring extreme patience such as scouting and sniping."
  189. ty say I can see why!
  190. Tanya> You chitter, "I can see why!"
  191. Tanya> Seya says, "The Aryas, large tigers, tend to do the grunt work, but not always."
  192. ty : nod nod!
  193. Tanya> Tanya nod nod!
  194. Tanya> Seya says, "And the Ainata, the medium-sized tigers, tend to do a little of everything, but are mostly in leadership positions now since they were te first clones."
  195. Tanya> Seya badges in, and goes to...
  196. Tanya> Seya leaves for [SED Nest] Computer Room.
  197. Tanya> Seya has left.
  198. Tanya> Isaak has left.
  199. Tanya> Seya walks along, with you following her.
  200. Tanya> [SED Nest] Computer Room
  201. Tanya> The computer room has a colder temperature than the rest of the facility. Rather than being composed of many smaller computers, Morticon has chosen to stick with having a single, all-powerful mainframe capable of running everything at once. It is unknown what brand it is, as it appears to be composed of parts from multiple manufacturers. For the most part, it is encased in large, locked metal cases with blinking status lights on the front. A raised floor hides most of the wiring and liquid coolant lines. The room is loud with fans and pumps. In the center, lit somewhat dramatically by LEDs, is a 6' plexiglass cube. Wiring and metal frames rest inside, lowered by a mechanism above it, keeping the main CPUs immersed in some sort of cooling liquid. Off to the side, in an unusually darker corner, sits a small metal box with a small glass window and a door. On the box are two buttons, a green 'connect' button and a red, safety door covered 'disconnect' button. There is no other labeling.
  202. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  203. Tanya> [O]ut, and [S]imon's Virtual Home
  204. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, and Seya(#20108CJXZ)
  205. Tanya> Seya enters, with Isaak and Tanya walking along next to her.
  206. ty : oohs. The coolness and the whirring of air conditioning instantly gives her happyshivers~
  207. Tanya> Tanya oohs. The coolness and the whirring of air conditioning instantly gives her happyshivers~
  208. Tanya> Isaak is curious. "Where does the naming convention come from?"
  209. Tanya> Seya says, "The commander made it up. The pattern seems pretty straightforward. Four letters, ends in an A. Arya. Seya. Aina."
  210. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "Others in the SED came up with all the plural names: Ainata, Seyae, Aryas."
  211. Tanya> Isaak ahs, and nods! He peers towards the mainframe, taking it all in.
  212. Tanya> Seya says, "WHereas PI has multiple large computers, we have a single large one. I don't fully understand where the CPU came from."
  213. ty say You don't? That seems a strange thing to not know! Or is it just not in your field?
  214. Tanya> You chitter, "You don't? That seems a strange thing to not know! Or is it just not in your field?"
  215. Tanya> Seya says, "It was acquired off planet, before I came out of the tube. It seems to act like a normal CPU, only it has far more cores and much higher speed than what is commonly available, excepting PI of course."
  216. ty : is investigating the computer as much as she's allowed to peer at it! Seeming excited and curious.
  217. Tanya> Tanya is investigating the computer as much as she's allowed to peer at it! Seeming excited and curious.
  218. Tanya> Seya points at the cube immersed in a clear liquid. One of you may recognize it as a device from some other place, perhaps a competitor of PI, who knows. Either way, it's not something normally found here!
  219. ty : peers at it. "Oh gosh. Don't show Moriar that cube." Stiffling a giggle. It looks intriguing and enigmatic to her!
  220. Tanya> Tanya peers at it. "Oh gosh. Don't show Moriar that cube." Stiffling a giggle. It looks intriguing and enigmatic to her!
  221. Tanya> ( Big chunks of the computer seem very standard, if not a mishmash of parts. Some look pretty old, whereas a number of racks are composed of stuff bought from offworld for expanded storage and memory. It doesn't have the total computing power of PI, but it's nothing to sneeze at! )
  222. Tanya> Seya says, "One thing I have never understood, is that sometimes, in the past, it would get a boost of computing power far beyond what it should."
  223. ty say Oh? That's curious indeed! I take it no one's done a teardown?
  224. Tanya> You chitter, "Oh? That's curious indeed! I take it no one's done a teardown?"
  225. Tanya> Isaak cocks his head. "Just random overclocks? Weird."
  226. Tanya> Seya shakes her head, "we've been prohibited from working on that. I think it's related to that switch over there," The one currently with the 'disconnected' light lit.
  227. ty : chuckles! "Yeah, that sounds like a Scary Hack for sure."
  228. Tanya> Tanya chuckles! "Yeah, that sounds like a Scary Hack for sure."
  229. Tanya> Seya stares at the switch. Tempted. "So... this is the physical system. Lancer and Simon both have virtual spaces carved out in it."
  230. ty say I know Lancer, I don't know Simon yet!
  231. Tanya> You chitter, "I know Lancer, I don't know Simon yet!"
  232. Tanya> Seya says, "Simon is a small virtual mouse, that requires computing power nearby in order to physically manifest."
  233. Tanya> Seya says, "I build a portable system I can keep in my pocket, for him."
  234. ty : ohmigoshes. "Cute!"
  235. Tanya> Tanya ohmigoshes. "Cute!"
  236. Tanya> Isaak rumbles, "Who's Lancer, then?"
  237. ty : lets Seya explain.
  238. Tanya> Tanya lets Seya explain.
  239. Tanya> Seya holds up a small rectangle. It has a small display, but is mostly CPU and memory, with a battery. It's not meant for interactive use by her.
  240. Tanya> [OOC] Seya tries to reach Simon.. maybe he'll come to.
  241. Tanya> Seya says, "Lancer is another digital entity that is equally comfortable in and out of a computer."
  242. ty say Lancer's all foxy. A Renamon, I think they're called?
  243. Tanya> You chitter, "Lancer's all foxy. A Renamon, I think they're called?"
  244. ty say Good at computer security.
  245. Tanya> You chitter, "Good at computer security."
  246. Tanya> Isaak grins. "Oh! Renamon~ Cool!"
  247. Tanya> Seya nods, "Yes. That's his species."
  248. ty : grins. "Lancer can literally just like, physically walk into and out of computers. It's trippy!"
  249. Tanya> Tanya grins. "Lancer can literally just like, physically walk into and out of computers. It's trippy!"
  250. Tanya> Seya says, "And when he's in computers, he can do nearly anything. He enjoys eating viruses and malware as a snack."
  251. Tanya> Isaak smirk. "Wonder what they taste like."
  252. Tanya> Seya notes, "He always needs a computer somewhere that stores part of him."
  253. ty : giggles. "Now there's a cool thought!"
  254. Tanya> Tanya giggles. "Now there's a cool thought!"
  255. Tanya> Seya says, "Why's that?"
  256. ty say I mean, it's not something I can ever do myself, but it must be pretty tasty~
  257. Tanya> You chitter, "I mean, it's not something I can ever do myself, but it must be pretty tasty~"
  258. Tanya> Seya says, "We'll have to ask him next time. Simon isn't as interested in eating viruses, but he's just as helpful inside the computer."
  259. ty : chuckles! "Good!"
  260. Tanya> Tanya chuckles! "Good!"
  261. Tanya> Isaak grins. "Cool, though.. For sure."
  262. ty say So, you said that you cater for the digital entities that work with the SED, right? Is that done in here?
  263. Tanya> You chitter, "So, you said that you cater for the digital entities that work with the SED, right? Is that done in here?"
  264. Tanya> Seya takes you both beyond this room, to what looks like a combination office and workbench with computer parts on it. "This is where I work." The desk has a decent multi-monitor setup, and can probably get plenty of computing power assigned to it.
  265. Tanya> Seya says, "I usually work with them here."
  266. ty : oohs! Nice place. She scampers all around to peer over everything. :3
  267. Tanya> Tanya oohs! Nice place. She scampers all around to peer over everything. :3
  268. ty say I see! What kinds of... well, needs do they have?
  269. Tanya> You chitter, "I see! What kinds of... well, needs do they have?"
  270. Tanya> Seya's got soldering irons, circuit boards, testing equipment, power supplies... a little of everything. The computer screen shows lots of running applications. "Mostly they just need a partition assigned to them, and they format and use it how they like. It's nonstandard, and required a modification to the existing partitioning code."
  271. ty : grins. "I guess you can't tell a digital entity how to live its life, huh?"
  272. Tanya> Tanya grins. "I guess you can't tell a digital entity how to live its life, huh?"
  273. Tanya> Seya says, "The partition gets network access, and with some effort I was able to acquire a link to the spindizzy network in general."
  274. ty say I take it that's in breach of sooo many security protocols?
  275. Tanya> You chitter, "I take it that's in breach of sooo many security protocols?"
  276. Tanya> Isaak grins. "Like.. they make a virtual home or whatever? Awesome."
  277. Tanya> Seya shrugs, "They have permission for the network access, but sometimes it has to be cut off." She leans in to you both, murmuring, "I am quite certain Lancer in particular circumvents rules, but I see no reason to stop him. That, and he'd just find another way around."
  278. ty : huhs, and giggles. "Yeah, that sounds awfully familiar...~"
  279. Tanya> Tanya huhs, and giggles. "Yeah, that sounds awfully familiar...~"
  280. Tanya> Isaak smirks! Hm..
  281. Tanya> Seya looks to you two, "Oh? Which one of you does that?"
  282. ty : winks to Isaak. "I hope one day you have the fortune to create something that has a will of its own! He hee~"
  283. Tanya> Tanya winks to Isaak. "I hope one day you have the fortune to create something that has a will of its own! He hee~"
  284. Tanya> Seya says, "Lancer and Simon are both here voluntarily. There is no reason to punish them if I can help it. So I work to make it as comfortable as I can."
  285. ty : uh-huh!
  286. Tanya> Tanya uh-huh!
  287. Tanya> Seya asks Tanya, "So what sort of data interchange could we do?"
  288. Tanya> Isaak cocks his head towards Tanya, chuckling. "I need more training in that, I guess..?"
  289. ty : smiles! "That's what I was wondering! What are you hoping to learn from me, and what can you offer in turn?" With a grin to Isaak. "Hmm, indeed~"
  290. Tanya> Tanya smiles! "That's what I was wondering! What are you hoping to learn from me, and what can you offer in turn?" With a grin to Isaak. "Hmm, indeed~"
  291. Tanya> Seya says, "While I know what I want from you, I'm not sure what the SED can offer you in turn. PI seems too have it all covered."
  292. Tanya> Isaak blinks, and says towards Tanya. "I'll think on it."
  293. ty say We have a lot of things, but we don't have digital entities that can move between meatspace and cyberspace! That still really intrigues me!" Tailflick. "Plus, I bet you know all sorts of things about them from your partnership with them that I could learn from. Data and techniques and stuff."
  294. Tanya> You chitter, "We have a lot of things, but we don't have digital entities that can move between meatspace and cyberspace! That still really intrigues me!" Tailflick. "Plus, I bet you know all sorts of things about them from your partnership with them that I could learn from. Data and techniques and stuff.""
  295. ty say Plus - I know you have interest in AI training, yourself.
  296. Tanya> You chitter, "Plus - I know you have interest in AI training, yourself."
  297. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "Incoming Simon shortly."
  298. Tanya> Simon has arrived.
  299. Tanya> Seya is in her office with two visitors!
  300. ty : ohs!
  301. Tanya> Tanya ohs!
  302. ty l simon
  303. Tanya> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304. Tanya> Looking down, you see a mouse about 3 inches tall with dark grey fur, green eyes and greyish-pink nose and ears. The fur on his head and cheeks ruffs up a little, while the fur along his underside is a slightly lighter grey, ending at his nose and cheeks at the top end. Though his face has no other markings, from the neck down his body and tail is covered with green, glowing lines in odd patterns of straight and circular, reminiscent of a circuit board.
  305. Tanya>
  306. Tanya> Right now he wears a black hoodie, likewise covered in green, glowy lines.
  307. Tanya>
  308. Tanya> The mouse gives a timid smile as he looks back up at you.
  309. Tanya>
  310. Tanya> Pics:
  311. Tanya>
  312. Tanya> Carrying: sedcomm, Cheese Wedge, Pineapple Upsidedown Cake, Some Cheese on A Skewer, Vote Raccoony in 2013 Eyemask and Tailring Set, and Whispering Walls Mall Sleepover PJs
  313. Tanya> > Simon [Simon just looked in your direction! (Male Mouse)]
  314. Tanya> Seya feels something. She pulls out that little rectangular device from a cargo pocket, places it on the desk. "Hello, Simon."
  315. Tanya> Seya is expecting tiny mouse Simon, but we'll see how he manifests!
  316. ty ws
  317. Tanya> Room: [SED Nest] Computer Room
  318. Tanya> -Stat-Name----------------Sex---------Species---------------------------------
  319. Tanya> TRON Simon Male Mouse
  320. Tanya> >Tanya female Cute Eccentric Skaven |Patashu
  321. Tanya> >Isaak Male Gnoll |Skai
  322. Tanya> IC >Seya Female Winged Black Fox |Morticon
  323. Tanya> ---[ Found 4 characters. ( 1 Awake / 3 Zombies ) ]----------------------------
  324. Tanya> Isaak leans over, peeking!
  325. Tanya> Simon materializes as a little holographic projection above the device, appearing to solidify into something physical moments later.
  326. ty say Simon, is it? Hello hello! We've already heard about you!
  327. Tanya> You chitter, "Simon, is it? Hello hello! We've already heard about you!"
  328. Tanya> (Jaxen's) Jaxie gasps Simon, from afar!
  329. Tanya> Simon smiles at Seya and then perks his ears at Tanya. "Oh? Good things, I hope!"
  330. ty say Hehee, of course!
  331. Tanya> You chitter, "Hehee, of course!"
  332. Tanya> Seya pets Simon's head affectionately with a finger.
  333. ty : holds out a hand to introduce herself. "Tanya! AI Researcher for Patashu Industries. And here with me is Isaak, an Engineer for Patashu Industries. We're here on a tour!"
  334. Tanya> Tanya holds out a hand to introduce herself. "Tanya! AI Researcher for Patashu Industries. And here with me is Isaak, an Engineer for Patashu Industries. We're here on a tour!"
  335. Tanya> Seya says, "This is Tanya and Isaak, from Patashu Industries. Tanya is an AI researcher, and Isaak works on large robots."
  336. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "Oo! Close!"
  337. ty : grins. "Hey, not JUST large robots! Smol ones too! Engineers aren't picky~"
  338. Tanya> Tanya grins. "Hey, not JUST large robots! Smol ones too! Engineers aren't picky~"
  339. Tanya> Seya looks curious, "How small?
  340. Tanya> Isaak nods. "And vehicles, as well."
  341. Tanya> Isaak rumbles. "Well, I think the smallest I've worked on is Moriar?"
  342. ty : huhs. That's pretty smol!
  343. Tanya> Tanya huhs. That's pretty smol!
  344. Tanya> Seya says to Simon, "I am working on a data interchange between the two organizations. Perhaps you would like to help?"
  345. ty say Yeah! We both work on AIs, though different types for different reasons. I'm curious about what we can learn from each other!
  346. Tanya> You chitter, "Yeah! We both work on AIs, though different types for different reasons. I'm curious about what we can learn from each other!"
  347. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "Lancer would have joined, but his player wasn't feeling great.. so, another time."
  348. Tanya> Simon nudges up into Seya's petting, making a small contented sound, before tilting his head curiously at the introductions. "Oh! Of course! What can I do for you?"
  349. ty ooc No prob!
  350. Tanya> [OOC] Tanya says, "No prob!"
  351. ty : hmms! "Well, what CAN you do for me, indeed! What are your specialties?"
  352. Tanya> Tanya hmms! "Well, what CAN you do for me, indeed! What are your specialties?"
  353. ty say As for what I'm interested in, myself - I suppose I'm interested in novel techniques and data related to creating and training AIs! Things I might not have thought of myself!
  354. Tanya> You chitter, "As for what I'm interested in, myself - I suppose I'm interested in novel techniques and data related to creating and training AIs! Things I might not have thought of myself!"
  355. Tanya> Isaak just listens, ears perked!
  356. Tanya> Simon hmms softly, stroking his chin. "Well, with SED I usually tend to help with situations that require infiltration or monitoring of networks, or interfacing with digital agents of unknown capabilities. And I do happen to be an AI," he adds with a grin.
  357. Tanya> Seya says, "On my end, I am looking for ways to create virtual environments for the digital entities, to aid in training or perhaps recreation."
  358. ty : grins at that. "Got a lot of experience under your belt, then - cool! I'd love to have you on the PI network sometimes, if it's at all possible."
  359. Tanya> Tanya grins at that. "Got a lot of experience under your belt, then - cool! I'd love to have you on the PI network sometimes, if it's at all possible."
  360. ty say Yeah! And since we have similar goals, I bet we could work together and learn a lot.
  361. Tanya> You chitter, "Yeah! And since we have similar goals, I bet we could work together and learn a lot."
  362. Tanya> Simon earperks to Seya, then nods to Tanya. "I could certainly send a copy of myself with you, if that would be helpful."
  363. Tanya> > Seya [Seya just looked in your direction! (Female Winged Black Fox)]
  364. Tanya> Seya looks over at Isaak, "What about you? What interest might you have?"
  365. ty : oohs! "Sure! I'll happily take a copy." She rummages around in her backpack for a tablet computer and boots it up, holding it out. The PI logo is in purple on the back of the black case:
  366. Tanya> Tanya oohs! "Sure! I'll happily take a copy." She rummages around in her backpack for a tablet computer and boots it up, holding it out. The PI logo is in purple on the back of the black case:
  367. Tanya> Seya stares. "How did you get that in here?"
  368. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "The dragon means quality!"
  369. ty : clicks her teeth~ "I'm quite the resourceful Skaven, I am! Don't worry, I won't do anything naughty."
  370. Tanya> Tanya clicks her teeth~ "I'm quite the resourceful Skaven, I am! Don't worry, I won't do anything naughty."
  371. Tanya> Isaak hmm. "I'm kind of just here along with Tanya to broaden my own experiences.. I might start getting into AI design and whatnot. So this is interesting!"
  372. Tanya> Seya tilts her head, "Skaven?"
  373. Tanya> Seya simply closes her office door, and locks it.
  374. ty : uh-huhs! And blinks. "Is there a problem?"
  375. Tanya> Tanya uh-huhs! And blinks. "Is there a problem?"
  376. ty : looks nervous.
  377. Tanya> Tanya looks nervous.
  378. Tanya> Simon is about to approach the tablet when he hears Seya's astonishment, blinking a bit and looking slightly less sure about things. For now, he listens.
  379. Tanya> Seya says, "I did say all electronic devices were to be kept in the manor. However, if this counts as the first payment, I will handle the paperwork."
  380. Tanya> Seya, for all her seriousness, does not seem to be the stoic rules-enforcer many think Seyae are.
  381. Tanya> Seya says, "I do not want my sisters walking in, however, and assuming something."
  382. ty : sweatdrops. =w= "OK, fine!" Twiddles toes. "I understand, don't worry. It's such an engrained habit to keep my computer on me!"
  383. Tanya> Tanya sweatdrops. =w= "OK, fine!" Twiddles toes. "I understand, don't worry. It's such an engrained habit to keep my computer on me!"
  384. ty : holds it out again.
  385. Tanya> Tanya holds it out again.
  386. Tanya> Seya murmurs softly to Simon, "It is OK."
  387. ty : smiles, mischeviously. "Also, you'd have trouble confiscating ALL my electronic devices..." Tapping the neural implant in her temple.
  388. Tanya> Tanya smiles, mischeviously. "Also, you'd have trouble confiscating ALL my electronic devices..." Tapping the neural implant in her temple.
  389. Tanya> Simon glances back over to Seya to make sure she approves, his tail morphing into a connector to plug into the device's data port and plugging into it once she does.
  390. ty : watches, curious! There's a simple digital environment sandbox already set up on the tablet, so it'd likely boot up when Simon connects.
  391. Tanya> Tanya watches, curious! There's a simple digital environment sandbox already set up on the tablet, so it'd likely boot up when Simon connects.
  392. Tanya> Isaak watches this, leaning in with interest! Oooh.
  393. Tanya> Seya says, deadpan, "We have a surgical center." Is that a .. joke?!
  394. Tanya> Seya nods approvingly.
  395. ty : gapes! Oh no. =w=
  396. Tanya> Tanya gapes! Oh no. =w=
  397. ty : loosens up a bit, giggling.
  398. Tanya> Tanya loosens up a bit, giggling.
  399. Tanya> Seya finds Tanya's extreme emotions intriguing. "I am kidding."
  400. ty say Oh, I caught on! He hee~
  401. Tanya> You chitter, "Oh, I caught on! He hee~"
  402. Tanya> Seya starts watching Tanya's 'mood rings'.
  403. ty : flashes a blue of relief.
  404. Tanya> Tanya flashes a blue of relief.
  405. Tanya> Seya speaks to Isaak, "So you can design them to integrate with your creations?"
  406. Tanya> Simon's usual green glow fades into a blue one as he begins transferring data to the sandbox, running a minimal copy to inspect it while he streams the rest of it over. Seems not entirely unfamiliar to the devices he's used to at SED, minus the sandbox aspect.
  407. Tanya> Isaak peeks towards Seya. "Do you mean any AI? We have ACIDS2 cores that allow AI to be transferred or hot-swapped between hardware configurations."
  408. ty say Yep yep! PI prides itself on being able to slap part A into part B.
  409. Tanya> You chitter, "Yep yep! PI prides itself on being able to slap part A into part B."
  410. Tanya> Seya tilts her head, "That could be interesting to learn about."
  411. ty : grins and takes a look at the tablet, booting the sandbox app up. Simon would be standing in the standard field of rolling green grass, blue clouded sky up above. She taps at a menu to give Simon permission to alter the environment's parameters, typing in her password.
  412. Tanya> Tanya grins and takes a look at the tablet, booting the sandbox app up. Simon would be standing in the standard field of rolling green grass, blue clouded sky up above. She taps at a menu to give Simon permission to alter the environment's parameters, typing in her password.
  413. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "So last decade, Tanya. ;)"
  414. ty ooc He hee!
  415. Tanya> [OOC] Tanya says, "He hee!"
  416. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "Now it's, what, a beach cave?"
  417. Tanya> Seya pets the original Simon, "At the SED, we consider these entities to be full persons. They have the same rights and responsibilities as anyone else."
  418. ty : smiles, "I understand! That's how we treat sapient AIs, too, and I'm proud to say that."
  419. Tanya> Tanya smiles, "I understand! That's how we treat sapient AIs, too, and I'm proud to say that."
  420. Tanya> Simon's image materializes on the tablet's screen, giving a wave and then displaying a beige rounded-corner word balloon that says: "Hello! I'm preparing myself for first use, please wait..." with a progress bar below that.
  421. ty : oohs! This is cute. :3
  422. Tanya> Tanya oohs! This is cute. :3
  423. Tanya> Seya has a small grin too. She likes Simon quite a bit.
  424. Tanya> Seya looks to Isaak. "I wonder..."
  425. Tanya> Isaak perks. "Hmm?"
  426. ty : ooh?
  427. Tanya> Tanya ooh?
  428. Tanya> Simon makes himself at home as he transfers over, settling into the new environment and adjusting a few parameters experimentally, playing with the day and night cycle a bit and then adding a futuristic-looking cityscape off in the distance.
  429. ty : grins. Ooh, that's good aesthetic.
  430. Tanya> Tanya grins. Ooh, that's good aesthetic.
  431. Tanya> Seya says, "Perhaps we could create a shell for Simon to use."
  432. ty say Oooh.
  433. Tanya> You chitter, "Oooh."
  434. Tanya> Seya says, "The commander once created one for a fox, but it is nonmorphic."
  435. Tanya> Simon finishes transferring, the original unplugging himself from the tablet and returning to his usual green color, while his copy has his ears perked, a small notification sound indicating his curiosity. (A shell?)> he word-balloons.
  436. Tanya> Isaak nods. "I think that could be something we could work on, sure. We've created synth shells with ACIDS2 compatible cradles inside of them before."
  437. Tanya> Seya nods. "Not a command shell, but a small robot you could control and house processors in."
  438. Tanya> Seya says, "Then, you could take yourself anywhere without my help, or follow me around under your own power."
  439. ty say That sounds super cute!
  440. Tanya> You chitter, "That sounds super cute!"
  441. Tanya> Simon (both of them) seem quite interested in this prospect. "I would be very interested in such a thing. Maintaining sufficient power to manifest physically has always been a difficult thing."
  442. Tanya> Seya nods. "I see our two organizations have projects to work on."
  443. Tanya> Seya says, "Well, time is up for visitors. I will work on getting you more permanent researcher access. If you will follow me...."
  444. ty say Aww, already? Alright, fiiine~
  445. Tanya> You chitter, "Aww, already? Alright, fiiine~"
  446. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "I have to get going, and willl lead them out, but if you like Simon, feel free to RP with Tanya whenever. :) This is a continuing side plotline."
  447. Tanya> Isaak grins! He moves to follow!
  448. Tanya> [OOC] Simon says, "Hehe, of course! Sounds fun n.n"
  449. Tanya> Seya pets Simon. "See you soon, Simon."
  450. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "Lancer is involved as well, time peritting."
  451. Tanya> Seya takes the pair out in reverse......
  452. Tanya> Seya teleports away.
  453. Tanya> Seya has left.
  454. Tanya> Isaak has left.
  455. Tanya> Seya walks along, with you following her.
  456. Tanya> Gallery(#8359RLCJ)
  457. Tanya> This room seems split in two. On one side is the art gallery, the other just a small space that connects other rooms. The art gallery side has black marble flooring, soft track lighting suspended from a black ceiling on black girders, and a pale grey wall used to hang works of art or photographs. There is plenty of space for sculptures or other such things. A very comfortable black couch is also in position for those who want to gaze at things a while longer. Sitting on the couch, you see only the gallery half. On the other side, the black marble turns to white utilitarian tile, a drop down ceiling with white panels and targeted florescent lighting (distanced enough from the gallery so as not to disturb the mood) that creates vague squares of light on the floor, white unadorned walls, and doors to other places. Is the room itself a piece of art? Hard to say.
  458. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  459. Tanya> (E)levator, (E)xercise (R)oom, (S)ub-Basement, [Al]drinor's Room, [C]ourtyard via Bulkhead, [GR0] Guest Room 0 (Tsubame), [GR1] Guest Room 1, [GR2] Guest Room 2 (Tavi), [GR3] Guest Room 3 (Persephone), [GR4] Guest Room 4 (Keesha), [GR5] Guest Room 5 (Cecilia), [GR6] Guest Room 6 (Coal), [It]azura's Room, [Ly]ra's Room, [Pe]trichor's Room, [Ta]sh-Ki'ira's Room, [Te]ssarya's Room, [Tr]eiss's Room, [Z]en's Room, and up
  460. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, and Seya(#20108CJXZ)
  461. Tanya> Seya enters, with Isaak and Tanya walking along next to her.
  462. Tanya> Seya arrives from the subfloor.
  463. Tanya> Seya has left.
  464. Tanya> Isaak has left.
  465. Tanya> Seya walks along, with you following her.
  466. Tanya> Courtyard(#17466RLJ)
  467. Tanya> The house you are looking at looks very old, but seems well taken care of. It looks large and spacious. More like a mansion. The house itself is built from plain red bricks, but the frames of the windows are painted pure white, and the roof tiles are black, giving the house a classical, but not too old fashioned look. The front door is made of sturdy hardwood and is stained light brown. The cobblestone path continues to move along the front of the old house, and the carriage house, which has been attached to the mansion, and the front door. On the opposite side of the path there is a small tiled pavilion which houses a fountain with a wooden bench on each side. On either side of the front door there is a small, but well-kept lawn with a few flower beds. A few stone steps lead up to the front door.
  468. Tanya>
  469. Tanya>
  470. Tanya> .. or that's how it was, anyway. But some progress has been made on construction of a new home:
  471. Tanya>
  472. Tanya> Good progress is being made on the construction of the new manor, with its square outer walls starting to come together nicely! The rough plan is strikingly similar to a Roman-style villa, with the outer wall almost entirely windows save for the central entrance at the south end. Nearly everything built so far is made of brick, sturdy hard wood, and concrete with some plaster for color. On the north wall, near the center of that wall, there's a second story being built which will hold the main bedrooms and have a balcony that looks out over the new gardens that sprawl in the central courtyard. The old manor foundations and the rooms that it hides are actually situated under this new courtyard, and the layer of dirt there hides the old slab! New, carefully built hallways link the basement of the main two-story section to the new foundation, and other passages to connect to the basements of some of the new outer wall rooms.
  473. Tanya> Morning clouds dot the cyan sky. The sun is not clearly visible. It's somewhere around 10 am by how the light moves.
  474. Tanya>
  475. Tanya> Obvious Exits:
  476. Tanya> (C)arriage (H)ouse, (F)ront (D)oor, (G)arden, [S]ubfloor via Bulkhead, and out
  477. Tanya> Contents: Isaak, Seya(#20108CJXZ), Mk III Mini, and SIGN: Private Property!
  478. Tanya> ## There are possible hidden listeners here.
  479. Tanya> Seya enters, with Isaak and Tanya walking along next to her.
  480. ty ooc This is quite fun indeed! I'm loving this worldbuilding. :3
  481. Tanya> [OOC] Tanya says, "This is quite fun indeed! I'm loving this worldbuilding. :3"
  482. Tanya> Seya squeezes both your paws a bit more than she needs to, and then finally lets go. "You can remove your blindfolds.
  483. ty : untugs the blindfold!
  484. Tanya> Tanya untugs the blindfold!
  485. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "Oh, yeah, you haven't seen much of the SED. It's got like 15 years of history to it."
  486. ty ooc I knoooow.
  487. Tanya> [OOC] Tanya says, "I knoooow."
  488. Tanya> Isaak tugs the blindfold off!
  489. ty ooc It's mindblowing!
  490. Tanya> [OOC] Tanya says, "It's mindblowing!"
  491. Tanya> Seya looks to you both, "I hope to see you two again soon." She looks you both in the eyes.
  492. ty : smiles! "Likewise! This is real exciting~"
  493. Tanya> Tanya smiles! "Likewise! This is real exciting~"
  494. ty : wows, eye contact! Our friendship levels are, like, sooo up.
  495. Tanya> Tanya wows, eye contact! Our friendship levels are, like, sooo up.
  496. Tanya> Seya nods, her tailfan raised.
  497. Tanya> Seya says, "Yes."
  498. Tanya> Seya says, "See you soon..."
  499. Tanya> Seya heads back in..
  500. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "Feel free to nab Simon if he's available tonight, otherwise.. kater. :)"
  501. Tanya> [OOC] Seya says, "err, later!"
  502. Tanya> Seya is glommed down and swept away by a plastic hippopotamus mouth.
  503. Tanya> Seya has left.
  504. ty ooc Feel free to poke us if you're around and wanna say hi, yeah! (Our players are Patashu and Skai respectively.)
  505. Tanya> [OOC] Tanya says, "Feel free to poke us if you're around and wanna say hi, yeah! (Our players are Patashu and Skai respectively.)"
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