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May 22nd, 2018
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  1. I had to retype this twice... My computer ended up turning off on me. FUUUN. Anyways, I fucking hate my math class. More than any other class I have right now. NOBODY besides me and one other kid can't keep their mouths closed the entire class. Dare I say it is 100x worse than the bus. I'm comparing it to the bus so you can see how bad it is for yourself. It's seriously this bad, you'd need to see/hear it. Well, for starters, EVERYONE was talking fucking 2x louder than normal today, because it's friday. THEN, just randomly in class, this one kid David goes "WHEEEOOOOOWHEEEEOOOOOWHEEEEEOOOOOOOWHEEEEEEOOOOO" and SCREAMING it. And the sad part was, it wasn't much louder than the kids who were talking. My teacher actually said and I quote "I'm going to beat you all".
  3. Merry Christmas to you too! Today might as well be Christmas, minus math class. Good thing you said said that, cause it reminded me of this. We got a test back today. I got 47/50 because I forgot to write "y=" and "x=" in an equation, somehow. But you see, that should be 48, because that's 2 points off, not 3. Well, she realizes that the test was supposed to be out of 49, so she says she'll give us 1 point extra and then she says under her breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear "Merry Christmas...". WELL, you know how there's that one idiot girl that didn't know "Hitler's last name"? I don't know what was going through her mind (if she has one) because she then yelled "THAT'S RACIST!" because she's Jewish. Racism? Religion? What is this? I don't even...
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