
The Powerpuff Girls and Megaman 2: Chapter 12 Skull Castle 4

Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. AT the start is a certain maze room. Megaman and his girls arrived there. "Something is weird about this place" Megaman said. He checked the area with his scanner. "Now I see, this place is a maze room" He finished.
  3. "Maze room? What kind of security room is this?" Buttercup questioned. "What dose it matter? We need to get to Mojo and Wily" Bubbles responded.
  5. They all nodded, so they continued on their way. They had to refill on their weapon energy by grabbing the blue vials. They jumped up and from ladder to ladder. They beat down any Metool that were in their way.
  7. While getting through this maze area. "Hold it" Megaman said as he looked at he ground with his scanner. The scanner said invisible trap door. "We better stay on mid air until we find a better area with no traps" Megaman suggested.
  9. They all got passed through the rooms, getting from illusion area to illusion area until they got to another maze room, this time filled with spikes, and not just any spikes, spikes filled with Antidote X. "Ah man! How much Antidote X can they make!?" Buttercup wined.
  11. "Two evil scientist that are known to experience what Chemical X is made fighting their greatest enemies who's made of it, and knows how to destroy you with, we're talking about Wily who I fought years ago, knows how to plan ahead. What did you expect!?" Megaman stated. "Well, he dose make a point, after all, Wily did give his robot fighters the same powers like we have" Bubbles said.
  13. "Doesn't matter, we need to be careful of getting through those spikes if we want to get to them" Blossom said. So they got through every maze wall with just their flying. It was a good thing too, cause it would take longer than it should. After getting through this zig zagging death trap, they ram passed some Sniper Joes.
  15. As they got to the main door, it self opened for them. As they got in, they notice something is wrong. No attackers. "I got a bad feeling about this" Blossom stated.
  17. Suddenly, an alarm sound went off. They guarded themselves. 'Warning, warning, warning, intruder alert. Eliminate all intruder' The super computer activated and brought out five spheres. "Well girls, we just got ambushed again" Megaman said.
  19. They all charged a pink energy and fired at them. Some were dodged, but Megaman got hit by it. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" He screamed. However, for some reason, he felt woozy. "Megaman! What's wrong?!" Blossom asked worried about him.
  21. "Antidote X. Those things can shoot a blast of it" Megaman warned. The girls all gasped. They turned to the machines again, then again they fired the blast. With warning this time, they all dodged each blast. "Girls, separate formation, now!" Blossom commended.
  23. Blossom stood by Megaman. "Can you still fight?" Blossom asked. "Most of my strength is gone, but I still got some fight left" Megaman responded. Megaman slowly got up, so both of them flew up.
  25. Buttercup tried to punch it out, but from touching it, "Arrrrrhhhhhhh!!" She held her hand, feeling the hot effects from the Antidote X. Then she got blasted away. "Buttercup!" Bubbles called. Then she got blasted herself.
  27. Blossom and Megaman grabbed hold of them. "So we can't just punch them, but I know what we can do" Megaman stated. "Then we better blast them and fast" Megaman finished as he equipped Crash Bomber. The rest of the girls did the same. They all jumped and shot each of them and destroyed of of them at a time.
  29. They all shot the crasher bombs like like crazy to destroy them all. After that, they cough out the explosion smoke. "Well, we caused a mess, but at least we did it" Megaman said. Suddenly a futuristic elevator appeared out of the coastline. "Look guys, a elevator!" Bubbles called to her brother and sisters.
  31. They all walked to it and down they went, just for what else they might encounter.
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