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Jan 18th, 2013
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  1. Killer in the Autumn Breeze: Collection I
  2. By
  3. Susan Waterflower Bell
  4. Chapters 1-3
  5. Chapter One: In the Shadows of Autumn
  7. Susan took a deep breath as she looked around her, the Long Horn was all too quite for it being Friday the traditional payday for the stockman and shopkeepers of the village. Any other time people most men fresh from the fields or the sale floor would rushing in here for there fill of chilled ale and bottles of local wine. And on those rare afternoons one of the sociable ladies of the town will pay the tavern a visit.
  9. “You might as well go home early today Suzie,” Came a voice from behind her. The source of the voice was aged gentleman. The fellow sported a clean shave and wore the tradition clothing of a tavern owner that being a pair of clean olive colored trousers rolled over polished pair of tan cowboy boots. A button up long sleeve white dress shirt completed the look. The look was enhanced by the presents of a wide brim cowboy hat and sun glass’s that hide the mans gleaming sapphire blue eyes. A fitting image from a man that owned a tavern called the Long Horn.
  11. “Don’t think where going to do anything today bossman?” Asked Susan as she turned around and peered toward the source of the voice. She drew in a deep breath even though going home a little early would cut her out of some much need hours and in turn a little extra spending money it would be worth it. Because today was a very special day and it seemed for once the luck of Bell’s was now on her side.
  13. “Nay, there no silver in town, even with today being Friday. it’s the middle of the month you know. Business is going to be slow everywhere save possible the blacksmith and the clinic there always packed full of people. Side I think a day off will do both of us good, you can take tomorrow off to, Its on the house.” She said in gentle but tired tone of voice. And with that he turned toward upon his heel.
  15. Susan smiled and nodded her head a bit. “Okay thank you,” And with that she turned around and marched off toward the small little room that held the time clock and a few old leather couch’s and old worn down card table, The room was called the lounge. Once there she reached up and picked out her time card from among the dozen or so other cards. Then with one fluid hand motion she placed the card in the little slit and watched it sunk into the belly of the mechanical clock.
  17. Quickly the clock spit the card right out. With a trained eye she looked down at the tally hours of the week and with a little smile she beheld the number ‘23.40.’ while that might not sound like a lot it really was since jobs where scarce in this little railroad town. Returning her time card to its proper place she started toward the door. The afternoon was hers.
  19. She was just about to leave her place of employment before her bossman once more called out to her.
  21. “Hey Suzie,” He said holding up a small brown leather drawn string bag. “I thought you might need this later on tonight.” He said waving the little brown purse in front of her, “Its your last week’s pay, and as a late labor day present I tossed in a little bit more.” Once in a blue moon the manger could show his kinder and gentler side. This was once such accession.
  23. “Oh thank you,” She said quickly changing. Within a blink of a eye and a twinkle of a nose the leather bag was safety in her hands. With a practiced hand she gave the little brown purse a fell as if judging the weight of the sack. The sack felt pretty heavy for it being a normal pay day and made her wonder just how big her unexpected bonus had been.
  26. With the joys of the unexpected bonus in her mind and with the prospects of being free for a afternoon and a day before her there was little in the way of finical burdens that could dampen her rising spirit. But then something appeared that held the possibility of damping her spirit. For as she peered toward the heavens from her vantage point upon the stone porch of the Long Horn her eyes beheld the rolling dark storm clouds that held the possibility of rain and even hail.
  30. “Looks like there going to a thunder storm heading are way soon, best hurry up and close shop then. Gotta move the cows in the pastor land. Them sheep too need to be brought in too. You best take care of yourself too Suzie. They say One eye Hooker walks the streets during a thunderstorm. Or at least his ghost does anyway.” Said a voice behind it. The voice did not have the commanding quality of her manger nor was he one to put much stock in varies rumors and wise tales that formed the colorful tapestry of village life.
  32. “I know, I’ve heard of that tale tall before. I think it’s a load of nonsense.” She said puffing out her cheeks and turning around to confront the source of the noise and there standing behind her was none other than the village crazy. A man simply known as Smith.
  34. Slowly Susan turned away from the man, there was something very unsavory about his whole appearance. Something about his long unkempt bread that seemed to dotted with tiny bits of food from pass meals was one such thing, the next had to been his clothing of something. A long gray teeshirt smelling of many drunken nights in dins of fifth hung sticky to his inward curving chest. The sleeves seemed tattered around the cuffs and soiled as well.
  36. His olive gray shorts where the next thing list, they seemed old and stiff and patches of grease and oil stained them. A little further on down one could not help but notice the sad shape his sandal’s seemed to be in, once somebody could have called them a nice pair of shoes for a afternoon upon the golden sands of the local beach, for what was once a almond brown had turned black and toe jam and dirt and grim had taken hold. And finally the crown upon the fifty hand was his hair, long, greasy and black.
  38. “Go away Smith,” She said peering toward him. Only a select group of people where allowed to call Susan by the horrid nickname of ‘Suzie’ that was her mother and father, her lover and her bossman. The last one was allowed simply because he was in a position of power over her and the other more major underline fact was the money was simply too good and they where in dire encomia straights as a couple.
  40. “You mark smith word real good now. Old Hooker gone rise from his grave tonight, somebody made a pack with the father of lies and old Joe going .to be his tool, you knows he sold his soul to the devil. Sound it to kill the man that was hexing his farm.” He said smirking a little as he retreated back into the cool air of the tavern.
  42. A sudden chill passed over Susan despite the skin crawling heat, slowly the chill faded into a distended memory as watched the slow snaking retreat of smith. Sometimes she wished they could call the law on that fellow. Since she was sure he would be better off locked away in a little padded room. Clothed in a nice tight white jacket with several copper snake head locks securing said jacket.
  44. But that thought too once faded from her mind as she stepped onto the cobble stone paved road way, a near by street sign named this section of road. “High Street.” A name traditionally given to the main artery of a towns shopping district. The street was wide, wide enough for two cars to travel abreast. Many large shop windows lined the street each window displayed the wares being offered by that one merchant.
  46. The shops ranged from the sociable boutiques of the upper crust of the town, to the simple yet colorful dress shops aimed more toward the women of limited means. And then there was the basic ones like the chemist shop that still sold soda water and ice cream and would even cook you a cheeseburger while you waited for your prescription to be filled. Like wise a few mom and pop cafes could be found, some offering dish’s made with local fruits and meats. While others offered something special.
  48. The towns only bakery and clinic could be found her too, along with the bank, post office and varies government offices that handled the upkeep and general management of the town and finally the trains station the towns only source of outside communication. The small privately owned ferry did not count.
  53. It was this time that Susan thought the weight of small leather bag was becoming to much, never being the one to carry a lot of lose silver on her person she thought it would be best to swing by the local bank and drop a good bit of this off. After all her accounted was guarded by the government in the bank, if stole she would be reimbursed to her in full, if by chance she was knocked down and looted by one of the few common crooks that every town housed it wound be on her and not a ounce of mercy would be shown to her.
  55. “Best make this stop right now,” She said drawing upon her courage and skipped across the street. She always hated going to the bank. For she felt oddly out of place among the city style displays of wealth that adorned the lobby and the hard glares, the tellers gave her only heighten her feeling of being a simple peasant standing in the presents of the bourgeoisie of the village. For there in the halls surrounded by gilded displays the merchant’s and book keepers talked business and gold and silver was tossed around like it was nothing but cheap paper.
  57. But these fears where soon put to rest the minute she pulled the door to the bank open and stepped into the hallway, a sudden change had taken hold of her persona. She grew bolder and stronger with each step she took, fueling this was a little voice at the back of her mind that was telling her ‘Your just as good if not better than any of these big fat cats or money bags’
  59. And so with her courage restored and she took her place in line, the line moved quickly and soon she found herself face to face with one of the tellers. Small talk was exchanged and the transaction was completed. The weak joint account had been greatly fortified by the influxes of new silver and the word seemed a bit brighter. Though Susan had withheld a small amount of silver for herself and for the special event she had planned. After all one could not let the three month mile stone pass without a celebration of some kind.
  61. Once her business was completed she took her deposited slip and place it with a few lose bills in her billfold. Her spirit was flying higher now as she strolled through the lobby passing a few late business rushing in with there days earning hoping to make a late day deposited before the bank closed for the evening. And soon she found herself looking up at afternoon sky that was now slowly growing darker with each passing second. Huge thunderheads rolled across the sky and the faint crackling of thunder could be heard some twenty miles away.
  63. A soft frown crossed Susan’s face as she beheld the building storm above her head. Traveling to the outlands was an adventure in the best of weather, it was near impossible to get there in foul or stormy weather unless they could catch the trolley that made the loop from Berney Arms halt to the main station. Such an move would require careful planning though.
  65. “Pardon me,” She said turning at once to a nearby passer by, “Do you happen to know when the next trolley leaves from Farmers Cross to Berney Arms?” She asked as she quickly pulled up the long sleeves of her blouse to reveal a pink hello kitty wrist watch.
  67. The man blinked and looked at he as if forming a opining on her. And after a good thirty seconds of silences he opened his mouth to speak, “Yes if I’m not mistaken the next train leaves a four thirty, you will have to consult the time table at the halt or at Cross for further information.” He said in a very business minded tone of voice and with that being said he reached up and removed his hat and tipped it in her direction. “Good Day,” He said hastily as he returned the hat to his head and stepped away.
  74. “Thank you!” Cry Susan as she watched the man disappear into a crowed. If the time of her watch was to believed she had a good hour and a half to catch up with her lover and to make tracks to Cross Station. She was positive that Arienette would like to take a bit of time to change into something beside her work clothing. But such time could not be wasted for if she changed she too would be forced to change into something more lady like. And that will start a never ending cycle of grooming that will quickly depleted the little amount of time they had at there command.
  78. Thankfully she did not have fare to travel and soon she found herself surrounded by fine porcelain plates in the pattern of blue willow. Next too the plates where gift baskets, these gift baskets held anything and everything. Some held lotions and potions and shampoos along with special health and beauty items. Others held a simple selection of personal items. Then there where vase that lay scatted through out the sales floor that seemed to copy the style of Ming Chine.
  80. Rose’s some fresh some plastic had been placed in these to add a bit of flare to over colorful shop. Slowly Susan drew in a deep breath how she hated this place more than anything in the whole bloody world, well its not like she hated the people running the shop for those where the nicest ones in the village but the décor gave a felling of petit bourgeoisie a social class she longed to belong to.
  82. “Hey Sue,” Came a voice from behind her. “You got off a little early huh?” The voice rung again.
  84. Quickly Susan turned upon the heel of her foot and then a sudden blush crossed her face as her round pink orbs beheld the finger of a somewhat tall young women with long flowing sapphire blue hair. The hair nicely framed her oval shape face that sat nicely upon her petit finger. The presents of a light springy dress and brown lace up pictures gave the women a very angelic flare.
  86. “Yes, and guess what he also gave me,” Said Susan folding her hands behind her back and leaning toward Arienette. A playful little smirk crossed her face and her eyes seemed to twinkle in the dim light of the shop.
  88. Arienette took a deep breath and folded her arms under her breast and pouted softy toward Susan. She both hated and loved it when Susan teased her. She also found it adorable the way her eyes twinkled like two stars in the night sky when she was in one of those teasing moods. It was one of the many reason’s she had jumped for joy when the two had concreted there relationship. For to her these little playful motions that they exchanged on a daily bases meaned so much more than the band of white gold that she wore upon her second left finger.
  90. “Hey gave me a day off, and since its been ages since we’ve been into town I was thinking maybe you and I could catch the early morning express and take a day trip to Forget-Me-Not. You know do a bit of shopping and spend a bit of time being pampered. I heard they just opened up a spa in the square there.” She said walking toward Arienette and looping her arm around her shoulder.
  92. A sudden sakura pink blush crossed Arienette’s face as she felt Susan’s arm being looped around her. Slowly she opened her mouth and whispered softy, “That sounds lovely,” She said moving in a little closer to Susan. “Say I’ve already clocked out and was just about to head your way, I was wondering if you had something planned for night,” She said looking down at the brown caret that covered the whole of the sales floor.
  95. “I do, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Cow Pen.” She said smiling softy as she started to move with Arienette toward the doorway of the shopee. “I’ve heard they have the best steaks in the whole valley. And since its kind of in the outlands its kind of like a adventure you know what I mean.” She said to her as she stepped toward the door. “I gotta all planned out, we can catch the trolley at Cross Station and ride the rails to the halt. From there is only a short little walk to steak house. And side if we stay over we can always phone the station house.”
  97. “Wow, you have it all planned out don’t you.” She said giggling as little as she felt the sweet breath of autumn blow across her cheek. And because its almost human nature to look up at the sky when exiting a shop or something Arienette did do and the sight that greeted her was one that chilled her blood.
  99. The normal peaceful October sky had become dark and gray and the distended roll of thunder seemed to eco across the rolling green pastors. A few brief flash’s of lighting filled the air followed by a loud boom that shook the earth under toe. If the signs of nature where to believed then it was a perfect night for old Joe to rise from his grave and stalk the land or so the folklorist would proclaim.
  101. “Hey Susie,” She said using her lovers pet name to covey a greater sense of concern. For Arienette seldom used the popular nickname unless she was fearful or the mood was playful. “I think we should call off are plans for tonight it looks like the weather’s going to take a turn for the worst.
  103. “Oh hush,” Said Susan in a scolding tone, “We’re going to be okay, even if the rain comes I’ll just phone ahead to chophouse and have them send a buggy after us.” She paused and then removed her arm from her shoulder. “After all they aim to please, and the owner is really old fashion I’m sure he won’t mind a bit.” She added in scolding tone being replaced with a more resurging tone of voice.
  105. Arienette felt her cheeks pinken a bit as Susan playfully teased her. And quickly she reached over and gave her bottom a playful swat.
  107. “Well, I’m sure you do have everything planned out to a ‘T’ Miss. Bell, shall be on are way?” She said smiling soft as she withdrew her hand and stepped ahead of her, she tossed her head into the air and reached up with her hand and removed a few brown locks from her shoulder. It took two to tease.
  109. Susan felt a deep blush cross her face as she felt the crack of Arienette’s hand through her light blue skirt. Quickly she turned around and pouted toward her special somebody. But all the same she fell behind the proud lady as they made there way toward the center of town.
  111. End of Chapter One.
  113. Chapter 2: The Witching Hour
  115. Susan took a deep breath as she felt the harsh rocking motioned of the old railroad coach as it rocked down the tramway that connected the train station with the many small hamlets and settlements of the outlands with the parish seat of Knockanure. She was starting to hate this idea more and more. Even though the blame was to rest solely on her. Maybe she should have settled for one of the local café’s or steakhouses. Finally she signed and drew in a deep breath, signing was her own little way of releasing pressure, Arienette often compared it to the hissing of a steam powered locomotive coming to rest. Though to be fair she often compared the rolling of her eyes and her little pout to a school girl caught in the middle of a lye.
  117. “There no need for that.” Chimed in Arienette as she shifted her gave from the window to Susan. “Though I love the countryside, I’m kind glad we have a house in the suburbs. You know this area is like perfect stalking ground for highwaymen and men with evil in mind.” She said once more returning her gaze to the twilight bathed fields. Winter grass tall enough to completely hide a small child lined both sides of the tracks.
  120. “ Nettle, I’m going to ground you from those penny horror’s if you keep talking like that, Highwaymen are a thing of the past, side the sheriff’s department does regularly patrols this area. And you know those guys are pretty tough.” She said lifting up her arm and wrapping it around Arienette’s shoulder. Quickly she pulled her lover close to her and then because she felt like it she placed her head upon her shoulder and gently closed her eyes. She would have much preferred to rest her head in her lap but there current sitting arrangement made that impossible.
  122. “And I’m going to ground you from those silly little shojo anime’s if you keep acting like a love sick school girl.” She said smiling as she felt the pressure of the head upon her shoulder. In way she was happy to have it, she was very happy indeed to find somebody she could enjoy this close companionship with. Somebody that could hold her tight on those stormy nights and yet somebody that could maker her feel special and would allow themselves to dotted on. Despite her tomboyish appearance and mindset she knew Susan had a softer side. She knew she had locked away in that heart of her a soul of a princess that just needed to dotted on and pampered.
  124. “Well that would be a good waste of time, because I am love struck for you, and only you.” She whispered softy her eyes still closed. The harsh rocking of the tram had now smoothed into a gentle lullaby. She felt so safe know, like she was surrounded by a blinding ring of sunger pink energy.
  126. “Looks like where stopping.” She said feeling the car come to a rolling halt. “Best get up now, we gotta a good mile and a half walk ahead of us. Or did you phone the owner to send a buggy after us.” She said reaching down and picking up her purse and also Susan‘s.
  128. “I phoned the owner, he told me he‘ll send somebody. Reach into my purse and pull out my pocketbook. There should be a few lose Tael’s in there, we might as well give him a tip. No more than twenty or twenty five.” She said lifting her head from her shoulder and quickly standing up.
  130. “I was thinking we each give the boy twenty apiece, you know its only fair.” She said handing Susan her purse and then lifting hers up and placing it over her shoulder.
  132. “Sounds fair enough,” She said reaching over and taking her purse by the loops. And with that she stood up and made her way toward the exit of the small railroad carriage. As tradition and common cursory mandated both dropped a Denarius in small coin box. The use of the tram was free by council law was free. But one often tipped the crew if the journey had been a safe and speedy one.
  134. The Gravel made a crunching noise as the heel of Susan’s foot touched down upon the raised platform. Inky black darkness surrounded them. Slowly Susan reached up and drew Arienette close to her. She could feel a little better with her pillar of strength at her side.
  136. “You know, I’ve always hated this halt. I just feel like something is watching me from the reeds and brush.” Whispered Arienette as she drew closer to Susan. It was blessing knowing that she had somebody to draw strength from. Then out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of something. A flittering orb of light seemed to dance upon vast expanse of brackish water.
  138. “Look there, the spirits are trying to tell us something!” Loudly proclaimed Arienette as she pointed toward the flickering ball of light that had now taken on a shade of orange. Soon another ball of light smaller in appearance joined it so do joined in the bouncy dance.
  140. Quickly Susan turned upon her heel and peered into the darkness, it took her a good half minute to fix the flickering lights within her sight. But as sure as the day is long she soon beheld them. Having a working understanding of the occult and the varies mythos that formed village life she quickly knew them to be the fable Will O’ Wisp. Ghost lights that where said to lure foolish travelers from the safety of the road and onto the dangers ground of the marsh’s.
  143. “My god.. “ Said Susan her jaw dropping a little as here eyes witnessed the flickering lights dance upon the surface of the greasy green water. She could feel her blood chill as drunken dance of the small orbs seemed to draw closer and closer to them.
  145. “What do you think they mean? I mean you’re the one well versed in the occult,” She said quickly turning toward Susan and stuttering out a few words quickly, before she turned and buried her face into Susan’s arms driven mostly by fear.
  147. “Possible a warning..” She said quickly wrapping her arms her shaking slender frame. Summoning her courage she forced herself to look up and the encroaching phantom lights. Why had they appeared to them and why they where acting like children over this small matter. Maybe it was the fact they where coming face to face with the unknown with a avatar of the spiritual word one could say.
  150. “I don’t like it, make them go away! Please make them go away!” Arienette whispered softy as she peeked a eye around Susan’s frame. Maybe she was just being a silly school girl over the whole matter but still anything having to deal with the occult was a matter that put her on edge. The dark nature and spooky overtones of ballads that contained the subject had been the subject of many childhood fears and nightmares for her.
  152. And as if offended by the sudden outburst by Arienette the flickering balls of light vanished from view. A few seconds of nothing but the buzzing of insects and distended hooting of a near by owl passed slowly ticked by and slowly the memory of flicking ghost lights passed into memory. Yet another strange noise took there place, the noise sounded like a clicking sound. Like a round piece of mental was clacking down upon the lose gravel rocks that paved the road.
  154. “Great!” Cried Arienette as balled up her first and gently pounded upon her chest, “I’m going to blame you for getting us into this! I’m not sure what part you had to play in this! But I’m going to blame you!” She cried quickly returning to that scared little school girl frame of mind once the incoming sounds reached her ear.
  156. Susan took a deep breath and rolled her eyes, she was a little too concerned about the current brat frame of mind her love had seemed to fallen into. Maybe she should just take her over her knee right now and give her bottom a little warmth. Something to make this chilly October night a little more bearable.
  159. “You know keep this up, and your not going to get that Halloween costume you want this year. And I’m going to block your favorite channel too, because you know naughty little girls don’t get to watch ‘Boys over Flowers’ or ‘Chibi Vampires’ and finally your favorite anime, ‘My little sister can’t be this Cute’.” She Said closing her eyes and signing a little mushroom cloud of white smoke would have appeared in front of her if this was a anime.
  161. “Pox on you too.” She softy whispered as she snuggled even closer into her chest. “I just won’t go home, I mean I’m sorry for acting like this but, you know anything having to do with the occult scares me, and since we’ve gotten off the tram there been nothing but one fright after the other.” She explained in a soft tone of voice.
  163. “Please Pardon me,” Came a voice from the darkness. “But would you two be the couple that phone in a few hours ago. Mr. Higgs told me to look for two girls and you’re the only two I see. I’m here to take ya’ll to steakhouse.” Came the voice again. “Oh wait a minute let me turn on the head lamps.” A few seconds passed before two bright balls of like, only comparable with the midday sun flashed before there eyes.
  165. Both Susan and Arienette softy hissed as there senses where temporary overwhelmed by the sudden blaring whitish gold light. The driver blinked and sweat dropped a little as he noticed the two’s reaction to the sudden presents of the bright lights. Maybe turning the lights on full blast had been something of a bad idea.
  167. “Sowry about that ya’ll.” He blushing a little, “Well climb aboard and I’ll take ya’ll there. Its getting pretty full now there might be a few heads in front of you.” Called the driver once from his position at the front of the wagon. One of the horse’s snorted and quickly brought his hoofs down upon the gravel road in a motion only understood to horseflesh.
  169. “No a problem at all, do they allow you to take tips?” Said Susan as she quickly gave the buggy a look over. Few if any people owned there own private car in this backwater village. And the few cars that did grace the road where owned by the towns council or the civil defense force. A few where even strict propriety to the few militia units stationed in the village to provided back up for the police and sheriffs department.
  171. “Oh yes ma’am they do allow,” He said smiling now ear to ear, “I’ll make the trip a speedy one in return, I’ll even tell the grill master to upgrade your grade selection. Ay sounds good?” He said reaching up removing his top hat from the crown of his head and holding it out in the manner a ringer would hold out a collection plate.
  173. Arienette smiled a little and reached into her pocket and tossed a handful of coins into the hat. Giving the current theatrical mood this action seemed better suited than just handing him a few bills and going on shape and sizes of the coins it seemed the driver had also profited from his little act. Susan being the more business minded women simply tossed a few small bills into the offered hat. And so with payment rendered and the thought of food now set firmly in there mind they climbed aboard the small weather worn trap.
  175. Once both where safety seated the driver flicked rains and soon the sound of iron horse hoofs upon the gravel road filled there ears as they speed on into the night. The Journey from the halt to the steak house was a smooth yet bumpy on.. The temperature was dropping now and the first touch’s of frost could be felt in the air.
  177. And as quick as one could blow there noise the buggy came to a rolling halt and the driver being a true gentleman or in a vane hopes for another tip jumped down and rushed in to fetch the two ladies a stepping down stool. Once the stool was in place he offered his hand and with all the grace a sly fox can muster helped Arienette down first and then Susan. And so with there feet firmly on the ground the young couple walked hand in hand into the warm almost cozy dinning room of the legendary steak house called the cow pen.
  179. The wooden wagon wheels of the carriage make a tat, tat, tat sounds as they made there way over the small pebbles and rocks that covered the road. The rocky motion caused the four door lantern that hung from a shepherds hook to swing and sway with each dip and bump. The Lantern provided just enough light to bath the drivers face. The light reveled a round youthful face, free of any grim or stubbles.
  181. His coal black hair was worn in a military fashion and half the presents of half moon glass’s hinted at his poor eyesight but also added a scholarly flare to him. This image was only increased by the presents of black priestly cloths that covered his boney form.
  183. The faint humming of the opening line of ‘Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above’ filled the confines of the old horse drawn buggy. The hymn was a favorite of the priest for in his mind the melody and the words really brought into completion of the glories queen of heaven the beloved mother of spiritual saints that formed the wonderful and humble spectrum of catholic folklore traditions.
  185. “Hail holy queen enthroned above,” He sang softy under his breath as he steered the buggy down the road. Then from the corner of his eye a large black shadow appeared and in blink of a eye it had dashed from its hiding place in the tall brush grass to the center of the road. Within the second the shadow started to take on a more physical form and the air around the shadow started to grow tense.
  189. A few seconds after the shadow appeared the strong smell of burning wood and smoke appeared and then a might roar, something that can only be compared to the calls of the lions in the grassland. The young priest felt his blood run cold. There was no word powerful enough to detail the amount of fear he felt.
  191. “I smell, I smell the blood of a priest.” Said the shadow turning his head toward the holy man. Slowly he opened his mouth and a stunning row of white teeth appeared to line the pitch black void that should have been his mouth.
  193. “By the son of god! I command thee unholy spirit of the dark lord to leave they sight.” He loudly proclaimed as he gave the leads a firm tug. The pony gave loud squeal in turn to show its dismay at the injustice being inflicted upon it.
  195. “Is that the full extended of your powers, is that all you possess in your petty arsenal. Are you so weak you must command the dead to ride to your aid. Was not your savor hung upon a roman cross and his side pierced by a iron spear point. If he could not save himself, what makes you think he would save you?” The stranger said as he held his hand out and hissed something out.
  197. And that was the last thing the young priest would ever see.
  199. Chapter Three: Pillow Friends
  201. “A human life, I think, should be well rooted in some spot of native land, where it may get the love of tender kinship for the face of the earth, for the labors men go forth to, For the sounds and accents that haunt it, for whatever will give that early home a familiar unmistakable difference amides the future widening of knowledge. The best introduction to astronomy is to think of the nightly heavens as a little lot of stars belonging to one’s own homestead’ - George Eliot.
  203. Susan took a deep breath as she reached down and played with the helm of her nightgown, she took a deep breath to calm her fluttering heart and to ease her mind, she was going to go through with it tonight, she knew she was going to go. Tonight had been magical, and over the course of there meal she had felt something powerful growing between her and her lover. Something that needed to be addressed tonight.
  205. “Hey Arienette, are you sure about this? I mean we can always try something else you know.” She said peering up from her seat. She took a deep breath as she the door frame of there humble small bedroom she shared with her lover. There was nothing grand about the bedroom.
  207. But what the bedroom lacked in grander it made up in appearance and apple to the spirit. A queen size futon sat in the middle of the room. A small collection of pillows and stuff animals sat at the head. A nest of blankets rested upon the soften mounds that formed the supporting hills that there backs rested upon at night.
  209. A small television set with a play station two came console added a small touch of personal flare to the room, along with a small and a large bookcase overflowing with manga, light novels, a few choice classics and vast collection of anime DVD’s both in collective season boxes and in the indicial three or four boxes hinted that one of the two was pretty deep into that short of thing or that they really enjoyed anime.
  211. “For the last time Susie, where going to go through with this, I mean really now you need to sit back and relax, I’m not going to hurt you or anything. Wait let me rephrase that, I’m not going to hurt you in away that will cause plain, more in away that will make you smile and bring you to a complety orgasmic orgasm. Now how does that sound.” Called Arienette from behind a closed door.
  213. “Sounds like just the thing I need after a long work week, just know what ever you do to me will be doubled and thrown right back at you,” Said Susan as felt a ghost of a smile form upon her lips. The sound of the old wooden door creeping open made her shift here eyes from the floor to the wooden door that connected there bedroom to the bathroom, that now doubled a as a changing room.
  215. And there in the doorway stood the once sweet and cute Arienette now changed into a leather clad dominatrix. The young women wore revealing leather corset, the corset gave her chest a much needed lift and made her fell powerful and commanding. Enchaining this picture was the way she wore her hair in a stylish slicked back ponytail. The presents of the soft brown leather panties and the knee length boots brought into completion the fitting image of a all powerful women.
  217. Susan took a deep breath as she peered toward the vision of her leather glad goddess. There was something striking about a women totally decked out in soft leather. It was then as she peered toward her that she felt her heart leap with winged feet.
  219. “My, my it seems somebody is starting to really warm up to this idea.” Softy whispered Arienette as she made her way into the room. Her round bottom started to wiggle and jiggle with every careful step she took and soon she was standing face to face with Susan. Once she had closed the distance a little she reached over and took hold of Susan’s wrist.
  221. “Come my dear, you’ve been working way to hard recently, you need to sit back and relax,” Arienette whispered. And so with that being said she quickly pulled Susan from the plush surface of the Futon. Once Susan had been pulled from the Futon she found herself being lead toward a old pastel pink armless chair that seemed to be oddly tucked into the corner of the bedroom.
  223. Susan took a deep breath as she peered toward the old chair. With the tension building in the room she watched as Arienette eased down into the chair. A few minutes of shifting her weight from one side to the other before she finally found that perfect spot to sit back and folded into the soft back of the chair.
  225. “Now, it seems a little girl is well overdue for a good bottom warming,” She said reaching under the chair a few seconds later and much to Susan’s suppress a old shoe box was pulled out from under the chair. The presents of the shoe box made Susan title her head in mild confusion.
  227. “See, I think we need something else to spice up are life, and so I’ve been saving up for a bit.” She said pulling the box into her lap. “I’ve been wanting to give you this for the longest time now, its kind of a token you know. Something to show you how much I really love you.” Arienette said as she position the box upon her lap. Once the box was positioned in away that would keep it still she reached over and pulled Susan a little closer to her.
  229. Once Susan was brought into the perfect position, once such a position was reached Arienette over and under her nightgown and with well seasoned hands and nimble fingers she rolled down her lovers panties. Once the panties where brought down and the author means all the way down then and only then did she retreat from the cover offered by her loves short pastel pink baby doll nightie.
  231. “You know, I’m so blessed to have a lover blessed with such a well toned bottom.” Came the soft almost foxy response of Arienette as her hands once more slipped into the cover of the gown, quickly her over eager palms found there way to the well toned bottom of the junior barmaid. Like any man or women stricken with lust she stood there for a few minutes squeezing and signing as the tender feeling of the young flesh warmed her hands.
  233. For her part, Susan could only stand there and blush as she felt her bottom being teased and caressed by the soft hands of her love turned mistress. A burst of warmth burst between her legs and a small stream of juices no doubt wetted the squeezing hand. A clear and deep sakura pink was the only outward sign of such wetness and a excitement.
  235. “Mistress,” Whispered Susan softy as she looked down at her feet. “May this one request the strap on?” She quickly added before her courage could fail her. A fresh wave of redness colored her cheeks and she waited with baited breath for the response of her faithful one.
  237. “Anything for you my pretty little slave.” Whispered Arienette softy as she withdrew her hands from the bottom. And then without whispering another word she reached and removed the lid from the old shoe back. And slowly the shape of two fine black leather gloves was revealed. “I know you‘ve always wanted to be spanked with a gloved hand, and since today is are your special night, I thought they would be a perfect gift.” She said leaning over and giving her lover a brief kiss.
  239. Something happen, the minute her and Arienette’s lip closed in for a kiss a warmth flooded her body, waves of pleasure and self forefillment rushed into her every cell and warming feeling seemed to spread from between her legs to her other parts. The seconds melted into minutes once the kiss was finished Susan had reached a height of sexual excitement that she had never reached before.
  241. And then things took a sharp for the better as she felt herself being pulled over her lovers lap, the cool air of the room teased her round dripping bottom and made her shiver. Already she could feel there two hearts and souls drawing closer together as she was pulled closer to her loves tummy.
  244. And then a sharp pain explored in her backside as the glove hand came screaming down upon the flesh. A resounding sound of leather kneeing into flesh filled the air and it was soon followed by another one and then another one and then yet another. To this bombardment Susan could only whimper and whine as each sudden smacking of the hand brought pleasure and joy to her.
  246. Arienette acted upon the signs of pleasure Susan was giving her and quickly she increased the tempo of the smacks falling down upon her bottom, every passing minute a growing hue of red could be seen spreading from the center of the round bottom cheeks. And with the spread of the redness there also came a growing wetness.
  248. “Where about to reach the home run,” Whispered Arienette into Susan’s ears as she reached over and picked up a wicked looking hairbrush, the hairbrush was twice the size of your normal brush and twice was the weight as a normal one. All in all it was perfect, perfect for bringing a fresh hue of color to the already swelling bottom.
  250. “Please take care of me,” Whimpered Susan as she caught sight of the massive head brush came into view. She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and made herself ready for the incoming wave of sting and burn that was sure to follow.
  252. “I promise you, I’ll take wonderful care of you,” She said bringing the brush quickly down upon her bottom, sending a powerful wave of sting flooding into the already red bottom, and then once more the brush was lifted up and brought down again and again and then again.
  254. The stinging of the brush sent wave after wave through the young girls bottom, soon pinkish color was being pushed from a pale pastel to a light pinkish color. A few more minutes passed till pale color changed to a deeper more brilliant hue of red. The attack kept gaining pace till at last that shade of red finally gave way to a more deeper and more resounding crimson color.
  256. “There we go, all done my dear, all done.” Whispered Arienette into her lovers ear, the sight of the dark crimson bottom made her feel alive, this feeling was only enhanced by the understanding that she herself had played a part in coloring that bottom. That fact along was more than enough for her feel a spreading warmth
  258. “Is it time mistress?” Offered Susan as she peered toward the women who was both her love and her mistress, who was both her mother and best friend o’ how complex this relationship was between lover ‘s.
  263. “Yes,” whispered Arienette reaching down and picking up Susan. Once the pair reached the warm sheets of the bed, the covers where drawn over there heads, and the light was dimmed and a chores of giggles filled the air along with a few low groans. A perfect ending for a perfect night together. But just beyond the walls of there castle was a force that was growing by leaps and bounds.
  265. End Chapter Three.
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