
Hoof Visits Curiosity 1/11/15

Jan 11th, 2015
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  1. [14:31] * Cury sings a beautiful song while cleaning the living room. Is nice being Cury and she doesn't waste a chance to have a song in her heart! "De los barrios bajos de Hong Kong... Una terrible japonesaaa!" She even dances with the broom all along. "Su nombre era Chilincan Chu, no esta muy bien de la cabezaa... Se fugo en un barco y se vino a cantinas en america. sE cambio de nombre a Pamela. Y es toda una sorpresa!"
  3. [14:36] * GreenHoof canters up to the door of Boris, Cury, and Eye's house, stopping for a moment to gaze at the Kremlin. Hoof was hesitant to visit the cream colored mare, he always was for whatever reason. Maybe he was afraid she'd get him in more trouble than he already frequently found himself in. Shrugging it off, he clears his throat and picks up a hoof, knocking on the door. The stallion shivers at the cold, snow-infused wind of the chilly day, his heavy brown cloak keeping out most of it but occasionally feeling a jet of the frigid air against his short green coat.
  5. [14:37] <Cury> "Sorpresa! Y dicen en el barrio que Pamela por dos pesos hace un rico rico pete!" Her dance and song goes on as she gladly brooms the lobby. "No quiten las sabanas que le da en el cuete, El cuete! Y dicen Pamelita lind venite pa' acaaaaaaaa! Pamela Chu, Pamela Chu, Pamela Chu, Pamela Chu, Pamela Chu, Pamela Chu-- oh?" Interrupted, she goes for the door and presses her left ear against it. "Who dares interrupt my song?"
  7. [14:40] * GreenHoof furrows his brow, hearing the one he came to visit through the door. Song? he thinks to himself. "Uh... It's Green Hoof." He calls out meekly. Hoof sits on his haunches and rubs his eyes with his forehooves, trying to appear more alert despite the fact that he'd barely slept in the past few days with Rain's prolonged disappearance.
  9. [14:41] * Cury opens the door and quicky jumps back, sitting on her haunches and aiming at the stallion with the broom like if it were a rifle. "You have big balls to come to my house, Greedy Green! I haven't forgot what happened at the mines on the 94' "
  11. [14:46] * GreenHoof stands up, a confused look on his face for a moment, looking down at the broom. The green one's comprehension was a bit spotty with his preoccupied mind, but the confused look melts to a wilted smirk when his mind clicks. The stallion's face looks tired, with dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. His brown cloak wavers in the wind, and he glances behind him to his saddlebags to make sure he didn't forget what he was supposed to bring. Returning his gaze to the creamy mare, he shrugs. "Aw, you know I did what I had to do. It was just business~"
  13. [14:54] * Cury glares at the stallion for some long silent seconds...
  14. [14:55] <GreenHoof> [huehuehue]
  16. [14:55] <Cury> "You really have big balls to even say that, Greedy Green. Are you ready to meet your maker?" The mare gesture him to come in with a tilt of her head, but never stopsaiming her broom rifle at him. "I'll give you the comfort of dying inside and not in the cold, but nothing else"
  18. [14:57] * GreenHoof stares back, though his expression is more blank than anything else. Her words make him smirk more, and he nods, stepping inside at the invitation. "I guess that's all I can really ask for."
  20. [14:58] * Cury closes the door behind him with a kick, and then drops her broom to hop forward and tacklehug the stallion. "I'll kill you with my mighty bear hug!"
  22. [15:09] * GreenHoof perks his ears up but gets no other warning before being tackled to the ground in a hug, a cut off yelp escaping from his mouth. Hoof tenses up on the ground but looks up to the mare with a chuckle. "Don't crush the cigarettes~"
  24. [15:15] * Cury widens her eyes and immediatly helps Hoof to get up. "Heh, now now, let's be careful." With the stallion on his hooves again, she invites him to the living room. Today the mare is naked except for her lether jacket, due to how warmth it is inside the house. Near the stove, Clip Clop plays with a sleeping EyeSpy, preening the wings of her mother or sometimes nuzzling and grabbing her hooves. "Take a seat on the couch, dear, and tell me what haves you so worried. One can read it on your face"
  26. [15:23] * GreenHoof stands up and carefully removes his cloak as the warmth of the house gets to him, folding it over his back. He takes the saddlebags and places them next to the couch, leaving the stallion naked other than the dagger strapped to his forehoof. After waving and nodding to Eye and Clip but not wanting to disturb their playing, he hops up onto the couch and scratches an ear with a hoof, eyes darting around the room. "Eh... just stuff. Rain's been gone for almost two weeks now." Hoof's voice is slow and timid, though as he goes on he speaks faster. "Went to that... Sanctuary place at the top of that mountain and she hasn't come back yet. Dissapeared in her gate of 'destiny'. Supposedly all I can do is wait..."
  28. [15:25] * Cury shakes her head as she sits down. "Tsk tsk tsk... she's dead, son" Leaning back on the couch and extending a hoof around Hoof's back, the mare giggles and releases a sigh. "Now I see why you are here... you want to ask me if I can take you in as I took Eye. The answer is yes, as long as yo ugive me cigarettes"
  30. [15:28] * GreenHoof frowns, folding his ears back. He knows she's joking, but the stallion's anxiety and doubtful mind had been suggesting those same words to him. He tries to force a smile, but ends up just looking down at the floor. "Nah... not that." Hoof reaches down and fiddles through the saddlebag, pulling out a wrapped up piece of paper with cigarettes inside, hefting it in his hooves. "I *did* come to give you these. But I have a favor to ask too."
  32. [15:40] * Cury grabs the cigarettes and sets them aside. She doesn't need to look twice at her friend to know her joke wasn't exactly welcomed. "Hoof, the first ponies that went there came back fine, adn yo utwo have gone through a lot more than this." Raching for him completely now, the mare embraces Hoof tightly, whispering into his ear. "I'll ask some guys to search in town and the woods anyways, but I want you to be strong and trust in her, alright? It's fine if you are planning something like going after her, I know you are doing it, so please have the trust that you'll find her well"
  34. [15:46] * GreenHoof leans against Cury in the embrace, ear flickering when she whispers into it. He shakes his head and sighs. "I appreciate it, but... no use lookin' around here. The people that watch over that place said they dissapeared into the gate outta this world, and only when they've done whatever it is they need to do will they come back out." Hoof pauses and looks over to Eye and the babby, then to Cury with tired green eyes, his voice soft and quiet. "I was about to go there a few days ago. I still might, I dunno. I came here to put an order in."
  36. [15:52] * Cury grabs the stallion's head and gives him a kiss on his green right cheek. "We can never trust on 'what they saw'. I'll get a group to scan the area anyways, just in case something non-planned happened." She releases Hoof, smiling as she leans back on the couch again. "So, what do you want made? If you want me to get rid of another corpse, it'll have to be done tomorrow, the tannery's closed for today and is too cold to go out at night"
  38. [15:56] * GreenHoof smiles slightly at the kiss, nodding. Even if they found nothing, his friend's care brought him some small comfort. "Thanks. That means a lot," he says quietly, following Cury's lead and leaning back on the couch and taking a deep breath. "No, no bodies this time, heh..." he tries to joke, though his tone makes it sound awkward and half-spirited. "Nah nah, nothin' that needs to be done in a rush. Just some... leather boots? How hard would that be?"
  40. [16:01] <Cury> "Leather boots... hmmm" The mare looks neaer the stove, to her own personal pair. Then to the lobby, where another pair rests at a side of the door. "I don't know. Those are rare and expensive. But I won't charge you with a gorillion dollars since you gave me cigarettes" She remains happy in spite of the grim aspect and words of her friend, even if she feels his fear and anxiety as well... "The only problem is that I gave most I have to my 'helpers'. Boots are on high demand since Winter started. Maybe for tomorrow? I can send a pony to your house with them"
  42. [16:09] <GreenHoof> "O-oh... I didn't mean right now. I'm not in a hurry t'get em," The stallion says meekly, his gaze wandering away from Cury to the boots near the stove, "Don't get in a rush or anything. It's more of a project." He turns his head and coughs into his hoof. "Tryin' to get some kind of outfit that might help sneaking a little better. Had troubles with that lately. I'm tryin' to get some camo made too. I gotta see that... Moon Chaser lady about that." Hoof thinks back briefly to his journey to the shack by the river with Titus. He gets a distracted look in his eye, his thoughts then wandering to the possibility of going to the sanctuary and what might spot him on the way. The green pony grunts to himself under his breath, bringing his attention back to the conversation. "Uhm... Lessee... I don't really have money, but, maybe there's some other way to pay?"
  44. [16:13] * Cury doesn't hide her mischievous smile, and rests on her belly as she raises her rear slightly, exposing her bubbly butt to the stallion. "Ooooh, if only there were a way to satisfy me! Unfie" She cries in an exaggeratedly lusty tone. Laughter follows, and with a hindleg she begins to caress the stallion's belly. "How about you just give five coins to the pony I'll send to your house with the boots? Consider them a gift. You'd only be paying the delivery. Her delicate hoof moves dangerously lower, rubbing near Hoof's crotch. From her position, she can see him with a corner of her hidden right eye. "What do you say, Hoofster?"
  46. [16:23] * GreenHoof gives a nervous laugh when she raises her rear, averting his gaze to the stove. His winces and brings his sight down to his stomach as she rubs it, his sensitive, scarred belly making his hindleg twitch. He tenses up when she moves lower, unable to hide his face going warm. Nevertheless, the little stallion looks to Cury, doing his best to ignore it and focus on business. "F-five... bits? I don't get paid in bits... Is that what people usually pay you with?"
  48. [16:27] <Cury> "Hmmm... sometimes" She purrs, and her hindlegs rests less than an inch away from the stallion's private bits. "I often trade favors, items and whatnot as well... I know. I'll send Elyria, do you know her? She's a pudgy pink mare, pretty cute! An Earthie with blonde short mane, you can't miss her in a crowd. Just give her a few lessons in shooting and she'll be happy. She's barely learned how to use a dagger and a gauntlet... but is not exactly the kind of agile mare. Distance weapons would serve her better" The long explanation hid how the mare's hoof finally made contact, and she gently moves it around... "Is that alright with you?"
  50. [16:36] * GreenHoof looks down to his crotch, giving off a quiet whimper. He wriggles and slides his back lower on the couch, trying to bring Cury's hoof higher up towards his belly. With recent events, the stallion's sex drive had totally dissapeared, and though his friend's teasing would normally make him pent up and flustered, he was more uncomfortable than aroused. Even with the distinct blush on his face and apparent discomfort, his big ears register the mare's words, and he gulps and nods. "Th-that sounds good. I-I can teach her how to..." his voice quiets down to barely above a whisper, "shoot..."
  52. [16:36] <14Cury> !roll 1d20+2
  53. [16:36] <14GameServ> Cury rolled 1d20: 17 <Total: 17(+2) = 19>
  55. [16:39] * Cury lets out a small sigh accompained by a giggle. "Not like you'd shoot something right now... what you could use is something to worry your mind so it doesn't bother your suffering heart even more." Lazily, she pulls her hoof back, dragging it across the stallion's fur until she's nestling, curled up in a ball on her portion of couch. Gazing her lover and daughter, the tanner talks again. "Trust me, if there were anything I could do to help you, I'd do it... I would even go to that place if I didn't have other problems looming over my head as well."
  57. [16:48] * GreenHoof lets out a sigh of relief as she beings her hoof away from his privates. The farmer's blush starts to fade, and he looks over to his friend with a soft smile. "I know you would. I appreciate that. But... I think this might be somethin' I gotta do myself anyway."
  59. [16:51] <Cury> "You are too good to get in troubles too often, Hoof. Somehow more than me now that I'm working..." She stretches idly, and hops off the couch. "You better get going now then, Greedy Green, before I regret sparing your life" Hoof can see how the mare is going to grab the broom... or the loaded crossbow that rests on a wall near the entrance. A smile adorns the mare's face. "And make sure to come back soon, I don't want to clean your mess if you leave any"
  61. [16:53] * GreenHoof hops off the couch and dons his cloak and saddlebags again, heading for the door. He turns and gives Cury as warm a smile as he can. "yeah... I'd better get a move on. I'll come by again soon. And... Thanks," he says before opening the door and stepping outside, closing the door behind him as he leaves.
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