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Apr 25th, 2015
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  1. **FIX FOUND*!
  2. I was able to solve this problem. It came because I have a MSI GD65 Gaming MOBO with Qualcomm Atheros Killer Network Manager. Even though I swear I had ended the process and it still didn't work, I figured out how to fix it.
  3. In the Applications tab of this program, find all GTA V and Social club entries, turn them from whatever they are (probably Highest (1)) to High (2).
  4. Then under the Advance Tab, I turned Default applications settings to default priority (2- High).
  5. I am unsure if both of those steps are necessary, or the order which I originally did them (may be grayed out if Global Application Control isn't Enabled)
  6. Since I did this, I have been playing with my friends and randoms where before I couldn't join anyone at all.
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