
Yoshihiro - In Jinlong

Jan 22nd, 2014
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  1. [10:32] <Yoshihiro> Yoshihiro can be found in the kitchen the next morning, preparing a bit of breakfast for the group before they plan to depart of Mt. Baoban. While eggs crackle in the pan in front of him Yoshi idly nurses from his gourd, humming softly to himself as he rocks the skillet back and forth lightly.
  2. [10:35] <@Deedles> "Good morning." The drunken boxer is greeted by Mingxia as she enters the kitchen, sniffing the air slightly "It smells really nice..." she tells him with a bright smile.
  3. [10:39] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi turns to face Ming with a smile. "Morning" he replies "Thoughtwe could all use another good meal before we depart, who knows when I'll get to cook in a real kitchen again." there was a slight hint of disappointment in his voice. Slthough he could cook by campfire just fine there was no substitute for a well stocked kitchen to a chef.
  4. [10:41] <@Deedles> Mingxia is quiet for a moment, pondering on something before she smiles reassuringly "It won't be long until you're home again though." she reminds him
  5. [10:43] <Yoshihiro> "That's true I suppose." That thought makes him smile. "It will be good to see my master again and show him what I've learned on my journey. His food his heavenly, which is ironic because they call him the Devil Chef." Yoshi chuckles. "You'll certainly eat like an Empress while you're there, that's for sure!"
  6. [10:45] <@Deedles> She smiles faintly "Yeah, I guess they'll make sure of that." she agrees as she leans against the kitchen table, her hands resting behind her. "It'll be interesting to meet so many new people."
  7. [10:49] <Yoshihiro> "You're bringing them a lot of hope for those who live outside our village." Yoshi tells her. "Now we have a chance to make things better, they'll be plenty grateful for that."
  8. [10:50] <@Deedles> Mingxia looks to the side "I haven't done anything..." she says quietly, her expression thoughtful.
  9. [10:54] <Yoshihiro> "Maybe not yet, but how could you?" Yoshi wonders, asking her honestly. "You're just one person against a corrupt empire...well, not anymore. Until now it was safer for you to hide, Shin and Hayato were right about that." he flips the eggs, making them sizzle in the pan. "But now there are people who can actually help."
  10. [10:56] <@Deedles> "Yeah, but while you three will most likely return to the world to continue helping it I will stay, safe and sound, in your village." She replies as she lifts a hand to push back some of her long hair.
  11. [10:58] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi puts his utensils down for a moment to face the blind girl fully. "Compared to running around all over the country it does seem kinda boring, but the mentors in the village will have no lack of things for you to do, there will be plenty to learn and observe while you're there. I think you'll like it, nice and calm prepared towhat we've found out here."
  12. [11:01] <@Deedles> "I've lived a nice and calm life here, Shin and Hayato both saw to that." Mingxia replies, but then shakes her head "Though I guess it doesn't matter, staying at the village is the best solution." she concludes, and while she looks calm she doesn't look too happy about it.
  13. [11:03] <Yoshihiro> Yoshihiro knew that look all too well. "You don't want to stay at the village." he says. It wasn't a question, it was the truth, it was plain on her face.
  14. [11:04] <@Deedles> She's quiet for a moment before she nods "Yeah... I don't." she confirms, hands coming to rest on her lap "I have no doubt that it's a wonderful place to live, I'm just tired of doing nothing."
  15. [11:08] <Yoshihiro> "I know how you feel better than you might think." Yoshi confesses. "I left Jinlong because I didn't feel like I belonged there, the noble life just wasn't for me."
  16. [11:10] <@Deedles> "It's not that I don't feel the life wouldn't suit me, in all honesty it probably would, I'm just frustrated with hiding and having everyone prioritize my safety when there are others out there no need the help." Mingxia tells him, fiddling slightly with her hands. "I don't understand why I have to be so important..."
  17. [11:13] <Yoshihiro> "Because without you we could do nothing to help them." Yoshi tells her. "The best way we can help them is making sure that you survive, then we can help everyone who's suffering."
  18. [11:14] <@Deedles> "I know that, I just don't understand ..." she trails off as she waves a hand "Nevermind." she takes a deep breath before she smiles and pushes herself off the table. "Our current plan is the best one, so... No point fretting about it." she concludes
  19. [11:16] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi slowly turns back to the eggs, remaining silent for a moment before serving them up on a plate. "If you'r not happy with something you should do something about it. Everyone has the right to be happy."
  20. [11:35] <@Deedles> "That may be how others go about it, but I can't be that selfish. I don't have the luxury of that." Mingxia replies softly
  21. [11:41] <Yoshihiro> "...and if you had a choice?" Yoshi wonders, at least humoring the thought.
  22. [11:42] <@Deedles> "I'd go to Jinlong." She answers honestly and without hesitating.
  23. [11:44] <Yoshihiro> "Believe me, I'd like nothing more than to do that myself." Yoshi tells her honestly. "There are people I care about in Jinlong, people who need my help, but if we're not strong enough to overcome whatever is waiting for us there we wouldn't be much help to anyone."
  24. [11:46] <@Deedles> "Yes, I recall. Haru and Mizuki, was it? The name of your friends." Mingxia recalls with a thoughtful look
  25. [11:47] <Yoshihiro> "That's right." Yoshihiro confirms. "Also my uncle Matsumoto." he adds. "His own son imprisoned him..."
  26. [11:49] <@Deedles> She nods slowly, fiddling with one of her bangs of hair. "I'm sure, once the time is right, that you'll free them. You, Jian and Shen." she tells him
  27. [11:49] <Yoshihiro> "Why do you want to go to Jinlong?" Yoshi asks suddenly.
  28. [11:50] <@Deedles> "Because your friends are there." Mingxia replies honestly "And the White Peony. They all sound like they need help."
  29. [11:56] <Yoshihiro> "They do, I can't deny that." Yoshi admits. "But if we lose you then everything they've fought for will be for nothing." he sighs. "Right now it's better that we play it safe. If we go to Jinlong and something happens there may not be another chance."
  30. [11:58] <@Deedles> "I know, Shen said the same, and I knew he was right. It's simply wishful thinking, especially since Jian can't fight while his arm is healing too." She says, scratching the back of her head slightly.
  31. [12:01] <Yoshihiro> Yoshi smiles as he turns to her once more, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Don't you worry, we'll strike when the time is right, once everyone is at full strength we'll knock that emperor right off his throne!"
  32. [12:04] <@Deedles> Mingxia parts her lips to correct him, but stops as she smiles "Yeah. The sooner that day comes the better." she concludes before she slowly moves towards the door.
  33. [12:06] <Yoshihiro> Breakfast will be ready shortly." Yoshi informs her as she makes her exit, leaving her to ponder on what had been said.
  34. [12:07] <@Deedles> "Thank you, Yoshi." Mingxia calls back to him before she leaves.
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