
234 interfs

Mar 9th, 2014
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  1. * Able_Tome trots into alien looking room as the door closes behind him, alone and quiet, eyes scanning through interior.
  2. 06[21:33] * Able_Tome doesn't elicits much of sound, but instead tries to absorb the environment with his senses, trying to listen into sounds around him.
  3. 01[21:34] <Rain-Drop> 3 The interior of the room remains as strange looking as before but you do notice that the oranic looking material on the wall has started to oddly change shape in figures and forms, most of it is unrecognizable to you though you get the idea that they are a work in progress. Further along the barracks you can spot that the green pony sized circles on the walls appear to be glowing as per normal that glow dimly providing a soothing green light upon the interior while inside further back is the spawning pool complete with the stone blocks before it and sealed tightly as 234 is no where to be seen as of yet in the interior of the room.
  4. 06[21:37] * Able_Tome perks his ears up and makes several steps through the squishy room, stepping closer to one of pony sized circles, but not too close, curiously examining the thing with his eyes.
  5. 01[21:40] <Rain-Drop> 3 Closer inspection of the circles in the wall shows that its a goo simliar to what 234 used to replace the beds in the barracks, though you do see what looks like stone that has been slowly excavated out behind it, say about 4 feet deep and 5 feet tall or so in dimensions, the goo also works as a handy night light.
  6. 01[21:41] <Rain-Drop> 3 Through your odd collection of back up subroutines and other such paraphenellia that makes up your mind that odd emotional based feedback between you and the changeling that you had put together through wishes, glue, ductape and gum you can sense that 234 is currently resting somewhere in the room.
  7. [21:42] <Able_Tome> [pffffft, hahah]
  8. [21:43] <Able_Tome> [also... wait]
  9. [21:43] <Able_Tome> [the link was restored? :o]
  10. 01[21:44] <Rain-Drop> [its...complicated, imagine if you will a radio channel]
  11. 01[21:44] <Rain-Drop> [The one you and it are communicating on is the broad band version that is simliar of me and you going hi how ya doing! Lucy and 234s link up was more along the lines of a more private channel like pms]
  12. 01[21:45] <Rain-Drop> [granted you and her are forcing yourselves to do something most unicorns dont do so its rather teneous at best]
  13. [21:47] <Able_Tome> [yeah, but I thought that 234 closed off her side... sort off]
  14. [21:48] <Able_Tome> [remember? That loneliness transmission before 'shutting the light pouring from windows']
  15. [21:48] <Able_Tome> [We can say that it was reestablished somewhere yesterday]
  16. 01[21:48] <Rain-Drop> [...oh yeah it was kinda ticked at you for that]
  17. 01[21:49] <Rain-Drop> [that and the whole resting bit means lowered guard and what not]
  18. 06[21:54] * Able_Tome brings his attention away, breathing in deeply and closing his eyes for a mere moment... trying to get a hold of this sensation more... Focusing on it, he tilts his eyes and tries to elicit a feeling of 'missing somepony' in himself, with that emptiness and kitty scratch of a feeling of anticipation of meeting someone you haven't seen in a while.
  19. 01[21:58] <Rain-Drop> 3 With the feeling of loneliness you feel pinged out a questionable query before you see from the top circle of green the slurping noise of suction as 234 blearily pokes its head out to look around in the barracks irridecnet eyes questing over the room before focusing on Able 4".././/? Prime Tome? Was there something needed?"
  20. 06[22:02] * Able_Tome glances in 234's direction away from goo, but remains mostly silent for a moment... He takes several steps in changeling's direction, thinking about a warm sensation at his chest while trying to focus on the link. Not quite the jittery butterfly kinda feels that expand outwards, but warm gladness the moment he sees it.
  21. 01[22:02] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 quirks its head to Able at the sensation before taking a deep breathe as its eyes close...
  22. 01[22:05] <Rain-Drop> 3 Before you hadn't noticed but you see lines on the changelings face soften and relax as stress fades away from the bug pony. With a small chitter 234 sighes happily as the link brings back a welcoming sensation back to you of a fellow traveler long missing while on a journy, there is a questioning lilt behind it though as 234 opens its eyes looking far more happier than it has in a long time.
  23. 06[22:09] * Able_Tome chuckles a bit at the ticklish sensation and sort of a rediculousness of it all... for a human perspective and mind it was rediculous, but there it was - a wave happening just like that. Part of his analytical mind was pondering about what chemical compounds were released and regulated from such a contact, but the majority of him was just happy, "Hehehe! Jeez... funny, I can give you
  24. 06[22:09] * Able_Tome that. Astounding even...", he says rather cheerfully and at the same time tries to project this funny mix of rediculousness, disbelief, amusement and pleasant surprise back
  25. 01[22:15] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 sways a bit at the sensation of giddyness that comes forth and it shows in the way the changeling seems to slide all the way out of the goo tunnel to crawl on the ceiling for a few moments nad then drops down to land on its hooves as it smiles fangs shining brightly in the dim glow. 4 "It is...good to see you again Prime Tome." 3 The feeling is sent down to the changeling while in return a sense of conspiring happyness over a prank, the ideal fancy of time and laughter is returned before a tinge of shame washes over the link as 234 looks down slightly nervouse. 4 "We wish to...apologize for...our mishap last cycle..."
  26. 06[22:22] * Able_Tome follows the jumpy changeling with his eyes, amused at that wall crawling capability that must have had something to do with the goo. The moment he senses the shame and those words, a tingle of conflicted curiosity arises inside of him which gets transmitted forth, a sort of a curiosity when a child looks at the closed cookie jar that was forbidden to be opened by a parent, but
  27. 06[22:22] * Able_Tome nevertheless thoughts about what exactly is hiding inside and how many of these things can be found inside wander the child's hesitant mind, "A mishap...? What to you mean, dear 234?"
  28. 01[22:28] <Rain-Drop> 3 As the curisotiy is sent over you recieve in turn the feeling of confusion of a miscommunication as broadcasted back to you is the feeling of uncomfortable subject like a child asking their elder where children come from as the sense of shame also grows a tad bit in turn of regaling the information again. 4 "When we had...broke down from our...memories, it was...unslightly and should not have...hampered you so."
  29. 06[22:36] * Able_Tome blinks and sighs, closing in on the changeling with a smile appearing over his face again... the same warm feeling, akin to that of drinking a warm delicious cocoa during a winter night in a comfortable, serene room surrounded by loving family, appearing inside of him and getting pinged to the worry filled, conflicted changeling, "It's not a problem, no... what happened there was not
  30. 06[22:36] * Able_Tome you 'breaking' down and becoming 'inoperational', 234.", he stops right in front of it, while maintaining that feeling, "What was there is an acknowledgement that this subject...", he pats changeling's shoulder, "... acknowledges past and memories that are part of what you are. They don't hamper me, no... they allow me... or rather us to understand the needs and what makes you and your
  31. 06[22:36] * Able_Tome experience... you."
  32. 01[22:46] <Rain-Drop> 3 The feeling of love and comfort that is given out so freely is taken in like a sponge as the changeling perks up at the care given to it as the continued emotions are funneled to it as you can see before your eyes that 234 seems invigorated though catiously optimistic as the bug pony sends bag pings of hard to discern feelings in which you are reminded off facing a taxing sudoko puzzle, a odd feeling of starring at a unrecognizible mess of christmass lights that are tangled together and watching as the numbers behind a equationd dont add up properly. 4 "You, mean... that this is...good?"
  33. 01[22:46] <Rain-Drop> [so sorry like holy crap didnt mean to take so long....]
  34. 06[22:59] * Able_Tome tries to analyze and interpret the strange feeling... conflict? A puzzle? Hrm... he looks at the ceiling, removing the hoof off 234's shouler to tap his chin, "Lets see... you as an individual unit collect experience. Even if some experiences might bring you down and decrease efficiency, making you feel bad and sorrow, it's part of the learning process.", he says and returns his gaze
  35. 06[22:59] * Able_Tome down, looking into 234's eyes, "Destroying experience for the sake of efficiency won't give you... perspective. Every emotion, feeling and thought are parts that make you, -you-..." He gives a slight nod, "If... might differ from perspective of a hivemind where boundaries and thoughts might spread out, as I understand it, but when you operate as an individual, these 'experiences', good or
  36. 06[22:59] * Able_Tome bad makes you more wise... as long as you bring out a good lesson out of it."
  37. 06[22:59] * Able_Tome sits down on his flanks in front of the changeling, a feeling of seriousness with care appering inside of him akin to a teacher who tries to convey an important information to someone he respects and wants to make better, "... there is sort of a law of nature that operates in these lands. A law that I've seen and noticed. It is more profound here than from our hives where everypone
  38. 06[22:59] * Able_Tome came from before this Hive was made."
  39. 01[23:04] <Rain-Drop> 3 Through the link you get the feeling of partial ephiny where the student has found that mistake that made the error fixing it to the next question which makes them scratch at their head much like a puzzled student that is trying to understand the lesson given as the new viewpoint clashes with dogma that has been all they know as it keeps its gaze on Able. 4 "To become wise you understand ...lessons from good and bad?" 3 The feeling of being in a euphoric state is given as one of the earliest memories of the changeling is breifly glanced where the changeling wonders back to its founder, its queen. 4"Queen Lurea never visited the Dream Eaters From what I might be right...but, what is this law you speak off Prime Tome?"
  40. [23:05] <Able_Tome> "On a grander scale - general good, cooperation and understanding brings love, happiness, friendship and harmony while selfishness, self-serving and scheming sows seeds of sorrow, discord, chaos and destruction. It's a general law of coexistense. A lesson for oneself that moves one closer to the harmony bringing side brings out a similar 'answer' to yourself. Interpretations that bring one
  41. [23:05] <Able_Tome> closer to the other side... they 'might' provide one with tools that some ponies use to gain advntge"
  42. [23:05] <Able_Tome> [enter pls, hue]
  43. 01[23:05] <Rain-Drop> [oooh you werent done hue]
  44. [23:07] <Able_Tome> "*gain advantage, but ultimately those who one cheats upon will become as vicious as oneself does, and no deceit or attempts to pacify them will calm down the balance. It's a law of grand balance, something that regulates lives of societies."
  45. [23:08] <Able_Tome> "A society where selfishness rules will only breed more selfishness that reinforces itself. It's a self-destructive trend."
  46. [23:09] <Able_Tome> "And not only such a society would make its own members think that they are better than others and can exploit others, but they will earn many enemies in doing so."
  47. [23:11] <Able_Tome> "Same applies to the brighter scale. A society that is governed by brighter principles will breed a brighter side of the spectrum. The verdict is, however, that both these sides are present. Everything tends to live in balance..."
  48. [23:11] <Able_Tome> "The question is, which side of the spectrum one choses...", he sighs and rubs his eyes
  49. 01[23:13] <Rain-Drop> 3 Through the link you sense that 234 understands now where the odd made sense and the agreement of what its traditions told you was true. Simliar to agreement with oneanother. Nodding 234 says 4 "Yes, we beleive this to be so in the Hive, it is how we live our lives where all are welcomed and we work together for the Hives benefit. Queen Lurea wished for this better than her sisters. It is why we left so far North. Wishing to do better for ourselves and for Queen." 3 234 puzzles out something as it pings you with a questionoable feeling 4"Do you mean that we could learn this spectrum? As this is something our Hive provided us, comfort, security, family and love."
  50. 01[23:25] <Rain-Drop> [oh for the love of...]
  51. 06[23:25] * Able_Tome chuckles and looks at the floor, "You will in time... but remember that the law applies not only to one 'group'. Everything is interconnected together. You might have comfort, security, family and love on your group's level... but if said group does so at the expense of another one - on a grander scale - one group as a unit acts on the darker spectrum, Doing something on expense of
  52. 06[23:25] * Able_Tome the other group will not only cloud your jugement, but in time will be the sole reason of one's destruction. The core lesson from this is that co-existance, dialog and finding compromises between both parties, brings you closer to the lighter side, where both groups can help each other -and- others. If groups cannot reach an agreement? Well... that's another story and it becomes slightly more
  53. 06[23:25] * Able_Tome complicated, but even then, lighter side and compromise are generally the 'ideal' options, even though darker ones can increase 'immediate' survival... heh something that can be learned in time. It's quite a long subject, to be honest... something that sapient creatures ponder about..."
  54. 06[23:25] * Able_Tome smiles brighter, closing his eyes
  55. 01[23:26] <Rain-Drop> [i just got a text to come do 11 22 pm...
  56. [23:26] <Able_Tome> [kek, sorry - had to clarify things for Strong]
  57. 01[23:26] <Rain-Drop> [nah it ok]
  58. 01[23:26] <Rain-Drop> [but we can either time lock and say it was done later and resume when we get the chance or something else cuz i will probbably be busy for an hour most likeyl and your probabbly bout to pass out huh?]
  59. 01[23:27] <Rain-Drop> [i am really sorry for that fmaily likes to crack the whip at oddest times ya know?]
  60. [23:27] <Able_Tome> [nah, I'm good and not sleepy]
  61. [23:28] <Able_Tome> [if you will be tired, then sure - we can timelock]
  62. 01[23:28] <Rain-Drop> [ok meet up in about an hour?]\
  63. [23:28] <Able_Tome> [alrighty!]
  64. 01[23:28] <Rain-Drop> [nah not there uet]
  65. 01[23:28] <Rain-Drop> k
  66. [23:34] <Able_Tome> 5As he does so, a chuckly feeling from before creeps over him, a pleasant feeling of a warm blanket and an embrace from behind as someone very close and special slowly strokes the side of one's neck - quiet, serene and filled with comfort.
  67. [23:34] <Able_Tome> "Heh... all in time as one earns wisdom and experience. What I've said is... 'idealistic' but that's what our hearts should strive for. Reality is more complicated and there are many bad and depressing lessons one might go through, but as long as you come up with a solution to this that brings you and especially others closer to light - one will live in peace with oneself and others."
  68. Session Time: Sun Mar 09 00:00:01 2014
  69. 01[00:36] <Rain-Drop> 3 The message goes through and the emotional feed back brings to mind the changelings own thoughts of comfort, of being cacooned and caressed lovingly as a Brood mother worked with the Queen to set it up against the wall as Love is poured over them in comforting waves, of being surrounded by the chrous of voices in adulation to Queen and Hive as their song shook the very cavern they had toiled for so long in, being with family while at rest warmth spreading from the abundant press of bodies. 234 looks over to Able and chitters a moment before thinking and a new sensation is brought up one of hopefulness and consideration. The sensation of finding something that is so endearing it shakes the glum of depression off from ones own shoulders like a gem in the earth. 4"This....,.//./ what we are doing, to us. This feeding? But it is not feeding, we feel...stronger now and fullier but is...odd."
  70. 01[00:36] <Rain-Drop> [and back also uuuuugh dishes are bitches
  71. 06[00:45] * Able_Tome tilts his head to the side, watching the being before his eyes with curiously, changeling's words peaking it up more, something that gets through him as the past sensation fades up a little bit, but doesn't disappears... more like spreads out thin with said curiosity arising in the middle of ocean like a moutain, "... new? Feeding? Mmm... what do you mean? The words and... comfort
  72. 06[00:45] * Able_Tome behind them?"
  73. 01[00:50] <Rain-Drop> 4 " is like what Brood Mothers and Queen had done, when we were young and unable to feed breathing in liquid when used to air for so long..." 3 The changeling leans back as a feeling of lazy afternoons reading a book while the sun is shining brightly through a window to softly lull you to sleep as you try to finish reading.
  74. 06[00:57] * Able_Tome chuckles heartily... "Well, as long as it's doesn't brings discomfort and it doesn't, um... pokes you in a bad way... otherwise I can stop if you like.", he says with a mellow glee, taking in the sleepy, comforting and somewhat very familiar feeling that he knew... at least an interpretation of it, sharing and keeping it inside for a little longer, before suddenly a surprised aftershock
  75. 06[00:57] * Able_Tome comes in, like a knock on the door in this peaceful atmosphere, a knock from someone whom you were waiting, but were lulled into forgetfulness by the coziness around, "Oh! Oh, right, of course... silly me!"
  76. 06[00:58] * Able_Tome smirks and turns his head back, pulling the saddlebag off himself
  77. 01[01:03] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 blinks at the shocking emotional feedback as it pulls awake to a more awakened look to its eyes.
  78. [01:08] <Able_Tome> "I'm not sure if you've remembered the last time I've told ya about a lil' thing that I've prepared... might be for the best because you've needed a good rest... and I actually have it now, heheh....", he opens up the saddlebag and stops for a moment, switching his attention to a slight smirk, feeling a bit of a jittery anticipation inside of him as if he was giggling inside, ready to pull
  79. [01:08] <Able_Tome> a prank on a friend, or as if he was waiting excitedly for a friend or a sibling to unwrap a present, "... one thing before this though, heh... a small question if I may~."
  80. 01[01:10] <Rain-Drop> 3 234's response to this is like a wary caution of news that could be good or bad, of hearing that there is a special surprise and it was rations that were doubled thanks to efforts of the part of the hive as excitement starts to build in turn 4 "Yes?"
  81. [01:10] <Able_Tome> "Is it possible for you or others to transform into a pony... without making a direct copy of them? Like... creating a custom form without mirroring someone or changing fur's color and characteristics?", his smirk turns into a smile
  82. 01[01:12] <Rain-Drop> 4" mean if we are able to make a disguise using different parts from whole copies?"
  83. [01:12] <Able_Tome> "Well... that or more like... creating a non-existant pony from your imagination."
  84. [01:13] <Able_Tome> "You did tried to replicate that mare's appearance from a picture..."
  85. 01[01:13] <Rain-Drop> 4"We...believe so, why?"
  86. 06[01:18] * Able_Tome smirks wider, "Oh nothing~ I'd suggest you to create a custom form for the times being when we'll go out and such...", he says and smiles again, "... will make other members feel more at ease for the time being. That and your own unique identity will greatly help."
  87. 01[01:18] <Rain-Drop> 4"..." 3 The link is silent for a moment...
  88. 01[01:19] <Rain-Drop> 3 Then a loud chittering squee is heard as you are bombarded with happy emotions of excitement and happyness are exuded as the changeling bounds up and over to hug you in a giant pony hug 4 "Really do you mean I could go out side and see the town and explore and see all the new sights??"
  89. 01[01:21] <Rain-Drop> [psst something to be aware of [01:19] <Blue_> so yeah, disgruntled npc or innactive player whos not going to play anymore, series of arson, find out who it is, go to investigate, guy ditched town, someone saw him heading X way, round up a posse, go after him ]
  90. 06[01:26] * Able_Tome drops the saddlebag on the floor at the sudden hug and overload of emotions that send him up himself into a happy laughing fit, forelegs spreading around and hugging the bug pony, "Aye aye, we'll do, we'll do... though first we'll start with the Vault, cause this lil' room is just a small small bit of this domain. And then in time, sure outside! Might even arrange the visit to some
  91. 06[01:26] * Able_Tome populous places and meet others. Little by little, eheheh...", he cheers, "... there are just several rules of trust and reason here... and custom, unique form was one of them."
  92. 01[01:30] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 continues the hugging and snuggling and rubbing against the stallion their cheeks squshing against one another as the happy good time feels are still pouring off in an excess as it pulls back to say 4 "Don't care still happy. This is good."
  93. 06[01:32] * Able_Tome brings his hoof up and boops the bug pony, "There were also several work propositions that I've had in mind down here, considering that you're a miner... Facility would greatly appreciate some expansions and you seem like quite an expert in said field."
  94. 01[01:35] <Rain-Drop> 3 A feeling of Pride is shown as 234 nods 4"Yes we were the best of the 200th legion of breaking down rock into base materials for work in fact! What needed done? We have been trying to expand the tunnels here in the room yet the excess have been building up in here as well as the rock here being oddly tough to chew through..."
  95. 06[01:40] * Able_Tome chuckles as he projects a ticklish teasing sensation, like a feather tickling a nose that just won't go away, "Oh really now, Ms Head Miner~ It's odd to chew through because it's most probably reinforced. Special rock, hm... interesting fact to hear, but nevertheless, I can show you several rooms for the job.", he says and looks down at the saddlebag and levitates it up into his
  96. 06[01:40] * Able_Tome hooves, "Now..."
  97. 01[01:42] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 sneezes at the tickling sensation as it covers its nose as emberassment shines 4 "Excuse me."
  98. 06[01:45] * Able_Tome snrks, "Bless ya.", and continues to rummage through it until he pulls out a small paper-wrapped package, tied up together with a ribbon made out of bandage cloth, considering that town didn't had much in proper 'ribbon' department, "Uff... I feel Whisperer's scrunches written all over it...", he says to himself taking notice of all wrinkled paper.
  99. 01[01:46] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 stares in confusion at the packaging as curisotiy is broadcasted out the link as overmind is getting lil tired in being descriptive
  100. [01:46] <Able_Tome> [hue]
  101. 01[01:47] <Rain-Drop> [sorries sorries heheh]
  102. 06[01:47] * Able_Tome glances at the changeling and stretches his forelegs forth to it, holding the package in his hooves as that tickling prankish-to-gift-opening feeling returns
  103. [01:49] <Able_Tome> 5The package wasn't that big, resembling a big fat envelop kind of a thing as something stuffy was packed up in between wrapped papers
  104. 01[01:57] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 take the packeage while its nose twitches as if to sneeze but it hold its in as it looks over the paper "What is this?"
  105. [01:59] <Able_Tome> "Open it up and see... oh, and it doesn't bites, I assure you... maybe...", he smirks and bites his lower lip.
  106. 01[03:01] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 careflly stats to unwrap the pakages
  107. [03:03] <Able_Tome> 5Slowly as bandage wraps slide away and paper begins to open up, something soft of a dark red crimson shows under it.
  108. 06[03:05] * Rain-Drop continues to unwrap curisosity urdging the bug pony to wrok
  109. 01[03:08] <Rain-Drop> [hue oops[
  110. [03:08] <Able_Tome> [/me notices Rain falling asleep, hue]
  111. [03:08] <Able_Tome> 5More paper comes off, some pieces falling on the floor revealing envelop's contents: under wrapping lied a long, folded silk-to-wool scarf, the cloth dyed in the same looking dark crimson red, the choice of a palette working well to complement dark carapace of changeling's hooves.
  112. 06[03:11] * Able_Tome was smirking at 234, the ticklishness inside of him trembling as he waited for the first word.
  113. 01[03:13] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 marvels at the silk as it plays over its hooves rubbing the material inbetween its holes before looking up at Able 4"This is adaptation for warmth yes?" 3 a curiose feeling of delgiht and awe is over the material it is made of as the changeling seems to be mesmerized by the material 4 "Waht is it...?"
  114. 01[03:20] <Rain-Drop> [just as a heads up that was incredible thoughtful of you able just so you know like holy crap thats a nice gift[
  115. 06[03:22] * Able_Tome makes a scarf tying motion around his neck watching 234 with curiosity, "Part of it - adaptation from winds and warmth. Secondly? It's quite soft and envelop-y. Third? It complements yours body's color and will look good on ya, especially with you'll chose your unique form's color to go best with it. Forth...? Memento that sets new point in your days. What was in past - stays in past,
  116. 06[03:22] * Able_Tome but time continues to move forward. One chapter of your story closes and the next one begins. And five...", he sighs and smiles, "Five - it's a gift from me to you. Something that becomes yours from someone who wished to give."
  117. 01[03:26] <Rain-Drop> 4"..."
  118. 01[03:27] <Rain-Drop> 3 The link is silent as it processes all of this information as it slowly looks to able for guidance as it ties the scarf around itself momentaily choking itself on accident as it had tighten its scarf around it too much making it flail about!
  119. 06[03:31] * Able_Tome blinks in a surprise and quickly jumps forth on his hooves, his horn blinking with silvery aura that envelops the scarf and tries to remove the choke hold around the neck as he moves closer, "234, please! Not so tight, you silly changeling, you...!", he exclaims as he barely tries to contain laughter at the silliness
  120. 01[03:32] <Rain-Drop> 3 After saving the Changeling from aphixation with little hassle 234 coughes a bit as it smiles looking over the scarf and turns to Able 4 "This is, nice. I enjoy the gift and this is a rather thoughtful thing for you to do...I feel better about this, more...optimistic." 234 leans over and hugs the edge stallion as its scarf flutters with the movement. 4"Thank you."
  121. 06[03:34] * Able_Tome continues to snrk as he returns the hug, his nose all scrunched up as he can't get rid of a thought of 234 flailing around out of his head... choking oneself with a scarf, "N-No... no, pffft... *snrk*, n-no p-problem..."
  122. [03:36] <Able_Tome> "... j-just do me a f-favor and... a-and d-*snrk* d-don't choke yourself on t-that, please."
  123. 01[03:38] <Rain-Drop> 3 234 squeezes Able tightly as it enjoys the warmth and closeness as the feeling of contentment stems from the link in a happy ball.  4 k...
  124. 06[03:42] * Able_Tome brushes the changeling's back in the silent hug as a feeling arises in himself... He remembers that sensation of a window with light that had shutters barred off and closed after certain loneliness was transmitted to him... but this time around, instead of shutters closing off, the window opens up in a faint pale light, releasing three butterflies out of the dark interior outside into
  125. 06[03:42] * Able_Tome the fresh light.
  126. 01[03:43] <Rain-Drop> 3 Through the Link those boards are thrown open wide as the light reveals happy intentions nad feelings that banish the lonelyness.
  127. 06[03:45] * Able_Tome hm's as he says quietly as he observes it, "... oh yeah... and don't get it dipped in goo, heh... would be a mess to clean it off, but - it's your choice to make."
  128. 01[03:46] <Rain-Drop> 4"Will do..." 3 Now you start to notice as the changeling murmers that its starting to droop off into sleep almost
  129. 01[03:47] <Rain-Drop> aka hivemind is starting to get tired as fuack and its nearl 4 am WHY UOU DO DIS TO ME ABLE!?!!?
  130. [03:47] <Able_Tome> [ahahahahah]
  131. [03:47] <Able_Tome> [SOoooooryyy]
  132. [03:47] <Able_Tome> [;A;]
  133. 01[03:47] <Rain-Drop> nor ut not else you wonlndt do eeeet
  134. 01[03:47] <Rain-Drop> gahaahah
  135. [03:47] <Able_Tome> [on that, we can finish :D]
  136. 01[03:47] <Rain-Drop> good just as a new match started ><
  137. 01[03:47] <Rain-Drop> but also thats a teally nice gift
  138. [03:48] <Able_Tome> [hehehe, talked with mary 4 or so days ago]
  139. [03:48] <Able_Tome> [wasn't finished yet back then when bug pone was curled and shaking]
  140. [03:48] <Able_Tome> [and today sent Whisperer to get the package :3]
  141. [03:49] <Able_Tome> [also, new match?]
  142. 01[03:49] <Rain-Drop> halo4 thingy then i go bed
  143. [03:50] <Able_Tome> [pfffft, and you're complaining thar about no sleepy sleeps :D]
  144. [03:50] <Able_Tome> [also >Halo]
  145. [03:50] <Able_Tome> [entire sccene is basicall marshmellow edge and xenos]
  146. [03:50] <Able_Tome> [>Halo: war and destroction of xenos]
  147. [03:51] <Able_Tome> [tsk hivemind, tsk]
  148. [03:52] <Able_Tome> [buuut at anyrate - thanks a lot! This one was one of the good sessions in a while after all sciency edge, tinfoil and isolation]
  149. 01[03:56] <Rain-Drop> hehhe
  150. 01[03:56] <Rain-Drop> thats good to hears
  151. 01[03:56] <Rain-Drop> and hey halos is awesome its fun
  152. 01[03:56] <Rain-Drop>
  153. [03:57] <Able_Tome> woah
  154. 01[03:57] <Rain-Drop> no idea blue wantes t
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