
HavockHorse - Anon, the New Student (unfinished)

Aug 19th, 2014
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  1. >4 hours it took you, 4 bloody hours
  2. >That was just the uphill walk here, oh no, you had to go through a day long train ride with nothing to keep you entertained
  3. >Not even able to charge your goddam laptop when it ran out of battery
  4. >And for what purpose? A small crappy apartment that probably doesn't even have a working shower, let alone a decent looking front door
  5. >Nothing but a string of upsets and defeats have the past few weeks have been
  6. >"This had better not tip me over the edge" you mutter to yourself as you reach for the handle you swear could break the second you touch it
  7. >You twist the handle left, and hear the inner machinations starting to move
  8. >As the door opens you fear what you are going to see in front of you
  9. >After the door is halfway you lift your head to utter amazement
  10. >The apartment, it, its, not to shabby
  11. >Bright light blue walls, clean white carpet, stunning tiles in a good sized kitchen area and most notable, large windows with a beautiful view of the city below just to the left of a nicely organized living room
  12. >A leather couch facing a space where a T.V would go
  13. >And a nice wooden desk for a computer area, with a large bookcase for all your novels and textbooks
  14. >After looking at the view you weren’t expecting you finally walk into the living room, your bags in tow
  15. >So far this apartment is way above your expectations, a few scratches on the wall and some worn paint blotches here and here
  16. >Those can be fixed though
  18. >Overall you would have expected to pay double the amount you are for a place like this
  19. >And your paying next to nothing for so much something
  20. >you put your bags down below the couch and waste no time in taking our your textbooks out and placing them neatly in the bookcase
  21. >Taking special care to place the history books you purchased at the local library when you had some spare time
  22. >Organizing them based on the ear they were in
  23. >Mainly European history, Greeks and Romans, the renaissance and the enlightenment etc
  24. >Sometimes you dream of being in the 95th rifles
  25. >SeanBeanisbestactor you think to yourself, thanking your dad for introducing you to Sharpe
  26. >After 30 minutes or so reading one of the books while eating a quick ready made dinner you decide to get some sleep
  27. >Putting your laptop and cell on charge you head into your new bedroom
  28. >Your bedroom is not the biggest, but it'll serve its purpose
  29. >The bed is a large 2 person one so that’s a nice bonus
  30. >Clocks alarm set for 7:00am, you hop under the covers hoping for a good nights rest so your ready for tomorrow
  31. >You quickly doze off with the happy thought that this place is going to be a good new start
  32. >Your optimism knows no bounds, although you wish it did
  34. *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
  35. >A hand quickly cuts the sound off just as the contraption was about to make another noise to alert its owner of a new day
  36. >You rise out of bed with not a hint of drowsiness
  37. >You go into the wardrobe supplied for you and are pleased to see it well stocked with towels
  38. >You Have some quick breakfast in the kitchen of the fruitloops you brought with you, nothing like 70% sugar cereal to start the school year
  39. >Rinse your bowl and head into the bathroom for a nice hot shower
  40. >Get dressed in some nice clean clothes and throw your dirty ones into a basket
  41. >After collecting a couple of blank textbooks, a notepad and some pens
  42. >Finally the most important weapons in your arsenal, your cellphone and laptop
  43. >complete with all your steam games ready to play
  44. >You look to your watch which informs you that it is 8am on the dot
  45. >You head out with your backpack hugging you loosely
  46. >Making sure to lock the door on the way out and make your way for the bus stop just down the street
  48. >As you arrive you notice some teenagers sitting on benches and many others standing around talking amoungst themselves
  49. >You decide to sit on a bench only occupied by one person reading a novel, who has some long purple hair trailing down her sides
  50. >She see's you coming to sit down and moves her bag off to give you some room
  51. >You smile in thanks and she smiles back
  52. >You look around at your surroundings and see a sign that says the bus won’t be here till 8:30
  53. >Oh well, might as well do something to pass the time
  54. >You look over to the girl sitting beside you and ask
  55. "May I ask what you are reading? Looks like your pretty invested in it"
  57. >She looks up for a second
  58. >"Its The Odyssey, I need to read it for classical studies, Its incredibly interesting so far."
  59. "Really? Its the first day of the year and your already doing homework?"
  60. >Who is this girl?
  61. >What possible reason could she be reading this for if not her own enjoyment?
  62. >Does she mean Sunday school or something?
  63. >"Well to be honest my teacher gave me a heads up to what we would be learning this year, so if i read this I’ll have a head start on everyone else."
  64. >Dam you feel dumb for not even guessing such a simple answer
  65. "Huh good idea, I know to cheat off the cute purple girl now."
  66. >You shut your hand over mouth as you realize you said that last part out loud
  67. >She’s giggles at your misfortune of words
  68. >"Give me more compliments like that and i may just let you cheat off my papers."
  69. >You give off a slight blush at those words
  70. "Anyway" you say in a subject changing tone "My names Anonymous, may i ask M'ladys name?"
  71. >You slap your forehead at those words
  72. "Real suave their champ." you mutter just loud enough for her to hear your ramblings
  73. >After another giggle she presents her hand to you in a classy manner
  74. >"Nice to meet you Mr Anonymous. I am her M'ladyness Twilight Sparkle." she says with a joyful smile.
  75. >Shaking her hand as you both let out a laugh just as the bus rolls up into its parking space
  76. >"Would Sir Anonymous like to sit next to me and continue this conversation on the bus prehaps?" she says, the laughter clearly present in her voice
  77. "With pleasure Madame."
  79. >Following Twilight as you walk down the bus you take some time to notice your fellow school goers
  80. >They all seem to be different colour's
  81. >Must be something in the water
  82. >One girl has light blue skin with white linings in her hair
  83. >Shes talking to someone wearing big dark sunglasses, blue and purple hair
  84. >Just by looking at her you can tell shes a party animal
  85. >You don't notice you have stopped walking
  86. >And forgot what you were doing
  87. >Just as your about to introduce yourself you feel a hand roughly yank your shirt collar and force you into a seat
  88. >Turning your head you see Twilight with a huge smile on her face
  89. >"Your sitting with me remember? I cant lose my new friend just after meeting him now can I?"
  90. >The smile turning into a devilish grin
  91. "Uh, yeah." you say wondering how she assumed your intentions so clearly
  92. >"What was that Anon?"
  93. "Yeah, im gonna stay with you for the ride and I had no intention of sitting with those girls over there." you say half sarcastically
  94. >"Good" She says with a cheerful tone "Lets keep it that way shall we."
  95. >You know shes joking but your slightly uneasy at her tone and actions
  96. >jealous just after meeting you?
  97. >Did you do something wrong?
  98. >Or maybe your just that appealing to girls
  99. >Yeah lets go with the latter idea
  100. >The time passes by rather quickly talking to twilight
  101. >Learning of each others common interests. Favorite books, music, and games etc
  102. >Basic stuff really
  103. >Twilight's friends sit in the seats near you two when they get on
  104. >The first one to do so has rainbow coloured hair and was a odd sight to say the least
  105. >Really, who has rainbow coloured hair?
  106. >After seeing the other students and how they looked you quickly dismissed that thought however
  107. >"Hey Twi who's this dweeb" she says
  108. >Just as Twilight goes to answer you step in
  109. "Someone who clearly knows how to properly greet people, unlike yourself, DWEEB."
  110. >Get Rekd m8
  112. >She isn't angry, but seems glad that you atleast put a little effort in those words
  113. >"Names Rainbow." she offers her hand in a fist
  114. "Anon" you bump her fist with your own
  115. >Somehow both managing a perfectly improvised set of different hand movements as a follow up that almost seem choreographed
  116. >Almost being the word as eventually you stuff it up by accidentally nudging her in the shoulder
  117. >After your pleasant exchange another girl who you swear is just a human shaped gumball runs straight up the bus at mach 4
  118. >Almost jumping over a row of seats, then promptly sliding under the next, bent over backwards like shes in the friggin matrix
  119. >She pops straight up into the spare seat next to Rainbow
  120. >Olympic gymnast right here
  121. >Before you can say anything in astonishment of the feet you just witnessed she interupts you
  123. >Interrupts you, and your train of thought.
  124. >You end up just staring blankly at her for a minute before a harsh shake from Twilight makes you come back to your senses
  125. >"Sorry about Pinkie she, has that effect on people when she meets someone new."
  126. >"YEAH! im really sorry I hope I didn't do anything to scare you."
  127. "Nah its fine, I was to startled to be scared." still reeling from the broadside of words you just took.
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