
Emperor of Southern Galaxy

Nov 8th, 2019
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  1. Key: Stormbreak3r
  2. Discord: StormBreak3r#1063
  3. Character: N/A
  4. Skill/Rank(or transformation): Emperor of Southern Galaxy
  6. Sample RP:
  7. People of Huangzhou. My name is Ichida Rikiya. Like many of you, I was born here, raised by the ideals and honor of our people. So now, I seek to lead you into a better future. Many here may know me as the leader of the Jade Brigade. A group I founded on the hope that we, together, can make this nation better.
  9. All of us know of the issues that plague this city: The infrastructure, our current policies, both interior and foreign. So I'd like to touch on those topics with you all today. I once approached the past Shogun, Ren Shi, regarding how to better this city, and we didn't quite see eyes to the eye! Where he believed individuals needed to motivate themselves, I thought we could help motivate each other! Where others found our greatest threats laid outside our walls; I think we're our greatest threat! For without Unity and Duty, we would fall under the oppressive might of our enemies!
  11. Together, we have stood firm, even in the face of countless struggles. Together, we have persevered through hardships unimaginable by our forefathers! : We will make Huangzhou the Beacon it once was, again!
  13. I first approached the former Shogun Ren Shi about my plans to make Huangzhou better though he didn't believe you could motivative people if they didn't motivate themselves. That's where we disagreed; thus, I formed the Jade Brigade, a guild that supported the youth of Hangzhou and gave them a place to call home.
  15. Jade Brigade's main focus was to unite everyone that lived within the city; thus, teaching them the history of Huangzhou. The various families, past wars, and present ones as well though I was limited to what I was allowed to do. During the past five years, the guild has managed to help many successful crafters that help rebuild the market of Huangzhou. Till this day, I still support various crafters by offering them different items, even homes to lay their heads while they practice. I managed to keep most youth active with their training with hopes they would join the fourfold; I bought back the dying practice of being a Samurai, even teaching them what I know. I have achieved my goal set as a teen, which was helping everyone and keeping the city active with the life I'm proud of how the city has turned out; however, there is still more to be to do.
  17. Though I'd be lying if I didn't have help from very close friends of mine, they helped me see the light even when I gave up in my youth, and I give them my thanks. Epona was my first friend that would later become one of the founders of the guild as well as Rukia who never gave up on me. I don't think I'd be standing in front of you now if it wasn't for those ladies in my life and I love them both for it.
  19. While growing up in the city, I was sad to see the lack of motivation that surrounded the people here. I could have just went with the flow like most and left the city in a poor state, but I DIDN'T! I put my heart and soul into trying to make this place better for everyone, even when people didn't believe in me.
  20. There have been many days that I stop believing in myself; I have to be honest, though, with the help I continued to push forward. I realized that the title isn't want makes the right candidate; it's the actions that follow.
  21. There have been many days that I've struggled to get anything done, but I stand before you today. We put my blood, sweat, and tears into place as best I could, and I'm proud of what my friends and I accomplished.
  23. I didn't run for this position to improve my status; I ran because I wish to have the power to help everyone when they need it. I hate to see people sleeping on benches or dirt fields; I hate to see youth struggle to find their way like I did.
  24. All I can do now is offer them a bed and fresh meals, but I want more...I want to do more. Growing up here has taught me a little about the struggle; luckily, I had support from elders to guild me to a lighter path.
  26. During the few weeks leading up to the election, I had the chance to speak with a few people regarding a few issues within the city. My views remain the same as before my eyes have been open to concerns that others brought to my attention. We still have a long way to go as a nation, and with solving the issue people have, I hope we come together as a nation and address them.
  28. A big issue was housing, more importantly, unused land owned by citizens or former citizens of Huangzhou. If elected, I'll go through each home personally before putting them back up for members of the fourfold or citizens that are tired of sleeping on the bench.
  30. Another issue brought to my attention had to do with the impressment of captives or citizens. While I can't make any promises, I feel as thought letter passed between loved ones isn't an issue so long as it's performed respectfully. I'll try my best to take the opinion from each citizen and apply that knowledge to each decision used to better the city.
  32. I'll address a few things. I am first starting with how we should better the city as a whole — focusing on our needs instead of our wants right now. Secondly, we need to support our farmers better with this current crisis arising it's doing more harm than good to our economy. Lastly, I will focus on Foreign policy and how we will handle other nations in the future while still keep our best interest in Huangzhou. Sigobriar comes to mind as one that helped me through my teen years; Sam is also another that gives me support from the background.
  33. I wish to be the support for everyone here no matter how stressful the job my be. I don't want the youth to see the city in the same state I did all those years again, it's time for a change.
  35. We need to focus on the needs of the town instead of the wants. We need to focus on how to become better as a whole instead of individual gain. Firstly we need to focus on education when it comes to youth; we can't expect them to gain knowledge from thin air. There need to be more classes on the fourfold path, on the history of Huangzhou, and lessons they help train soldiers, so they feel comfortable enlisting in the army.
  36. There need to be workshops the upcoming help crafters. We need to support the ones that help ready our men and women for battle so that we spread the name of the emperor well. We need the crafters to help rebuild the market so Huangzhou may once again thrive into a golden age. If we want to see a change, we have to take the required steps to see said change. While I promise I'll continue working hard; this change will not happen over-night. It took me one year to build the Jade Brigade; the same may occur with Hangzhou, but I ask you, will you stand with me to create this change? Alternatively, or will we continue to point fingers and pass the blame?; I think I know your answer.
  38. I can't stress this enough, but our lack of education is doing more hard than good. I want to put classes in a place that drive our youth instead of them leaving the city to search for it. We cling on to the past, and we are afraid to see the future. We need fresh mind and bodies that will be the success once the older generation steps down. I have seen many older folks talk about how good things were instead of how we can make them better. I'm going to take the first step in creating the school for the youth, and not only will it keep them safe within our walls we will be teaching them the rich history of the city. It only takes one person to break the cycle, and I'll be the first that's a promise.
  40. Secondly, we need to handle our interior our fairs better. Currently, there are a few fourfold members that I can note; however, that doesn't make the city safe. The recent robberies have become an issue that I'm looking to solve. As well as the disputes between citizens, I solved many problems that could have resulted in someone hurt.
  42. I know what it's like to have something stolen from me and having all your hard work stripped away. It's heartbreaking and can cause you to sink into a deep depression, but we cannot have that for our citizens.
  43. We need active fourfold members that uphold the law while keeping the non-magi safe; we need to bring the crops thieves to justice before they do any more damage to the economy. If we wish to see our crafters flourish, then we must support them, and we heard their voices. We must all play our part to ensure that Huangzhou never falls victim to these kinds of actions again.
  45. If we continue to overlook how much money we lose with inactive shops due to farmers losing over eight-thousand coins in crops a month. I'll make it clear now Gehenna has a better market than us with a steady income while maintaining their crops. We have a severe issue proliferating, and it isn't solved.
  47. If this continues, then it shows that we accept this kind of behavior and frankly, it's unacceptable. Before we can move forward, we must handle these issue, and not brush this under the carpet.
  49. Thirdly, regarding Foreign policy, I've traveled to every settlement I was allowed in, and I overheard a few things. I do believe in helping your allies that return the same kindness, but what's most important is Huangzhou, and it's people. I will ensure that actions made with other nations do interfere with daily life by doing so, never putting Huangzhou citizens in harm's way. There are still touch subjects they will be addressed such as demons, while I don't have a problem with them they are still not allowed in the city. Respecting the culture of Huangzhou is a priority, and breaking a tradition will not happen while I'm in the office.
  50. We will support when we can, but as stated before we won't do anything to harm us as a whole. Though I'm a man of my word and if our allies call on us I will meet with them keeping Huangzhou as the main priority when making any decision.
  52. Which my speech coming to an end I'd ask you the people of Huangzhou, Do we want to move forward into a brighter future or hold on to the past and hope for change? We'll make all dreams a reality and create a better Huangzhou because the people come first now and forever. We'll make it safe forever no matter where you come from or who you are, we are a family and we should treat each other as such. If one farmer lost crops, then we all lost our plants.
  53. The citizens help make up the economy, and if we don't remember that, then our markets will never change. We are a unit, and together we are powerful, don't you ever forget that.
  54. (Ichida Rikiya)
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