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Apr 6th, 2022
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  17. -------
  19. The illuminati may hate me BUT the following is the bittersweet ugly truth about the present and future of all humans in all countries on planet Earth, including the present and future of Bulgaria (my personal opinion, which is subject to change, is that Bulgarians in Bulgaria should NOT be brainwashed too-scared puppets of the powerful super-rich people/mafia groups behind the governments of the Great Powers countries, but must utilize all of these imperialist countries for their own Bulgarian personal interest while still following their own personal way which also partially benefits Bulgaria in some noticable ways no matter what happens next, since all humans and countries/cultures/groups rise, live and die anyway!!!):
  21. ____Anyone wishes to conquer or dominate or take over the world or to rule over his/her country but people can't even force their biologically-theirs kid(s) to behave and follow some parental orders and can't force their neighbours to NOT do bad shit or to NOT act crazy or to NOT plot evil ways to annoy you, so... the only way to save - or more precisely said - to delay the self-destruction of all humans on planet Earth via wars and super-tech abuse&misuse&use, it to NOT try [too much] to prevent it mixed with the natural and semi-manmade-by-the-elites&people's rebellions-caused SEMI-COLLAPSE OF THE GREAT POWERS COUNTRIES (USA-Israel/Vatican, Russia&CIS, PRC China, EU(SSR)&Vatican&Eastern-Orthodox-Christianity, and Great Britain&British Commonwealth, and partially BRICS (mentioning it only because of India&Pakistan in it) and petrol-islam, and Brazil and Pakistan, and countries with a human population with rough estimates of really being over 10-50+ million people) *** plus *** focus on local country food&drinks&farming&babymaking&creative pursuits/pleasures&some useful tech (but not too much tech as that never solves all problems despite you thinking that it will... due to YinYang-ouroborus unity-of-opposites and polarity-reversal) instead of big wars or following what the elites brainwash you to do or to be or to think... plus real non-fake space-colonization of the planet Mars by joint effort by many countries' engineers, scientists, and construction workers but knowing that planet Earth and its biosphere will always be more important despite space-colonization which is just having a backup plan as a Frontier Outer-space Colonies R&D and Farming Bases/Spaceship-launchpads/landing-ports/intercommunication-antennas on other planets and on their natural or artificial moons...____
  22. (And don't forget repeating cyclic history patterns like 'hard/harsh times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard/harsh times, then the same pattern repeats...!!!)
  24. History has shown us that geniuses (and power groups) have always been met with hostility by the less smart and more primal-behaving brutal general population and so a dystopia is actually a (semi-)failed (semi-)utopia destroyed by people acting against the plans of the geniuses and their actions towards the accomplishment of said plans (which always are incomplete and lack full comprehension of the local and global situation and dynamics and context)...
  25. So even Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Hitler, and Mao, and Pax Americana (USA global imperialism), and the USSR, and China's plan for world-domination, and also the British Empire and the Roman Empire - all these great evil people and these empires have risen and have fallen apart, so the situation on planet Earth since the 1960s and since the false-flag inside-job 9/11 in the USA in 2001, and since 'the 2008 global financial crisis', and since 'the 2012 End of the World according to the Mayan Calendar prediction', and since the 2019-2022(+) 'COVID-19' scamdemic/pLandemic by the elites behind the planet's countries' governments and DeepState super-rich occultists (&the people's anti-government protests and rebellions against the totalitarian 'covid-19'-related restrictions and mass-media brainwashing and lies!!!) --- is similar to the rise and fall of all of the aforementioned great evil men and great empires which aimed at world domination or at regional power!!!
  26. So despite the future of you and of your village/town and of your country and of your clan and of your ideas&actions&words&life&(kids) and the future of all humans on planet Earth - always remaining a mystery that often surprises even the most brilliant geniuses and most adaptable scammy evil survivalist people, the semi-mythological story of the super-technological Atlantis and its abuse, misuse, and use and overuse of super-tech and super-knowledge/magitek and wars between its super-empowered powerful people - and the eventual self-destruction of Atlantis because of that (and/or due to extraterrestrial attacks against Atlantis and geological changes) - our contemporary semi-globalized civilization on planet Earth is part of, one with, and symbiotic to all the planet Earth's biosphere and lithosphere and etc. oneness energymatter unity that is Earth and the whole rest of the outer-space Universe, so we are also self-destroying ourselves like Atlantis did, especially since the centralization and censoring of the Internet since 1991 and since the wide availability and use of smartphones since 2007&since 2018 and since the overuse of knowledge/books/magitek, and tech like smartphones, digital&analog electronic computers of all other kinds, and the Internet and satellites and military weapons and equipment and military-corporate complex, instead of focusing on our primal animal sociobiology socio-sexual hierarchy and bio-reproduction and food&drinks production and packaging and transportation, and maintaince of water supply and electricity grids and fuel supply and some machines-making mini-factories and bio-eco farming and offline on-site and online Internet sales/exchanges/donations/bartering of physical goods/commodities, human-labour services and books/information/data, etc.
  27. Imagine how worse it would get if we let everyone have even more of the hidden super-tech/magitek and super-knowledge/skills than what most people already have in 1st-world and 2nd-world countries!!! 😔 Yes, the super-wealthy smart evil elites behind all the countries' governments and their political/ideological-philosophical-religious-occult-esoteric and economy&money/finances and mass-media DO have access to some of those hidden-from-the-masses dangerous stuff BUT despite them often using those for self-serving egotist survival&bioreproduction&domination&power&influence purposes towards the general population, it is a bittersweet fact that there is a sound paradoxical reason for those hidden dangerous stuff being hidden from the general population - and the reason is that the general population will self-destroy itself and destroy the Earth's biosphere which supports all humans' bio-life and will become as evil and corrupt genius powerful super-rich villains as the elites, and so even more nasty wars and deadly outtricking and bloody mass death of more people and more farmland and more edible non-human animals and plants!!! THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT I PERSONALLY SUPPORT OR AM PART OF THE ELITES, BUT I AM SAYING OBVIOUS TRUTHS WHICH NO ONE CAN DENY AS EVERYONE CAN SEE THAT THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE OF YOU AND OF ALL HUMANS RESTS ON EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US AND OUR DAILY ACTIONS/THINKING/TALKING/HABITS AND POWER-DYNAMICS, GROUP-DYNAMICS, SOCIOCULTURAL AND ECONOMY/RESOURCES-SUPPLY-CHAINS (&'MONEY-SYSTEM AND MEDIA-GOVERNMENT-CORPORATIONS-MILITARY-RELIGIOMSCULTURE') AND PERSONAL SEX WARS & ALLIANCES/COOPERATION [and CHANGES-TRENDS] (BOTH THESE ARE A TYPE OF WORK OR LAZINESS), and whether I die sooner or later, will NOT change the aforementioned facts and wise conclusions too much, even if new victors rewrite and censor me from history or they and unforseen circumstances shift the local, country, and global dynamic situation too much!!! Yet everyone is selfish and egotist and greedy and kinda naturally evil smarter-bioanimals (despite us all being both unique persons and also a continuum of cyclically (partially repeating till the end of the human species) patterns, and every one is also secretly God-theDevil in the sense of basic energy which is the entire YinYang-ouroborus self-recycling UNIverse!!!), and our near-endless (ending with the individual human's old-age/bad-health&exhaustion, and death) human desires fight to get more out of life than just having our basic needs met, so we keep fighting each other to dominate each other and which mafia gang (&its leaders, interests, and agendas/ideology and politics) will dominate the rest of the population, etc.
  28. So there really are NO full&permanent solutions to the unchangeable problems of nature and of human biology and society/culture, cuz the basics never change despite times changing and some people dying and other people being born (and same for countries and villages/towns and cultural shifts), although some kinda-working patterns seem to at least partially work (and every new generation of humans in a given society-culture at some location have to rediscover those anew every time, despite some inevitable culture loss and generational loss and culture rot and cultural-economy-tech shifts and some resurface later under the same or similar or reformed fashion!!!) given our human biology and sociobiology behavioral patterns within our biosphere&society-culture-technologies-landscape (NO, biotech in the form of DNA-genetic-engineering and genes therapy and becoming a semi-robot (i.e. transhumanism/cyborgization), and too-brutal too-big wars and physical-feminization - are NOT viable solutions to change/entropy/sociobiology&sex-wars between men and women, and between natural-patriarchy-hierarchy tribal mafia gang-groups, as machines also rot and fall apart and brake down and need skilled knowledgeable humans to repair and to use them manually, just like bio-life organisms wage wars and cooperation/alliances/communication, and naturally fight for sex/bio-reproduction, resources/money/fame/status/power-domination, and naturally age (grow older) and die !!!). Furthermore, being too good is as bad as being too evil, and being too individualistic is as bad as being too collectivist, and being too lazy is as bad as being too workaholic-burnout, and being too smart&skilled&powerful is as bad as being stupid&unskilled&physically-weak, and almost anyone can agree that this is a true statement.
  30. PLEASE SPREAD THE ABOVE TEXT TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE AND DISCUSS IT with other people near you in person privately and/or discuss this text with other people over the Internet!
  34. P.S.
  35. Anyone who wishes to contact me while I am still able to talk and not dead, can use the contact options listed on my website:
  36. or google hangouts/chat: or , or Viber/tel.: +359 (0)988 308 907 .
  40. Make peace, sex&kids, and some inevitable war, and do some work/cooperation&communication and have some fun/pleasures and do-be creative activities/stuff - especially while you are still younger and it isn't too late,
  41. ve4ernik
  43. [Date written: 06-April-2022, in the country Bulgaria on planet Earth
  44. Written by:
  45. (known as ve4ernik and also having some other names for himself)]
  47. #####################
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