
Lyranon part 2

Jul 21st, 2012
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  1. >You wake up once more to a beautiful day, the shades drawn back once more.
  2. >Bon Bon has likely already gone to do...whatever it is she did when she wasn't stalking Lyra who was stalking you.
  3. >You sigh and roll off onto the floor again, hooves failing to hold your poor attempt at moving within a pony body.
  4. "Dammit I had the hang of this just last night..."
  5. >You slowly work each limb to move like you want and rise once more.
  6. >You move slowly, but surely to the end of the hall before you are impeded once more.
  7. "We meet again, my old enemy...stairs."
  8. >You back up down the stairs, as the majority of your weight was in your middle now, and shakily make it down a few steps before slipping and sliding the entire distance down.
  9. >Your butt and muzzle hit every one of the remaining 12 steps as you careen down the stairs.
  10. "...ow."
  11. >With a little determination, you ignore the ache and trudge on into the kitchen.
  12. >Since you still don't know how to utilize your new horn without that miracle pill stuff, you are reduced to grabbing everything with your mouth.
  13. >You pull out something you know is good and begin to assemble a pseudo blt.
  14. >Just, without the b.
  15. >And heck, add flowers. You had some last night, and they were ok.
  16. > if only you could figure out which flower tastes like what.
  17. >You decide to opt at a petal per flower, discerning all their tastes.
  18. >Lilies-remind you of fruits, actually.
  19. >Roses-like a creamy cocoa.
  20. >Dandelion-close to chicken...
  21. >Just close enough.
  22. >You toss a few dandelion onto your lettuce and tomato and begin to have at it.
  23. >...did this make it a CLT or a DLT?
  24. >...
  25. >Who the fuck cares?
  26. >Tasted closer to meat than you had gotten in a long time.
  27. >And you savored every bite.
  28. >Finishing up, you head off to the bathroom for some...tricky business.
  29. >Namely...the bathroom.
  30. >If you were going to keep up this act of being Lyra, you were going to need to at least take a whizz.
  31. >The thought of trying to finagle a leak in a woman't body was weird enough, but adding on top of it that you were a pony only made it more difficult for you to grasp at the schematics for it.
  32. >Once inside the bathroom, you look at the toilet.
  33. >...shit, why were you expecting anything different It's the same type of toilets you had everywhere else in P0nyville.
  34. >You delicately direct your derriere to the toilet seat and sit.
  35. >You expected pain at the awkward position, being a pony, but apparently due to Lyra's habits, the body felt totally comfortable in an upright sitting position.
  36. "Huh, crazy mare was on to something..."
  37. >Your voice is alien to you, but you'll have to stop widening your eyes in surprise each time you talk.
  38. >You were never one for this cloak and dagger stuff, pretending to be a mare you only knew through annoyance was going to be difficult to say the least.
  40. >Once your awkward business was done and you cleaned up the resulting mess, you decided on a shower.
  41. >You would need to wash your mane, coat and tail anyway to keep up the appearance.
  42. >Heh, appearance.
  43. >In any case, the shower knobs turn with a tap of your hoof, thankfully, and you begin to get at the soaps and brushes.
  45. >The soaps were a pain to get onto a hoof to lather in your mane and tail, but at least the way the tub was made, you could sit down while doing it and not fall flat on your face.
  46. >Thank Celestia for small favors.
  47. >It took near to a half an hour to do that, and you were still in the process of drying off when you began to chuckle.
  48. >Maybe you're better at this than you thought; pretending to be a girl is easy if you're already taking half an hour showers.
  49. >Now all that's left is to take an hour to fix your hair.
  51. >After drying off you find that your hair is naturally in it's usual position.
  52. >So ponies didn't have to fix their hair?
  53. >Fucking lucky punks.
  54. >...
  55. >Well actually, now YOU don't have to fix it.
  56. >And you'll never need to shave again...
  57. "Sweet."
  58. >All dem troubles solved.
  59. >All dose issues removed.
  61. >You can't remember what Lyra's job was, or if she even had one, so there is really nowhere to go...except the library. And even then it's to be able to read up on unicorn magic.
  62. >All those times when you thought unicorns were cheaters with their freeky-deeky magic, and now to function normally, you have to master it yourself.
  63. >Swell times ahead.
  64. >But first: training. If you can't walk correctly, everyp0ny will know something is up.
  65. >So what to do for training?
  66. >None of your bipedal exercises in this body, what with the backward hind legs.
  67. >But pushups will do. Even though walking is difficult, maybe all you need is some muscle in this marshmallow unicorn body.
  69. "Gnnnnn..!"
  70. "Hnnnnnnggg!"
  72. "RRG!"
  73. "HA!"
  74. >Well that's 1 push-up. Now what?
  75. >Buck this noise.
  76. >You collapse to the floor in exhaustion.
  77. >Why is this so hard? You had seen RD do a push-up before...
  78. >Hmmm...maybe it had to do with arm position...
  79. >...nah, you're probably doing this correctly.
  81. >Lying down, your arms naturally bend inwards.
  82. "..."
  83. >You open your mouth to groan.
  84. "And I was wrong all along. Splendid."
  85. >You would give push-ups another go, but you're still exhausted.
  86. >You laze about for a few minutes before resuming your pony training.
  87. >Moving forwards and backwards with pillows along the walkway, you eventually master balancing and moving forward without wobbling or falling over without looking too horrendously awkward.
  88. "Excellent."
  89. >Now back to the real exercises, like crunches and pushups.
  90. >Lyra's old body was more used to bipedalism than you thought, but the hind legs made it awkward for moving on, as what you perceived as "heel" was did not want to touch the ground else you fall on your tailbone.
  91. >Now that there is a tail attached there, falling hurts a lot more.
  92. >But it was far better than landing face first, as your horn was far more sensitive than any other part of your body, tapping it to a hard surface was akin to being tapped in the teeth by something metal, with split-second paralyzing pain.
  94. >A few hours later, you are truly exhausted, your muscles aching and heart pounding as you head towards the sink for the 6th time.
  95. >Drinking out of a glass was not easy, and even more difficult now that raising a hoof above body level was neigh-impossible.
  96. >However, turning on the sink with your mouth and guzzling it as it pours straight from the tap is easily done, and the water is cool and refreshing.
  97. >A definitive benefit from having a natural water source that was clean and pure was that you never had to worry about bad tap water.
  98. >And water was heated through some sort of magic rocks, so there was never a way to run out of hot water, a fact that entranced you for a few minutes.
  99. >After you had drank your fill, you lie back down on a towel you had prepared to allow you to rest without sweating all over the furniture or floor.
  100. >Besides, you're Lyra now, and she you. If you made it really obvious you had been training, than Bon Bon might figure out that you aren't behaving normally.
  101. "I wonder what happened to Lyra anyway..."
  102. >She was probably long gone by now.
  104. >After rest and cleanup, it was time to go and learn magic.
  105. >Or so you hoped.
  106. >Maybe Twilight could help...
  107. >Or perhaps the question is: WILL she help?
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